ii. share my parents

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Molly sat in Geometry class next to Demetri. The two of them having the bright idea to sit next to each other at the beginning of the year came crashing down about five minutes after class started. Molly and Demetri immediately would start bickering or giggling throughout class.

Today, they were bickering. Molly explained to Demetri that she offered Miguel sit with them at lunch and she had already gotten Eli's okay, but Demetri didn't want new people in the group.

"Look, I'm sure this Miguel character is a sweetheart and a lovely individual to hang out with, but what if he messes up our dynamic?" Demetri whispered, leaning closer to Molly so the teacher wouldn't hear them talking. Mollys eyebrows furrowed as she moved to rest her chin on her hand as she leaned against her desk to look at him.

"I didn't think you'd mind. I've been worried you may have been feeling like a third wheel." Molly said. Demetri let out a small laugh and waved his hand around as if to say it's no big deal. "I don't feel like a third wheel. You guys are the kind of couple that treats the third party as their kid, not an intrusion. And personally, I wouldn't like to share my parents."

Molly tilted her head down, but kept her eyes on Demetri as if to give him a "are you kidding me?" look. Demetri sighed, dropping his chin onto his crossed arms on the desk like a little kid as his eyes flashed up to Molly with a small pout. "Miguel is nice and won't rain terror on me and Eli, right?" Demetri asked and Molly laughed, moving her chin from her hand to copy Demetri's action and cross her arms on the table to rest her chin there. "He will not rain terror on you or Eli."

Demetri squinted at Molly for a couple of seconds without blinking as he tried to make a decision. Molly, thinking Demetri had just challenged her to a staring contest—he wasn't, squinted right back at him. Demetri realized that Molly thought they were in a staring contest and rolled his eyes, groaning. "You have a yes from me." Demetri muttered.

Molly smiled widely, glad that Demetri was open to making their group a little bit bigger. Demetri smiled at how big Mollys smile had become. They hadn't even been friends for very long, but Demetri knew Molly was a keeper. "Thank you, Dem!" Molly whispered excitedly before she playfully kicked him under the table. "Now, I'm gonna nap." She said, moving her head to face away from Demetri.

Demetri rolled his eyes to hold back his laugh, looking back to the front of the class to continue to take notes until the bell rings where he'd then wake up Molly and drag her to the cafeteria where Eli would be waiting for them as always.


When the bell rang to signal class was over and lynch was starting, Demetri gently woke Molly up and the two headed towards the cafeteria. As always, Eli waited for them near the lunch line. Eli quickly grabbed Molly's hand, interlacing their fingers and pulled her into the line.

"Where were you guys?" Eli asked quietly as they each grabbed lunch trays. Demetri chuckled, leaning over Molly so he could see Eli on the other side of her. "Mama Molls wouldn't wake up from her nap. Almost had to push her out of her seat."

Molly rolled her eyes at the new nickname as Eli's brows furrowed. "Mama Molls?" He asked as the lunch lady placed the food on his plate. Molly looked to Eli, shaking her head. "He called us his parents."

"What?" Eli asked, only getting more confused by Molly's answer.

Once the three teens had their trays filled with food, they headed towards their table. Eli sat in the middle of Demetri and Molly; Demetri on his left and Molly on his right

"Hey, is this seat taken?" A voice asked from above Molly's right. Molly looked up at the voice and smiled at Miguel who had a nervous smile on his face and was gripping his lunch tray to the point of his knuckles turning white.

"Miguel!" Molly greeted the boy, the big smile on her face calming Miguels nerves as Demetri sarcastically winced, wanting to mess around. "Ooh, sorry, table is really blowing up right now. I can put you on the wait list, but it's probably next semester at the earliest." Demetri cringed, gesturing to the mostly empty table the three of them sat at. Molly rolled her eyes at Demetri's sarcasm, looking up at Miguel who didn't catch on at all.

Miguel's smile dropped as he gulped. He looked around the lunchroom and sighed. "Okay." He muttered as Molly groaned, pulling the chair beside her out from under the table. "Oh my God. Ignore him. Sit."

Miguel let out a small breath of relief, taking the seat on the other side of Molly. He looked to the two boys on the other side of Molly and smile. "Miguel. I'm Molly's neighbor." He said, nodding his head to the girl beside him.

Demetri nodded his head back as he poked at the food on his tray. "We were warned of you. Demetri." He introduced before he used his fork to point at Eli. "This is Eli, Molly's boyfriend. He's a man of few words."

Miguel turned to Eli and smiled. "Nice to meet you, man. Molly talks about you all the time." Miguel said and Eli's eyes whipped to Molly, his cheeks tinging pink. Eli's hand reached over to Molly's free hand beside him. He reached his pinkie out to touch hers before he grabbed her hand entirely.

