xv. beach day

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Molly, Tory, and Aisha walked into the beach club slowly. Tory was in complete awe as they walked through the building. Molly had been going with Aisha to the beach club for the past couple of weeks and she's finally starting to not get phased by all of the luxury.

As the three girls walked onto one of the second floor balconies to look over the pool, Tory laughed. "Ok, this is not the beach. Where are the homeless dudes on rollerblades and guys shoving shitty hip-hop demos in your face?"

Molly giggled from in between her and Aisha, nudging Tory's should with her own. "About a mile down in Venice Beach." She joked.

Aisha and Molly have only been hanging out with Tory for a couple hours, the three girls spending time at Aisha's house beforehand to get ready for the beach, and they already loved her. She clicked with the two of them immediately.

"Molly..." Aisha sang, teasingly elbowing Molly at her side. Molly turned to Aisha beside her and noticed Aisha smiling down at the beach chairs below them. "Your boyfriend is here."

Tory gasped, her eyes attempting to follow Aisha's to spot Mollys boyfriend. "Oh! Where?" She asked and Aisha chuckled, pointing Robby, who laid on a beach chair beside Sam, out to Tory.

Robby looked up at the gasp from above him and he smiled when he saw Molly standing on the balcony. Neither of them knew the other was coming, but it only helped their act.

He felt heat raise up his neck to his cheeks as he waved at Molly. He hardly even notice Tory and Aisha, his eyes were glued on Molly.

Molly sheepishly smiled and waved back. When a wave of butterflies passed through her stomach, Molly straightened up and blinked a couple times, shocked by the old feeling coming back for a new boy.

"Go down there!" Tory giggled out, hitting Mollys hip with her own. Mollys head whipped to Tory. "What?" Molly asked before she quickly shook her head. "No. We just got here. I'm not gonna ditch you guys."

Aisha rolled her eyes. "Molls, we're gonna be here all day. Just don't spend the whole day with him and we're good." Aisha shrugged out.

Molly looked back and forth between Tory and Aisha, both girls nodding their heads reassuringly to make sure Molly knew they wouldn't be upset with her

After she was certain the girls didn't mind her leaving, Molly left Tory and Aisha on the balcony and started to head downstairs towards Robby. Going down there and spending time with him would look good for their fake dating plan anyway. It would almost be like having witnesses as proof that they were dating.

By the time Molly made it downstairs and outside, Sam had left her spot beside Robby and Robby was watching the doors Molly came out of anxiously, awaiting her appearance. His whole demeanor and mood brightened at the girl walking over.

He scrambled out of his seat to greet Molly. Instead of a hug, which was pretty normal for them, Robby raised his hand, placing it under Mollys chin. He moved her head so she was facing off to the seat and he gently kissed her cheek.

When he pulled away, Robby's whole body was buzzing in adrenaline and he smiled. "Hey." He said, his voice low, but still sweet.

Molly felt the butterflies again and shock them off again. She is only feeling this way because he is doing what Hawk used to do with her. That's what she told herself at least.

"Hi." Molly managed to speak, her voice suddenly shaky as she felt an unfamiliar nervousness spread throughout her body.

Robby's hand moved from under her chin to her hand. Just as he was about to start walking back towards the beach chairs, he stopped.

His pupils dilated and his jaw slacked as he stared at Mollys figure. She was wearing the same stringy white bikini top paired with short denim shorts.

He blinked a couple times as he stared at Mollys tattoo. Without thinking about it, his free hand lifted and touched the bottom of her tattoo, his soft and cold fingertips grazing just below her breast and instead touching her rib.

Molly felt a shiver go down her spine and it took everything in her not to visibly shudder at Robby's touch. It felt nice.

Although she could hold back shuddering, Molly couldn't hide her growing smile as Robby finally broke free from his trance on her tattoo, looking into her eyes. "That's a cool tattoo, Mo." He whispered.

Molly smiled her eyebrows furrowing for a split second. "Mo?" She asked.

Robby's hand finally left Mollys tattoo and subconsciously lowered to her hip. Molly felt heat follow Robby's touch and felt the butterflies in her stomach multiply.

Robby nodded ever so slightly, a small smile breaking through his lips. "Yeah. Figured I should give you a different nickname than everyone else."

Oh, God did those butterflies in Molly's stomach lose. It didn't even feel like butterflies anymore, it felt like a whole zoo was running around in her stomach.

Molly didn't know what was happening with her emotions. She was completely fine last time she saw him. What the hell happened?

"Well... thank you." Molly said bashfully. "For the compliment and the nickname."

Robby just smiled back, squeezing Mollys hand that was still interlaced with his as he led her to his and Sam's beach chairs. "I didn't know you were coming here today." He said, taking a seat in Sam's beach chair and letting Molly sit in his incase Sam came back.

