x. flowers from a friend

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It was the semi finals and Miguel and Hawk were competing against Robby and Xander Stone.

Molly honestly didn't know who of the four would win, but no matter what she was proud of the fact that two Cobra Kai's made it to the finals.

Miguel fought Xander first. Xander was a past champion and somehow, Miguel was keeping up with the boy.

"That's 2-1, Diaz."

Molly and Johnny both cheered, their hands in fists as they brought them to their sides. The two of them turned to each other and Johnny held his hands out, palms up. Molly swung her hands down and double high fives the man, proud of Miguel.

The two of them turned back to the stage and Johnny brought his hands to his mouth, cupping it so his voice would make it to Miguel when he screamed. "Stay on offense!"

"You got this!" Molly yelled and Miguel smiled at the two of them. He turned back to Xander and his "game face" took over.

"Ready, and fight!"

Xander ran at Miguel, doing a backflip in the process that Molly didn't even know was allowed. He landed perfectly in front of Miguel and just before he could punch Miguel in the chest, Miguel raised his leg and kicked Xander.

Molly screamed, jumping in the air in excitement. "Point! Winner!" The referee yelled and Molly, who was still on her excitement high, jumped and hugged the person beside her.

"Miguel Diaz is headed to the finals!"

Molly was a giggling mess, excited for her friends win. It wasn't until she felt the person in her arms tense that she came back into the real world. She immediately pulled away and her heart started to beat faster when she realized she had jumped into Hawks arms.

Her excited smile had turned into a nervous one as she looked into Hawks eyes. "Sorry." Was all Molly was able to muster up. Even though Molly had pulled away from her hug with Hawk, her arms were still draped around his shoulders and his arms were still settled on his waist.

"Next up, Hawk versus Keene." Daryl yelled. Molly gulped and shook her head. She pulled herself out of Hawks grasp and nodded her head. "Good luck."

Hawk just stared at Molly, who was no longer meeting his gaze, looking to ground instead. He looked to the mat and locked eyes with Robby, the Keene boys eyes glued on Molly. Hawks jaw clenched. He jumped on the mat and made way towards Robby.

The two boys bowed to the ref and each other and surprisingly, Robby was the first to make a move when the fight started. He ran towards Hawk, throwing as many kicks he could towards him. Hawk used it to his advantage and once Robby was close enough, he stuck his arm out in front of Robby's waist and knocked him down to the ground and punched him in the stomach.

"One point, Hawk."

The two boys walked back to their spots on the center of the mat. Hawk got into his fighting stance as Robby closed his eyes and looked as if he was starting to meditate. Molly squinted. "What is he doing?" She muttered to herself, intrigued with Robby's style of karate.

The referee called for next round and Robby quickly snapped out of his meditation and immediately blocked Hawk's kick. He pushed the boy away from him and stepped back.

Hawk ran for Robby, throwing a single kick at him that Robby blocked with his hand. Robby went to punch Hawk in the face, but Hawk leaned back and dodged it. Robby spun around and lifted his leg, kicking Hawk in the face instead.

Hawk fell to the ground and the referee raised his hand closest to Robby. "One point, Keene!" The referee screamed as Hawk started to get up off the ground. Robby turned his head and locked eyes with Molly. He winked before turning back to his opponent.

Molly was confused by the wink. She didn't know Robby that well for him to do that in her opinion.

But Hawk didn't see Mollys reaction to the wink. He only saw Robby wink at Molly and his anger started to grow. He got in Robby's face, mumbling a few words that no one on the sidelines could hear from where they stood. Molly tried her hardest to lip read, but gave up once she saw Robby mumble something back.

Robby turned to walk back to his spot on the stage and while his back was turned, Hawk ran up to Robby, kicking his shoulder. Robby screamed in pain and Molly gasped, her hands flying to her mouth as the referee pushed Hawk back. "Illegal contact! You're disqualified!"

Hawk pushed himself away from the referee. "This is bullshit!" He yelled as Johnny jumped on to the stage and ran for Robby. Molly's brows furrowed watching the man interact with the boy. Suddenly, Molly thought back to the night before.

"You live here?"

"It's a beaut. Isn't it?"

"Yeah... My dad lives there."

"Holy shit." Molly whispered, realization almost knocking her off her feet. She watched as the referee pulled Johnny off of Robby. Johnny walked backwards and rammed into Hawk. He slapped the boys chest and glared at him.

