ix. the all valley

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Everyone from Cobra Kai minus Johnny and Molly stood outside of the All Valley arena. They were so worried about their sensei not being there, no one realized Molly wasn't there either.

After all the students started to make worrisome ideas about where their sensei could be, Hawk scoffed, tired and irritable from his lack of sleep the night before after his breakup with Molly. "Whatever. I mean, we're here. We're gonna have to do it without him."

"Do what without me?"

The Cobra Kai students turned their heads at the sound of their sensei walking towards them. Miguel sighed in relief, a small smile on his face. "Sensei. We didn't think you were gonna show up."

"I may not always win, but I never back out of a fight." Johnny said in a matter of fact tone. He looked at all of his students crowded around him and furrowed his brows when he realized Molly was not there.

He turned to Miguel, Aisha, and Hawk and scoffed. "Where the hell is Preston?"

Everyone immediately started looking around the group for the girl. Small murmurs traveled through the air before all the teens realized she wasn't there with them. Miguel turned to Johnny and shook his head. "I saw her bike still parked at the apartment. Figured she was gonna show up a little after me."

Johnny thought back to when he left the house and sighed. "I saw her bike still parked at the apartment. Figured she rode with you and your folks."

Aisha looked at Miguel with wide eyes. "Did she make it home last night?" Aisha asked, her voice getting louder as anger and worry started to fill her body.

Miguel's brows furrowed and he shook his head at Aisha. "Why wouldn't she have gotten home safe?" Miguel asked.

Aisha immediately scoffed. "Uh... Hello!? She didn't drive with us home! Demetri told me she walked! She's could've gotten... kidnapped! Or killed!" Aisha yelled.

All of the Cobra Kai students started to worry more after Aisha's words. Some pulled their phones out of their pockets to call or text the girl.

Hawk didn't dare to meet anyone's eyes. Worry and guilt started to flood through his body as he remembered watching Molly walk out of the canyons alone.

"I'll go check. I'm sure she's at home. If you guys had a party last night, she's probably hungover." Johnny reassured, holding his hand up to stop the teens from their worried rambles. He turned to Miguel and nodded his head to the doors of the arena. "Sign us up. I still have one more lesson to teach you."


"Molly! Open the door!"

Molly, who was sitting on her couch with a pint of cotton candy ice cream and watching A Walk to Remember, ignored Johnny's knocks and yells. She had barely gotten any sleep the night before, crying all night as her and Hawk breakup started to really set in.

She had watch countless of films and shows where someone breakups with their first love, but Molly had always thought it wasn't really like how the shows and movies portrayed it.

And Molly was right.

It was worse.

Molly was too tired and too drained to go to the All Valley. She didn't want to have to see Hawk right now and she didn't really care about winning a trophy so Molly opted out on going to the tournament all together.

After about two minutes of knocking, Johnny finally spotted and Molly sighed in happiness, glad the man was gone so she could cry to her movie and ice cream in peace.

She heard the jangling of keys and after a few seconds, her door opened.

Molly whipped her head around to face the front door as Johnny walked in. "How do you have a key?" Molly asked. Her voice was nasally and Johnny rose his eyes brows in a sassy manner, slightly annoyed with the girl. "Your folks gave it to me for emergencies. I'm in charge of you when they're not home, remember?"

Molly rolled her eyes and turned back to the TV. She ate her ice cream as Johnny looked Molly up and down, realizing she was still in her pajamas. "Why are you not dressed and at the All Valley?" Johnny asked and Molly shrugged. She kept her eyes on the screen as she answered. "Because I'm not going to the All Valley."

Johnny started to get angry with the girl. "Why the hell not?" He yelled.

It was then that Johnny realized Molly was covered in blankets and she was eating ice cream. He squinted to look at her face better and his eyes widened when he realized there were tears streaks on her face.

"Oh no..." Johnny muttered. He turned to the TV and his shoulders slumped when he saw the sad movie. "Oh no..." He muttered again before he turned back to Molly. "You and Hawk broke up."

Molly immediately started to cry. She dropped her head and her shoulders started to shake as she started to cry again. Johnny groaned, not wanting to have to take care of a crying girl.

"You can't just sit in here and wallow in your..." Johnny gestured to Molly, curled up in about three blankets. "Depressing girl sadness eating a pint of ice cream and crying to romance movies." He said, pointing at the ice cream in Molly's hand and then the movie.

