iii. how to dance

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"Cyberbullying is no laughing matter. Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face. I'm not gonna name names, but the other day a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity." Counselor Blatt announced throughout the cafeteria during lunch, doing a very poor job of keeping Eli anonymous.

"The kid right there!"

"The kid with the weird lip."

Molly clenched her fists at the whispers around their table, her nails almost breaking skin. Miguel looked at Molly and gulped at how angry she looked. He cleared his throat, catching Eli's attention. He turned Miguel, his eyes falling on his girlfriend in the process since she was seated in between them. Eli slowly reached for Mollys lap to grabbed one of her hands, moving her fingers so he could hold her hand.

Molly took a deep breath when Eli squeezed her hand. She unclenched her other fist and visibly calmed. Miguel turned to Eli, who was still visibly upset by the announcement and the whispers. "You know, if you're sick of getting bullied, my karate dojo's looking for recruits." Miguel offered and Mollys anger washed away completely. In fact, it took everything in Molly not to laugh at his words. She wouldn't want to know what would happen if Johnny ever met Eli and Demetri.

Demetri thought Miguel's offer was as funny as Molly did, letting out his laugh instead of holding it in. Demetri turned to Eli, hitting his shoulder playfully. "Yeah, right, you hear that, Eli? A little karate training and you're gonna kick some major ass."

Molly sighed at Demetri comment. She wasn't laughing at the thought of Demetri and Eli joining karate, just their interaction with her neighbor. Miguel rolled his eyes, shaking his head at Demetri's sarcasm. "I'm serious, Demetri, all right? My sensei's the real deal, and I'm sure I could get you all discounts."

Molly turned her head to Miguel with a small smile, part of her laugh finally escaping her lips. "I think getting yelled at by Johnny at home is enough. I don't want to pay him to yell at me." Molly chuckled out. Miguel's hopeful smile fell as he glared at the girl, swiftly kicking his leg out and hitting her shin.

Molly yelped at the pain, making Miguel smirk and Eli look over at her. "Are you okay?" He asked and Molly nodded her head as she rubbed her shin to soothe the pain. "Yeah, I'm okay." Molly reassured.

"As enticing as that sounds, I think I'm gonna have to agree with Molly. We'd rather spend our afternoons playing Crucible Control than getting hit in the face." Demetri said and Molly turned to Miguel, shaking her head and mouthing "not we. them."

Miguel chuckled at the action, squinting his eyes playfully and nodding his head, silently saying he understood her.


Molly loved doing her makeup.

On an everyday basis, Molly didn't do too much makeup. She tried to make it look as natural as possible. But on Halloween, Molly loved doing her makeup all out.

Like tonight, Molly was going to the Halloween dance as Babette from Beauty and the Beast. It was an odd costume, she knew that, but she loved it. Molly found glue on lashes with hearts on the ends that she just adored and found a cute dress that ended a little bit higher than her knees.

Molly had just finished up her makeup, still in her pajamas so she didn't stain her costume when a knock echoed from the door. Molly looked to the clock on her dresser and realized Eli should be over in about ten minutes.

Molly moved all of the makeup off of her lap and got up. She walked towards the door and was shocked when she opened it to see Eli dressed as a surgeon at her door.

Molly smiled, opening the door wider for Sli to walk into the house. Once he was inside, Molly closes the door and leaned back into it, her excitement spiking at the sight of her boyfriend. "Hey! I can be ready in like... five minutes. I wasn't expecting you to come for another ten minutes."

Eli fiddled with his thumbs, looking back and forth between Molly and the ground. "Well, I had a question." Eli said and Molly smiled. "Oh, what's up?" She asked, noticing Eli's nervousness. "I'm your boyfriend and your date to the dance..." Eli started before he started to blush from nerves. Molly carefully reached out and grabbed Eli's hands. "Yeah..." Molly laughed out, confused on where Eli was going, but didn't want him to be uncomfortable.

"And being your date and your boyfriend we would be dancing. So I thought that since I got ready earlier than I planned, I could come over and maybe... you could teach me how to dance?" Eli asked, his eyes big and filled with a hopeful glint.

Molly felt her stomach flip at Eli's words. Her shoulders raised as a blush crept onto her cheeks. Molly pressed a playful hand to the center of her chest and let out an over exaggerated sigh. "It would be my honor." Molly breathed out, making Eli roll his eyes, holding back his own laugh.

Molly looked down at her pajamas before she looked back up to Eli. "I just finished doing my makeup so I can teach you for a little bit, finish getting ready and then we can head out. Is that okay?"

