xii. drivers test

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Molly sat at her kitchen island, finishing up her bowl of cereal while she waited for Johnny to come pick her up and take her to get her drivers license.

She wasn't nervous. She had been practicing a lot with Johnny, her moms, and Miguel's mom so she was pretty confident. Her moms would've driven her to her test today, but their flight got delayed the day prior and they'd be landing later today.

A loud knock on Molly's front door made the girl get out of her seat and walk towards her sink.

"Wake the hell up, Preston! We got to get to the DMV!" Johnny yelled, still banging on the door as Molly put her dirty dishes in the sink. She walked to the door with a smile on her face.

She opened her door, Johnny immediately stopping once he saw Molly. "Holy shit, you're actually ready." He muttered and Molly huffed, walking out of her apartment and locking the door behind her.

"Are we going to Van Nuys or Winnetka?" Johnny asked as they walked down the stairs. "Winnetka. Van Nuys is always too crowded." Molly answered and Johnny hummed as a reply.

As they walked towards the parking lot, Molly's steps slowed. Her eyebrows knitted together and her lips pulled down into a frown. "Where's your car?" Molly asked, looking up at Johnny beside her once she didn't see his red Pontiac.

Johnny smirked. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a new set of Challenger keys. He clicked the keys and a loud beep from further down the parking lot made Molly turn her head.

Quickly, she walked down the road and her jaw dropped when she saw a black Challenger with the Cobra Kai logo all across it. An excited laugh left her lips as Johnny finally caught up to her.

"Holy shit!" She screamed. She turned to Johnny beside her, a big grin on his face as he nodded. "Badass, huh?"

Molly turned back tot he car, nodding her head slowly. "Uh huh." She answered. Johnny chuckled, tossing Molly the keys. "Sweet. Cause you're driving it to the DMV." Johnny said, walking towards the passenger door.

Molly's eyes widened, walking tot eh drivers door. "Really?" She asked and Johnny nodded.

As Johnny climbed into the car, Molly did a small little happy dance. It last a total of three seconds before she got into the car.

Johnny was extremely comfortable with Molly's driving. She didn't go to slow, but she didn't make him need to grab the "oh shit" handle.

The reason why Johnny was uncomfortable in the car with Molly now was the fact that Miguel had ranted to him the night prior that Molly had been hanging out with Robby Keene and after his advice to her about "getting Hawk back" he was worried Molly was going to use Robby to do that.

Johnny nervously cleared his throat as Molly drove. He turned to Molly and tilted his head. "Diaz has been telling me that you're friends with Robby Keene now. When did that happen?"

Molly held back a snort. She licked her teeth and kept her eyes on the road as she slowly nodded her head. "Since the night before the All Valley. Or just... the All Valley more specifically."

Johnny mumbled a short "mhm" that made Molly roll her eyes. Johnny cleared his throat again. He went to rest his elbow on the windowsill of the car, but his elbow slid right off, making him more uncomfortable. "You're not..." Johnny stopped himself, squinting to himself. "Using him as a rebound, right?"

If Molly could throw herself out of the car, she would. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "What?! No!" She yelled, still keeping her eyes on the road. She was a safe driver, Johnny's gotta give that to her.

Molly scoffed, still shaking her head. "No. No, I hate the idea of rebounds. It just... it fucks with everyone involved. I would never do that." She said and out of the corner of her eyes, Molly saw Johnny relax.

A small smile started to twist onto Molly's face. God, she loved being in the know. "If anything, I should be worried after you told me he uses illegal drugs."

Johnny's eyes widened and he whipped his head to face Molly. "How'd you..." "You both made it so obvious at the All Valley. Plus, I know how to use context clues." Molly interrupted Johnny, laughing a little. Johnnys mouth clamped shut as Molly continued. "Robby told me his dad lived here. I've lived in this apartment complex my whole life. I everyone here and no one had a kid that I didn't know about."

