viii. for the better

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Demetri, Molly, Miguel, Aisha, Hawk, and Bert met up at the park after Miguel said he had news he needed to tell the group about.

After Miguel told the group about how he went to Sam's house the night prior and saw her eating dinner and laughing with a boy their age that he didn't recognize, Hawk and Bert started sparing while Molly, Demetri, and Aisha comforted and reassured Miguel.

The three of them were comforting Miguel for around thirty minutes before they gave up after he stopped responding to them.

Molly and Demetri were sending each other game pigeon games on their phones and when Demetri won their round of word hunt, Demetri turned to Molly, ready to cockily laugh in her face before he saw Miguel on the other side of Molly, his face pulled into a frown.

"Come on, eat something. I'll make you feel better." Demetri suggested. He reached into his bag that was at his feet and grabbed a sandwich. He sat back up and handed the sandwich to Miguel from over Molly.

Miguel shook his head, gently pushing the sandwich away from him. "Told you I'm not hungry, man." He muttered and Molly frowned. She nudged his shoulder with hers and gave him a small smile. "I still think you're overreacting. You should talk her."

Miguel scoffed, he slumped a bit in his seat so he and Molly were the same height and shook his head. "I'm not overreacting, Molls. I know what I saw."

"All right, so you saw her eating dinner with some chode." Hawk said from behind the four. Seconds later, Molly heard Bert groan and then fall to the ground. She turned around and saw Bert in the floor, holding his nose in pain.

"It's probably just her brother or something." Hawk said as he walked towards the bench the four were sitting on. He kissed the top of Mollys head as Molly watched Bert slowly get up off the ground. "You okay, B?" Molly asked and Bert groaned out a yes, holding up a weak thumbs up.

Miguel sighed at Hawks words, keeping his eyes on his feet.
"No, dude, brothers don't look at their sisters like that." He muttered and Demetri snickered.

"Depends on what part of the country you're in." Demetri snarked. Molly groaned in disgust, rolling her eyes and hitting Demetri's shoulder with hers. Demetri struggled to catch himself so he didn't fall off the bench they were all squished on.

"All right, so you go over to this kid and beat his ass so he doesn't have the chance." Hawk said and Molly immediately started shaking her head. She turned to Miguel and raised her hand to cover Hawks face, still shaking her head. "No. No. Just talk to Sam. Tell her what you saw. It's probably nothing."

"Molly's right. Don't listen to Eli." Demetri said in agreement. Hawk turned his head to the boy, his face holding a cold glare. "It's Hawk." He corrected Demetri.

"Yeah, whatever." Demetri scoffed out, a small laugh leaving his lips with it. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees so he could see Miguel. "The fact is, Sam's given you no reason not to trust her."

Miguel sighed, his shoulders slumping as he started to realize that his friends were right. "Yeah, I guess you're right." He said and Molly tried her hardest to hold back an "I told you so" smile. Miguel turned his head to face her and rolled his eyes at Mollys smile, holding back his own.

"Shut up." He muttered, his laugh escaping a bit as he hit Mollys shoulder with his.

"Oh, that little bitch!" Aisha screamed from the other side of the bench. Mollys eyes widened, leaning forward to look at Aisha. "Who?" She asked, watching Aisha look down at her phone with a glare.

Aisha looked up at Molly, biting her lip to hold in her anger. "You know that video you filmed for me? The one of me breaking that board?" Aisha asked. Molly nodded, she had just taken the video for Aisha about two days prior.

"Yeah." Molly answered slowly, not knowing what Aisha was getting at. Aisha handed Molly her phone, showing her the comment section of her post. "Look what Yasmine commented."

Molly took the phone and looked to see Yasmine commented, all four boys around her reading it from over her shoulders as well.

"Impressive... can't believe the belt made it around ur waist."

Hawks eyes widened at the comment. He turned to look at Mollys face and his jaw slacked a little when he saw how angry Molly looked. "Oh, shit.." He muttered just as Molly scoffed.

"That blonde bitch!" Molly screamed. She handed the phone back to Aisha who looked just as angry as her. "I gotta do something." Aisha muttered.

