xi. mourning til morning

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Demetri and Molly made it to Applebees before the rest of the group. The two of them requested a table for five; Molly, Demetri, Miguel, Hawk, and Aisha. Their waiter led them to their table and said they'd be back once the whole party was there.

It was only around five minutes before the rest of the group arrived. Miguel, Molly and Demetri squeezed into one side of the booth while Aisha and Hawk sat on the other side.

Molly had to admit, thoughout the tournament, she did not listen to Johnnys advice on getting Hawk back. To be frank, Molly still wasn't sure what the man meant by that so she took as best as she could understand.

Which is why as soon as the dinner started, Molly acted as if nothing was wrong. She acted like Hawk and her hadn't broken up just the night prior and instead, put on a fake smile.

They ordered their appetizers, nachos for the table and mozzarella sticks Molly and Miguel would share. When it was time to order drinks, Hawk attempted to get alcohol for the table, but the waitress caught onto Hawks fake ID and took it away.

As soon as the appetizers made it to the table, Miguel excused himself to sit alone at another table. Molly ignored it, knowing that he was just getting out a breakup like she was and in about an hour, she may need to leave the table to be away from Hawk too.

"So you might be wondering what a team does after they win the championship. The answer? Victory nachos!" Aisha cheered to her instagram story, turning her camera around to face her friends and the nachos.

Molly and Hawk both grabbed a nacho and raised them into the air as cheers for Aisha.

Aisha turned the camera back around to her and gave her followers a frown. "It was supposed to be a round of drinks, but the waitress was not feeling Hawk's fake ID." She said as Hawk took a bite of his chip.

Immediately, Hawks face dropped and he looked up at Aisha. "Hey, don't talk about that. My parents follow you." Hawk said and Aisha cringed.

"Sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Moskowitz." She apologized. She quickly ended the video and sat back down beside Hawk.

"I gotta say, it's nice to be at a victory party." Demetri said, a satisfied smile on his face as he nodded his head and grabbed a nacho. Just as he was about to place the chip in his mouth, Hawk, who sat directly across from him, leaned over and snatched the chip out of his hands.

"Yeah, except you had nothing to do with the victory." Hawk chuckled out, eating the chip.

Molly grabbed a mozzarella stick from her basket and took a bite. Her eyes widened at the cheese pull, shocked that the cheese had stretched so far. She squealed, catching Aisha's full attention and the two boys attention for just a second. They laughed at Mollys excitement as Aisha quickly pulled out her phone to snap a photo.

"Well, then I consider it a belated party for the coding competition we won at computer camp." Demetri said just as Mollys cheese broke. Molly frowned, but quickly cleaned herself up and ate the rest of her mozzarella stick as she groaned.

"Ugh, don't remind me." She said, jumping into the conversation. Molly looked up at Demetri with an annoyed look. "You two beat me in that competition by 0.1 second." Molly complained, making the two boys smile proudly.

"And then you guys bragged about it with the godforsaken song." Molly groaned, rolling her eyes. She stopped once she realized she couldn't remember the melody of the song. Molly shifted in her seat and furrowed her eyebrows at Demetri. "What was it again?"

Demetri smiled ear to ear as he sat up further in his seat so he was towering over his friends. "Demetri and Eli. Binary Brothers!" Demetri sang, doing the robot dance to accompany the lyrics.

Molly and Aisha laughed at the song and dance moves. Hawk looked between the two girls laughing and clenched his jaw. He couldn't tell if they were laughing at him or not.

He kicked his foot out and hit Demetri's, making the boy jump a little in his seat. "Cool it with the nerd shit, huh?" Hawk threatened, killing the mood.

Molly and Aisha's laughs stopped almost instantly. Molly started to frown as she watched Hawk in front of her. She didn't understand why he got so defensive so fast. Molly had known about that song for almost a year and Aisha wouldn't never make fun of him maliciously.

Molly obviously didn't last the hour around Hawk like she'd hoped she would. She swallowed the growing lump in her throat and looked around the restaurant awkwardly. When Molly saw Miguel sitting a couple tables away, she grabbed her basket of mozzarella sticks and got out of the booth.

"I'll... be right back." She muttered as she started to leave. She felt all three teens eyes watching the back of her head as she walked away before the sound of someone smacking someone's arm echoed behind her.