Molly turned to Johnny as she stopped at a red light. "Until you told me to stay away from your son when you thought he was getting in trouble for hanging out with me Molly and not the illegal drug Molly."

Johnny huffed. "Yeah... that was not my best moment." He muttered as the light turned green. Molly started to drive again, chuckling. "It's okay. And I won't tell anyone about you two." Molly said, making Johnny sigh in relief.

"Thanks, kid. And I'm glad Robby has a friend like you." Johnny said, making Molly smile. "Out of all the kids I know at the dojo, you'd be the one I would hope Robby has in his life."

Molly tauntingly chuckled at the man's words. "I'm your favorite." Molly sang. Johnny rolled his eyes, holding back his own smile. "Yeah, whatever. Just keep driving."


Molly pulled into a parking spot at the DMV after her test and bounced her leg nervously as she waited for her instructor to critique her.

When the man told Molly she passed, Molly felt a fresh breath of air hit her lungs. She got out of the car with the man and said thank you.

As the man walked back into the DMV, Molly turned her head and watched Johnny waiting by the doors of the DMV expectantly. Molly immediately bursted into a smile and held her arms out. "I passed!"

Johnny instantly smiled with Molly, copying her actions and holding his hands out as she ran towards him. "You passed!" He screamed as Molly pulled him into a hug. The man hesitated for a second, but hugged back nonetheless.

"Thank you for taking me today." Molly said and Johnny smiled, slowly nodding his head. "It was not problem." He said, pulling Molly off of him and raising his brows. He pointed at the paper in Mollys hands that said she passed and smiled. "Now, let's get this thing finalized."


As Molly walked down the stairs of her apartment building to head to karate, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She pulled out her phone and smiled at Robby's contact on her screen. She answered his call and brought the phone to her ear. "Hey."

"Hey. I heard you have your license." Robby said and even though Molly couldn't see him, she could hear his smirk through the phone. Molly squinted, a small smile on her face. "Considering I am the one that told you, yes. It's true." She said as she unlocked her car and got inside.

"Do you have time to pick me up and drive me to Miyagi-Do?" Robby asked as Molly's car turned on, her phone immediately connecting to bluetooth. "Are you ready to get picked up?" She asked. After hearing a small "mhm" from Robby, Molly pulled out of her driving spot. "Okay, just send me you address."

Almost immediately, Molly's phone beeped. Since she was still in her parking lot, she checked her phone and saw it was Robby sending his address. She quickly typed it into her maps and smiles at how close he lived to her.

"Okay! I'll be there in 6 minutes!" Molly said. She didn't notice it, but she had a big smile on her face.

On the other end of the call, Robby smiled sheepishly. He felt a small flutter in his stomach as he nodded his head. "Okay. Bye Molly."


Molly made it to karate just before class started. She'd have to start picking Robby up earlier so she wouldn't be pushing it to make it to Cobra Kai on time.

Molly locked her car and walked to the door. She noticed an older man walking up to the door with her. He grabbed the door and opened it. When he noticed Molly behind him, he side stepped so she could walk in before him.

Molly smiled at the man, muttering a small thank you as she passed him and walked into the dojo. She set her stuff down and took her shoes off, already in her gi.

She walked towards Aisha and Hawk as the man who walked in with her slowly took his own shoes off and walked onto the mat.

Hawk and Aisha both squinted at the older man. Once Molly was beside them and the man was further away, they both turned to Molly. "Who is that?" Aisha asked Molly.

Molly kept her eyes on the older man and shrugged. "No clue. Walked in with me after I parked." Molly said. She turned back to Aisha and Hawk just as they turned to her, both of their eyes wide and their jaws slightly fallen into a smile.

"You parked?" Aisha asked. Molly slowly nodded, confused as to why that raised questions for Aisha. Suddenly, Hawk and Aisha both started to laugh as a way to cheer for Molly.

