xiii. the plan

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In the past few weeks that Robby has been staying with Molly and her moms, Robby has been teaching Molly how to skateboard just like he said he would.

Molly had gotten the basics down and today, Robby was taking Molly to the skatepark early in the morning so she could practice without any other kids there.

That's how Molly ended up standing at the edge of the bowl, her skateboard halfway off the ledge. Her right foot was on the back end of the skateboard, keeping it leveled. She gazed into its depths, a mix of excitement and fear in her eye.

Robby was right beside her, his hands barely reaching out to spot Molly in case he had to catch her. He noticed Mollys nervous look and his arms immediately fell to his side, watching Molly softly.

"Hey." He whispered. Mollys head whipped to Robby. Her eyes were wide and filled with anxiety. He put his hand on Molly shoulder and rubbed it. "You ready to do this?" Robby asked. "If you're not, that's okay."

Molly let out a shaky breath of air and looked down into the seven foot deep bowl. "It looks a lot steeper up close." She admitted, biting her lip.

Robby chuckled softly. He moved to step on the edge and looked down into the bowl. His eyes squinted and he tilted his head as an idea came to mind. Robby turned to Molly, a small smile on his face. "How about I stand inside and hold your hand while you skate down? We'll take it slow."

Molly looked at him, her nervousness easing into a smile. She felt a small flutter in her stomach, but she ignored it and shook it off as nerves for skating.

"That sounds perfect." She muttered and Robby smiled. He looked back down into the bowl and got on the ground.

Robby sat down and moved to step into the bowl. He wanted to make sure he was still pretty high up so he could hold her hand. Once he had a good grip and footing in the bowl, he looked up at Molly on the edge and extended his free hand up to her.

Molly took a deep breath as she placed her left foot on the edge of the skateboard that was hovering in the air. The sunrise casted long shadows around the two of them, highlighting the gentle curvature of the bowl.

Robby noticed Molly was still nervous, maybe more nervous than she was just a minute ago. He shook his head and kept his hand out for Molly to grab. "Just keep your knees bent and focus on me. I've got you."

Molly just barely nodded, taking one more deep breath before pushing off on her left foot.

The wheels of her board rattle against the concrete as she begins her descent, Robby's hand immediately finding hers and firmly clasping it. He ran down the ramp with her as she skated. Her descent started off shaky, but she quickly found her balance and she let go of Robby's hand.

Molly continued to skate across the bowl as she screamed and cheered. The world around her seemed to blur into a rush of wind and exhilarating speed.

She could hear Robby cheering for her from the spot she left him at as she started to reached the other edge of the bowl. Molly remembered what Robby had told her and bent her legs.

Molly went up the side of the bowl and turned, coming right back around with enough momentum to make her way back to Robby.

As she reached the boy, Molly practically jumped off of her skateboard and lunged into Robby's arms for a hug. Robby, caught off guard, stumbled slightly but managed to keep them both upright.

Mollys heart was practically beating out of her chest. Robby could feel it against his own and hugged her a little tighter. He couldn't see it sense Mollys face was in the crook of his neck, but he felt her smile.

After a couple of seconds, she let out a breathless chuckle, "Oh my God. I did it!" She cheered, her words barely coherent over her laughs.

Molly pulled her head out from the side Robby's neck and smile at him. Their faces were inches apart and Molly felt her heart skip a beat, but she shrugged it off as part of her adrenaline.

"Thank you." She whispered.

Robby's heart raced—almost as fast as Molly's. The warmth of Molly's embrace and the feeling of having her in his arms sent a swarm of butterflies to flutter in his stomach.

As they stared into each other eyes, in that moment, it felt like they were the only two people in the world. Molly felt that small flutter again and she knew it wasn't her nerves for skating anymore.

It was like an angel and a devil resting on Molly's shoulders; one telling her to lean in or at least look down at the Keene boys lips while the other one tells her to pull away remove the tension.

Molly went with the latter. She pulled away completely and smiled at Robby. "Let's go again!"

Robby's smile faltered for only a second. Molly didn't even notice it. He quickly nodded his head and put on a smile that was just as wide as Molly's.