"Nice going, tough guy. You made her leave!" Demetri complained just as Molly reached Miguel's table. "There you are." She groaned out as she pulled herself on the tall seat and placed the basket of mozzarella sticks on the table.

Once she was seated properly, Molly turned to the glum looking Miguel and gave him a small smile. "This is how you celebrate a first-place trophy?" She asked.

Miguel hadn't looked up from his phone since Molly came over. He sighed and handed her the device. "She blocked me." He said as Molly took the phone that was opened to instagram. Sam LaRusso username was in the search bar and no accounts came up under it.

Molly sighed. She placed Miguel's phone on the table, screen down and gave Miguel a lopsided smile. "Give her time. Let her cool off. And then talk to her. Explain yourself." She then let out a small scoff and tilted her head.

"For Gods sake, apologize!" Molly snapped, hoping to knock some sense into Miguel. The Diaz boy sighed, rolling his eyes. Molly frowned. She knew how Miguel's as feeling. She was going through a break up too.

"Look, all I'm saying is don't give up." Molly said, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder as Hawk started to walk over to check on the two of them.

Neither of the teens noticed Hawk walking over. Miguel shook his head in a saddened defeat. "It's no use. I blew any shot I had with her." Miguel muttered sadly.

Hawk pulled the chair from the other side of Miguel and across from Molly out. He sat down with the two of them as Molly shook her head. "Just give Sam some time. She'll come around." Molly reassured.

"Or she won't." Hawk added. Molly, keeping her eyes on Miguel, clenched her jaw and kicked Hawks leg.

Hawk winced in pain and turned to Molly with wide eyes. The Preston girl continued to keep her eyes on Miguel, not looking at Hawk.

Hawk rolled his eyes and turned back to Miguel. "You're the champ now. You can get any chick in the Valley you want. You're like Drake. Enjoy it." Hawk said with a smirk. He got out of his chair and walked back towards Aisha and Demetri.

Miguel watched Hawk leave and once the boy was at the other table, Miguel sighed and turned back to Molly. He looked to her with sad eyes and shook his head. "I'm not sure I wanna be Drake."

Molly immediately shook her head, a small laugh leaving her lips. "Don't worry, you're not." She said before Hawks words settled in her head.

He could get any "chick" in the Valley he wanted just as much as Miguel could. He was single now after all.

Molly felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. She attempted to swallow the lump forming in her throat, but it only made the feeling in her gut worse.

She sighed and looked down at her hands in her lap. "At least now I know how Hawks taking our breakup." Molly muttered sadly.

Miguel's head shot up, looking at Molly with wide eyes. "Wait. What?"

Molly shut her eyes, realizing Miguel didn't know about the breakup. None of her friends did except Demetri.

"You two broke up? When?" Miguel asked and Molly opened her eyes, looking at the mozzarella sticks on the table instead of Miguel. "Last night."

Suddenly, it all clicked for Miguel. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he stared at Molly. "That's why you didn't drive home with us." He whispered and Molly nodded. Miguel's shocked face started to contort into one of disgust and confusion.

"And why you showed up late to the All Valley." He whispered quickly. Suddenly, his eyes widened and Miguel glared at Molly. "You almost skipped the All Valley because of him?" Miguel asked, his voice filled with disgust.

Molly was a little shocked at Miguel quick change of demeanor towards Hawk. She looked up at him and furrowed her eyebrows.

Miguel jaw fell again and he leaned forward in his seat so he was closer to Molly. "Wait. Who broke up with who?" He whispered, wanting to make sure Hawk couldn't hear him.

Molly fell into the back of her chair, her shoulders slumping. She was about to answer before she squinted and stopped herself. Molly pursed her lips. "I mean... technically... I broke up with him." Molly said, her voice high pitch as if she was asking a question.

Miguel's eyes double in size and his jaw fell again. Molly quickly shook her head. "But he was the one that wanted it, but I said it."

Miguel frowned. He tilted his head sympathetically and put his hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Molly sighed. She looked back to her original table. Her eyes licked with Hawks and Molly felt her heart rate pick up yet sink at the same time. She turned back to Miguel and frowned. "Nope." She grabbed one of her mozzarella sticks from the tray and took a bite. "Not at all."