"What the hell were you thinking, man?" Johnny yelled, but Hawks glare didn't falter. He walked up to Johnny and scoffed as he got in his face. "What was I supposed to do? Be a pussy?" Hawk asked. He was close enough for Molly to hear him.

Molly looked at Hawk as he walked back towards her and the rest of the team with wide eyes. Just as he was about to hop off the stand and stand beside Molly, Molly stepped away from him.

That's when Hawks proud smirk faltered. He watched Molly as his eyes softened. She looked scared of him. Molly turned her head and watched Robby run out of the room and down the hall to the locker rooms.

Molly didn't give Hawk another look. Instead, she followed Robby.

"With that disqualification, Keene earns a trip to the finals. We'll see him back here after a short break." Daryl yelled as Molly walked down the hallway.

Her steps slowed as she got closer and closer to the locker room. Robby was sitting on one of the benches, rubbing his shoulder in pain. He hadn't noticed Molly yet.

"Are you okay?" Molly asked as she walked completely into the locker room. Robby's head shot up and he relaxed once he realized the person who had walked in was Molly.

He looked back down at his shoulder and groaned. It looked out of its socket. "My shoulder is killing me." He muttered as Molly walked further into the locker room.

She stood at the edge of the bench Robby sat on, not knowing if she should sit down or not.

"Can I check it out?" Molly offered. Her voice went a little higher than normal as the inner corner of her eyebrows raised. Robby looked up at Molly and chuckled. "Are you secretly a doctor or something?" He asked.

Molly dropped her head and felt her cheeks start to heat up in embarrassment. She raised her head again and smiled at Robby.

"No. But I want to be an EMT when I'm older. So I know a lot of the basic stuff. I can look at it and if you don't trust me I can run and get the medic." Molly suggested, pointing behind her to the way back into the arena.

Robby just stared at Molly. He couldn't decide whether or not he should get her help. On one hand, she was technically the enemy and he knew practically nothing about her. But on the other hand, he truly didn't think she'd do anything to him. Plus, Robby thought she was extremely pretty. He probably couldn't say no.

Robby slid further down the bench so there was space for Molly and gave her a small smile as an invitation to sit.

Molly sat down beside Robby as he moved the gi off his shoulder so she could get a good look at it. Molly touched the edge of Robby's shoulder, about to ask him if what she had done hurt, but before she could, Robby gasped in pain.

"Sorry." Molly muttered before she moved her hand and touched a part of his shoulder that was a couple of inches away from the nape of his neck. "Does this hurt?" She asked. Robby's eyes squinted for a second. "Not as much as the last spot." He said as he looked to Molly.

Their faces were inches apart and Mollys heart jumped at their closeness, growing uncomfortable. Molly immediately scooted herself a couple of inches away from Robby before she cleared her throat.

She looked down at Robby's shoulder and shook her head. "It's a slight dislocation, I can pop it back into place if you want." Molly said. She looked back up to the boy and pursed her lips.

Robby nodded his head and shut his eyes as tight as he could. "Do it." He muttered, waiting and ready for the pain. Molly watched Robby for a few seconds, part of her too terrified to pop his shoulder back into place. She may want to be an EMT, but she never has done this before.

Molly took a deep breath before she grabbed onto Robby's shoulder with both of her hands. Robby's eyes widened when he realized Molly would need both hands to pop his shoulder back into place.

"What? I don't get to hold your hand?" He asked. Molly, who was looking at Robby's shoulder and not his face, thought he was joking. She laughed and looked up at the boy. Her smile fell and her laughs stopped immediately once she realized Robby was serious.

Molly gave the boy a sideways frowned and tilted her head. "I need both my hands." She muttered slowly. Robby frowned and took a deep breath to calm his nerves.

It probably wasn't the best idea, but Molly used Robby's deep breath as an opportunity to pop Robby's shoulder into place, hoping it would be like ripping off a bandaid and it would be unexpected.

Robby coughed at pain, trying his hardest not to scream especially since it took him by surprise. Molly smiled, proud that she did it. "There we go." Molly muttered. She wiped her hands and sighed. "You're gonna feel it for the next few weeks."

Robby moved his shoulder around and smiled at Mollys work. It still hurt, but not as bad. He looked up at Molly and his smile widened. He was just grateful he can keep fighting now. "Thanks, Doc. Appreciate it." Robby chuckled out. Molly laughed with him, nodding her head. When her laugh died down, she smiled at Robby. "No problem."