He sat down on the couch beside Molly and his encouraging facade became a softer. "You have to go out there and show that asshole that you don't care about him."

Molly shook her head and sniffled at Johnny's words.

"But I do care about him." Molly cried quietly. Johnny almost instantly shook his head and put his hand on her shoulder. "But you can't show him that. Play him at his own game. Get him back." Johnny said, pointing at Molly's chest. Molly's brows furrowed. She looked up at her sensei and sniffled. "Get him back?" She asked, not necessarily knowing what he was talking about.

Johnny scoffed in a "duh" tone and nodded his head, giving Molly an encouraging smile. "Hell yeah. You show him that the breakup didn't affect you, and he'll come crawling back to you."

Molly looked down at her lap and squinted as she took in Johnnys. "Get him back." She whispered. Molly started to smile, liking the idea of getting Hawk back.

"Look Molly," Johnny started, making Molly whip her head to him. She had never heard Johnny call her by her first name. Johnny refused to meet the girls eyes, but she could tell he looked desperate. "You're one of the best on the team. If anyone's gonna win this things, it's gonna be you or Miguel."

Molly's eyes were wide and her jaw had fallen slightly. "You really think that?" Molly asked quietly, hope laced through her voice. Johnny finally looked at Molly. He smiled at the hopeful glint in her eyes and nodded his head. "I could bet money on it." He reassured.

Molly wasn't thinking much when she leaned over and pulled Johnny into a hug. Considering her parents weren't around much to begin with and she had two moms, Molly has started to see Johnny as a father figure.

Johnny was frozen when Molly hugged him, not expecting it at all and catching him guard. But after a couple seconds, Johnny hugged back.

"Thank you, Sensei." Molly muttered. Johnny smiled, patting Molly's back. "Anytime kid." He said. He pulled away from the hug and nodded his head down the hall. "Now, go get ready."

Molly, finally starting to get excited for the All Valley, practically jumped off the couch. Just as she was about halfway to her room, Johnny remembered something. "Wait!" He yelled, making Molly freeze. She turned around and watched as Johnny search through his bag for something.

After a couple seconds, Johnny pulled out a black gi and tossed it to Molly. "Change into these." He said as Molly caught the clothing. Molly smiled down at the gi before she looked back up to Johnny and nodded her head.

Quickly, Molly ran to her room and changed into the new gi. She looked at herself in her mirror and tied her braids into a low ponytails. Once she liked how she looked, Molly ran back out to the living room. Johnny, who was waiting for Molly, was watching the movie when she walked in.

"These are sick." Molly said, looking down at her gi, not noticing Johnny watching the movie. Johnny jumped at the sound of Molly's voice. He quickly acted like he wasn't just watching the movie and nodded his head. "The sickest."


Johnny and Molly made it to the arena right before they closed the doors. As soon as they walked in, Aisha ran to Molly, asking her thousands of questions on if she's okay while all the boys gawked over the new gis.

Before Johnny could give the other students their gis, he insisted on giving them a pep talk first.

"You've all learned to strike first, to be aggressive, not be losers. I've taught you to strike hard, put every ounce of your power behind everything you do. But I haven't taught you the third rule of Cobra Kai..."

Molly looked up at Johnnys pause. "No mercy." He said and Molly's eyebrows furrowed. She did not like the sound of that.

"The older you get, the more you're gonna learn that life isn't fair. You wake up one morning feeling great, and then life throws a spinning heel kick to your balls. Takes a big steaming shit in your mouth."

Molly and many other students cringed, but Johnny kept going.

"You get an F on a test. You get suspended. You fall in love with a girl, and screw it up and lose her." Johnny said. Molly, Hawk, and Miguel all look away from the man after that. Molly and Miguel look to the ground while Hawk turned to look at Molly.

"Just when you think things are going good, everything falls apart. That's how it goes. Life shows no mercy, so neither do we."

Miguel looked up to look at Johnny while Molly lifted her head, but instead watched Hawk's feet since he was across from her in their huddle. She could feel his eyes on her and it took everything in her not to look up at him.

"We do whatever it takes to keep our heads above water. We do whatever it takes to keep moving forward. We do whatever it takes to win! Remember who you are." Johnny said and finally, Molly looked up to the man. Johnny noticed Molly finally looked up and he locked eyes with her. "You're badass."

Molly smiled at the man words and he turned away, finishing the rest of his speech. "You don't give a shit. You kick ass. You're Cobra Kai."