Hawk smirked, wrapping his arms around Mollys shoulder so he was leaning on her slightly as he looked at Aisha. "All right, how about we kidnap her and have our boy Rico tattoo "bitch" on her face?" Hawk asked, gesturing to Molly when he said "our boy".

Molly brought her hand up to her mouth to cover her laugh as Demetri slowly turned around to look at Hawk, looking at him with a disgusted look. "Calm down, Hawk."

Hawk clenched his jaw, turning to Demetri. "All right, I hear how you're saying it, and I don't like it." He said as an idea popped into Mollys head. She turned to Miguel and Aisha, her mouth slowly curving into a smile. "Wait, I've got a better idea."

Everyone turned to Molly with confused eyes and furrowed brows. Molly just smiled at the group's expression. "Before school ended, Mr. Dominguez changed seats and moved me next to Moon. We didn't talk a lot, but she did talk about Yasmine's big birthday party at the canyon." Molly then smirked. "Tonight."

Aisha's eyes brightened and her jaw dropped as she stared at the girl. "Molly Preston, I love you." She said before she turned to the boys. "Time to strike first."


Aisha drove the group to the mini mart in the strip mall with Cobra Kai. Molly, who was sitting in the middle row with Hawk, got carsick on the drive over.

It happened to Molly constantly. She could only be in the car with a handful of specific people and not get sick. Aisha just wasn't one of those people. Molly was just glad she was taking her drivers test in a week and could start driving herself around.

Luckily, Hawk knew and noticed all of Mollys signs when she started to get carsick and held her hand, tracing little shapes on the back of her hand to focus on. Doing that always helped ease her carsickness. It let her focus on what shapes were being made on her hand than overthink on the fact that she is feeling sick.

As they walked into the market, Demetri looked between all of his Cobra Kai friends. "So, are you guys ready for the tournament tomorrow?"

Everyone in the group muttered small answers to the boy, not really listening and instead heading to get snacks and drinks for the party. Molly stayed back with Demetri, and smiled. "I think I'm ready. A little nervous but," Molly shrugged. "What can you do about it?"

Demetri smiled at the fact that someone heard his question and cared to actually answer. As he and Molly walked through the aisle, he furrowed his eyebrows at her. "Are your moms in town to come?"

Mollys eyes fell to the ground. She frowned a little bit before she turned back to Demetri. "They won't be in town. They tried to get here, but..." Molly didn't finish her sentence, worried if she did, she may get emotional.

Demetri frowned with her, looking down at the ground. Molly started to grab snacks as a way to get away from the topic as Demetri squinted to himself.

Molly looked over the aisle she was in to the one right beside her. She laughed at the sight of Hawk and Bert trying to out as many snack as they could into Aisha's arms. Molly shook her head, her laughed making the three teens turn to face her. lI still don't understand how we're gonna buy alcohol. This guy has to recognize us. We come here all the time after karate."

Hawk just chuckled as Molly and Demetri walked into his, Aisha, and Bert's aisle. Hawk grabbed the pack of beer from the fridge and smirked at the group. "Oh, please, never underestimate the power of the Hawk."

Hawk started to walk out of the aisle and smirked when he past Molly. "Gonna need my lady." Hawk said happily, wrapping his arm around Molly's shoulders and leading her towards the counter.

Hawk put the pack of beers on the counter as Molly put down all of the snack she was holding. "Sup." Hawk said, nodding his head at the man. The man behind the register nodded back at Hawk and when Hawk saw the man's jersey he was wearing—Molly didn't know or care what sport or team it was—Hawk smiled. "Oh, did you catch the game last night? See Puig with the walk-off?"

The man groaned, shaking his head as he scanned Mollys snacks. "No, man, but I heard he flipped the bat to the moon."

"Yeah, I was at the bar last night with my buddies from work. The whole place went wild." Hawk chuckled out and the man sighed, hitting his hand against the counter in an annoyed manner. "I wanted to go, but my girlfriend dragged me to some lame-ass play." The man said and Molly glared at the man.

"Bitches will be bitches." Hawk muttered, shaking his head. Molly bit the inside her cheek and pinched Hawks waist since her arm was wrapped around it.