Someone clearing their throat from the doorway made Molly and Robby turn their heads and saw Daniel LaRusso in the doorway. Robby turned his head to Molly and cleared his throat, making Molly turn to him.

"I'll see you out there?" Robby asked. Molly, sensing that Robby wanted her to leave, quickly nodded her head. "Yeah." Molly said. She immediately stood up and started walking back into the main room. Molly was too nervous to look at Daniel as she walked by him, worried that he'd think they were doing something, but stopped after he passed him.

Molly turned around and faced Robby. "Good luck out there."


"This is it, folks. The moment we've all been waiting for. The final match to determine who will be victor and champion. Will it be Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kai Karate?"

The audience and Cobra Kai roared for Miguel, making the Diaz boy on stage smirk cockily.

"Will it be Robby Keene, unaffili—" Daryl was cut off by a woman running on stage and whispering in his ear.

Mollys brows furrowed as Daryl's eyes widened. He whispered something to her and the woman nodded. Immediately, Daryl turned back to the audience, a huge excited smile on his face. "Daniel LaRusso is gonna coach!"

Mollys jaw dropped and the audience erupted in wither whispers or cheers as Daryl continued. "I'm sorry, folks, there's been a change. Robby Keene will now be fighting for Miyagi-Do Karate with former champion Daniel LaRusso as his sensei! How about that? Good luck, gentlemen."

The two boys bowed to the referee and then faced each other and bowed. "Fighting positions." The referee started and once he knew both of the boys were ready, he stepped back. "And fight!"

Robby almost immediately earned a point by pushing away all of Miguel punches, leaving his chest open and kicking him in the stomach.

"Point!" The referee yelled. Miguel huffed in anger. He walked towards his spot on the stage as all of Cobra Kai started to cheer for him.

"No mercy!" Aisha yelled from the other side of Hawk as Johnny clapped his hands. "Remember the pitching machine. Don't get hit." Johnny screamed as the two boys got ready to fight.

"Ready? And fight!"

Miguel ran at Robby and raised his leg to kick the boy. Robby ducked to dodge Miguel's kick. While Robby's back was exposed, Miguel brought his leg down and kicked the back of Robby's shoulder. Miguel immediately used it to his advantage and punched the boy in the stomach.

"One point!"

Molly watched Miguel with wide eyes. She was shocked that Miguel was using Robby's injury as a way to win.


Miguel ran at Robby again. This time, he swung punches at the Keene boy left and right.

Robby blocked one of Miguel's punches by pushing it away. Doing that, Robby shoulder became an open target for Miguel. From the sidelines, Molly started nervously biting her nails again, silently hoping the Miguel didn't hit Robby's shoulder.

Miguel did end up punching Robby's shoulder. The Keene boy bent down in pain and Miguel swept his legs. As soon as Robby hit the ground, Miguel knelt beside him and punched him in the stomach.


"That makes it two points for Diaz." Daryl yelled.

Molly watched nervously as the two boys got into their positions. Robby took a deep breath and he closed his eyes. He brought his hands to his chest to meditate again.

"And fight!"

Miguel ran at Robby, letting out a war cry. Robby's eyes shot open just as Miguel reached him. Robby blocked every single punch and kick Miguel threw at him, not even lifting his injured arm to do it. Molly watched in amazement. She didn't realize it, but there was a small smile on her face and a sparkle in her eyes as she watched Robby.

When Miguel went to punch Robby again, Robby grabbed onto Miguel's arm and threw him off to the side. Miguel collapsed out of bounds and the referee immediately threw his hands in the air. "No point. Out of bounds."

The two boys walked back to their positions and got into their fighting stances. "Ready? And fight!"

Miguel ran at Robby, using both of his hands to push Robby's bad shoulder. Molly gasped as Robby fell to his knees. Miguel didn't waste a second raising his leg and kicking Robby's shoulder.

Robby did a backwards somersault out of Miguels kick. He weakly landed on his back as Miguel stomped towards him. Miguel raised his leg to kick Robby in the stomach, but Robby rolled away and got onto his knees.

Using his good hand, Robby jumped up, raising both of his legs and kicking Miguel in the chest. Molly's jaw fell at the move as Miguel fell onto his back.

Robby took slow steps towards Miguel. Once he was right in front of the boy, Robby stuck his good arm out to help Miguel up.

Miguel angrily lifted his head to look at the boy. He reached up and pulled down on Robby's bad arm. Robby collapsed to the floor and screamed in pain.

