v. flip the script

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After a whole weekend of convincing Demetri to join Cobra Kai, Molly, Eli, and Demetri were finally going.

Eli was going to get dropped off at Mollys house where the two of them would then walk to the dojo since Molly lived so close to it while Demetri met them there.

Molly and Eli were almost done with their walk to the dojo when Eli asked Molly what he should expect from her neighbor. Molly cringed at the question. Johnny Lawrence was... something.

"I have to warn you about this dude though. He's... insensitive to say the least." Molly explained, cringing at her own words as she thought of the handful of comments she could remember Johnny saying about anybody. "He still is in the 80s mindset."

Eli's brows furrowed. He looked up at Molly with a confused look. "What does that mean?" He asked. Molly sighed and looked ahead of her. "Well, considering he makes fun of my Star Wars pajama pants, I'm worried for Demetri because that boy is probably gonna wear a some sort of math shirt." Molly started and Eli chuckled.

Molly clenched her jaw, scared to say her next set of words, but she knew she had to. "And he might make fun of your lip."

Eli's smile faded almost instantly. He blinked a couple times before he looked down at the ground. "Oh..." He muttered. Molly started to feel guilty, but she knew it would be better to warn him. "I just wanted to war—" "Warn me. I know." Eli interrupted. He looked up at Molly and gave her a reassuring smile. "You let me know, so now I can expect it. But if he does make fun of my lip, you can't defend me."

Molly was visibly taken aback by his words. "Wait what?" She asked, blinking crazily. Eli sighed. He looked down the road ahead of them and grabbed Molly's hand. "If this guy is anything like he says he is, he'll only pick on me more if a girl stands up for me. I'll look weaker to him." He explained and Molly had to admit, Eli was right.

He looked back up at Molly and gave her a pleading look. "So you have to promise me that no matter what he says to me, you won't defend me."

"Eli..." Molly started, biting her lip nervously. Eli stopped walking just as they reached the edge of the strip mall and since his hands were holding Molly's she stopped too. "Please, Moll." Eli begged quietly. He squeezed Molly's hands tighter.

Molly struggled looking Eli in the eye, knowing if she did, she'd immediately cave in. Ultimately, Molly did look into Eli's eyes and she sighed. "I promise." She muttered and Eli smiled.

He leaned up and gave Molly a quick kiss. As soon as it started, it ended and Eli started running the rest of the way to the dojo. When they walked inside, Mollys jaw dropped at how crowded it was. She knew Miguel's fight with Kyler would influence kids to join, but not this many.

Demetri turned his head at the sound of the front door bell ringing, indicating someone walked in. When he saw his friends, he smiled and ran up to them. "There you two are!"

Molly noticed Demetri's pi shirt right away and before he could reach the two of them, Molly leaned towards Eli's ear. "What did I say? Math shirt." She whispered.

Eli quickly whipped his head to her, giving her a small warning glare like a parent reprimanding their child. When Demetri finally reached the couple, they both turned to him as if they weren't just talking about his shirt.

"Why did I let you two talk me into this? This goes against everything I stand for. It's like extra gym class for no reason." Demetri complained, looking back and forth between Molly and Eli.

Molly smiled at Demetri, hoping to ease his nerves a bit. "Let's just give it a chance." Molly suggested and Eli instantly nodded. He looked up at Molly before he turned to Demetri. "You saw the fight. Miguel kicked ass."


Molly jumped at the yell, not expecting Johnny Lawrence to scream at them. The whole room fell silent as they watched the man at the doorway to what Molly believed was his office.  "Face front."

Everyone moved to face him entirely as he started walking through the crowd of students. One of the first students he ran into was Demetri. He looked down at the boys shirt and nodded his head. "Nice shirt."

Demetri smiled, straightening the edge out a little hit to hide the wrinkles. "Thanks."

"I'm joking. It sucks." Johnny snapped back almost instantly. Demetri's face fell. Molly giggled at Johnny's words, catching the mans attention. He turned his head to see who had laughed and he rolled his eyes at the sight of his neighbor.

"Preston." He muttered angrily. Molly looked up at her neighbor with a big grin, wanting to piss him off. "Blondie." Molly greeted.

Johnny took a step closer to Molly, getting close to her face as he pointed at her. "It's Sensei in here." He warned. Molly kept her smile on her face as she nodded. "Good to know. Thanks, blondie."

Johnny glared at Molly for a couple more seconds, but when the girl didn't back down, Johnny scoffed and walked away, going to torment the other teens he passed.