After their celebratory dinner, Aisha's mom drove everyone home. Miguel and Molly were dropped off first since they lived closest to the restaurant.

Miguel hesitated walking into his own apartment, watching Molly walk towards the stairs. "You gonna be okay?" Miguel asked, making Molly stop walking. She turned around to face him and Miguel frowned.

"I can stay with you tonight. Keep you company." Miguel said. Molly smiled. It was bittersweet. She shook her head at Miguel. "I'll be okay. Thank you though." She whispered, not wanting to wake up their neighbors.

Molly continued walking towards the stairwell doors. She didn't hear Miguel walk into his home, but she thought nothing of it. Just as she opened the door and was about to walk upstairs, Miguel spoke up.

"I love you, Molly. And I'm always gonna be here for you."

Molly smiled at the boys words. She turned her head to face him and gave him a smile; a real smile. "Thank you, Miguel. I love you too." She then raised her eyebrows playfully. "And I'm always gonna be here for you too."

Miguel dropped his head and laughed. Molly smiled at the boy and walked up the stairs. By the time she was at the second floor, she heard Miguel's door close.

Molly unlocked her door and walked into her home. It was quiet, but she expected it. Her moms weren't gonna be home for another two days.

She closed the door behind her and locked it. As soon as the door was locked, Molly let out a shaky breath. The reality of the recent breakup hit her like a tidal wave, crashing into her vulnerable emotions.

The silence amplified the ache in her chest. Tears welled up, the weight of the breakup pressed down on her, and she felt an overwhelming mix of sadness and loneliness. She tried to catch her breath, but all it did was push her emotions out.

Molly sobbed, pressing a forceful hand to her chest to stop the heartache she was feeling. It was palpable, her sobs echoing in the hushed room as she walked towards her bedroom.

Molly's footsteps echoed through the quiet house. The heaviness in her heart intensified with every sinking footstep. Tears streamed down her face, as she navigated through the dimly lit hallway to her room.

Entering her room, Molly couldn't escape the memories that lingered in every corner. The laughter, shared secrets, and stolen kisses that now felt like fragments of a distant dream.

Approaching her closet to change into her pajamas, Molly's breath caught in her throat at what was hanging with all of her clothes.

Eli's sweaters, once a source of comfort, now triggered a torrent of sorrow. She reached out and ran her fingers over the fabric.

The decision to change into Eli's old clothes as pajamas became an emotional battleground for Molly. A part of her yearned for the familiarity of Eli's sweaters, a desperate attempt to cling to the love that she just lost. With trembling hands, she pulled one of his sweaters from the hanger, holding it close to her chest. The scent of his cologne lingered even still.

Dressing in Eli's old sweater and sweatpants, Molly felt the weight of the past enveloping her. It was as if she could still feel his presence, feel as if the sweater was him, enveloping her into a hug and d apologizing for the night at the canyons.

She curled up on her bed, the fabric eased the girl through the heartbreaking truth that Eli was no her boyfriend. The tears continued to flow and her breathing continued to stagger and shake, reaching for air to hold onto to calm herself.


Molly spent the next day continuing mourning her breakup that Johnny had interrupted to take her to the All Valley. She invited Aisha over, deciding to finally tell the girl about her breakup.

Aisha was quick to comfort the girl and stayed with her the whole day. They watched movies, ate ice cream, and Molly cried as she laid in Aisha's lap. By the end of the night, Aisha offered to sleep her over, but Molly declined the girls offer, saying she'd be okay and see her at karate the next day.

Molly needed to get as many feelings she had towards her and Hawks breakup out of her system before then.

She spent the rest of her night treating herself; doing an everything shower, taking a relaxing bath, anything that would make her feel better.

And by the time she was ready to lay down, Robby texted Molly asking if she'd want to FaceTime. Molly answered his question by calling him herself.

The two talked for hours and Robby was really helping Molly feel better.

He helped her forget about Hawk.

Robby let Molly complain about Hawk and having to go to karate the next day. He let her talk until she was too tired to and fell asleep.

The next day, She walked into the Cobra Kai dojo right before class started. Miguel had sent her a text earlier in the day as a heads up saying that Hawk was gonna come over and they would walk over together. Molly waited until the boys left, waited five more minutes before she left.