Hawk jumped at the pinch, gulping when he felt Mollys discreetly against the side of his head. He turned to the man behind the counter and raised his eyebrows. "So how much it gonna cost?"

The man behind the register sighed. "Gotta check your ID first." He said and Hawk immediately started to laugh. "I'm flattered."

When Hawk realized the man wasn't laughing with him, he stopped. "Do you really think I'm underage?" He asked. The man just raised his eyebrows, making Hawk scoffed. He pulled Molly closer into his side and smiled up at her. "This here is my wife. Been married for two years next week."

Molly smiled at his words. Their one year was a week away so Hawk secretly incorporating that made her feel a small wisp of butterflies in her stomach.

The man sighed. He looked between Molly and Hawk, shaking his head. "Yeah, I still need to see it. It's required by law."

Hawk blew air through his lips and used his free hand to pull his wallet out of his pocket. "Oh, yeah, for sure. Just upholding the law. It's all good." He said as he removed his arm from around Mollys shoulders to pull out his fake ID.

It took everything in Molly not to laugh at the fake ID for twenty-five year old "Walter Hawkman".

Hawk handed the man his ID and after examining it for a couple seconds, he handed the ID back to Hawk and shrugged. "Whatever." He said, finally scanning the pack of beers that were sitting on the counter.

Molly and Hawk turned to each other. They high-fived under the counter so the man wouldn't see as a small celebration. Molly turned back to the man just as he was about to say their total and smirked. "And how about eight bottles of that vodka right there?"


The whole drive to the canyon, Molly, Hawk, Demetri, and Bert invited anyone they could think of.

By the time the group of six got to the canyons, it was filled with kids Yasmine would never even dream of inviting. They all unloaded Aisha's car and started heading down the hill.

Once Molly, Hawk and Demetri finished up filling the cooler with sodas, water, and beer, Molly felt a hand touch her back and stand between her and Demetri.

"Please tell me you guys brought the good alcohol. The only drinks here are beer and I need something that's actually good." Delaney said in an almost whine-tone. Molly laughed at friends words. She reached into the bag that was at her feet and pulled out two bottles of vodka.

Delaney let out an excited squeal, taking one of the bottles of vodka from Molly. She reached into the cooler and pulled out a Mr. Pibb.

Knowing what Delaney was doing, Molly grabbed two solo cups. Delaney turned back to Molly and chuckled once she saw the girl already was holding the cups. The two quickly made themselves Vodka-Mr.Gibbs. having the two boys hold the bottles when they couldn't hold that much.

Molly took a sip of her drink and turned her head to the road when she heard a car drive up. Molly almost choked on her Vodka-Mr. Pibb when she realized Kyler, Yasmine, Moon, and Brucks were the ones in the car.

Molly hit Hawks chest to get his attention. "Oh my God!" Molly whisper yelled, catching Delaney and Demetri's attention too. The four of them watched as the popular teens hopped out of Kyler's car and froze at the sight of all of the "losers" at Yasmine's party.

Molly saw Yasmine look dead in her eyes and Molly smirked. She raised her hand and twiddled her fingers as a way to wave at the girl, a small smirk on her face.

"Oh my God! She's looking at me." Delaney whispered. Molly, Hawk, and Demetri all turned to the girl with furrowed brows. "Who?" Hawk asked and Delaney turned to the three she was standing with, her cheeks starting to get covered in blush. "Moon."

Molly started to smile watching Delaney get all nervous over her crush. Delaney looked back up to the hill and watched Mokn started to head straight for her. Delaney gasped, grabbing onto Mollys hand and looking up at her. "Molls, you have to introduce us."

"What? Me?" Molly asked, pointing at her own chest. Delaney nodded her head crazily. "Yes, you. You sat next to her in class. You know her." Delaney said and Mollys eyes widened. "Laney, I sat next to Moon for one week."

"That's one more week than me." Delaney said. She looked back to Moon and then to Molly. With working off adrenaline and the beer she had before Molly got here, Delaney pushed Molly in front of her so she'd run into Moon.

Molly yelped at Delaney throwing her, shocked that Delaney was so strong. She caught herself before she could run into Moon, but Mollys yelped still caught Moons attention.