Molly ran back to the edge of the bowl, picking up her skateboard on the way. Robby watched as she did so as the deep sense of happiness started to settle in his body. He quickly caught up with her and raised his eyebrows.

"What are you doing later?" He asked since she'd be driving him to Miyagi-Di and he knew there was no Cobra Kai lesson. He didn't want her to have to be alone.

Robby pressed both of his hands on the edge of the bowl and pushed himself out of the pool. Molly couldn't help but stare at his arms, watching his muscle flex as he did so.

She knew Robby was attractive and she could see herself having feelings towards the boy in time. But she wasn't over Hawk.

Molly looked up at Robby just as he looked down at her and stuck out his hand to pull her up.

Molly put her board on the ground above her by Robby's feet and took the boys hand immediately, knowing she'd need help getting out of the bowl. "Going to the beach with a couple friends." She answered as she and Robby pulled herself out of the bowl.

All the butterflies in his stomach started flutter in nervousness now. He bit the inside of his cheek and furrowed his eyebrows. "Is... Hawk going?"

Molly chuckled, not noticing the small hint of sadness in Robby's voice as she nodded. "He is in the friend group so yeah." She said, shrugging her shoulders carelessly.

Robby continued to eye Molly, a small flicker of jealousy igniting inside of him. "How are things going with him?" He asked. Robby tried to make his voice sound as interested as he could.

Her smile practically doubled in size almost as if she had been waiting for someone to ask her that question so she could talk about it.

It killed the butterflies in Robby stomach.

"It's going really well!" Molly blushed. "In these past couple of weeks, we've gotten a lot closer. It feels like we're starting to get back to our old routine!" Molly gushed. Robby's heart sunk further down with every word.

"Why don't you ask him out?" Robby asked. He hoped Molly would smile at him, cup his face and say she didn't want to ask Hawk out again because she had feelings for him. Because she wanted to be with him.

But Molly didn't do that. She looked to the ground and frowned. "He wanted to break up so he can see how he is without me. To find himself. If I go and ask him to take me back..." Molly looked back up and Robby and shrugged her shoulders. "I'm taking that chance away from him. I just have to wait until he figures all of it out."

Robby nodded understandingly. He was about to drop the subject all together, not wanting to talk about Mollys feelings towards a boy that wasn't him, but an idea popped into his head.

"What if... there's a way to speed up the process?" Robby asked. Molly turned to Robby, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. When she noticed a small smile start to grow on his face, she had no other choice than to smile with him. "Do you have something in mind?"

Robby pursed his lips and sat down on the edge of the bowl, his feet dangling inside. He looked up at Molly as she sat down beside him. "Fake date someone else. Make him realize he wants you back by being taken."

Molly thought about it. Considering now both Robby and Johnny suggested Molly get Hawk back by showing she didn't care about him, it was starting to actually sound like a good idea in her mind.

"Okay, but who would I fake date?" Molly asked, turning to Robby. The boy beside her smiled and straightened his back. He pointed to himself with his hands and smiled. "You can fake date me."

Molly's heart skipped a beat. She didn't know why, but she started to get a little nervous. "What?" She asked and almost immediately, Robby nodded. "Yeah. I mean... It's perfect. Hawk hates me so not only will you be with someone, but you'll be with me." Robby explained.

She had to admit, that was a good point, but part of her was still hesitant on the plan. Fake dating only just confuses everyone in the party.

"You know, in most fake dating scenarios, the couple faking dating ends up falling for each other." Molly warned in a joking tone, nudging Robby's shoulder with her own.

Robby turned to Molly and smiled. "Lucky me, then." He whispered back.

Molly's eyes widened a tad and she felt butterflies in her stomach. She stared at him and watched as his smile slowly started to get bigger, laughing.

Molly started to laugh with the boy, realizing his words were a joke. She looked down to her feet that dangled in the skatepark bowl as her laughter died down.

She watched her feet swing through the air before she looked back up at Robby. "I'll think about it." She said and Robby smiled, nodding his head. "Just let me know."