She wasn't expecting her dojo to be completely trashed, a mirror broken, a wall burnt, and Johnny in a bad mood.

By the time karate was over, Johnny had cooled off and decided that he would give his students a homework assignment.

It wasn't anything too big; they just had to watch a movie. What upset Molly was that it was a group decision to that they all go to Hawks house and watch the movie. Miguel, Hawk, and Aisha decided to watch the movie at the Moskowitz's boy house even after Molly had sent glares to Miguel and Aisha.

Molly reluctantly said she'd go, not wanting to watch the movie alone.

Molly was the first one in the group to get her shoes on, grab her things, and head outside. As soon as the summer air hit her, she threw her head back and sighed. She always loved the summer. As crazy as it sounded, the heat always made her feel better. The cold was too gloomy for her. She didn't mind that Los Angeles could get so hot during summer, she just loved the sun.

"Hey, Molly!"

Molly lifted her head and turned to the voice that called her name, immediately smiling at Robby standing near the mini mart in the strip mall. She looked into the dojo, and saw that the group—more specifically Miguel and Hawk—still hadn't even put their shoes on. She had time to talk to Robby before they came out.

"What are you doing here?" Molly asked as she walked towards him. Robby pushed his hands into his front pockets and shrugged. He had a small smile on his face, but struggled to meet Mollys eyes.

Molly could've sworn he was blushing.

"Figured I could walk you to your place. I know it's not that far from here."

Molly smiled at the gesture. She looked behind her to the dojo doors and saw Aisha walk out. Aisha's eyes widened when she saw who Molly was talking to.

Seconds later, Hawk and Miguel started walking out of the dojo and Aisha, not wanting anything to happen, quickly turned to the boys to distract them.

Molly turned back to Robby, giving him a lopsided smile. "I'd love to, but we were all gonna head to Hawk's house to watch some movie called Over the Top. Your dad wants us to be ready to discuss it by tomorrow."

Robby's eyes widened at Mollys words. He didn't tell her who her dad was, just that he lived in the same building as her. How did she know?

"Oh, please. It's so obvious Johnny Lawrence is your dad." Molly said before she shook her head, a small reassuring smile on her face. "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone."

Robby looked at Molly for a couple of seconds, trying to read her face and see if she was lying. He truly didn't see any tell that would let him know if Molly was lying and he slowly nodded, deciding to trust her.

He looked past Molly to Hawk. He squinted for a second before he turned back to Molly. He smiled, part of it resembling a smirk. "How about... we watch it together?" He asked and Molly laughed.

"What?" Molly asked, her eyebrows furrowed a little, but Robby just smiled. "Yeah, we can head to your house and watch it." He suggested, a small hopeful smile on his face as he smiled up at Molly.

Molly slowly started to smile as she thought about the idea. Either she could go to her exes house and watch the movie with him and their friends who will probably make her and Hawk sit next to each other as an attempt to get them back together or she could go back to her house and watch the movie with her new friend.

Molly decided to go with the latter. She straightened up a little and her smile widened as she nodded to Robby. "Okay. Yeah, sure." Molly said, making Robby's smile double in size. She pointed behind her to Aisha, Miguel, and Hawk. "Let me just tell the others?"

Robby's shoulders slumped and he cringed. "Do you have to?" He asked. Molly held back a laugh. She didn't want to as much as he didn't want her to.

Her head dropped as she finally laughed, her shoulders shaking as she did so. She looked up at Robby, still laughing. "Last time I didn't tell them where I was going, they all thought I got kidnapped and murdered so yes, I have to."

Robby sighed, knowing that Molly was right. Molly turned around and started walking towards Miguel, Aisha, and Hawk. All three of them were watching her and Robby. Miguel and Hawk both glared at the boy while Aisha had an amused smile.

"Hey, I'm gonna... head back to my place." Molly said, but both boys ignored her words, both of them still stuck in the fact that Molly was talking to Robby Keene.

"What about the movie?" Aisha asked. Molly quickly shook her head reassuringly. "Oh. It's okay. I'll watch it with Robby." Molly said, finally giving Miguel and Hawk the opportunity to ask about Robby.

"And what are you doing with Robby Keene?" Miguel asked. His voice was low so the Keene boy didn't hear him as he squinted at Molly. Hawk took a small step forward so he was side by side with Miguel. "Yeah. Since when did you become friends with him?" He asked as he nodded to Robby.