"Cobra Kai!" Miguel yelled as he flexed his arms, his voice echoing throughout the arena. Molly laughed, her hand coming up to her face to hide them.


"Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!" The Cobra Kai students shouted as the entered the arena in a line; Miguel was leading, Molly right after him and Hawk after her.

"Now that's what I call an entrance! And a badass name for a dojo! Let's hear it for Cobra Kai!" The announcer, Daryl, screamed, making Molly smile proudly. She laughed as she looked into the audience.

In the front row was the entire LaRusso family. Molly and Sam met eyes and smiled at each other. Molly looked further up into the stands

Molly smiled back before she turned her attention back on to Daryl.

"And finally, fighting unaffiliated from North Hills, we have Mr. Robby Keene." Daryl yelled. Mollys eyes widened and she started to smile at the name. She turned her head to the doors and watched Robby run out onto stage.

"Awesome." Molly whispered, her eyes glued on the Keene boy. From beside her, Hawk looked at Molly before turning to Robby. His jaw clenched and he straightened his back intimidatingly.

"All right, folks. Get ready. It's karate time!"


Molly watched Aisha and Xander Stones nervously. Aisha had just earned herself a point and now the two were tied. Whoever got the next point wins and goes to the semi finals.

Aisha worked offense, throwing punches at Xander with every step she took towards him. Molly brought her hand up to her mouth and nervously started to bite her nail.

Hawk, who was standing beside Molly, turned his head to her when he noticed she was biting her nails. Without thinking, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away from her mouth.

Both Molly and Hawk's eyes widened at his action. Molly turned to Hawk just as he turned to her. Hawk gulped as he looked up into Mollys eyes. "Sorry... Habit." Hawk muttered, referencing how he always stopped her from biting her nails.

Molly and Hawk continued to stare at each other. Both of them completely ignoring Aisha's fight. Molly took a deep breath as she watched Hawk open his mouth to say something.

A loud thud made Molly whip her head back to the fight, making Hawks shoulders slumped as he frowned. Her eyes widened at the sight of Aisha on the ground, Xander standing above her. Xander raised her leg and brought it right back down on to her stomach, earning him a spot in the semi finals.

"Xander Stone is going to the semi finals!" Daryl's voice echoed through the room.

"Sorry." Xander holds his hand out to help Aisha up but Aisha refused to take it. She smacked the boys hand away from her and got off the ground.

"Eat shit, asshole!" Aisha yelled. She walked back towards her team and Johnny and Molly immediately tried to comfort her. "It was a good fight." Molly said, putting her hand on her shoulder.

Aisha pushed Molly away from her. She grabbed her back and walked away. "Whatever." She snapped.

Molly was about to chase after Aisha to check on her, but just before she could, Johnny grabbed on to her elbow and stopped her.

"You're up next, Preston." Johnny said. Molly nodded and looked up at her sensei, waiting for him to give her any encouraging words since he had given her and the other students one before every match.

He didn't end up giving Molly any comment, confusing the girl. Nonetheless, Molly walked on to the mat and met Robby in the middle.

All Molly had to do was beat Robby and she'd be going to the semi finals.

After the two of them bowed to the referee and each other, the competition started. Robby shockingly made the first move. He attempted to kick Molly, but Molly moved to the side and dodged it. She stuck her arm out and hit Robby's stomach with her forearm. "Point!"

Robby smirked as he watched Molly get back into her fighting stance. He got into position and after a couple of seconds, the referee yelled "Fight!" and the fight started.

Robby ran at Molly. He sent two punches to Molly that she blocked by pushing his hands away. Molly swung her leg out and Robby ducked. As soon as he stood back up, he punched Molly in the stomach. "Point!"

"Molly Preston and Robby Keene are now tied one-one!"

Molly huffed. She readjusted her gi and got back into her fighting stance. Robby smirked cockily even though they were tied and got into his position too.

"Ready and fight!"

Molly ran towards Robby. She could hear her team screaming at her to win as she attempted to punch Robby. Everyone time Molly tried to punch Robby, he would raise his hand and block Mollys punch with his forearm.

Robby kicked his leg out to sweep Mollys legs, but Mollys jumped over the boys leg. She could hear Cobra Kai scream for Molly as she kicked her own leg out while she was in the air. Robby moved back, barely missing Mollys foot, making Cobra Kai groan.

Since Molly's main focus was on landing properly so she didn't injure her foot, she didn't noticed Robby kick his leg out again, kicking her in the stomach.