"Oh my God! You got your license!" Aisha squealed, pulling Molly into a hug. Molly finally understood why Aisha and Hawk were so intrigued with her topic and laughed, hugging Aisha back.

Hawk and Molly laughed, Hawk nodding his head in agreement with Aisha. "You finally won't get carsick as much."

Molly smiled. She had to admit, she did like the fact that she wouldn't get carsick when she drove. Molly knew Hawk knew that. She talked about it everytime Molly did get carsick because of someone else's driving after knowing what it's like to drive yourself.

As Molly and Aisha pulled away from their hug, Molly watched Hawk from over Aisha's shoulder. His goofy smile from his comment turned into a softer one as he gently nodded his head to Molly. "Congrats, Molly."

Molly was taken aback by Hawk being so sweet to her. She felt a whirlwind of butterflies that could've knocked her off her feet if they tried. She smiled, her temples hurting from trying to contain it as she nodded. "Thanks."

Hawk smiled back at Molly, feeling his heart just about ready to beat out of his chest. He wanted to try and get Molly back one step at a time.

It's barely been a week since the breakup and Hawk knows he's better with Molly than without her.

"Everyone, fall in!" Johnny yelled, pulling his students out of their conversations. Molly blinked a couple times, her and Hawk staring at each other for a few seconds before they quickly got into their rows with the rest of the class; Hawk, Miguel, Molly, and Aisha standing in the front row in that order.

"Class, we have a visitor. This is Mr. Kreese. He's just an observer. Pretend like he's not even here." Johnny said, introducing the students to the older man behind him. Molly was definitely intimidated by the man and she straightened up her back.

Johnny turned to Miguel, nodding his head at him. "Mr. Diaz, warm them up." He said, backing up to standing beside Mr. Kreese. Miguel walked up to the front of the class, bowing. "Fighting positions!" Everyone started following Miguel's commands.

"Front kick!"

"Forward strike!"

"Side jab!" Everyone dab, laughing. Molly quickly saw the look on Johnny's face and stopped instantly. "What the hell was that?" Johnny yelled, making everyone's smiles immediately drop.

"We were just messing around. We have 11 and a half months until the next All Valley." Miguel shrugged and Hawk nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, besides, we already know how to kick ass." Hawk said and Johnny squinted at the boy, taking slow steps towards him. "Oh, yeah, really, huh? So you know everything? There's nothing left to learn?"

Aisha suddenly started laughing from the other side of Molly, making Molly's eyes widen. The whole class turned to Aisha, shocked as to why she was laughing.

"What's so funny, Ms. Robinson?" Johnny asked, slowly walking up to Aisha.

"I'm sorry, Sensei, you just wouldn't understand." She giggled out, not noticing Johnny's anger. Johnny huffed. "Try me."

Aisha looked up to lock eyes with Johnny and shrugged innocently. "It's a snake-doo."

Molly shut her eyes and lowered her head as all the other students started to chuckle. Johnny looked around the room, feeling out of the loop. He leaned towards Aisha, confused. "What's a snake-doo?" He asked.

The whole class expect Molly started hissing likes snakes. Johnnys jaw clenched his jaw as he looked around all of his students.


Everyone stopped the snake game and stood straight up as Johnny walked down the line of kids. "5:00am tomorrow morning. Corner of Fulton and Raymer. You don't show, and you're off the team. Class dismissed."

Molly and Aisha turned to each other with wide eyes. That lesson wasn't even five minutes long.

Nonetheless, Molly started walking towards the door where everyone's shoes and bags were. She grabbed her belongings and walked towards the bench to put her shoes on.


Molly turned around at Miguel's voice calling for her. She watched as he struggled to put his still tied shoes on while standing as he waved her down to stop her from walking.

Molly walked to the bench by the front door of the dojo and sat down, placing her bag beside her. Once Miguel had his shoes on, he walked towards Molly, a small smile on his face. "Wanna give me a ride since you're newly licensed?"