"I feel like a virgin just looking at you." Johnny cringed out a couple of students away from Molly. The girls jaw dropped at Johnny comment, looking to the ground in shock. "Oh my God." She whispered as Demetri leaned over to whisper to her.

"This is your neighbor?" He asked. Molly turned her head to face Demetri, her eyes still wide from Johnnys comment. She nodded her head slowly as Johnny made his way back towards the front.

"When I look around this dojo, I don't see Cobra Kai material. I see losers. I see nerds." Johnny said as he looked over all of the students. His attention then went to just Molly and he pointed at her. "I see my annoying neighbor."

Molly smiled at the man's words, but Johnny just ignored her. He looked around the room again and pointed at another kid. "I see a fat kid with a funny hat with his tits popping out."

Molly dropped her head and sighed. She was expecting this but holy shit was this a nightmare to live through for her.

"But my short time as a sensei, I've also seen some miracles. So maybe there's some hope for you yet. First I need to see where you're at. So everybody, fall in!" Johnny yelled.

"What?" Molly whispered, looking at her friends and other teens around her, hoping they knew what Johnny was talking about. When no one moved, Johnny rolled his eyes.

"That means line up." He explained all the teens let out small "oohs" of realization. They lined up in to two lines -'d turned to their Sensei for their next step. Johnny started waving his arms around and shaking his head. "No, not— not line up in a line. Lines. Get in lines." Johnny tried to explain, only confusing his students more. Molly side stepped out of the line she was in and pointed at it.

"You mean, like, rows?"


Practice started about an hour ago and Johnny had the teens trying out tons of different kicks and punches to see where everyone was at. He circled the room, giving the kids pointers.

As Johnny screamed, the whole class threw a punch. Johnny came up beside Molly with wide eyes and a faint smile. "You've got a hell of a punch, Preston." He said, making Molly smile.

Johnny walked in front of the class again, watching the class, mainly Molly, throw their punches before he noticed Eli next to her.

"Hey, Lip."

The whole room froze. Molly shut her eyes and bit her bottom lip as Eli looked at Johnny with wide eyes, silently asking him if he was talking to him.

"Yeah, you. The one with the freaky lip. Who do you think I'm talking to?" Johnny snapped and Eli looked down in embarrassment. Demetri took a small step forward from the other side of Eli, squinting at the man. "Excuse me, Mr. Lawrence."

"Sensei Lawrence." Aisha corrected. Demetri looked to the girl and scoffed out a laugh, holding back an eye roll before he turned back to the man. "Okay... You really shouldn't make fun of someone's physical appearance."

"Oh, is that so? So I'm not supposed to mention his lip at all?" Johnny asked. It took everything in Molly not to defend Eli. She was biting her lip so hard, she was pretty sure it was bleeding by now. Eli noticed and when their eyes locked, he shook his head, silently begging her not to jump in. Molly took a deep breath and gave a small nod back.

Demetri nodded his head. "Well, yeah."

"Yeah, maybe that's what they teach you in school, but in the real world you can't expect people to do what they're supposed to do." Johnny told Demetri before he turned to Eli. He took a small step towards Eli and pointed at him. "You hear that, Lip? If you can't handle someone making fun of you, how are you gonna handle an elbow to the teeth?"

"By calling the police?" Demetri yelled, even though the man wasn't talking to him. Demetri looked around the room, waiting for somebody to defend Eli with him. His eyes locked with Molly's and he threw his arms out at her. "Why are you not losing your absolute shit? Eli is your boyfriend!" He screamed, making Johnny cringe.

"Holy shit, Preston. You're dating this kid?" Johnny asked Molly, his eyes on her, but his finger pointing at Eli. Instead of letting her answer, Johnny rolled his eyes. "You know what? I don't care."

"Dude. Knock it off." Miguel whispered to Demetri, Demetri was shocked by Miguel's words. His jaw fell as he looked at Miguel like he was crazy. "What? He does realize the Nazis lost the war, right? Why should I be scared of him? Because he's got a snake on his wall?" He pointed at the painted snake on the wall and everyone turned their heads to look at it.

Molly watched Johnny though. His face was starting to redden in anger as Demetri continued. "It's not like he's a teacher who can give us a bad grade. We're paying him. He works for us. It's not like he can actually hurt us."

The room was silent. No one angreeing and no one arguing with Demetri. "You done?" Johnny asked, walking up to Demetri. Molly's eyes widened. She grabbed Eli's wrist and stepped back, pulling Eli away from the scene with her. "Hit me." Johnny told Demetri.