The entire arena started to boo Miguel as the ref ran towards the two boys, pulling Miguel away from Robby. Molly's heart sank and her stomach started to feel queasy just from imagining all the pain Robby must be feeling. She swallowed to sooth her dry throat. "I think I'm gonna be sick." Molly muttered, placing a shaky hand to her stomach.

The two boys got into the fighting positions. Miguel was practically bouncing and Molly couldn't tell if it was from adrenaline or anger.

"It's 2-2. Next point wins." The referee said. He raised his hands and threw it back down. "And fight!"

Robby raised his left leg to kick Miguel, but Miguel caught it. Molly slowly started to shake her head when she realized Miguel had the perfect opportunity to hit Robby's shoulder again. "Don't do it..." Molly whispered.

Miguel, fueled off of anger at the thought that the boy in front of him was with Sam behind his back, let out a roar cry. He raised his own leg and kicked Robby in the shoulder.

Molly stepped back and out of the row the rest of her team stood in as she watched her best friend in horror and disappointment.

Robby stumbled back at the painful fifth hit to his injured shoulder. Miguel, showing no signs of guilt or regret, kicked Robby in the chest.

The cheers echoing through Molly's ears muffled as she watched the referee walk towards Miguel and raise his hand in the air. Molly couldn't hear the mans words, but based off reading his lips and common sense, Molly could've sworn the man yelled "Winner!"

Molly already hated loud things in small spaces so this on top of watching Miguel fight, Molly was not feeling good.

She was about to turn and run away towards the bathrooms to hide and calm down, but before she could, Aisha, who didn't notice Molly's state, grabbed onto Molly's her and excitedly started to drag her into onto the stage to congratulate Miguel.

"Who saw that coming? I know I didn't. Without further ado, let me present the trophy to this year's new champion, Miguel Diaz and the Cobra Kai dojo!"

All of Cobra Kai crowded Miguel. Miguel spotted Molly in the crowd of students and smiled wider. He reached out and grabbed onto her, pulling her into a hug.

Molly accepted the hug. Sure, she was bummed how Miguel won, but she was still happy he did win. Plus, hugs and tight pressure around her helped ease her anxiety so she took the hug immediately.

"Miguel! Is there anything you want to say to the people, son?" Daryl asked as he walked towards the boy. He handed Miguel the mic and Miguel laughed. "I just want to say that if it wasn't for my sensei, I wouldn't be here, so this is for Sensei Johnny Lawrence and Cobra Kai!"

The audience and Cobra Kai started to cheer again at Miguel words. Daryl took the mic from Miguel as all of Cobra Kai started to chant their team name.

Miguel let go of Molly to chant with the rest of the team and Molly started to feel the anxious feeling in her stomach again. She looked around the arena and noticed that a lot of the audience and other teams were starting to walk out of the arena.

Molly followed after them, thinking that if anyone on her team asked her why she was outside, she'd tell them she needed fresh air.

As soon as Molly walked though the front doors and was outside, she felt a lot better. It was the beginning of summer in the LA valley so it wasn't cold, but the arena was stuffy and the outside air was not.

She to the left of the doors and leaned against the wall. Molly reached for her pocket to grab her phone and groaned when she didn't feel it there. She groaned and leaned her head back as she remembered she left it in the locker rooms with Aisha's things.

"Molly?" A voice asked from the doors and Molly turned to the voice. A few feet away from her stood Robby and Daniel, both of them confused as to why she wasn't inside celebrating with the rest of her team.

"Why aren't inside with the rest of Cobra Kai?" Robby asked and Molly rolled her eyes. She looked ahead of her as the two walked towards her. "It got too loud in there. Had to take a breather."

She turned back to Daniel and Robby and realized both men were watching her worriedly. Molly quickly shook her head and gave them a reassuring smile. "Oh, I'm okay. This happens a lot. I'm trying to work on it."

Daniel watched Molly with a small sparkle in his eyes. Throughout the whole All Valley, Molly caught his eye and he could tell she wasn't liking all of Cobra Kai's teachings.

"Molly, was it?" Daniel asked, sticking his hand out for Molly to shake. The girl quickly shook the man's hand, part of her nervous as if she was meeting a celebrity. "Yes, sir." She quickly said as they dropped their hands and Daniel smiled.

"You did very well out there. You've got one hell of a punch." Daniel said and Molly smiled. She nodded her head proudly.

"I've been told."

Daniel nodded his head and turned to Robby. He patted the boys back and gestured his head in the direction of his parked car. "I'll meet you at the car?" He asked and Robby nodded his head. Daniel nodded back and turned to Molly. He smiled as a silent goodbye and Molly immediately returned it.

