i. new neighbor

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Molly loved Eli's bed. She didn't know why. Maybe it's because of his love for fluffy and soft blankets or maybe it's the fact that he always washes his sheets right before Molly comes over so they're warm for her that makes Molly never want to leave Eli's house once she's there.

Maybe he's doing it on purpose.

Molly was curled up into Eli and his blankets, not ready to leave. It was morning and Molly had accidentally spent the night without meaning to. Eli's mom went to bed early the night before because of a migraine and figured Molly would leave on her own. Both of Molly's parents travel a lot for their jobs so they wouldn't have known anyway.

Eli and Molly lost track of time watching movies and before they knew it, they were both knocked out cold, tangled into each other. Molly tried her hardest to get up from the warmth of the bed so she could leave without Eli's mom noticing, but ultimately gave up.

Eli didn't want Molly to leave, but it was his moms rules and if she found out Molly spent the night, she'd probably make Eli stop seeing her. He gently nudged Molly and she sighed, knowing what he was about to say. Molly slowly got up, stretching her back in the process.

Eli's eyes watched Molly as she did so before he blinked multiple times and looked away, his cheeks turning pink in the process.

Molly got out of the bed and walked around it so she was on Eli's side. The boy got out of his bed and immediately pulled Molly into a hug, his arms going around her waist as his cheek rested on her shoulder since she was a couple inches taller than him.

"I'll see you Monday." Eli said as they pulled away from the hug, going to lean in for a kiss. "No." Molly said, shielding her face from his lips. Eli laughed, from the few other times Molly had slept over, he knew why she hid her face. "I have morning breath." She muttered. Considering she didn't know she was sleeping over, she didn't think to bring a toothbrush. Eli rolled his eyes, a small on his face. "I haven't brushed my teeth yet, Mol. I want to kiss you."

Molly smiled at his words, feeling a small flutter in her stomach at his words. It wasn't really common for Eli to be bold, but recently he had been dropping a few more comments that would make Molly all giddy inside.

When Eli saw Molly's cheeks tinge pink, he smiled, glad that he could make her feel how she makes him feel. He gently put his hands on her waist and pulled her into a quick kiss.  When they pulled away, Molly gave him a big smile, their faces still somewhat close as she held his face.

"I had a great time." Molly whispered and Eli smiled. To control his own butterflies, Eli gave Molly another quick kiss. "Me too." He whispered back before she spun Molly around by her hips to face the door. "Now go before my mom murders me please."

Molly laughed at his words, heading out of his room. She was quiet as she past his mothers room and down the stairs. Molly stealthily made it out of the house without Eli's mom noticing her. She ran towards the garage where her Bike was locked up by and quickly unlocked, hopped on the bike, and started to pedal towards the street.

She looked up at the house, specifically Eli's window where he watched to make sure she got out okay. Molly smiled at Eli, blowing him a small kiss that she could see make him blush despite how far away she was. Molly laughed, feeling her own stomach flutter as she turned ahead and started to bike home. 

Even though Eli lived on the nicer side of town, it didn't take too long for Molly to get home.

As she turned the corner to go into her apartment complex's parking area, she noticed the movers parked in front of the building. She smiled at the fact that she could meet the new neighbors that moved into the apartment under her.

As she biked towards the bike rack, her neighbor, Johnny Lawrence, pulled out of his parking spot at a crazy high speed and almost hit Molly.

Molly swerved on her bike, barely missing the car as Johnny slammed on the brakes. Molly put her foot off the pedal and on the ground as she glared at the blonde man who was now looking at her through his passenger window.

"Watch it, blondie!" Molly yelled at the man who just glared right back at her. "You watch it, Preston!" He yelled back before he slammed his foot on the gas and drove out of the parking area. Molly watched the man go with a glare, an annoyed groan passing her lips.


Molly turned in the direction she heard the voice. Her eyes fell on a boy her age she'd never seen before, watching her with a nervous smile. Molly immediately smiled back, not wanting to scare the boy after what he had just seen. She got off her bike and walked it to her bike rack.

The boy followed Molly, taking her smile as an invitation to keep talking. "Um... I'm Miguel. My family and I just moved into 109." He said as Molly locked up her bike. Molly turned around to face Miguel, holding her hand out for him to shake.

"Molly. 209. I'm right above you." She said, nodding her head in the direction of their apartments. Miguel looked at the apartment door above his before he turned back to Molly, smiling wider.

"Sweet! Are you going to West Valley?" Miguel asked and Molly nodded. "Yeah, I do. You should come sit with us at lunch! My boyfriend and our friend would love you." She said and Miguel broke out into an even bigger smile, nodding his head crazily. "Yeah. Yeah totally."

"Miguel!" A woman screamed from Miguel's apartment. The two teens turned their heads and Molly saw a woman who she assumed was Miguel's mom nod her head towards their door, gesturing he come towards her. "Can you please help?"