After dropping Robby off at Miyagi-Do and picking Demetri up from his place, Molly finally made it to the beach.

Molly got stuck playing volleyball with Hawk and Demetri. She and Demetri were a team against Hawk after Demetri said that with Molly on his team, it's even to play against Hawk since he was so good.

Molly had made the mistake of letting Demetri serve when it was their turn. She watched as he cracked his neck, preparing to hit the ball.

When he did hit the ball, it hit the net and bounced back to them and rolled towards Molly.

Molly rolled her eyes, holding back a groan as Hawk watched the two of them in amusement. Demetri nervously cleared his throat, looking between his two friends before he sighed.

"Mulligan, send it back." Demetri yelled, pointing at the ball that now sat at Molly's feet. Molly bent down to grab the ball as Hawk shook his head. "There's no mulligans in volleyball." He said, making Demetri scoff.

"Says you." Demetri sassed. Molly scoffed as she walked towards their towels where Delaney and Moon laid sunbathing. She tossed Demetri the ball and sarcastically squinted at him.

"Um... Says everyone. Actually." Molly sassed back to Demetri, taking off her baggy shirt, revealing her spaghetti strap bikini top and fairly short shorts.

Delaney let out a loud wolf whistle at the action. Molly looked down at Delaney and laughed, throwing her shirt at her.

"Nice tattoo, Molls!" Moon sang and Molly smiled at the compliment. Since the ties of her bikini were just strings, she could finally show off her tattoo.

Molly didn't know it, but Hawk's gaze was unshakably fixed on Molly, a magnetic pull he couldn't resist, watching her in absolute awe. His jaw hung low and he felt his heart start to beat faster, yearning for what they once were.

He wanted to walk over to her and drape his arm over her shoulders or wrap it around her waist, pulling her closer into his side. He wanted to grab her hand and run into the ocean with her, not even caring if his mohawk falls. He wanted to cup her face in his hands and look up into her eyes for as long as he could. He wanted to kiss her.

"Cobra Kai? You guys won that karate tournament, right?"

A unrecognizable voice a few feet away from Hawk pulled him out of his thoughts, pulled the girls out of their conversation and made Demetri, who was drying his face off with Hawks Cobra Kai towel, look up.

It was two girls none of them had seen before, both of them staring at Demetri in a flirtatious manner.

Demetri's eyes were wide like a deer in headlights. He looked at Molly and immediately she started nudging her head to the girls, mouthing "say something!" to him.

He turned back to the girls and attempted to control his nerves as he smiled. "The All Valley? The Rumble in Reseda?" He asked and Molly dropped her head. She was definitely gonna have to teach Demetri some flirting techniques.

"Oh my God." She whispered as Demetri leaned against the volleyball nets pole. "We certainly did." He said, his voice about an octave higher.

Molly turned to the girls, part of her worried they had completely lost interest in the boy, but they only looked more interested. They must've thought his nerdiness was cute.

The brunette of the two smiled. "Cool. We're gonna go for a swim, but maybe play with you later?" She asked. Demetri's eyes widened again and he smiled. He hit the side of the pole and laughed.

"Pfft... Most def!"

Molly covered her mouth and sat down on the floor beside Moon and Delaney.

"That means most definitely." Demetri continued as Molly noticed Moon had a joint to her lips.

As soon as Moon pulled the joint away from her mouth, Molly took it from her hands and brought it to her own lips. Her eyes were still glued on Demetri and the two girls, wanting to see if they took back their invite.

The girls giggled at Demetri's words. They nodded their heads and walked away from the group.

All five teens mouths dropped once the girls had turn their backs. Molly laughed in shock as she pulled the joint away from her lips, smoking coming out with her laugh as she looked up at Demetri with a proud expression.

"Look at you, player." Moon gushed as Molly shook her head. "I didn't doubt you for a second." She said. Demetri turned to her and his eyebrows immediately furrowed together when he noticed the joint in her hand. "By the looks of the joint in your hand, you did."

Molly looked back and forth between Demetri and the joint before her eyes settled in her friend and she nodded. "I did doubt you. For just a second." She said, taking another hit.