When Demetri didn't move, Johnny spoke again. "Go ahead, hit me. Strike me right here." Johnny repeated, pointing at his face. Demetri got in his fighting stance and threw a punch but Johnny blocked it. "Harder."

Demetri huffed, throwing a harder punch but that one was blocked too. "Is that all you got, princess?" Johnny sassed, obviously trying to piss Demetri off.

Demetri threw another punch and Johnny blocked it again but this time, he flipped Demetri onto his back. Molly gasped, her hand going to her mouth to cover her dropped jaw.

Johnny turned away from Demetri, looking over at all of the students. "Let that be a lesson to all of you."


The next day at school, Demetri, Eli, Molly, and Miguel all sat at their lunch table. Demetri was going on and on about how he was glad he left Cobra Kai and he can't wait for the rest of them to have their "eye opening experience" and leave too.

Molly wasn't really listening. She was scrolling through her pinterest looking for the perfect tattoo photo. Her parents had called her the night before, say they should be home in a couple days and that in that time period, she could get a tattoo if she wanted as their way of saying they're sorry for not being there all the time. Molly wanted stars that went from her side boob, all the way to her under boob, but she wanted to find the perfect photo.

Eli didn't like snooping, but when he looked to Molly to ask her a question and his eyes saw what was in Mollys screen, he had to look. His eyes widened and his face started to heat up. "Why are there boobs on your pinterest?"

At Eli's words, Miguel and Demetri immediately leaned over to look at Mollys phone screen. "What?!" Demetri yelled, making a couple of heads turn, but the four didn't care.

Molly rolled her eyes, holding back a laugh at the boys eagerness to see her phone. "It's not boobs. Well... it is, but they're for tattoo ideas."

Eli's eyes widened even more. "You want a tattoo?" He asked and Molly smiled, turning to face Eli. "I want like... three."

Eli continued to watch Molly, picturing her with the tattoo she was looking at. His face started to blush again.

"Your moms said you can get one?" Demetri asked, shocked that Molly's moms gave her the okay. Molly turned to Demetri and nodded, swiping out of pinterest and to her texts with one of them. "Yep! They sent me the money and everything. Said it was an "I'm sorry" gift for being gone so much."

Miguel's brows furrowed. Now that he thought about it; he hadn't met Mollys parents yet and until Demetri asked, he didn't know Molly had two moms. "Where do they work?"

Molly turned to Miguel and shrugged. "One of my moms is a flight attendant and the other is a pilot. They try to work on different flights so one of them is always home with me. But I guess the people that assign flight attendants to flights figure they want to be on the same flights since they're married so they're always gone at the same time."

Molly looked down at her lunch tray. She grabbed an apple slice and took a bite as Miguel watched her with a bit of concern, the other two boys already knowing about Molly's situation. "So you're home alone a lot?" He asked.

Molly frowned at the question. When it gets put that way, Molly starts to feel bad. She sighed and finished her apple slice. "Yeah. They've been working together for the passed like... four years. They've been asking Johnny Lawrence to be in charge of me while they're gone. You know, take me grocery shopping, buy me food, the works. He never has though." She then grabbed her small carton of milk and took a sip.

At those words, all three boys jaws dropped.

"Wait what?" Eli asked.

"Like Sensei Lawrence?" Miguel added.

"The lunatic?" Demetri shrieked.

Molly laughed at all the questions, nodding her head. "Yeah. That's why I'm gonna fight for free karate." She said as her smile turned into a smirk. "That man has four years of Molly money he hasn't spent on me. It will be payback."


The next day, just like last time, Eli met Molly at her house and the two of them walked to the dojo together. Molly had to guess that a lot of kids didn't like the names he had called them—not that she blamed them—because over half the kids that were there the other day weren't there anymore.

"Okay, everybody fall in." Johnny yelled, walking out of his office and into the main room. He didn't notice the lack of students until he was standing in front of all of them. The smile on his face dropped. "Where's everyone? Crater face? Nose ring? Slingshot?"

"They quit, Sensei." Miguel muttered and Johnny's face fell. "You serious?" He asked before he cleared his throat and puffed out his chest.

"I mean, good. That was a test. I wanted to see who the quitters are." He then pointed at the very few students in front of him. "Not you guys. You're in it to win it. Right, you could be at home, playing your iComputers, playing your video games, eating candy. Instead you're here, doing pushups, learning how to fight."