Molly opened and closed her mouth. "Uh..." She started, joking taking forever to answer. Miguel rolled his eyes and Molly scrunched her face. "I don't know. You live pretty far."

She laughed at Miguel's annoyed expression as she finished tying her shoes. Molly grabbed her bag from beside her pulled out her phone and threw her bag over her shoulder.

Molly quickly pulled up her messages to text Robby.

"hey!! heads up i can't drive you in the morning"

She looked back up at Miguel and smiled, putting her phone in her gi pocket. "Of course I'll drive you. We can stop and get food or something if you want too."

Miguel started to silently cheer. Molly rolled her eyes, holding back smiling or laughing at the boys antics. She started to walk out of the dojo, Miguel not realizing she left until the door closed.

His eyes widened as he ran to grab his things and run out of the dojo after her. "Molly! Wait up!"

Miguel quickly caught up with Molly, smiling at Molly's blue Jeep. "Sweet ride." Miguel laughed out as he threw his things into the backseat of the truck.

Molly smiled, placing her own things into the backseat as well before climbing into the drivers seat. "It's not really mine. Not yet at least." She said as Miguel got into the backseat.

"It's my Momma's car, but she's looking for a new car so this bad boy will be mine." Molly said happily, grabbing onto her steering wheel. She turned to Miguel excitedly. "Where do you want to go?"

Miguel pursed his lips as he thought about places to go. A small smile grew on his face as an idea came into his mind. "In'n'Out?" He asked and Molly smiled, starting the car. "In'n'Out it is." She muttered, pulling out of the parking lot.

Miguel took Mollys phone that immediately connected to bluetooth and started to put songs in the queue. After adding about three songs, Miguel started to frown when a notification popped up on Mollys phone.

A text from Robby.

Miguel dropped Mollys phone in his lap and turned to Molly with a hurt expression. "Can I ask you a question?" He asked. His eyes were glued on Molly, but Molly kept her eyes on the road.

She smiled, not noticing Miguel's frown and nodded her head. "What's up?"

Miguel slowly shook his head, feeling a bit betrayed. "Why are you friends with Robby Keene? After what he did to me." Miguel asked quietly.

Molly stopped at the red light as soon as Miguel asked his question. She turned her head to the boy beside her and finally noticed how upset he looked. Molly didn't want to make him feel worse, but she also didn't want Miguel to hate Robby for no reason.

She slowly shook her head at Miguel. "He didn't do anything to you." Molly said. Miguel's expression faltered. He knew that everyone in the friend group thought nothing happened between Robby and Sam, but hearing Molly say it out loud after being friends with Molly, he was finally starting to listen to her.

Molly looked back to the road just as the light turned green. She started to drive again and sigh. "I talked to Robby and Sam. Robby works for Mr. LaRusso at his dealership. He started training him a couple months back."

Molly turned to Miguel, her eyes filled with reassurance. "He was only at the LaRusso's that night because he was dropping paperwork off to him."

Molly turned back to the road as Miguel stared at her. Whether Molly was telling the truth or not, he knew she believed her own words. He sighed, dropping his head. "So he's a good guy?" Miguel asked, his voice made it sound like he was hoping Molly would say no.

Molly smiled, tilting her head in an "I told you so" manner. "He's a good guy." She laughed out, making Miguel groan into his hands.


The next day, Molly woke up at 4am to get ready for karate. She was planning on driving Miguel, Aisha, and Hawk, all of them wanting to see how Mollys driving was.

Molly was a little hesitant on driving Hawk, but she wouldn't have passed her test if it wasn't for him letting her practice with him all of the time. He should be allowed to drive with her now.

Luckily, Aisha and Hawks houses were on the way to the location Johnny gave his students so Molly didn't have to go out of her way to pick anyone up.

When they got to the location, none of them expected to see their Sensei and Mr. Kreese with tons of bags of cement and a dozen of wheelbarrows and they didn't expect the men to have them make cement, but there they were.