Demetri pursed his lips and nodded. "I appreciate the honesty."

"It'd be nice if you actually earned the Cobra Kai credit you're so happy to take." Hawk said, making Demetri's hint of a smile falter and Molly squint. "Come on. It's not hurting anybody." She complained.

Hawk turned to Molly now that she had joined the conversation. His glare towards Demetri softened as he watched her smile. "This..." Molly said, raising her hands and gesturing to Demetri. "Is my new favorite show."


Hawk and Molly turned their heads at the sound of Miguel's voice. Hawk smiled at started to walk towards Miguel, dapping him up.

Molly noticed Miguel's angry expression, but just as she was about to get up and walk towards the two boys, Delaney leaned over her and grabbed the joint out of her hand.

"Molls, you've gotta share." Delaney muttered in a fake annoyance.

When Molly felt two bodies stand over her and block her sunlight, she looked up and her eyes fell on an angry looking Miguel and Hawk.

"Did you know Robby Keene was Sensei's son?"


Molly ended up getting the silent treatment from Miguel after he found out Molly knew that Robby was Johnnys son.

She was a little hurt that Miguel was treating her this way, but she knew she made the right choice never telling him. It wasn't her story to tell; it was Robby and Johnny's.

Despite being extremely uncomfortable at the beach after Miguel's mood towards her changed, Molly stayed anyway, spending most of her time with Delaney and Moon.

Delaney and Moon had definitely gotten closer since the canyons at the party and Molly knew that soon she'd be getting a call from Delaney to help her figure out how to ask out Moon.

Molly drove Demetri home, Delaney getting a ride from Moon and Miguel getting a ride from Hawk.

Molly parked her car and started to head towards her apartment. As she walked towards the stairwell, she noticed Robby and Daniel LaRusso walk in through the front gate. Molly stopped walking and furrowed her eyebrows at the two coming straight towards her; Robby looking sad and Daniel looking determined.

The man nodded his head at Molly once he reached her, giving her a small but kind smile. "It's nice to see you again, Molly. Are your parents home? I was hoping to speak with them."

Molly opened and closed her mouth and blinked at Daniel. She felt like she was about to get reprimanded by a teacher.

Nonetheless, Molly ended up nodding and pointing her thumb behind her to the stairwell door. "Yeah. They're upstairs." She said, making Daniel laugh. "Perfect."

The three of them walked up the stairs and to Mollys home. Molly was hoping Daniel would give her the chance to walk in alone and prepare her moms for Daniel's appearance, but the man didn't let her, he and Robby following her into her home.

They were immediately met with one of Mollys moms, Keira, who Molly calls momma in the kitchen.

Keira looked back and forth between Daniel and the two teens with a startled expression."Um... may I help you?"

Daniel immediately started to walk towards the woman, Robby and Molly standing back.

"You must be Mrs. Preston. I'm Daniel LaRusso." Daniel said, reaching his hand out to shake Molly's Mama's hand. Once the woman returned the gesture, Daniel looked around the home, hoping to find a second parent somewhere. "Is Mr. Preston here? I'd like to speak with the two of you."

Molly threw her hand to her mouth to stifle her laughs as Robbys eyes widened. Keira let out a sweet laugh, shaking her head. "There's never been a Mr. Preston here."

Daniel's face paled and it took everything in Molly not to laugh right then and there. Immediately, Daniel started to shake his head crazily. "Oh- I'm so... My apologies. I thought that—" Daniel's jumbled words stopped as Mollys second mother, Janice who Molly just called mom, walked into the room from the hallway.

Daniel sighed, realizing his mistake. "Oh my God. I'm so sorry." He apologized and Mollys momma laughed, shaking her head reassuringly. "It's alright, Mr. LaRusso. What did you want to speak with us about?" She asked, gesturing her hand to the living room.

The five of them all started walking into the living room; Mollys mom sat on the couch while Daniel sat one of the loveseats beside it and Molly and Robby sat on the one opp from it, Molly in the seat and Robby sitting on the loveseats armrest.

