vii. unexpected

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"You've trained hard. You've gotten stronger, tougher, faster. You've done your best. You're ready for this tournament, am I right?" Johnny screamed, standing on the top of a volkswagen van as the Cobra Kai students stood in the middle of a junkyard looking up at him.

"Yes, Sensei!"

"Wrong!" Johnny screamed, throwing his can of beer at Bert's feet, making the small boy jump back. "Your best ain't shit! If you wanna win the All Valley Under 18 Karate Tournament, you gotta give me better than your best. Which is why, from now on, you're gonna get my worst. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sensei!"

"Are you losers?"

"No, Sensei!"

"Are you nerds?"

"No, Sensei!"

"Are you sure?"

"No, Sensei!"

As Johnny facepalmed, Molly started to chuckle. She could hear Johnny groan at Mollys laugh from the top of her van, making her only laugh more.

After destroying a couple cars with crowbars and bats, the group ran through tires until Aisha tripped and didn't get up quick enough. One by one, all the students started falling on top of each other like dominos.

After that, Molly helped Johnny set up a long board of wood and put it across a big bin of scrap metal. Students walked across the wood, Molly going first and succeeding. The activity was working well until Hawk's stumbled and was about to fall into the pit of rusted metal. Luckily, he was close enough to the edge of the plank for Molly to grab his arm and pull him the rest of the way.

After the activities, Johnny started passing out beef jerky to all the kids for lunch — which Molly did not consider that lunch, but you pick and choose your battles. "You guys hungry?" Johnny asked and everyone nodded.

"Good. 'Cause so are they." Johnny said with a big smirk on his face. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a dog whistle. He blew the whistle and Molly could hear something running at them before she heard the faint sound of dogs barking.

"Oh, Shit!" Aisha screamed.

"Bitch, run!" Molly yelled, grabbing onto the closest hand to hers which happened to be Aisha's. As soon as Aisha felt Molly grab onto her hand, the two girls instantly turned around and started running away.

The two girls ran towards the sea of cars and trucks. Molly's eyes fell on a tow truck and when she felt Aisha let go of her hand to run to her own spot, Molly immediately ran towards it. She jumped up and grabbed onto the crane that lifts the cars. Molly swung her legs up and around so she had a place to stand on the metal pole.


A couple of days later, Miguel, Aisha, Molly, and Hawk were at the movies. They were sitting in that order and it seemed like Molly was the only one actually paying attention to the movie; Miguel and Aisha were talking about Sam while Hawk stole popcorn from Mollys bucket and tried to throw the pieces into other people's buckets.

It was about halfway through the movie when Molly gave up trying to pay attention, Miguel and Aisha talking too loud.

"So Sensei and Sam's dad had some beef. What's that have to do with you?" Aisha asked and both Miguel and Molly turned to face the girl with furrowed brows.

"Do I have to spell it out for you?" Miguel asked angrily, but before he could, Molly took over, her eyes on her popcorn. "Sam's dad hates Cobra Kai, Miguel's a part of Cobra Kai. So by the transitive property, Sam's dad is gonna hate him."

Molly turned to Aisha and Miguel, both of them staring at her as she put a few pieces of popcorn in her mouth.

Hawk laughed from beside Molly, making the girl turn around to face him. Hawks eyes were struggling to stay open as he looked at Molly. "Jesus Christ, you're such a nerd." He laughed out.

Molly's face faltered slightly at Hawk's words. She knew he was most likely saying it in a playful way, but Molly couldn't tell from how hard he was laughing. She blinked a couple times, grabbing the popcorn they were sharing and moved it to sit between her and Aisha; Molly was the only one that paid for it after all.

Hawk looked at Molly with a confused expression. He looked back to the movie and bit his lip nervously. Molly tried her hardest to tune out the conversation again. She paid for the movie ticket and the snacks, why would she not want to watch it.

As Molly ate her popcorn with her hand that was closest to Aisha, her hand that was closest to Hawk laid on the arm rest. Hawk looked back and forth between Molly and her hand before resting his hand on the arm rest as well, his hand laying on top of Mollys.

He leaned over so he was closer to her ear, his eyes staying on the movie screen. "I have a surprise for you that I've been meaning to give you for the past couple of days." Hawk whispered, attempting to throw another piece of popcorn into someone's bowl.

Mollys brows furrowed, she looked to Hawk with a confused expression. "What is it?" She asked and Hawk chuckled, a small smirk playing on his face as he finally turned his head to look at Molly. "Well, it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you would it?"

Molly rolled her eyes, holding back a small smile. Before Molly could answer Hawks question—which Molly wasn't gonna answer since she thought it was rhetorical, Hawk kissed her lips and then the top of her head.


After dropping off Aisha, Hawk drove Miguel and Molly to their apartment complex. Miguel said his goodbyes to the couple and headed into his apartment as Molly and Hawk headed up the stairs to Mollys, Hawk holding a big box that he wouldn't even let Molly touch.

Once they got inside, Hawk walked towards the dining table, placing the box down on it. Molly stood at the table, looking down at the box with a curious smile. Molly looked up at from the box to Hawk. His eyes were wide and his smile was spread across his face.

"Open it!" Hawk said eagerly, nudging the box closer to Molly.

Molly laughed, grabbing the box and starting to open. Her eyes stayed on Hawk as she did, who was practically bouncing on with toes in excitement. Once the box was open, Molly looked down to see what was inside.

Her jaw fell into a smile and a small laugh passed through her lips as she looked down at Hawks old grandpa sweaters and math themed pajama pants he stopped wearing once he started going by Hawk.

Molly reached inside and grabbed one of the sweaters. Even though the sweater was inches away from her face, Molly could smell Hawks old cologne on it. She took a deep breath to take in the smell of his old cologne before she looked up to Hawk.