The girl smiled at Molly, immediately pulling her into a hug. "Molly! How have you been?" Moon sang. Molly hugged back and smiled when they pulled away.

"I've been good." Molly smiled out. Hearing Delaney clear her throat from behind her, Molly laughed and held back an amused eye roll. She tilted her head at Moon and gave her a big smile. "Actually Moon, there's someone I really want you to meet."

Moon perked up those words. Molly turned around and grabbed onto Delaneys wrist. She pulled the shorter girl to stand beside her and smiled at Moon. "Have you met Delaney?"

"We haven't but I've seen you around the halls. I thought you looked so cool." Moon said and Delaney smiled. "Really?" Delaney asked quietly. Molly smiled at the two girls, clapping her hands together proudly.

"Well, I'll leave you two to it!" Molly said. She laughed as she looked around the canyon, finding Hawk, Miguel, and Demetri standing by one of the tables a kid brought, watching a group of kids play beer pong. "I'm gonna go hang out with my boyfriend. But we'll talk later."

As Molly turned away from Moon to walk away, she smiled at Delaney. Delaney mouthed a small "thank you" that Molly nodded at.


After couple hours and about five solo cups of Vodka-Mr. Pibb, Molly was drunk. She played a couple rounds of beer pong with Hawk and Miguel before the teens around her started getting too loud and she needed to get away from all of the noise.

Molly was sitting on one of the logs on the edge of the canyon. Molly had her head resting on Hawks shoulder. Neither of them said anything, knowing Molly needed the silence to not get anxious.


Molly lifted her head at the sound of Yasmine's yells. She watched as the blonde stomped towards Aisha, Moon, and Delaney. Molly slowly got up and walked over to the four girls just as Yasmine walked right up to Aisha, getting in her face and glaring at her. "You think it's funny crashing my party?"

Molly's eyes widened, partially worried about Yasmine's safety if she keeps talking but the other part really wanting to see where this goes. She took a sip of her Vodka-Pibb, her eyes glued on Yasmine and Aisha

"It's not really your party 'cause we were here first." Aisha said in a matter of a fact tone. Yasmine clenched her jaw in anger. She looked around at Molly and Delaney and shrugged. Yasmine turned back to Aisha and raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah, well, I know you and your little karate gang think you're cool. But we all remember who you really are." Yasmine taunted. She took another step towards Aisha and Molly let out a small gasp, taking another sip of her drink.

"You're just a fugly bitch, and your friends are all freaks." Yasmine seethed, a big smirk plastered on her face. Molly was about to take a step towards Yasmine to defend Aisha, but Delaney stopped her, grabbing onto her hand and pulling her back a bit.

Yasmine smirked when Aisha didn't fight back. She turned to Moon and grabbed her wrist. "Come on, Moon. Let's go." Yasmine said. She was about to start walking out of the canyons, but stopped since Moon wasn't walking with her.

"No, I'm staying." Moon snapped. Yasmine slowly turned around and glared at the girl, but Moon continued. "I apologized to Aisha for what we did, and you should too."

Yasmine just glared at her friend. She scoffed and shook her head. "Whatever. You deserve them, Moon." Yasmine spat. The blonde headed towards the road just off the canyon, making sure to shove Aisha's shoulder as she past her.

A mix of alcohol, protectiveness over Aisha, plus just plain old hatred towards the blonde made Molly angry in seconds. Molly glared at the girl and stomped towards her. 

"Don't you fucking touch her!" Molly screamed. She grabbed onto Yasmine's shoulder and spun her around so she was facing her. Before Yasmine could prepare, Molly swung her fist back and punched Yasmine in the face.

The canyon whistled and cheered for Molly as Yasmine collapsed to the ground. Molly just stood over the blonde, practically towering over her since she was already taller than her even if she was standing.

After a couple of seconds, Yasmine slowly started to stand up. She moved her hair out of her face and Molly smirked at the fact that the girls nose was bleeding. Feeling something wet under her nose, Yasmine brought her hand up to her face and touched her upper lip. She pulled her hand away from her face and her jaw clenched in anger at the slight of blood on her fingertips.