Molly cringed at the man's lack of knowledge on modern age technology. Johnny looked at all of the students and smiled at Eli, pointing at him to single him out. "Even Lip's tougher than those guys. He's no quitter."

Molly took a deep breath, knowing Eli didn't want her to defend him. But what shocked Molly was that Eli defended himself and spoke up. "Could you please not call me that?"

Molly could've gotten whiplash from how fast she turned her head to look at Eli. Johnny's eyes darkened, not liking that another student was talking back. "Excuse me, what?" Johnny asked, taking a step closer to him.

"I said, could you please not call me that." Eli spoke a little louder and Molly looked at him in shock a proud smile slowly growing on her face at Eli defending himself.

Miguel on the other hand gulped, nervous for Eli. "Um, I'll warm them up, Sensei." Miguel said, going to walk towards the front, but Johnny put a hand out, stopping him. "No, no, no. Lip has something he wants to say." Johnny said to Miguel, but kept his eyes on Eli. "Speak up, Lip. Or is your tongue messed-up too?"

Eli didn't respond this time, opening and closing his mouth to think of something to say. Johnny squinted at the boy. "Are you one of those challenged kids?"

In that moment, Molly could've punched him. She didn't care if he was some pro in karate. She would've done everything she could to kick that man's ass. With all her anger on the Sensei, Molly started walking towards him, going to stand up to Johnny, but Miguel ran over. He grabbed Molly's wrist and pulled her back. "Molly..." Miguel muttered, warning the girl. Molly turned he head to face Miguel, giving him an even more threatening glare. "Miguel..."

"Um... the doctor said I could be on the spectrum." Eli muttered. Johnny rolled his eyes. "I don't know what that is but get off it pronto. All right?" He asked and before he could give Eli time to answer, he spoke again. "If you don't want me to call you Lip, then don't have a weird lip. Can't you get surgery for that?" Johnny asked.

Eli's head dropped, his eye looking anywhere but Johnny. "I was born with a cleft lip. This is the scar from the surgery." Eli explained and Johnny cringed. "You mean it was worse before that? Or did the doctor just screw up? Because of this is the after photo, that sucks, man. You should sue."

"I hate him." Molly grumbled under her breath, Miguel still holding on to her arm so she didn't try anything.

"Can we just please change the topic?" Eli asked and Johnny laughed, gesturing to Eli's face with his hand. "You don't think I want to? It's tough when it's right in front of me. If you want to be something other than a nerd with a scar on his lip, then you gotta flip the script. Okay? Get a face tattoo. Or gauge your eye out. We'll call you Patch, all right?"

Molly looked at the man like he was crazy, whispering a small "Oh my God." Johnny squinted, realizing he didn't like that idea. He pointed at Molly, looking at her for a split second before he turned right back to Eli.

"Preston's right. Don't do that one. You'll still look like a freak."

Eli looked around the room, his eyes tearing up before ran out of the room. Miguel finally let go of Molly as Johnny scoffed. "Great, really? Another quitter?" He asked.

Molly followed after Eli, making sure to ram her shoulder into Johnny's as she passed him. "Asshole." She muttered.

Johnny stumbled at how hard Molly hit him. He turned around and watched as she left. "Preston! You too?!" Was the last thing Molly heard before she reached the alley that the backdoor led to.

When Molly got outside, she caught up to Eli. "Eli! Don't listen to that douchebag." She said and Eli stopped walking. He turned around to face her and Molly's heart dropped at how red and puffy his eyes were.

"He's right." Eli said, his voice cracking. Molly shook her head, bringing her hands up to Eli's face to wipe his tears. "No, he's not."

Eli took a deep breath and looked up at Molly. "I want to flip the script." He whispered. Molly's hands left Eli's face. Her brows furrowed slightly. She wasn't upset that he wanted to flip the script, but she wanted to make sure it was something he really wanted to do.

"Are you sure?" Molly asked and almost immediately, a big smile almost smirk grew on his face and he nodded. Molly sighed and shrugged. "And how do you want to flip the script?" Molly asked, an amused smiled growing on her face. Eli grabbed Molly's hand and started to lead her out of the alley. "Hair dye and a tattoo." He said and Molly laughed, turning her head to him.

"A tattoo?" She asked and Eli immediately nodded. "Yeah, you were going to get yours after practice today anyway. We might as well go now and I'll get one too." He shrugged out. Molly nodded. She was going to go anyway and Eli was going with her so she could hold his hand if it was painful so now would be the perfect time for him to get a tattoo too.