Eli's whole entire face lit up as he nodded. Molly smiled with the boy, grabbing his hands and pulling him closer to her. "Luckily, we're going to a school dance and not a ball. So it's nothing too crazy that you have to learn." Molly reassured, calming Eli's nerves.

"Okay, so you're going to put your hands on my waist," Molly instructed, grabbing Eli's hands and placing them on her waist like she had said. Eli unconsciously rubbed his thumb back and forth against Mollys barely exposed side as she put her arms around Eli's shoulders.

"And then you just... sway." Molly laughed out, shrugging her shoulders casually as she started to have her and Eli sway back and forth. Eli's brows furrowed at how easy the instructions were.

"That's it? This is what I was worried about the whole drive here?" Eli asked, his voice raising a little bit in shock. Molly laughed, shaking her head as she took in the rare occurrence of Eli's volume.

"Well, there's other dance moves like a dip and a spin, but this is just a Halloween dance. Save that other stuff for prom." Molly laughed out. Eli blushed at the thought of prom even though it was a year away, more specifically, going to prom with Molly.

As Eli started to think of different scenarios of him and Molly at prom, Molly started to walk into her room. Eli didn't notice the girls disappearance until she was already in her room. He blinked a couple of times before quickly following after Molly to her room.

He walked into her room and immediately gasped, his hands going up to his eyes as he spun and walked out of the room at the sight of Molly in the process of putting her dress on. Everything was covered, but it still startled Eli. "Oh! Sorry!" Eli screamed as Molly laughed.

"It's okay! But can you come in? I need help zipping this dress up." Molly yelled from her room and slowly, Eli walked back into the room. His eyes widened as he looked at Molly in her dress. "Wow..." He whispered and Molly blushed. he spun around so her back was facing Eli.

Eli hesitated for a moment before gently reaching for her dress zipper as Molly looked something up on her phone. Once he zipped up her dress, Molly spun around to face Eli as she slid on her black flats.

"Are we ready to go?" Molly asked, holding her arm out for Eli to link as she gave him a small smile. Eli's face reddened as he linked his arm with Molly's.

The two walked out of Mollys house, down the stairs, and to Eli's car. Once they were inside, Eli stared at Molly in the passenger seat beside him.

"You look beautiful." Eli said, making Molly turn to him. Her face pinked at the compliment as Eli reached his hand out to cup Molly face as he leaned over the center console and kissed Molly.

Molly smiled into the kiss, which always made Eli laugh at the feeling. Eli chuckled as he pulled away from the kiss and faced forward, turned the car on, and started driving to school.


"Oh, skeleton. Classic. Nice." Demetri said, drawing Eli and Mollys attention away from each other and to who Demetri was talking to.

Molly smiled at Miguel walking towards them in a Skeleton jumpsuit, his face painted to go with it. Miguel smiled once he reached the trio, pointing at Demetri. "Thanks. I like your sorcerer costume."

"Here we go..." Molly whispered, taking a sip of her punch that was most likely spiked. Eli elbowed Molly, giving her a small, but harmless glare as Demetri scoffed. "Sorcerer? Please. I'm a necromancer." Demetri said before he grabbed the amulet around his neck and slightly raised it. "Didn't you see the amulet?"

Miguel's eyes shifted between the three teens in front of him before he looked to Eli, deciding to end his conversation with Demetri. "So are you a regular doctor, or—" "Plastic surgeon. I fix lips." Eli interrupted.

"Nice." Miguel said, giving Eli a big smile to make him feel a bit more comfortable before he turned to Molly. He squinted as he tried to figure out who Molly was dressed up as. Molly knew he was struggling to guess, but she enjoyed watching him try to think of it.

After a couple of seconds of opening and closing his mouth as if it'd help him, Miguel ultimately gave up. "And you are..." Molly gave Miguel a proud smile. "Babette from Beauty and the Beast." She said happily, not noticing the instant confusion that took over Miguel's face.

"The feather duster." Eli clarified as Molly pulled her phone out of her purse to find a photo of the character. Miguel slowly nodded, still not completely sure who the couple was talking about. Even from under the mask, the group could see Eli blush slightly. "We watched it a couple weeks ago and decided on the costume." Eli explained as Molly turned her phone around, showing Miguel a photo of Babette in her cartoon version and Broadway version.

Miguel opened his mouth, nodding his head even though he didn't really recognize the character. Molly smiled, putting her phone back in her purse as she grabbed Eli's hand. "Boys," Molly asked, making Demetri and Miguel turn to her. "I'm gonna steal Eli for a few dances if that's okay."