Yasmine put her hand back to her nose and looked up to Molly and glared. "Bitch." Yasmine muttered, her words barely audible since her hand was over her nose and mouth to stop the blood.

But it was loud enough for Aisha to hear.

Just like Molly, Aisha's alcohol levels, her protectiveness over Molly, and her hatred for the blonde made her angry. Molly was about to jump Yasmine herself, but before she could, Aisha was standing in front of her protectively.

"Don't call her a bitch!" Aisha screamed, reaching her hand into the front of Yasmine's jeans, grabbing a handful of the girls underwear and lifting it up, giving Yasmine a front wedgie.

Molly gasped at the action, a shocked laugh leaving her mouth. She quickly hid her laugh by bringing her hands up to cover her mouth. Molly, Moon, and Delaney all jumped back at the volume and pitch of Yasmine's screams.

When Aisha let go of Yasmine, the only sounds that could be heard throughout the canyon were small murmurs about what just happened and Yasmine's silent cries. She looked around at all the people around her and her cheeks tinged pink at every single persons eyes on her.

Yasmine turned and ran—at least tried to—away. Once the blonde was gone. Molly and Aisha turned to each other, big smiles on their faces.

At the same time, the two girls hugged. They both laughed in each others embrace. "I love you." Molly laughed out and Molly felt Aisha sigh. "I love you too."

They pulled away and were still laughing when Molly felt a hand touch her lower back.

Molly jumped at the touch. She turned around and calmed once she realized it was Hawk. But her worry came back when she saw the uncomfortable look on his face.

He was biting his lip and looked anywhere but Mollys eyes as he started to twiddle his finger, just like he would when he was Eli.

"Can we talk?" He asked. His voice was soft and quiet. Molly almost instantly nodded. She reached out for Hawks hand and after a second of hesitance, Hawk let her take it and lead him away from all of the other teens.

Molly took Hawk to the spot where the canyon and lake meet. Surprisingly, no one was over there. Molly felt her heart rate speed up as she watched Hawk. He looked visibly distraught.

"I wanted to ask you something... But I didn't know if it'd make sense." Hawk said, finally looking Molly in the eyes.

Molly slowly nodded, silently telling him to take his time. Hawk looked back to the ground and took a deep breath. In a matter of seconds, his confidence came back and the reminisce of Eli gone and Hawk was back.

"Molly changed Eli for the better. It's a known fact. And we know that because there was a time for Eli when Molly wasn't around. Like a before and after." Hawk said and slowly, Molly nodded in agreement, confused by what he was getting at.

Hawk was looking into Mollys eyes just until he was about to speak. He physically couldn't look her in the eyes while he said his next thought. "Now that I'm Hawk, we don't really know if that same idea stays the same."

Molly was taken aback by Hawks words. Before she could properly react to what Hawk was saying, he continued. "To know if you do change this version of me, Hawk, for the better, there has to be a point for Hawk where Molly isn't around."

Molly took a step back. Her face fell as she looked at Hawk. Her eyes were big and already getting glossy. "Are you breaking up with me?" She asked. Her voice was quiet and despite Hawk's previous words, all he wanted to do was pull her into a hug.

Instead, Hawk just nervously shook his head. "I wouldn't call it a breakup. I'd call it..." Hawk looked into the distance, bit his lip and squinted as he tried to come up with something. His eyes widened as the imaginary lightbulb turned on in his head and he turned back to Molly. "Time apart. Until I figure... all this shit out."

Molly just stared at Hawk for a second. She swallowed the lump forming in her throat and started to blink rapidly. "So a breakup." She said and Hawk's shoulders slumped. Molly squinted at Hawk, shaking her head slightly. "You want me to just... wait for you? While you figure out if I'm good enough for you?"

When Hawk didn't answer, the anger and sadness in Mollys body started to bubble up faster. With all the emotions she was feeling, the alcohol in her system, plus the fact that they're in a public place having this talk, Molly only grew more tense and uneasy.

"Hawk, I know that I love you! And I know that you're good for me!" Molly yelled, pointing at her chest. Luckily, no one around really heard her since the music was so loud. Molly squinted at Hawk, almost resembling a glare as she tilted her head. "Do you really want to risk losing me and losing what we have over the slim possibility that you and I won't have the same connection now that you're Hawk?"