"Okay, fine. And why the hair dye?"

Eli let out an excited laugh, using his free hand to run it through his hair. "I'm thinking a blue mohawk."

Molly laughed again, not at him, but at his unexpected answer. Eli laughed with her and the whole walk to the tattoo parlor, they planned where to buy the hair dye and gel for his mohawk.


Molly was the first one in the chair at the tattoo parlor since Molly wanted hers done first and Eli didn't know exactly what he wanted yet.

She had the right side of her shirt lifted up and took her bra off entirely, making sure one hand was covering herself while the other held on to Eli's.

Molly had to admit, that tattoo hurt like hell, but before she knew it, her tattoo artist, Rico said her tattoo was done. Molly slowly sat up and looked in the mirror across from her. She smiled at how her tattoo came out.

"It's perfect." Molly whispered. She dropped her shirt and smiled at the man that did her tattoo. "Thanks, Rico!"

Molly hopped off the tattoo table and gave Eli a big smile. Eli was about to hug Molly before he realized where her tattoo was. He didn't want to press on it and injure her so instead, he kissed her.

The kiss was short, but more intense than their other kisses. It surprised Molly, but she kissed back nonetheless. Eli pulled away and brought his hand up to her face, rubbing his thumb across her cheekbone.

"That was really hot, Moll." Eli said, his voice a lot lower than Mollys ever heard it before. Molly felt her face and neck heat up as she smiled nervously.

The two of them have been together for over seven months so they've gone past second and third base—almost fourth too, but Eli's mom came home a lot sooner than the two of them were expecting so Eli calling Molly hot shouldn't have this big of an effect on her, but for some reason, it did.

Not knowing how to respond, Molly just kissed Eli. She walked past him and sat in the chair he was just sitting in. It was now Eli's turn to get his tattoo.

Molly smiled up at Eli as he should Rico his reference photo and told him where he wanted it. Eli took off his shirt and laid down on the tattoo table. Molly held her hand out and Eli took it immediately, knowing that is was very plausible this confident demeanor he had going would disappear as soon as the needle touched his back.

When Eli grabbed her hand, Molly squeezed it, smiling to herself, glad Eli was finding ways to express himself and gain confidence. Plus, she had to admit this new attitude was really attractive.


Molly and Eli walked towards the dojo for the third time this week. Now, Eli had flipped the script and was now rocking a tall blue mohawk and a back tattoo. They stood in front of the doors of the dojo when Molly turned to him, her eyebrows raised. "You ready?"

Eli looked up at Molly and smirked. Instead of answering, Eli kissed her cheek and walked towards the door. He opened it for her, the bell ringing made the whole class plus Johnny turn to her.

Johnny let out a relieved breath at the sight of his neighbor. "Oh, thank God. You're back." He muttered, but Molly could hear him since the dojo was silent.

Molly smiled as Eli walked to stand beside her. Small murmurs from students started to echo around the room. Miguels face fell, taking a second to recognize his friend while Johnny didn't recognize Eli at all and let out a happy laugh. "And you brought a friend. Welcome to Cobra Kai."

"Eli, what happened?" Miguel muttered. Eli smirked, shrugging his shoulders casually. "I'm flipping the script."

"Wait, are you the kid with the lip?" Johnny asked and after staring at him for a couple of seconds, Johnny realized it was him. "Nice cut, bro." He then turned to the rest of the class, point at Eli. "You see that? Doesn't matter if you're a loser or a nerd or a freak. All that matters is that you become badass."

He turned back to Eli and Molly and smirked. "Hawk" He said, pointing at Eli before he pointed at Molly. "Preston fall in."

The couple quickly took off their shoes and lined up; Molly was standing beside Miguel and Hawk stood on the other side of her.

"Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it?" Johnny asked Hawk.

"No, Sensei."

Johnny nodded, walking in front of Molly. "Pain does not exist in this dojo, does it?"

Molly kept her eyes locked on her reflection, shaking her head. "No, Sensei."

Johnny walked over to Miguel. "Defeat does not exist in this dojo, does it?"

"No, Sensei."

Johnny turned to face the front, standing in front of the space between Miguel and Molly. "Class, are you ready to learn the way of the fist?"

"Yes, Sensei!"

emily speaks...
HAWK IS HEREEEEE (rip eli we'll see you in season 4 attempting to win molly back😔🙏)

me wanting molly and robby to meet but i also don't because that means molly and hawk are over


i love this fic so much i literally want to just spam write it this is crazy


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