"Don't add too much water. You wanna make it nice and thick." Johnny announced to the kids as they stood in groups, mixing cement into wheelbarrows.

Molly and Aisha were working together, Aisha stirring the cement while Molly poured it into their wheelbarrow. Molly was confused and sore. She looked up to Johnny and raised her hand to cover the sun from her vision.

"Sensei, why are we mixing cement?" Molly asked and instead of answering her question, Johnny shook his head. "No questions."

A loud car horn made all the students stop what they were doing and watch as a cement truck rolled into the parking lot. "What the hell..." Molly mumbled, dropping her bag of cement as the driver hopped out of the truck to greet Johnny and Kreese. Molly watched as the man gave Johnny the keys before walking away.

Johnny and Kreese turned around to face the kids. "You think winning the All Valley gives you the right to goof off?" Johnny yelled, making all of his students stop working on their wheelbarrow of cement.

"Well, I got news for you. Winning one championship don't mean squat. A true champion never stops training. You gotta keep moving forward, or else you could get stuck exactly where you are. It's like the cement in this truck." Johnny said, pointing at the cement truck behind him and Mr. Kreese.

"There it is." Molly muttered, finally understand Johnny's lesson. Johnny was still pointing to the truck behind him. "If that drum doesn't start turning, the cement inside will harden and get stuck. Is that what you want to happen to you?"

"No Sensei!"

Johnny nodded, dropping his hand. "Good. Then climb up, get inside, and make it spin."

The students all grew quiet at his words. Molly turned to Miguel a few feet away from her, her eyes wide. Aisha cleared her throat and slowly shook her head. "Sensei, we're sorry for messing around. We learned our lesson." Aisha tried to reason, but Johnny just shook his head, dropping the latter on the back of the truck. "Get in!"

"Sensei, this seems kind of dangerous. I mean, the fumes alone-" "Quiet!" Kresse yelled, interrupting Miguel. Everyone jumped at his voice as Molly backed away a bit, accidentally walking into Hawk's chest.

Molly side stepped away from the boy, muttering a small "sorry" before turning her attention back to Kreese. No one had really heard him speak until now.

"This man led you to the mountain top, and you question him? Look at you. Look at all of you. I can't believe this pathetic pack of pussies competed in the All Valley, and let alone won." Kreese snapped and Mollys eyes widened. For a man who had just came to the dojo, he sure was comfortable insulting the students.

"It's an absolute miracle. And who's responsible for that miracle? Johnny Lawrence. The best student in the history of Cobra Kai. My student." Kreese said with a proud smile. Molly straightened up, her and all of the other students eyes widening at Kreese's words.

"You were Sensei's Sensei?" Hawk asked in amazement. Molly looked back at Hawk for a spilt second, seeing a small smile growing on his face. She turned back to Kreese before Hawk could look back at her.

Mr. Kreese smiled at Hawk as he chuckled. Molly did not like his laugh. It sounded evil. "You better believe it, kid. And I tell you I've never trained a tougher student in my whole life. So if you know what's good for you, you better listen to every goddamn word he says."

Molly took the man's words into consideration. As much as she would hate to admit it, she had started to look up to Johnny Lawrence in the past couple of months.

Even though Molly didn't know if her next choice would be good or bad, she sighed. "Oh, screw it. I'll go in." She announced, making all students eyes turn to her.

Mr. Kreese smiled at Molly, pointing to her as she walked towards the latter to go inside the cement truck. "There we go!" He sang before he looked to all of the other students. "Who's following Miss..." Kreese held his hand out to Molly as she passed him, silently asking for her name.

"Preston." Molly answered and Kreese hummed. "Preston." He repeated.

Silently, Miguel followed after Molly, Hawk after him. Molly groaned at the feeling of her shoes sinking into the wet cement, her socks soaking. She walked further into the truck so there was room for everyone coming in behind her.