Daniel kept his eyes on Mollys mom. This conversation was with them, not the kids. "I was told today that Robby has living with the three of you for the past couple of weeks." He said. Both women smiled and nodded their heads.

Daniel rubbed his hands together and licked his lips. "As Robby's sensei, I need to keep Robby protected." Daniel started and he sighed, part of him telling himself not to stay his next set of words.

"And I've gotta say, I'm not the fan of my star student staying with someone who is in Cobra Kai." Daniel chuckled out, trying his hardest not to sound disrespectful considering both Sam and Robby talk so highly of Molly.

"Damn..." Molly muttered under her breath. She was shocked that Daniel was that conceited that he didn't want Robby to stay with someone in a different karate dojo than him even if they treated him well.

Molly's momma also took some offense from the man's words. She crossed her arms over her chest and raised her eyebrows. "So, what do you want us to do about that, Mr. LaRusso?" She asked.

Daniel looked at the woman before he turned to Robby and smiled. "I would like it if Robby stays with me." He suggested.

Molly felt the loveseat sink a little as Robby straightened his back. His eyes were widened slightly and his mouth was agape.

"It's been brought to my attention that Molly drives him to my dojo everyday which the gas money will pile up. If he stays with me, I drive him and everyone's happy." Daniel explained.

Molly's moms turned to each other, having a silent conversation with each other. Now that Daniel brought up gas money, they realized he was right.

But they also knew that it should be Robby's decision. The two of them turned to Robby and gave him sweet smiles. "Robby, is that okay with you, sweetheart?" Molly's mom asked.

Robby looked back and forth between the three adults. He didn't really know what to say, but he spoke anyway. "Uh... Yeah." He muttered.

"Perfect!" Daniel cheered, rubbing his hands together. "How about you go pack then?" He suggested. Robby looked back and forth between Daniel and Molly before he slowly nodded his head, got up from the loveseat arm rest and walked towards Mollys room to pack.


Word about Daniel LaRusso's new YouTube ad for Miyagi-Do that completely bashes Cobra Kai and praising Miyagi-Dos free karate spread like wildfire.

Johnny and Aisha were furious, Aisha feeling betrayed by Sam and her family and Johnny mad that he'd be losing students for free karate.

When Molly suggested Cobra Kai make their own ad, Johnny loved the idea and insisted they work on it immediately.

So now, Molly stood in the middle of the mat, recording Johnny who stood in front of the "STRIKE FIRST. STRIKE HARD. NO MERCY." wall and another student, Mikey standing on the edge of the mat with a bonsai tree and all of the other students standing behind Molly.

"There's a lot of talk going around the Valley about free karate. But everyone knows that in life you get what you pay for. You wanna really kick the competition?" Johnny asked, pacing in front of the camera before looking Molly dead in the eyes.

Molly was honestly a little frightened. She knew Johnny didn't know how to work electronics and most likely didn't know he should look at the camera, but she did not like his glare.

Johnny turned to Mikey in his left and kicked a bonsai out of his hands, the dirt spraying all over Mikey's face.

Johnny completely disregarded Mikey and turned back to Molly and the camera, pointing right at them. "Then you need to get your ass over to Cobra Kai. Screw that lame meditation bullshit. What you need is bone crushing, face-smashing, good old American karate. Enough about self-defense. Learn self-offense. Don't be a pussy. Join Cobra Kai and let me teach you the way of the fist."

Once Molly knew Johnny was done, she ended the video and smiled at Johnny. "And... cut." She said happily, turning off her phone and stuffing it into her gi pocket. Johnnys eyes widened and he smiled like a kid on Christmas. "We get it?" He asked and Molly nodded her head. "Yep."

Johnny clapped his hands and pointed at Molly with both of his hands. "All right. Great. Make sure the Cobra Kai snake comes in at the end. I want it to really pop." He said and Molly pursed her lips. Sure, she was smart and had gone to computer camp for years, but this was out of her field.

Before she could tell the man she didn't know how to do that, Johnny continued to list what he wanted in their commercial. "Make it chrome. Throw Thunderstruck under it."

