vi. stargazing

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"Fighting positions!"

As much as Molly hated to admit it, she was actually starting to like learning karate. Mollys even gotten a lot closer to Johnny since she's been in karate too.

"Did you just flinch, Virgin?" Johnny asked a boy a couple of people away from Molly. Instead of turning her head to watch the two interact, Molly looked at the reflection in front of her.

She watched as Johnny moved to look at the boy behind the one that had flinch. Johnny raised his fist as if he was going to punch the teen and when he boy flinched, Johnny dropped not only his fist, but his jaw too. "Holy shit, we got a room full of flinchers."

"Yes, Sensei!"

"That was not a question!" Johnny yelled back at the students. Molly held back her laugh as the angry man walked towards the front of the class. "Raise your hand if you've never been punched in the face."

Molly, Miguel, Aisha, and three other kids raised their hands. Both Aisha and Miguel turned to Molly, confused looks. "You've been punched in the face?" Aisha asked. Molly turned to Aisha and Miguel. She smiled and nodded at their confusion. "Mhm. First day of computer camp. It was Demetri." Molly said in a matter of fact tone. That was how she had met Demetri and Eli.

Miguel's once raised eyebrows furrowed at Molly's words. "Demetri punched you in the face?" He asked. He and Aisha turned to each other before they turned back tk Molly, not believing her.

Molly rolled her eyes. "Well, not well." She muttered.

Johnny groaned, gesturing for the students to drop their hands. "Put your hands down." He muttered.

"All your lives, you've been avoiding fights so you don't break your nose or lose a tooth. This concussion nonsense." Johnny said and Mollys brows furrowed. While her Sensei's eyes were looking around the other side of the room, Mollys leaned towards Miguel. "Does he not believe concussions are real?"

Miguel kept his eyes on Johnny as he leaned towards Molly. "He doesn't believe in peanut allergies." He whispered back and Mollys jaw dropped. When Johnny turned back to Molly and Miguel's side of the room, the two of them went back into their original stances as if they weren't talking prior.

"So there's only one solution, and that is before you leave this dojo, each and every one of you is going to take a punch, very hard, to the face." Johnny yelled. He looked to the few students who had been punched in the face and smirked. Just from being in a few lessons, Johnny knew Molly had the best punches.

"Miss Preston, line them up. Unflinch this group."

Molly's eyes widened, not expecting Johnny to have her be the one to punch everyone. She nodded anyway, a small smile on her face. "Yes, Sensei."

Johnny nodded back at Molly and walked into his office. As Molly walked out of her line to look at her peers, Miguel followed after Johnny.

Molly turned to face the students and backed up so she was in Johnnys normal position. "Okay! Line up!" She yelled, clapping her hands.

One by one, Molly punched her fellow students in the face. When it came to Hawks turn, Molly hesitated. She looked to Aisha beside her and cringed.

"This goes against so many of my moral codes." She said before her face turned desperate. "Cant you punch him?" Molly asked and Hawks eyes widened. "No!" He yelled, making both Aisha and Molly turn to him with furrowed eyebrows. "What?" Molly asked and Hawk nodded his head. "I want you to be the one to punch me."

Mollys expression stayed the same, squinting at her boyfriend. "Why?"

"Because Sensei chose you to be the one to punch everyone because you have the best punches. If I want to be a good fighter, I have to know how to take a good punch." Hawk explained. Molly understood Hawks request, but she was still hesitant to hit him.

Hawk noticed Mollys worry and his eyes softened. He gave her a reassuring smile and nodded his head. "It's okay. I promise."

Molly stayed in her spot, her fists clenching and unclenching. Aisha awkwardly side stepped to stand beside Molly, her eyes in Hawk as she spoke to the girl. "One of us is gonna have to hit him soon. We're holding up the lin—"

Aisha was cut off by Molly punching Hawk right in the nose. The boy groaned, his hands going to his face as he collapsed to the floor.

Aisha's eyes widened, looking around the room crazily. "He's okay!" Aisha yelled, not wanting to worry Johnny since Hawk had fallen right in front of the door of his office. Molly took a couple of steps closer to Hawk and stuck her hand out to him to help him up.

Hawk pushed Molly's hand away from him and Molly squinted at the action, confused as to why he wouldn't let her help him up. She blinked a couple of times as Hawk pushed himself off the ground and walked away from Molly, his shoulder hitting hers slightly.

"I'm okay. It's just a tooth." He reassured Johnny and the room, chuckling as he walked towards Aisha at the mirror to watch her punch students. Molly stayed frozen in her spot. It was as if her feet were glued to the floor as she tried to think of any reason why Hawk was acting the way he was.

"Um... Am I next?"

Molly broke out of her thoughts at the sound of someone talking to her. She turned her head to the voice and saw Bert awkwardly standing in front of her, his hands nervously behind his back as he walked to be punched.

Molly looked back and forth between Bert and Hawk before she settled her eyes on Bert. "Uh... Yeah."


Molly figured Hawk was just having a bad day or he was embarrassed she had punched him so hard because the next day, Hawk was completely fine and his normal, affectionate self.