She could hear the boys behind her slipping with every step. Molly turned around and smiled as she watched Miguel, Hawk, Mitch, and Chris using each other as support to walk until Miguel and Hawk both fell into the cement.

Molly laughed—quite loudly—at Miguel and Hawks dispense. The two boys glared at Molly. They turned to each other and smirked. As Molly continued to laugh, she didn't notice Miguel and Hawk each grab one of her hands and pull her down into the cement with them.

Molly screamed as she fell, all the boys in the truck with her laughing. She cringed at the feeling of the cement seeping into her jeans and up her arms.

Miguel and Hawk got up with a bit of a struggle. Hawk looked down at Molly and stuck his hand out to help her up. Molly looked back and forth between Hawk and his hand before she grabbed it.

Molly shakily got up, not wanting to slip. Without thinking, Hawk rested his hand on Mollys hip to help steady her. Mollys whole side started to heat up at Hawks touch. She looked to the boy and smiled. "Thanks."

Hawk smiled, nodding as a way to say you're welcome. His hand stayed on her waist and his other hand was still holding Molly's.

"Don't just stand there! Move it!" Johnnys voice echoed from outside the truck. Molly and Hawk jumped about at the man's yells, awkwardly looking anywhere else but each other.

Molly groaned, finally gaining some more balance. "We can barely even stand!" Molly yelled back at the man.

After a couple of seconds, Johnnys head appeared through the hole of the truck. "I don't care. You wanna get stuck? Move!" Johnny yelled back at Molly.

Molly let out an aggravated sigh before she started pushing the wall. She groaned at the feeling of half wet/half dry cement getting stuck under her nails. As Molly attempted to move the truck, she noticed she was the only one trying.

Molly slowly turned her head to face the four boys. "Well?" She asked, but none of the boys moved. Molly rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Come on!"

The four boys eyes widened and they scrambled to the wall, starting pushing against it.

Molly could hear everyone outside cheering them on, making every single one of the push harder until suddenly, they were moving.


As soon as they got out, Johnny started hosing them down so their skin and clothes wouldn't get damaged.

"You should all be proud of yourselves. I know I'm proud. Your parents would be proud, too, if you told them what we did here today, which we won't." He yelled, pointing at the five teens in front of him.

All of them nodded, none of them planning on telling their parents anyway.

"You pushed forward like champions. Never stopping. Never being satisfied. Never giving up. And if you keep pushing and keep moving forward, you're gonna go to places you never even dreamed of." Johnny said, a proud smile on his face.

Molly smiled back at the man. As he turned to talk to Kreese, Molly looked beside her. Her eyes widened in an amazement and confusion when she saw Hawk beside, soaked from Johnny hosing them down yet somehow his mohawk was still intact.

"Damn." Molly whispered, catching Hawks attention. The boy turned to Molly, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Molly laughed and pointed at Hawks hair. "What hair gel did we buy you? That shit is stronger than the cement."

Hawk felt another flurry of butterflies erupt in his stomach again, She was staring at him in amazement. Or at least staring at his hair in amazement.

He chuckled, trying to calm his own giddiness. Hawk casually shrugged. "Yeah, I guess we chose a good brand." He said. Molly laughed, nodding her head in agreement.

Hawk suddenly felt a burst of boldness. His smile and eyes softened. "I guess we work well together." He muttered sheepishly.

Mollys eyes widened just a smidge. Her heart started to beat faster and butterflies started to swam her stomach. She gave the boy a small smile, nodding her head. "I guess we do." She muttered, worried if she spoke any louder, her smile would become too big.


After karate, Molly had about an hour until she had to pick up Robby from Miyagi-Do.

Molly spent her free time running into a 7-Eleven to grab herself and Robby coke Icee's. She made it to Miyagi-Do with a couple minutes to spare.

She waited for Robby, parked outside of his dojo and admired the building. It was beautiful. Definitely a lot prettier than Cobra Kai.