Hawk clenched his jaw. He looked away from Molly and to the ground. "You've been Hawk for a couple months now, is that not enough to know that I'm good for you?" Molly asked, her voice almost breaking from holding back her emotions.

Hawk slowly blinked, his eyes still on the ground as he scoffed.

The same scoff he did when he made fun of Molly at the movie theater.

And the same scoff he did when he shoved her at the dojo.

It was like the pieces in a puzzle coming together just from him scoffing. Her jaw fell and her eyebrows raised. "That's why you've been off." Molly whispered.

Hawk finally turned back to Molly, a confused look on his face. He watched as her eyes started to water and her jaw started shake from both the cold, and the heartbreak she was starting to feel setting in.

"What are you talking about?" Hawk asked, the anger in him washed away as he watched Mollys eyes get glossier from the tears. Molly shook her head. "You push my hand away, you... shove me, you make fun of me. But..." Molly looked away from Hawk and off into the lake. "I shook it all off because you'd be so sweet after."

She bit her lip and blinked. The tears finally fell down her cheeks and her heart started to beat faster in her chest. Molly turned back to Hawk and clenched her jaw. "You've been wanting to do this for a while, haven't you?"

Hawk swallowed, he looked away from Molly and didn't answer.

Molly could've sworn she heard her heart break. He told her  everything while still saying nothing. Molly scoffed, using the exhale of air as a way to relieve her lungs from their burning feeling. She was close to sobbing. She knew it. But she couldn't do that in front of all of these people.

"God! We said I love you." Molly said, her voice low to lessen her urge to cry.

Hawks eyes widened at Mollys words. He should his head crazily and held his hands up to Mollys shoulder. Hawk didn't hold them, but he held them up just above them. "And I do love you, Molly." Hawk blurted.

His own heart was starting to beat at a rapid pace and he dropped his hands. Hawk took a deep breath as his eyes started to well up and shrugged his shoulder. "But sometimes who you love isn't someone you should be with."

Hawk licked his lips and looked down at his feet, not wanting Molly to see him in this state. "At least not in that moment."

Molly could hear that he was genuine in his voice, but for some reason, that made her feel worse.

She felt blood come from the inside of her cheek from how hard she was bite it. She sniffled, making Hawk turn back to her. His face softened all over again as he looked up at her. Molly took a deep breath. Her mind raced with the realization that she and Eli, her boyfriend of practically a year, were breaking up.

Molly felt like her world was shattering around her. She never thought a first love heart break was as bad as they showed it in the movies, but here she was, practically sick to her stomach in heartache.

It took everything in Molly to look up from the ground, to Hawk and say her next set of words. She felt like heart was being ripped from her chest, the pain of realization sending a sickening wave through her body. "I know what I want." Molly said, her voice broke again as pointed at Hawk with her hand.

"I want to be with you." Molly cried. Hawk looked from Molly and Molly just wanted to scream at the boy for not looking at her. He was the one that wanted this and now he couldn't face her.

Molly let out a small cry and shook her head. "But if you really want to see if I will change you for the better..." Hawk looked back up at Molly, tears cascading down his face as their eyes met.

Mollys bit her lip to gold in as much as her emotions as she could. She shrugged her shoulders and pursed her lips, her bottom lip starting to tremble. "Fine. We're done."

Molly didn't let herself see Hawks reaction to her words. She needed to get away from him—away from everyone. She turned around and started walking up the hill towards the road. Hawk stood frozen at his spot on the edge of the water. He started to cry and he quickly turned away from the party so none of the teens could seen him.

With every step Molly took, it became harder and harder to hide her sadness. By the time she passed Demetri, her eyes and nose were red and her cheeks were soaked in tears.

When Demetri saw Molly and her stage, his eyes widened. He reached his hand out to touch her shoulder, but made sure not to, not knowing the reason for why she was crying and not wanting to make it worse. "Molly... Are you okay?"

All of Mollys emotions were so heighten that she didn't realize how fast she spun around to face Demetri until she almost stumbled over. Demetri finally grabbed onto Molly. He grabbed her upper arms to stop her from falling over and watched her with wide eyes.