"I'm pretty sure the rights to that song will cost money. And as for the other stuff..." Molly winced, shaking her head. "I'm a computer nerd, but not that big of one. I don't know how to do that."

Johnny shook his head reassuringly and chuckled, "Oh, no. I already own it. Cassette's in the car." He said, shrugging off Mollys concern for the song.

"And uh..." Johnny squinted as he looked around the room. When his eyes landed on Hawk, he quickly pointed at him. "Hawk! You know how to do all that shit I just said?"

Molly turned around to look at Hawk. The boys eyes widened at not just Mollys eyes on him, but his Sensei's as well. "Yes, Sensei."

Johnny, still pointing at Hawk, nodded his head. "Good. Go to Preston's place and help her with it." He said and both Molly and Hawks eyes widened and their jaws dropped.

"What?" Hawk asked, but Johnny ignored him, walking towards his office. "Sensei!" Molly yelled after him and Johnny turned around, his eyes wide. "Oh, and put one of those hash browns at the end. You know, like Hash brown Team Cobra Kai or something." He said, completely ignoring Hawk and Mollys words. He turned around and continued walking to his office.

"And send it to the internet!"


After karate, Molly drove Hawk to her house. Mollys moms were happy to see Hawk, even after Molly finally told them about the breakup.

It was weird for both of them to have him here. He hadn't been in Molly's home—let alone her room since before the breakup. The room looked almost identical to how he remembered it, only a few photos on Mollys pinboard that had been of her and him exchanged to photos of her with Aisha, her with Miguel, and her with Demetri.

They walked towards the bed and both laid on their stomachs, their heads on the foot of the bed as they started to work on the commercial.

It was going pretty well. There were no arguments, no awkward silence. It was just the two of them working on Cobra Kai's commercial on Mollys laptop. It reminded the two of them of computer camp the summer prior when Molly and Eli would work on their projects together.

Hawk wasn't Hawk in that moment. He was nerdy, sweet and smiley. It made butterflies in Mollys stomach swirl and she was practically holding back the urge to start to kick her feet.

They were about halfway done with the commercial when Hawk left to use the restroom. Molly continued on without him, working on what she knew how to do.

Molly and Hawk's phones sat together on her bed, so when one of them received a text, Molly looked to the two phones to see if it was hers.

It wasn't Molly's phone that got a text, but Hawks. It was a text from Miguel and Molly tried her hardest not to snoop, but it was right there; her eyes couldn't pull away. Plus, it wasn't like she opened his phone and checked his texts, it was just... there."

"dude she wants you"

Mollys brows furrowed and almost seconds later, Miguel sent another text.

"by the end of the week you two are gonna be a thing"

Molly's face fell. Her mind raced with thoughts and assumptions. She looked away from the phone and her stomach churned. Her eyes brim with tears as she thought of the idea of Hawk moving on.

She didn't know it, but Miguel's text were about Molly. He knew Molly still had feelings for Hawk, the whole group did except Hawk. He had been trying to convince him to ask Molly out and get her back.

But Molly saw the texts as Hawk moving on. Him finding a new girlfriend despite telling Molly that he needed time being single.

It was a spur of the moment. She wasn't thinking properly. Her mind was racing as she grabbed her phone and opened her messages.

It was a quick text; only three words that she sent to Robby. She thought back on his offer and Johnnys words: get him back.

Molly didn't think about the repercussions she'd face sending this text. She just wanted to make Hawk feel how she did in that moment. She wanted him back and if Robby's plan would do it, she will.

"let's do it."

Molly hit send and turned off her phone just as Hawk came back in. He immediately smiled at Molly and went back to his spot right beside her. He was a lot closer now, their shoulders, hips, and legs touching.

Molly returned the smile and watched as Hawk finished up the commercial. When she felt her phone vibrate and saw her screen light up, she turned her gave to her phone and smiled at Robby's thumbs up text.

emilys speaks...
i didn't want to write the valley fest
leave me be im just a girl

guys i really hope that first scene with molly and robby at the skatepark made sense🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

me because it's about to get good🤭🤭🤭🤭



mollys new bff is coming next chapter🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶(im so excited for molly and tory)

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