Hawk question sounded a little more aggressive. A little more jealous.

Molly tilted her head at Hawk. Considering he didn't try talking to her at Applebees or at practice, she was annoyed that this was when he decided to talk to her. A small smirk took over her face as she remembered her senseis words.

Get him back.

"We met the other night at the canyons. He drove me home." Molly said, her smirk growing when she saw Hawk clench his jaw.

Molly turned to Aisha and Miguel. Miguel started to notice Molly was trying to upset Hawk and his anger cooled off. She clapped her hands, and started to walk away from the group. "So, I will be heading home. You all enjoy Over the Top." She turned to Aisha and raised her eyebrows.

"We can call tonight and talk about it?" Molly asked and Aisha immediately chuckled, nodding her head crazily. "Oh, we're gonna need to talk about something."

Molly bit her inner cheek and nodded her head. She gave the three one more smile before she turned back completely and walked towards Robby.

"You ready to go?" Molly asked and Robby smiled up at her, nodding his head. Hawk watched the two with a glare. He wanted to talk to Molly about their breakup. He wanted to work things out with her.

He wanted to take it all back.

Watching Molly and Robby walk out of the strip mall, laughing and smiling at each other, Hawk felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. His jaw unclenched and he looked to the ground.

He really fucked up.


As Molly and Robby walked towards Mollys house, Molly finally noticed Robby was holding a skateboard in his hand furthest from her.

"I didn't know you skateboard." Molly said. She had always wanted to learn how to skateboard, but her moms never let her, saying she could get hurt.

If only they saw her now...

Robby looked down at his skateboard before he looked back up at Molly. "Have been for years. Do you?"

Molly decided not to trauma dump on the boy, so instead she laughed. "This is my first summer in five years where I won't be at computer camp. Does that sound like I know how to skateboard?" She asked, laughing as she spoke.

Robby scoffed out his own laugh, looking ahead of him. "God, I'm friends with a complete and total nerd." He whispered and Molly punched Robby in the arm, holding back her own smile.

The two of them laughed. Robby turned to Molly and raised his eyebrows, smiling. "I could teach you if you want?" He asked. Mollys eyes widened. She turned her head to Robby with a hopeful glint in her eyes. "Really?"

Robby felt a small flutter in his stomach at the sight of Molly smiling at him. He gently nodded his head. "Yeah. We can plan some time. We both have karate we'll have to schedule around, but I could teach you."

Molly gave Robby a confused smile. "Mr. LaRussos still teaching you karate?" She asked. Robby nervously looked to the ground and nodded his head.

"Yeah, it's a long walk to get to the dojo but," Robby shrugged and turned back to Molly. "I manage."

Molly frowned a little. "How longs the walk?"

Robby hissed as he thought about it. He turned back to Molly and cringed a little. "About an hour and a half." He said and Mollys jaw dropped. She let out a shocked laugh and crazily shook her head.

"Dude, you are not walking there everyday. I'll give you a ride." Molly offered, hitting Robby's arm.

Robby immediately started to shake his head, looking to the ground nervously. "No, I can't ask you to do that." He said and Molly smirked, bumping his shoulder with hers. "Good thing I'm not asking."

Robby chuckled before a thought came into his head. If Molly has a car, why wasn't she driving to the dojo? And why didn't she drive to the canyon party?

"Do you even have a car?" Robby asked, his voice laced with sarcasm as he tauntingly raised his eyebrows. Molly scoffed out a laugh, looking ahead of them "No..." She started, making Robby laugh.

Molly quickly turned to Robby to defend herself. "But my drivers test is tomorrow and there's no way I'm not passing it. So when I do, I'll drive you."

Robby laughed at Molly commitment. He nodded his head, and turned to Molly, a big smile on his face. "Okay, sounds like a deal. You drive my to karate and I'll teach you how to skateboard."

Mollys smile widened as she let out an excited hum. "Perfect!"

emily speaks...

and miguel and molly🤧🤧

anywho get ready for some really angsty moli with angry jealous hawk and gaslight gatekeep girlboss molly because it's gonna be SO....
just grab your popcorn everyone this season is gonna be GOOOOOOOOD

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