"You're giving me all of your old clothes?" Molly asked, looking back down to the box to see what else was inside while Hawk smiled.

"Yeah! I know you love them and I love you so since I won't be wearing them anymore, I wanted you to have them." Hawk shrugged out, his eyes on the box and Mollys head whipped up from the clothing to look at him, her eyes wide and her jaw slacked.

"You love me?" Molly asked. Hawk looked up from the box of clothes to his girlfriend. When he noticed her shocked expression, he chuckled. "Molly, we've been dating for months. Of course I love you." He said, and Molly started to smile as he continued to speak. "And I know you love me so I didn't ever feel like I had to say it."

Molly gulped, she blinked a couple of times before she let out a nervous laugh. "You knew?" She asked, starting to twiddle her thumbs and Hawks grin grew. "You didn't hide it well. That's for sure." Hawk chucked out, moving around the table to stand in front of Molly. He wrapped his arms around her waist, put her hands around his shoulders, and looked up at her.

"You think I didn't know?" Hawk asked and Molly just started at him, blinking with a faint smile gracing her face. He pulled her a little closer to him and shook his head. "Moll, we never had to say it for me to know it." He whispered.

Hawk took one of his hands off her waist to cup her cheek. The inner points of his eyebrows raised as he looked into her eyes. "Did you know?" He asked. His voice was a lot softer; it was filled with worry.

Molly pressed her lips together and shrugged. She twiddled her fingers together from behind Hawks neck. "I guess..." She squinted a little. "Subconsciously I knew, but I would've liked to hear it still." She muttered.

Hawk pulled Molly closer again so they were now completely pressed together. His nervous smile turned into a big proud one. "Then I'm gonna tell you everyday from now on." He leaned in and kissed Molly. He pulled away from a small second to whisper "I love you so much" before he leaned in to kiss her again.

Molly giggled into the kiss, muttering an "I love you too" back when they pulled away to get air.


"Hey, Sons of Anarchy, I said we just wanted to send him a message, not burn down the whole block!"

Molly groaned at the yells coming from her courtyard waking her up from her nap. She didn't recognize the voice to be any of her neighbors so still a little groggy, Molly walked towards her front door.

When she walked outside, Molly was instantly met with a strong stench of gasoline. She cringed at the smell and started walked towards the edge her second floor walkway. Molly looked down on her courtyard and her eyes widened at the sight of three men with baseball bats and crowbars attacking Johnnys car.

Johnny came out at the sounds of the yells too. "Hey, what the hell are you doing?" He yelled and the man holding the baseball bat pointed it at him. "Consider this a message from Daniel LaRusso." The man said before he turned back to Johnnys car and swung at it, ripping the side mirror off the car.

Molly ran towards her stairs and almost fell down them from how fast she was trying to get to ground level. Molly didn't know how, but by the time Molly got to ground level and made it out of the stairwell, Johnny had already fought two of the men, the only one left standing was the one that spoke to Johnny.

The man was facing Johnny, his bat raised and his back to Molly as she crept up behind him. "Hey, look, man! Back up! I got a bat!" The man yelled just as Molly was a mere foot away from him.

Johnny looked back and forth between the man and over his shoulder to Molly. Molly looked at Johnny for a few seconds and nodded her head as if to silently tell him she's got his back.

Molly kicked the back of the man's knee. The man fell to the ground and as soon as he did, Molly took the bat out of his hands. "Not anymore!" Molly yelled, kicking the man's back enough to have him fall over slightly, but not injure him.

Molly held onto the bat tightly as it hung by her leg. Johnny ran up to Molly and the man, grabbing the collar of the man's shirt and lifting him in the air slightly.

"All right, look. Things got away from me, okay? Just calm down!" The man tried to plea, but it only angered Johnny more, his grip on the man tightening.

"Where does Daniel LaRusso live?" Johnny yelled and the man started shaking his head wildly. "This is between me and you, it's got nothing to do with him."

Molly slammed the bat against the ground, making the man jump. "You said it was a message from him!" Molly yelled from behind the man. He started to nod his head, his eyes on Johnny since he couldn't turn around to face Molly. "I made all that shit up! I'll take my licks like a man!"

"Hey, asshole!"

Molly, Johnny, and the man turned their heads to look at the voice that yelled. Their eyes landed on one of the guys Johnny had fought, now up on his knees and swaying slightly. "Burn in hell."

The kneeled man raised his hand and revealed a lighter. He flicked the lighter on and threw it towards the car. Immediately, Johnnys car ignited in flames. Johnny let go of the man's collar and stared at his car in shock.

Molly took a stunned step back, the heat of the fire burning her up considering she was already in fluffy pajama pants and a hoodie.

"Holy shit." The man Molly had taken the bat from whispered, watching the car with wide eyes. It was like all the shock left Mollys body when she suddenly ran for her apartments fire extinguisher.

She looked around the glass case for any way to break through and get the extinguisher; a little hammer, a rock, anything. When Molly couldn't find anything, she quickly started taking off her hoodie, grateful she was wearing a shirt underneath.

Molly wrapped her fist around her hoodie and punched the glass, shattering it. She quickly grabbed the extinguisher and ran back towards the burning car. By the time Molly got back, Johnny and the three men were gone.

Molly ran towards Johnnys car and turned on the extinguisher, taking the fire out. Molly held back her cough as she turned off the extinguisher, no proper air entering her lungs. She dropped the fire extinguisher at her feet and finally started to get some fresh air.

emily speaks...

guys i love moli so much it's insane

next chapter is... a lot😁

i love this fic so much i have the biggest urge to spam write it because OMFG THIS FIC MEANS SO MUCH TO ME

next chapter should be out soon<3 i love you guys and don't forget to like and comment🤗🤗

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