Molly looked down at her and Eli's hands before she looked up to Eli's eyes. The boy squeezed Molly's hand nervously, silently asking if what he did was okay since normally, Molly is the one to initiate any PDA. Molly smiled, nodding her head just enough that only Eli would notice it as she squeezed his hand in return.

"Dude, don't torture yourself. Those are the rich girls." Demetri said, making Molly turn to Miguel to see what Demetri was talking about. She watched as Miguel stared off at a table ahead of him. Molly turned her head, following Miguel's eye line until her eyes fell on Sam, Moon, and Yasmine sitting at a table across the cafeteria from them.

"Do you ever talk to them or...?" Miguel asked, getting cutting off by Demetri, who practically laughed in Miguel's face. "Oh, yeah, all the time. We hang out after school. Make out, give each other hand jobs." He sarcastically responded and Molly's face scrunched in confusion, shaking her head.

"You can't give girls hand jobs..." Molly whispered. Demetri rose his hand up in front of the girl, covering Molly's face from his eye line as he continued to talk to Miguel.

"Talk to them? You realize what table you're sitting at, right?" Demetri asked Miguel, gesturing to the other end of the table that was completely empty. He turned back to Miguel and rolled his eyes. "You've pretty much signed away all hopes of losing your virginity before college. Unless you get yourself a nerd girlfriend like Eli here did." Demetri said casually, pointing to the couple who were both now red in the face from his words.

As Eli tries not to make eye contact with anyone, Molly grabs one of her apple slices and throws it at the boy, hitting him right on the eyebrow. Demetri yelped, making a couple of heads turn to the table.

"Oh, shit, they're looking at us. Probably just making fun of me." Eli breathed out quietly, trying to cover his scar without making it completely obvious. Molly frowned at Eli's words, giving his hand that she was holding a little squeeze. "She's not making fun of you, E." Molly reassured and Miguel instantly nodded in agreement.

"I mean, just because they're hot doesn't mean they're mean." He says as Demetri, who had been watching the three popular girls since they walked into the lunchroom, sighed. "I don't care if Yasmine is the meanest girl at school. I'd kill all three of you just to get her to spit in my face."

Molly's cringed at his words as she lost her appetite and started pushing her lunch tray away from her. She seemed to be the only one not in the mood to eat anymore considering both boys smiled at Demetri's words. Miguel leaned forward so he was closer to Demetri even though they were on opposite ends of the table. "Yeah, well, if you don't make a move, you're never going to have a shot with her."

Demetri pointed at Miguel as if to agree with him. "True, but I'll also never suffer a humiliating rejection. I'm at peace with my depression. Last thing I need to be is suicidal."

Molly's head whipped up to the sound of Miguel's chair moving back. She looked at the boy who was watching the popular with wide eyes. "What are you doing?" Molly whispered and Miguel just smiled, his eyes not leaving Sam's. "Striking first."

As Miguel started walking towards the popular table, Molly dropped her head into her crossed arms that were resting on the table, Eli did the same as Molly, but instead laid his head down on his side so he could look at Molly, while Demetri cringed, watching the scene go down. "Oh, shit, I hope we don't get hit with the shrapnel."

"What's up, ladies?" Molly heard Kyler yell. She carefully lifted her head out of her arms so she could see the popular table and watched as Kyler, Brucks, and all of their friends sit around Sam, Moon, and Yasmine, Miguel standing just a couple feet away from them frozen. Kyler smirked at Miguel, raising his hand and giving him a small wave.

Miguel turned around and started heading back to Molly, Eli and Demetri. "See you later, 'Rhea." Kyler yelled after him. Miguel sat down beside Molly with a frown on his face, his shoulders slumping in disappointment. Molly and Eli both started to sit up now that Miguel was back as Demetri smirked. "So how'd it go?"


Molly had been home for about an hour when Eli texted her asked if she could come over.

She rode her bike to her boyfriends house and parked it near the garage like she always has. When Molly got to the front door, she knocked. She could her shuffling for a couple seconds before the door opened, Eli's mom standing on the other side.

The woman smiled at Molly, opening the front door wider to let her in. "What an unexpected surprise, Molly." The woman sang. Molly let out a nervous laugh, still getting uncomfortable around the woman since she is her boyfriends mom. "Eli asked if I could come over. If I'm intruding, I can go-""Nonsense." The mother cut Molly off, calming Molly's nerves a bit.

"We love having you here." Eli's mom reassured before she nodded her head towards the direction of Eli's room. "He's in his room."