Before either boys could respond, Eli looked up at Molly and nodded his head. "It's okay." He blurted, making Miguel laugh, trying to hide his laugh with a fake cough. Molly raised her brows in shock at Eli's words as the boy grabbed her hand and started walking towards the dance floor.


Eli loved dancing with Molly. He didn't know if it was he knew it made her happy, just getting the chance to be so close to her, or even if it was that he was liking dancing, but Eli never wanted to leave.

Of course, he must've jinxed himself thinking that because as soon as the song ended, Miguel and Demetri ran over to the couple, stopping them from dancing.

"Now that the song is over, is it okay if we steal your boyfriend for a quick trip to the men's room?" Demetri asked Molly, grabbing Eli's shoulder. Molly laughed at the question, moving her arms off of Eli as he slowly let go of her waist.

"He's all yours." Molly laughed out and Demetri immediately started pulling Eli and Miguel away from Molly and towards the bathrooms. Molly laughed watching the three boys run away before she started to look around the dance floor for more people to dance with considering her only friends just left for the restroom.

"Molly!" A voice practically squealed in excitement from behind her. Molly turned around and smiled at Delaney, a girl she sat next to in art, run towards her dressed as Belle. "Are we both Beauty and the Beast characters?" The girl asked, pulling Molly into a hug. Molly laughed as she hugged her back.

"I told you J was going as Babette." Molly laughed out and Delaney rolled her eyes, a big smile on her face. "And you know I've been going as Princess Belle for the past five years." Delaney said before she looked around the gym. "Where's your boyfriend?"

Molly looked towards the hallway that led to the bathrooms. "Him, Demetri, and Miguel headed to the bathrooms." She said and Delaney squinted. "And Miguel is..." "New kid." Molly answered, making Delaney nod, her mouth making a small "o" shape before she grabbed Mollys hands. "Well, come dance with me until they get back."

Molly laughed as Delaney didn't wait for her to reply, dragging her towards the center of the dance floor where majority of the students were.

The two danced for a couple songs and since they were practically right next to the speakers, Molly didn't hear her phone beep. Since Delaney had hers on vibrate, she felt her phone buzz and grabbed it from her purse.

She looked down at the text she got and stopped dancing. "Oh my God. That blonde bitch!" Delaney screamed, making Molly look at her with wide eyes. Molly stopped dancing as Delaney looked up at her, giving her the phone to see what she was looking at.

Molly took Delaneys phone and felt her heart dropped at a video of Aisha at the snack table that Yasmine took, a pig filter on her face and a caption reading "THE BUFFET TABLE IS UNDER ATTACK!!!!!!"

Molly scoffed at the post. She angrily handed her phone back to Delaney as she searched the gym for Aisha. The two girls caught sight of Aisha running out of the gym down the same hallway that Miguel, Eli, and Demetri went down.

Molly grabbed Delaneys hand and started heading towards the hallway, pushing past the mosh pit of students. By the time they made it to the hallway, Aisha was gone.

Molly groaned, bringing her hands up to her temples. "Where did she go?" She whispered out as Delaney scoffed. She looked up to Molly and nodded her head. "I say, we find Aisha later and we find Yasmine and jump her."

Molly looked down at Delaney with a "really?" look before she laughed. "Do you even know how to fight?" She asked and Delaney almost instantly shook her head. "No, but did you see those karate posters around the gym? I could join that and then BOOM! Blonde bitch gets her payback."

Molly chuckled at Delaneys words, about to open her mouth to respond to her, but before she could, screams from down the hall made them turn their heads.

The two girls turned their heads and watched Demetri and Eli run towards them. "Molly!" Eli screamed. "We gotta go!" Demetri added and when they reached the two girls, Eli grabbed Molly's hand and started dragging her towards the exit of the school.

"Sorry, Delaney! We have to steal Molly!" Demetri screamed, almost out of breath as they past the girl. Delaney laughed at the sight, waving bye to the three of them. "It's alright! Bye!" She screamed and Molly turned around as best as she could considering Eli was pulling her arm and used her free hand to wave goodbye to the girl she left in the hallway.

"Where's Miguel?" Molly asked, a little out of breath since she wasn't expecting to be running tonight. Neither boys answered her though, too committed on getting off of campus.

Without ever getting a reasoning from the boys, Molly ran with them out of the school and to Eli's car where they immediately drove away and back to Eli's house.

emily speaks...
I LOVE ELI AND MOLLY(its very obvious what my favorite ship is)

guys i actually can't wait to get more into mollys friendships with demetri and miguel BECAUSE THEYRE SO CUTE.

delaney will be back😅😅😅

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