Molly quickly wiped her tears and sniffed. She did everything in her power not to look at Demetri. "I need to go home." Was all she said.

Demetri scoffed at her answer. He knew she was crying, but his answer only sparked alarms in his head. "What are you walking?" He sassed, not thinking Molly would actually think that walking home at this hour of the night was safe.

Molly nodded, looking at Demetri's shoulder instead of his eyes. "Yeah." Molly turned to walk away again, but Demetri grabbed her elbow, turning her back around to face him. "Woah, woah, woah. No. Why are you crying?"

Molly sniffled. She wiped under her eye so she didn't smear any of her eye makeup. "Hawk and I broke up."

Demetri's eyes widened and his face fell. "What?!" He yelled. He looked around as if there were other people on the conversation before he turned back to Molly. "But... That kids in love with you. He wouldn't do that."

Demetri's words only made Molly feel worse. She shrugged her shoulders and scoffed. "Eli wouldn't. Hawk did." Molly said before she took a deep breath.

Suddenly the noises around her got louder and she became more on edge. "I just... I need to get out of here." Molly said. Her words came out jumbled and fast. Demetri nodded even though he couldn't completely understand her. Molly turned around and took about five steps before Demetri called out to her again.

He tried so hard not to speak up, wanting to give Molly her chance to walk away from the party, but his question had been eating at him since Molly said her and Hawk are broken up.

"Are we still gonna be friends?" Demetri asked. Mollys steps froze instantly. A chili went down her spine as her expression softened. Slowly, Molly turned back around to face Demetri. Their eyes met for a second before Demetri looked away.

"What?" Molly asked. Demetri opened and closed his mouth nervously before he sighed. "It's just..." Demetri finally turned back to Molly and shrugged. "Normally, when someone becomes friends with their partners friends, they stop being friends after because it's their exes friends."

Demetri looked down again. It seemed like he was having a battle with himself on if he should look at Molly or not. They never got too emotional with each other so this was a lot for him. He put his hands in his front pockets and shrugged.

"I just don't want to lost you. You are like... one of the only people that seems to actually care to be my friend anymore. I know that I was friends with Hawk first, but that doesn't mean I want to lose you. And that doesn't mean I want to lose Hawk eith—" Demetri's ramble was cut short by Molly running up to him, engulfing him in a warm hug.

Demetri froze, not hugging Molly back until a couple seconds later. Molly hugged the boy tight. "Of course, I still want to be your friend, Dem." Molly whispered. She felt Demetri relax in her arms and she smiled. "You're one of my best friends. I'm not letting you go that easily." She said.

Molly pulled away, keeping her hands on his shoulders. She smiled at him and sniffled. "I'll see you tomorrow?" Molly asked and Demetri nodded.

Finally, Demetri let Molly walk away. She made it past all of her friends without getting stopped again.


During her walk, Molly finally let herself cry. No one was around the girl sobbed as loud as she wanted.

It was about ten minutes into the walk when Molly heard a car start to drive up to her. She expected the car to just pass by, but she heard it slow down as if it was following her.

Molly immediately stopped crying and discreetly tried to look for her pepper spray in her purse. She cursed under her breath when all she could feel was her phone, wallet, keys, and a pack of gum.

She started to walk faster and Molly heard the car start to speed up, meeting her pace. Since her breathing was was already sporadic since she was crying, Molly was pretty close to hyperventilating.

She muttered to herself to breathe as she reached for her phone in her purse. As Molly started to search for Aisha's contact, she heard the car pull up a little faster, not the driver was side by side with Molly.


All the panic left Molly's body in seconds at the voice. She dropped her head and scoffed.

Sam continued to drive at Molly's pace, watching her more than the road. "Molly, are you okay?" Sam asked and when she heard the girl sniffle, she knew she wasn't.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." Molly said. Her voice broke and sounded nasally. Sam didn't know the girl that well, but she knew Molly wasn't fine. Hell, even the boy sitting in the passenger seat who had never met Molly before knew that.