Molly fell back onto her back with a pain filled groan. She grabbed her stomach and shut her eyes to relieve the pain.

"Point!" The referee screamed as Molly started to get up. The two teens walked towards the center of the stage smiling to each other.

"So... which one's your ex?" Robby asked with a small smile as he got into his fighting stance. Molly huffed, getting into her position. "The one with the mohawk." Molly said, her answer quieter than Robby's question so Hawk wouldn't hear her.

Robby's eyebrows shot up in amusement and he laughed. "Really?" He asked. Molly rolled her eyes and gave the boy an unamused smile. "Mhm. Now, quit gossiping and let's fight already."

As if on queue, the referee yelled "Ready? Fight!" Molly ran for Robby, throwing as many punches as she could, remembering everyone tell her it was her best move.

Just like all the other times Molly has tried to punch Robby, he blocked all of them. Hoping that Robby would be distracted guarding the upper half of his body, Molly lifted her leg to kicked Robby's side.

Robby caught her leg and went to pull it in hopes it would knock Molly to the ground but when Robby pulled her leg, Molly jumped, wrapping her other leg around Robby, bringing them both to the ground; Robby landed on his back and Molly was straddled on top of him.

Molly's fingers pressed against Robby's chest both to steady herself and to maintain her advantage in the match. Their breaths synchronized momentarily.

Jealousy gnawed at Hawk as stood on the sidelines with the rest of Cobra Kai watching Molly and Robby together. Hawk's eyes narrowed with envy, the sadness slowly taking over. Each second Molly stayed on top of Robby fueled his frustration and made his chest tighten in jealousy.

Despite trying to keep calm, Hawk struggled with his feelings. He clenched his fists harder, trying to contain the storm of emotions raging in him.

Molly and Robby were out of breath from their fall, both of their chest heaving to steady. Looking at each other, Robby's expression showed surprise turning into something more, admiring Molly's move.

Robby's attempt to shift beneath her knocked Molly out of whatever thought she was having. She blinked a couple times before her eyes widened and she immediately punched Robby in the stomach, earning her a point.

"Point! Preston!" The referee screamed, and Molly quickly got off of Robby as if he was on fire and burning her. She readjusted her gi and went back to her spot. "Scores two-two. Next point wins!"

Robby slowly got up and looked even more frazzled than Molly did. His cheeks and neck were tinged pink as he walked towards his spot across from Molly.

The two got in to their fighting stance and after a "Ready? Fight!" from the ref, their final match started.

Considering Molly had been using punches as her main defense the entire fight, she started this round with a kick. Considering how tall she was and her three years of gymnastics when she was younger, Molly was able to kick pretty high.

If Robby hadn't had ducked, Molly would've kicked him in the face and she would've one.

While Robby was bent down, he went to the floor completely and stuck his leg out. He swept Mollys legs and the girl collapsed to the floor.

Molly fell on her back and groaned and the burning pain traveling up and down her spine.

She shook off the pain as fast as she could when she saw Robby run at her. Mollys eyes widened as Robby raised his leg. Just as he was about to slam it down on her stomach and win, Molly rolled over.

As she rolled, Molly stuck her own leg out and swept Robby's feet. She quickly got on to her knees beside him. Molly raised her fist and threw it back down. When her fist was inches away from hitting Robby's chest, Robby slid his hand up and covered the spot Molly was about to hit.

Molly didn't notice that she had hit Robby's hand instead of his chest. She caught her breath and smiled, thinking she had won the fight.

But when the referee yelled "No point! Blocked!" Molly whipped her head up, her brows were furrowed in confusion.

In a moment of distraction, Molly didn't notice Robby sit up and punch her in the stomach until she felt the pain. Molly leaned forward and grabbed onto her stomach as Robby stood up.

"And there you have it, folks! Robby Keene is going to the semi-finals!" Daryl yelled as the crowd roared for Robby.

Robby stuck his arm out to help Molly up. Molly looked back and forth between Robby and his hand before she took his hand.

The boy pulled her up with ease and once she was standing, Robby smiled at her. "Good game." Robby said. His smile was soft and endearing. Molly slowly felt herself smiling along with the boy and she let out a small nervous laugh. "Good game." She muttered back to him.

i'm so excited to get more into them they're gonna be so cute
next chapter🤭🤭

guys i love molly and johnny so much

it's gonna be moli crumbs for a while💔😔

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