Molly smiled as a thank you to the woman before heading to Eli's room. When she reached the room, the door was shut. Molly gently knocked on Eli's door and before opening it. Her heart dropped at the sight of Eli lying down on his bed crying. "Eli?" Molly announced, her voice soft and careful, not wanting to startle him.

At the sound of her voice, Eli instantly got off of his bed and ran into Molly's arms.

Molly was a couple inches taller than him so he hid his head in Molly's shoulder and wrapped his arms around her waist tightly.

Molly was taken aback by the sudden gesture, but hugged him back almost instantly nonetheless. "My mom called the school. They're gonna make an announcement about the bullying. I tried to ask her not to have them make an announcement, but she ignored me. I'm gonna be the laughing stock of the whole school" Eli cried into the crook of Molly's neck.

Molly started to feel anger bubble in her stomach. She never understood why people made fun of Eli for his scar. It was a scar. It's not something he can change. It's not something he should change.

"I don't get how everyone is so rude to you about your scar. It's so immature." Molly breathed out. Eli pulled away from their hug just enough so he could see Molly's face as she looked down to him. "I mean... when I first saw your scar, I thought it was so cool and... I thought it was really cute."

Eli stared at Molly for a couple seconds in complete awe. "Really?" He asked and Molly smiled. She let out a small laugh as she nodded her head. "Of course. I love it."

Eli continued to stare at Molly with that same awe expression before he pulled her back into the hug. Molly felt a whirl of butterflies flutter in her stomach as she pulled him closer.

"Thank you, Molly." Eli whispered so quietly, Molly wouldn't have been able to hear it if it wasn't for Eli's head laying comfortably in the crook of her neck.

Molly tightened her grip on Eli for a few seconds before she went back to normal. "Anytime." She whispered back.

She felt Eli move to look up at her face. He stayed there for a second, just looking at before he leaned up, kissed her lower cheek, and quickly went back into his old position as if he didn't do anything.

Molly giggled at the action. She thought about what she had just said and felt her heart start beating a little bit faster when she realized she said she loves his scar. It's true. She loves his scar, but he and Molly hadn't said "I love you" yet. As Molly started to think about it, she started to realize she was falling in love with the Moskowitz boy.

Her heart rate speeding up was accompanied by butterflies dancing around in her stomach as she pulled Eli into her arms tighter, not wanting to let go of the boy she's starting to love.


Molly stayed at the Moskowitz residence until nightfall, Eli's mom insisting she stay for dinner. When Molly got home, she parked and locked her bike in the back of her apartment complex as always when she heard someone walking over to her.

"Hey, Preston!"

Molly rolled her eyes, recognizing Johnny Lawrence's voice. She started walking towards the man and right when Johnny thought she was going to stop to stand in front of him, she walked past him and towards the stairs to her apartment.

"Stay away from my son!" Johnny yelled after her and Molly stopped walking. She's never even met his son. Hell, Molly didn't even know he had a son. Molly turned around to face Johnny, her face pulled into one of confusion.

"Excuse me?" She asked and Johnny let out an unamused chuckle, walking towards her. "My son's principal called. Said he was caught with Molly. That's you." Johnny said, pointing at Molly before he cracked his knuckles, attempting to scare Molly. "I'm telling you to stay away from him. He doesn't need to be getting in any trouble."

"I think his principal meant he the drug Molly because I don't know who your son is." Molly said and Johnny huffed at her words, looking down at the ground for a moment. "That's what the principal told me." He whispered and Molly rose her eyebrows and gave the man a fake smile. "And yet, you still chased me to my stairwell." Molly cheered sarcastically, pushing the stairwell door open with her shoulder.

Johnny stayed in his spot and sighed as Molly walked up the stairs. When she appeared on the balcony and started unlocking her front door, Johnny looked up at her. "Sorry, kid!" Johnny yelled up to her, but Molly sighed, not minding too much. "It's whatever!" She yelled back at him, opening her door and closing it as soon as she was inside.

Molly huffed once the door was closed, shaking her head. "Weirdo."

emily speaks...

molly starting to realize she's falling in love🤧🤧
i love them so much you guys it's insanity. IVE BEEN MAKING SO MANY EDITS OF THEM. (you guys shoudl check it out my tiktoks the same as my user here🤭🤭🤭)

i also am obsessed with demetri and mollys friendship (we're gonna get more into that soon do not fret🫡) AND MOMMA MOLLSSSSSS UGH

as soon as i made mollys name molly i knew i HAD to make johnny come up to her after he found out robby was caught with molly

anyway i have this WHOLE FIC planned out so i'm gonna be writing for it a lot (famous last words) BUT I ALREADY LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH LIKE <molly3


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