When she saw Robby come out of the side gate of the home, she made sure her car was unlocked so he could get in easily.

Robby sighed as he climbed into the passenger seat beside Molly. The Preston girl smiled at the boy, grabbing the Icee in the cup holder with hers. "Had some time before I had to pick you up. Got us some Icee's."

Robby scoffed, grabbing the cup out of Mollys hand and putting it right back into the cup holder. "Whatever." He muttered.

Mollys mood dampened almost instantly. She frowned at Robby before starting the car and driving to his home.

Mollys music was the only sound coming from her car, neither of them speaking. As Mollys came up to Robby's home, the boy was filled with guilt.

"I'm sorry for earlier, Molly." Robby started as Molly pulled in front of Robby's apartment complex. She stopped and turned off the car and positioned herself to face the boy as he continued. He looked like he was struggling to speak, opening and closing his mouth.

He turned to Molly and as soon as his eyes locked with hers, he calmed. He sighed, his shoulders relaxing. "My mom took off with some guy. I guess she missed some bills."

Molly straightened up. Worry started to pull in her stomach. "Wait. What?" She asked. Her words came out louder and more aggressive than she had planned, but she wasn't expecting Robby to say that.

Robby's eyes moved the dashboard in front of him as Molly's eyes softened. She reached a gentle hand out to touch his shoulder, her head tilting. "Robby, do you have any power?" She asked. Her voice was soft and quiet, part of her too worried to ask it to hear Robby's answer.

The boy didn't say anything, making Molly realize her worst case scenario had come true. She sighed, making Robby looked back to her. Molly gave the boy a lopsided smile before she nodded her head to the apartment complex behind him.

"Go upstairs. Pack a bag, You're coming with me." Molly instructed. Robby's eyes widened and his heart started racing.

"What?" He asked. Suddenly, he started shaking his head crazily, growing angry. "No, Molly. I'm not staying with my dad." He defended.

In all honesty, Molly had forgotten that Robby could stay with Johnny. She was going to offer Robby a place to stay at her home. Molly shook her head reassuringly. "Then you don't have to, but you're not staying in that place with no electricity." She said back, her voice having a bit more force to it in hopes it'd knock some sense into Robby.

She then smiled and leaned back into her seat. Her smile was a cheeky grin like a little child with a plan. "You're staying with me." She said happily.

Robby felt his neck and his cheeks start to heat up. His brows furrowed and he shook his head. "But your parents are back home. Won't they mind?" Robby asked. There's no way Molly's parents would be okay with a boy staying with her.

Molly pursed her lips and shook her head. "They would if they knew I was single." She said. Robby's heart started to beat faster when Molly brought up her dating status.

His eyes subtly widened, but Molly didn't notice and shook her head. "But since they've just barely gotten home, they still think I'm with Hawk so..." Molly looked out of her windshield and shrugged, turning back to Robby. "They shouldn't have a problem."

Robby's eyebrows rose in uncertainty, watching Molly carefully for any signs of hesitance. "Are you sure?"

Molly instantly nodded her head. "Of course!" Molly reassured, a big smile on her face. She hit Robby's shoulder, attempting to push him closer to the door. "Now, go pack."

Robby just stared at Molly. He felt his heartbeat all across his body and he felt his stomach flutter. Robby blinked, shaking his head in the process as if he was coming to.

He started to nod his head crazily, smiling just as big as Molly now. "Okay!" He laughed out. As Robby opened his door, he stopped and turned back to face Molly. His excited smile grew soft; thankful.

He didn't say anything, just looked at Molly. Admired her before he practically ran into his apartment complex to pack.

emily speaks...
molly and johnny curing my moli depression more than mobby🤞

mobby being guy falls first girl falls harder😅😅😅

HEALTHY MOLI CRUMBS THIS CHAPTER‼️ be grateful it's gonna go away very soon😆😆

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