It's been a couple days since the incident, Molly and Hawk have been back to normal. Now, the two of them plus Aisha and Miguel all sat in a circle to stretch their legs while they all brainstormed ideas for Miguel's "date" with Sam.

"I need somewhere romantic, but not too romantic." Miguel said and immediately Molly pointed at him.

"You definitely want to do something where you guys are able to talk, get to know each other more. No movies." She said, her voice getting lower at her last sentence to emphasize on it. Miguel nodded his head crazily, making a mental note of what Molly had said.

Hawk looked to Miguel and smirked. "You could take her to get tattoos." He suggested, Molly not back a laugh as Miguel and Aisha's faces dropped in ones of confusion.

"What?" Aisha asked as Hawk stood up. He shrugged nonchalantly, starting to untie his robe. "Moll and I know a guy. He just hooked me up with this bad boy." He turned around and took off the top half of his gi, revealing the huge Hawk tattoo across his back.

"Oh!" Miguel muttered as Aisha let out a small breath. "That is badass." She managed to get out. Hawk turned his head to look back at his two friends and his girlfriend. "Right? 14 hours in the chair." He turned forward to look at himself in the mirror and flexed.

Molly chuckled, leaning towards Miguel since he was beside her, but keeping her eyes on Hawk. "Longest 14 hours of my life." She whispered. Miguel held back his own laugh as Aisha squinted at Hawk. "Wait, are your parents okay with that?"

Hawks smirk immediately fell and his face paled as he started to retie his gi. "Oh, they have no idea. Definitely going to have to wear a T-shirt until college. Probably longer. Please don't tell them."

Like a lightbulb going off in Miguel head, the boy turned to Molly, his eyes wide and a small smile growing on his face. "Does that mean you got your tattoo?" He asked like an excited little kid. Molly mimicked the boys smile, glad he remembered her saying she was planning on getting one.

"Hell yeah, I did." Molly chuckled out. Aisha's smile grew bigger. She leaned over everyone's stretched legs since her and Molly were across from each other in the huddle. "Sweet! Can we see it?"

Molly sighed, shaking her head as she pressed her lips into a frown. "You guys are gonna have to wait until summer. Mine's a lot... harder to show right now."

"It's on her boob." Hawk deadpanned as he started to sit back down between Molly and Aisha. As he was sitting down, he kissed Mollys cheek with a big happy grin.

"It is not on my boob!" Molly defended, her voice higher pitched than normal. She leaned across everyones stretched legs to get closer to Aisha. "It's like my side boob." She explained, gesturing to the area she got her tattoo and Aisha nodded, immediately knowing what she meant.

"Can we stop talking about boobs?" Miguel blurted. A couple of the other students turned to the group of four, making Miguel's face blush. He cleared his throat and look around his three friends. "Do we have any other suggestions?"

Molly, Eli, and Miguel all turned to Aisha, knowing that she was the one that used to be friends with Sam. Aisha's eyes widened at everyone looking at her. She quickly shook her head. "Don't look at me. Sam and I used to be friends. We're not anymore."

"But I need your help." Miguel begged. Aisha tried her hardest not to look at Miguel and cave in, but ultimately she groaned and looked at Miguel. "Fine, I know that she likes chocolates and astronomy."

As soon as Aisha said that, Molly snapped. Miguel turned his head to her and smiled at her "I have an idea" face. "Picnic at the observatory." She whispered and Miguel's smile doubled in size at the idea.


After giving Miguel his idea for his hang out with Sam, Molly was really in the mood to stargaze. Once she was in her pajamas, Molly headed out of her apartment and down the stairs. She laid down on the courtyards fountain edge, staring up at the stars.

It was really hard seeing a lot of stars considering she lived in the Los Angeles Valley, but she could see enough.

"What are you doing out here?"

Molly quickly sat up and smiled at Miguel. "Looking at the stars." She said as she watched the sky before she turned to Miguel and playfully rose her eyebrows. "Sam's not the only girl that likes to stargaze." Molly said as she brought her knees to her chest.

"You ready for your not-date?" Molly asked and Miguel smiled. He gestured to Johnnys door past Molly. "Yeah, just want to check on sensei first."

Molly turned around to look at Johnnys door before she turned back around to face Miguel, her eyebrows furrowed. "Check on sensei? Why?" She asked.

Miguel sighed, pursing his lips slightly. "Apparently Cobra Kai is banned from entering the All Valley tournament." Mollys jaw fell as Miguel continued. "Sensei is going to the meeting tonight to try and change that."

He then started to smile, using his foot to gently kick Mollys shin. "Wanna check on him with me?" Miguel asked and Molly rolled her eyes, smiling as she got up and walked towards Johnnys apartment with Miguel.

Molly knocked and after a couple seconds, the two teens heard a faint "Come in!" from Johnny inside. Miguel grabbed the doorknob and twisted it, letting himself and Molly in.