Once Daniel left the two teens, Molly didn't know what to say to Robby. Now that she thought about it, she didn't really know Robby that much. Not enough to just sit and have a conversation with him.

"I'm sor—" "You don't have to apologize, Molly. You didn't do anything wrong." Robby interrupted, laughing a little at the fact that Molly didn't know what to say. He didn't blame her though, he also didn't know what to talk with her about. But he did want to get to know her more.

For the time being, Robby put that thought on a pause. "I should probably go though. Your team could come out any minute and would lose it if they saw you with me." Robby said and Molly nodded, cringing a little at the thought of Miguel or Hawk seeing her talking with him. She knew he was right.

Robby raised his eyebrows and gave her a hopeful smile. "Could I maybe get your number before I go?" He asked. Molly smiled. She had to admit, since meeting the boy, she has wanted to become his friend. Molly was just grateful that he asked for her number so she wouldn't have to seem odd for searching him up online.

"Yeah. Of course." Molly said and Robby smiled. He pulled his phone out of his gi pocket and opened the contacts app. Once his screen was open to the new contacts page, he handed Molly the phone.

Molly took the boys phone out of his hands and typed her phone number in followed by her first and last name. She handed Robby his phone and he put it back in his pocket.

"I'll see you around." Robby said, starting to walk in the direction of where Daniel headed and Molly smiled after him. "See ya!"

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" Demetri yelled from behind her.

Molly smiled and turned around at the sound of Demetri's voice. Demetri had walked over to Molly fairly quickly because as soon as Molly turned around, she was in a hug. She felt something he was holding touch her back, but she ignored it for the time being. She needed a hug anyway.

"Sorry. It was too loud in there." Molly said and Demetri scoffed he pulled away from their hug and shook his head as if to say it was okay that Molly left.

"It's okay. I was starting to feel my eardrums get a little sore as well." Demetri reassured. He reached up and pulled on his ear with his free hand.

Molly finally looked down to see what Demetri was holding and she raised her eyebrows when she saw it was a bouquet of flowers. Molly looked back up at Demetri and smiled. "Who are those for?"

Demetri looked down at the flowers and smiled. "They're for you." He said, handing the flowers to Molly.

Mollys jaw dropped and her eyes were wide as she looked up at Demetri. Slowly, she took the flowers out his hands and smiled down at them. "What?" She whispered under her breath.

Demetri looked down at Molly and the flowers and shrugged. "Well, I know you said your parents couldn't make it." Demetri started, making Molly look up at him as he continued. "And I talked with Delaney and she said she couldn't come since it was too short notice."

Molly looked back down at the flowers and smiled at them.

"I want to make sure you know that even though so some of the people who care about you couldn't show, one did." He said. Molly looked back up at Demetri and pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you, Demetri." Molly muttered and Demetri smiled. He pulled away from their hug and wrapped a lazy arm around Mollys shoulders. "It was no biggie. Had to make sure I bought flowers I could be around for an extensive period of time. You know how my allergies get." He said and Molly nodded.

"Anyway, I talked to everyone else and they want to do a victory dinner to celebrate tongiht. You up for it?" Demetri asked.

Molly sighed as she thought about the invitation. On one hand, Hawk, her ex of less than 24 hours would be there and she'd have to hang out with him, but on the other hand, she would get major fomo if she didn't go.

She looked up at Demetri with slightly annoyed eyes, knowing that she was going to cave in. "Is Aisha going?"

Demetri immediately nodded. "She planned it." He said and Molly sighed. "I'll go." She whispered and Demetri cheered obnoxiously. Molly laughed, hitting Demetri's side with her shoulder. "But text her and tell her she still has my phone. If they start texting and I don't answer, they're gonna think I got kidnapped or killed again."

"Again?!" Demetri asked, looking down at Molly with a confused look. Molly rolled her eyes, a small smile on her face. "You were the only one that texted me asking if I got home safely last night. So when I wasn't here, everyone thought something horrible happened to me."

Demetri looked ahead of him and finally spotted his mom's car. He scoffed as he and Molly reached the car and he opened the back door for Molly. "Well, I guess I'm just the best." He said and Molly laughed.

She got into the car and Demetri closed the door after her and got into the front seat. "Sure. The best."

emily speaks...


had to tell myself the moli just broke up less than 24 hours ago and molly can't get all 🤭 around robby yet😔💔

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