"Coming!" Miguel yelled back to his mom before he turned to Molly. He pointed to his mom with his thumb and gave her a small smile. "I should get going." He said and Molly nodded before she perked up. "Do you need help bringing in boxes?"


After helping Miguel and his family bring their boxes into their apartment, Molly sat in her living room, flipping through channels to find something to watch on TV when someone knocked on her front door.

Molly sighed, moving the popcorn bowl off her lap as she got up. She walked towards her door and opened it, smiling at Miguel standing on the other side of the door.

"Hey, Miguel. What's up?" She asked and Miguel gave her an uncomfortable smile on his face. "Hey, Molly... Do you have any pepto-bismol I could use? My yaya needs some."

Molly pursed her lips. She looked behind her even though no one was there. She couldn't even remember the last time she even used pepto-bismol. She turned back to Miguel and shook her head. "I doubt it. I haven't used pepto in years."

Miguel sighed, dropping his head. He look back up at Molly with a tilted head. "Do you know if there's any place nearby I could get it?" He asked. Molly pursed her lips as she thought about it before she nodded. "Yeah! There's a corner store a couple blocks down."

She pointed behind Miguel, signaling which direction to go, Miguel's head turning and following her hand. "It's a couple blocks down in a strip mall. You won't miss it." Molly continued and Miguel turned back to her, giving her a big smile.

"Okay, thanks again." He said as he turned and started to walk towards the stairs. "No problem!" She called back before she closed the door and headed back to her couch.


Molly was asleep on the couch. She called Eli after she couldn't find anything to watch and fell asleep on the call. This normally never happens. Normally Eli's is the one to fall asleep. Eli wanted to stay on the call until Molly woke up since that is what she does for him, but his mom called him down for dinner and he reluctantly hung up the call.

Molly woke up to the sound of knocking on her door. She jumped away, the empty popcorn bowl falling off of her stomach from her shock.

She groaned as she slowly got up from the couch again. Rubbing her eyes to try and get the sleep out of them. When she opened her, she squinted when she saw Miguel standing in her doorway just like he had hours before.

"Deja vu..." She muttered as her eyes finally started to adjust. He was in his pajamas and his hair was a little damp as if he had gotten out of the shower a while ago.

"Johnny Lawrence is awesome!" Miguel cheered and Molly just squinted at him. "Johnny Lawrence? Like the guy that almost ran me over earlier?" Molly asked and Miguel nodded crazily like an excited little kid.

"Yeah, I was at the market and so was he and these kids jumped me and he swooped in and did these crazy MMA moves on them. It was awesome." Miguel rambled and suddenly it dawned on Molly why Johnnys face and name sounded so familiar.

"I knew I knew him from somewhere." Molly whispered under her breath as she ran towards her kitchen table where her laptop was. She sat down at the table and opened her laptop, leaving Miguel confused by the front door.

His brows furrowed, walking into the home and up to Molly. "What?" Miguel asked, standing behind Molly to look at her computer. "The fighting style he was using wasn't MMA." Molly explained as she pulled up YouTube and searched up the All-Valley Tournament of 1984.

"It was karate." Molly said, pressing on the video. The two of them watched as a young Daniel LaRusso fought against a young Johnny Lawrence

The two teen cringed as they watched the fight, but over time, Miguel started to watch the video in amazement. "That's our neighbor?" Miguel asked, but before Molly could answer, he let out an excited laugh, walking away from Molly.

Molly turned around in her chair to face him, her eyebrows furrowed, but there was a small smile taking over her face at Miguel's excitement. Miguel turned to Molly and noticed she was confused as to why he was so happy. Without his smile faltering, he ran up to her chair like an excited little kid. "We should ask him to teach us!"

Molly's once furrowed brows raised. "We?" She asked as if she had misheard Miguel's idea. The boys smile fell as he cleared his throat and looked away from Molly. "Well, I'm kinda scared of him to want to do it alone." He muttered and Molly bit her lip. She was terrible at saying no to people, but she really didn't think she would like karate.

"I'm not a karate type. I'm more of a computer camp girl." Molly explained and Miguel grimaced at her words. "Oh." Miguel mumbled, but Molly could've sworn he said "ew".

Molly's eyes widened at this, but Miguel scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Fine. Fine. I'll ask him if he can teach just me, but you should join. You could learn self-defense." Miguel said and Molly rolled her eyes. "In your dreams."

For a little while after that, Miguel and Molly came up with a plan to figure out how Miguel can ask Johnny to teach him karate.

emily speaks...
(i already love this fic so much)

eli and molly are so special to me i don't want him to be hawk yetttt
but her and blue haired hawk are so cute(while it lasts...)


anyway we get more molly and eli AND we get molly and demetri which is so... something

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