Mollys jaw dropped when she saw Johnny in a suit. She laughed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Looking snazzy, Sensei." Molly cheered and Johnny huffed out a laugh. He turned to face Molly and Miguel completely, eyeing Mollys pajamas. "You too, Preston. Nice jammys." He mocked and Mollys smile dropped.

"You nervous for your meeting?" Miguel asked and Johnny rolled his eyes. "I'm not nervous, I'm pissed off." Johnny said and Molly rose her brows sarcastically. "Really? Couldn't tell."

Johnny glared at the girl and Molly quickly realized Johnny in a bad attitude would not help Cobra Kai. She shook her head and sighed at the man. "Okay, but seriously. You have to be nice to these people." She said and Miguel nodded in agreement with her, pointing at Johnny. "So if you get pissed off, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know, I usually just punch the guy." Johnny shrugged out. Molly and Miguel's shoulders slumped.

"That's not gonna work." Miguel muttered, his head dropping as Molly took a step closer to Johnny. "How about when someone makes you angry, you make a fist like you're gonna punch them. But don't punch them?" She suggested.

Johnny squinted at Molly, holding up his fist. "Hold it in?" He asked and Molly nodded, a small "mhm" passing through her closed lips. Johnny thought about it for a second before he nodded. "I could try." He said and Miguel hit Mollys shoulder, shocked but happy that Mollys found a way to help Johnny out.

Johnny pointed at Molly as he walked towards and past the teens. "You're smart, Preston. I see why your folks send you to nerd camp every summer." He said as he walked towards his kitchen island. He grabbed a briefcase sitting on the counter and Molly smiled,

"Ooh, a briefcase. What's inside?" She asked and Johnny chuckled. He turned to Molly and Miguel, opening the empty case. "Nothing. Found it in the dumpster." He said and Miguel nodded.

"It's a nice touch." He complimented.

"Thanks." Johnny nodded to Miguel. "What about you? Are you nervous for your date?" He asked and Miguel nervously rubbed his hands together.

"Yeah, uh, a little." He paused when he noticed both  Molly and Johnny give him a look. Miguel looked away from the two a cleared his throat. "A lot." He muttered in embarrassment.

Molly put her hand on Miguel's shoulder and rubbed it. "There's nothing to be nervous about, all right?" She reassured. Both Johnny and Miguel nodded, Johnny pointing at Molly as he did so. "Preston's right. Just relax, be cool. When the time's right, you make your move."

Molly rolled her eyes while Miguel's eyes widened, now growing more nervous. "Move, what move? I don't have a move. What's my move?" He asked, looking back and forth between Molly and Johnny.

Johnny rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on, man. You got to kiss the girl." He groaned out. Miguel's mouth fell to an "o" shape as he shrugged. "I mean, yeah, I'd like to, but I don't..." Miguel turned to Molly worriedly. "Technically have to, right?"

Molly immediately shook her head. "No. No, you don't have to. A lot of people just do it anywhere between the first to third date." Molly said in hopes to calm the boys nerves. Miguel nodded his head and turned back to Johnny.

Johnny sarcastically nodded his head in agreement with Molly. "That's true. You could just learn how to braid her hair. Talk about all the other guys who had the balls to kiss her on the first date." He said and Molly rolled her eyes. Her head dropped and she pinched the bridge of her nose as Johnny continued.

"You're a Cobra Kai. Strike first, strike hard. It's not just for karate, it's for everything, all right? Now where are you taking this chick anyway?" He asked and Miguel smiled. He turned to look at Molly for a second since some of the "date" was her idea before he turned back to Johnny.

"The observatory. Little picnic on the lawn, chocolate tasting three ways, and if the sky's clear, then we'll look at the stars." Miguel said, a big and proud smile on his face at the little changes he added to Mollys plan.

Johnny frowned. "The only part of that that made any sense at all is three way." He said, making both Molly and Miguel glare at him.

"It'll be fun." Miguel tried to reason, but Johnny shook his head, holding his hand up to stop Miguel from talking. "All right, look. if you want to impress this chick, you got to take her to where I used to take all my babes back in the day."

Molly snickered at the man's words. She crossed her arms and raised her brows. "And where's that?" Molly asked. Johnny slowly started to smile, nodding his head ever so slightly. "Golf 'n' Stuff." He said and Molly cringed. "Golf 'n' Stuff, really?" She asked and Johnnys smile immediately fell.

"Yeah, you got a problem with mini golfing?" Johnny asked, nodding his head intimidatingly. Molly instantly shook her head. "No, no, no. I love that place. I just didn't take you as a mini golfer." Molly said, giggling at the thought of Johnny mini golfing.

Miguel started to laugh with Molly, making the man roll his eyes. He grabbed his empty briefcase and walked towards the door. He opened it and gestured for the teens to walk out. "Just beat it." He pointed at Miguel. "You go on your date," he then pointed at Molly. "And you go call your boyfriend or something."

The two teens continued to laugh as the walked out of the apartment, Molly heading back to her home, Miguel walking towards the front of the apartment complex to wait for Sam, and Johnny heading towards his car in the back.

emily speaks...

you guys should... take note of Eli pushing Molly away


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