"You don't sound fine." The boy spoke. Molly finally turned her head to face the car, not recognizing the voice. When her and the boy locked eyes, something in Molly's stomach tugged.

"Let me give you a ride home." Sam said, making Molly turn away from the boy in the passenger and just past him to Sam. Molly shook her head and Sam's offer and turned to look ahead of her. "I'll be okay."

She heard Sam sigh. "Molly, it's about an hour walk until you're even out of the canyons. And I know you live at Miguel's apartment and that's pretty far. Just please let me give you a ride home so I know you're safe."

Molly sighed. She stopped walking and Sam smiled. Molly opened the backseat door to Sam's car and climbed in. Molly sniffled as she scooted all the way until she was behind Sam, she only got sick if she sat on the passenger side of the car.

"Oh. Uh... Molly this is Robby Keene. Robby this is Molly Preston." Sam said, pointing to the boy in the seat beside her. Molly gave the boy a small smile before her eyes widened and her jaw fell.

"Oh my God, you're the guy." Molly whispered, thinking back to Miguel's worry when he saw Sam with another guy.

Robby turned his head around to face Molly, his eyebrows furrowed. "What?" He asked and Molly straightened up, shaking her head. "Nothing!"

Sam looked through her rearview mirror to look at Molly, a small frown on her face. "You okay, Molly?"

Molly sighed. She looked out her window and felt the tears start to form in her eyes again. "Hawk and I broke up." She said.

Sam's eyes widened, she turned back to the road and shook her head. "What? But... You guys looked so happy all the time. I mean... Miguel always says he wants a relationship like what you guys have."

Molly frowned. She looked down at her hands and twiddled her thumbs. "Yeah, well it's over." Molly muttered. It sounded a little snappier than Molly wanted, but she didn't care enough to apologize for her tone.

As Molly thought about it, she didn't remember seeing Sam or Robby at the party. She sat up a little and maneuvered herself so she could see Sam through the review mirror, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Wait. Why are you guys leaving the party? I didn't even see you guys there." Molly said and Sam scoffed. "We were only there for like two minutes. Let's just say you and Hawk aren't the only couple that broke up tonight."

Mollys eyes widened. Her jaw fell a little bit and she leaned over to see Sam. "Oh my God. Really?" She asked. When Sam nodded, Molly sighed. She dropped her head and frowned. "God. I'm sorry, Sam."

"It's okay." Sam muttered. Molly looked out her window and straightened up when she saw her apartment come into view. Sam stopped right in front of the building and Molly unbuckled her seatbelt and got out on Robby's side.

"You live here?" Robby asked as Molly got out of the car. Molly huffed, looking down at Robby through the passenger window with an amused smile. "It's a beaut. Isn't it?" She joked, but Robby didn't laugh.

"Yeah... My dad lives there." Robby whispered, making sure Sam didn't hear him, only Molly. Mollys smile faltered when she saw how sad Robby looked. Figuring Robby had a rough relationship with his dad, Molly smiled as a way to make him feel a bit better.

"Need me to fight him? Remember Robby, I'm in karate. I can take him." Molly said, raising her two fists. Robby chuckled, dropping his head for a second before he looked back up and Molly.

His face softened as he looked at her and he smiled. "Maybe another time." He said and Molly smiled. She felt that small pull in her stomach again, but she shook it off and nodded her head. "Maybe another time." Molly said before she turned to Sam.

"Thank you, Sam. Really." Molly said and Sam smiled. "Any time, Molly. You helped me out. I helped you out." Sam said, referencing when Molly let Sam sit at her table when no one else would.

Molly smiled. She looked back and forth between Sam and Robby before sniffling. Molly chuckled and started to walk away from the car. "Have a nice night."  She said and the two teens smiled back.

"Good luck tomorrow!" Sam yelled to Molly as Molly opened the front door to her apartment complex. "Thank you!" Molly yelled back before completely walking into her apartment complex and heading the stairs to her home.

emily speaks...
rip moli💔😔 you will be missed
i can't wait to get more into mobby guys i know i pick favorites but i swear I DO LOVE MOBBY

i absolutely adore molly and demetri's friendship and IM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER

i published a miguel fic you guys should definitely check it out 😍😍

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