Molly laughed and looked to where she had left Tory and Aisha. The two were separated, Aisha on the snack patio of the second floor with Sam while Tory leaned over the balcony ledge, taking photos of Molly and Robby being all couple-y.

When Tory realized she was caught, she put her phone down and smiled at Molly, waving enthusiastically, not even trying to hide that she was taking photos of her new friend and her boyfriend.

Molly continued to laugh, shaking her head as she turned back to Robby.

"Yeah. Aisha and I wanted to come. We decided to invite the new girl and get to know her."

Robby slowly nodded, his lips pursed before he raised his eyebrows and leaned closer to Molly. "You like her so far?" He asked. Molly's smile widened and she nodded her head happily. "Yeah. She's fitting right in."

Suddenly, loud footsteps came towards the two teens before a shape of a man blocked the sun from over Molly and Robby's bodies.

The two turned their heads to the employee of the beach club standing above them and Mollys eyes widened and the man's glare towards Robby.

"I knew it was you. What did I say would happen if you ever stepped foot in here again?"

Molly was taken aback by the man's attitude towards Robby. She protectively sat up, pushing her arms up so she was sitting as she glared at the man. "Excuse me?"

The man barely gave Molly the time of day, pointing at her, but turning back to Robby. "This is none of your concern, miss. I'm calling the cops." As he pulled out his phone, the man turned back to Molly and raised his eyebrows. "And frankly, if you're here with him, I might have them take you too."

Mollys jaw fell, she looked to Robby beside her and heart sank when she noticed his guilty look. Her brows furrowed and she was about to ask Robby what happened.

"Uh... What's going on here?"

Molly, Robby, and the employee all turned at the voice of Amanda LaRusso, her arms crossed as she glared at the beach club employee.

The man quickly shook his head. "Nothing to worry about, Mrs. LaRusso. Just removing these delinquents from the property." He said, turning back to Molly and Robby when referring to them.

Molly was still shocked. She just got here and she was already getting threatened to be kicked out. "Delinquents?" She asked, her eyes wide as she stared at the man's

Amanda looked back and forth between Robby and Molly. She huffed and turned back to the employee. "Well, these delinquents happen to be our guests."

The man laughed at Amanda's words. "I don't think you understand." He tried to reason, but Amanda soon cut him off, raising her hand to quiet him. "No, I don't think you understand. Robby and Molly are guests. Period." She snapped. Molly wasn't technically her guest, but she saw Aisha around the club earlier and figured the girl came with her.

The employee almost immediately coward away, muttering a small apology to Amanda and nothing to Robby and Molly. As he walked away, Amanda's face softened as she walked towards the two frightened teens. "You two okay?"

Molly nodded, rubbing her now clammy hands against her legs as Robby answered. "Yeah."

Amanda noticed Robby a lot more shaken then Molly was and frowned. She looked down at Molly and tilted her head. "Molly, can I talk with Robby alone?" She asked and Molly straightened up.

She immediately nodded her head, giving the tall woman standing over her a warm smile. "Of course!" She muttered. Just as Molly is about to stand, Robby grabbed her wrist, stopping her. He leaned over and kissed Molly's cheek, making Amanda and Mollys eyes widen.

Molly giggled, giving Robby a small smile once his lips left her cheek. She muttered a small "see you later" to him as she stood up and walked away from the two.

Molly walked back inside the beach club and headed up the stairs where she last saw Tory and Aisha.

When she felt someone link their arm with hers, Molly tensed and jumped a little. She turned her and calmed once she realized it was Tory standing beside her, a mischievous smile on her face.

"How much attention to detail do you think this club has in their alcohol?" Tory asked quietly, making sure to lean into Mollys ear so only she could hear her.

Molly chuckled, shaking her head. "Little to none."

When Tory never replied, Molly turned to look at her, her eyebrows screwed together but a smirk growing on her face. "What are you planning?" She asked just as they passed the table of self serve alcohol, bottles of vodka and other liquors smashed into buckets of ice.

Tory slowly unlinked her arms from Mollys and looked around. She reached forward and snagged one of the bottles of alcohol, quickly stuffing it in her tote bag.

Molly gasped out a quiet laugh at Tory's antics. As soon as Tory knew the bottle was well hidden in her bag, she grabbed Mollys hand, interlacing their fingers and pulling her to where she had split up with Aisha.

The two girls were giggling messes, almost tripping over their own feet as they ran out of the building and back onto the second floor snack bar that was outside.

Molly and Tory continued to look around for Aisha. Molly found her first, laughing with Sam and Molly perked up. Her steps towards Aisha sped up, dragging Tory with her.

"Hey!" Molly sang, breaking Aisha and Sam out of their conversation. The two girls smiled at Molly and Tory until Tory pulled out the top of the vodka bottle.

"Look what we found."

Sam's face fell as Aisha's jaw dropped. "Where did you get that?" She whispered as Tory hid the bottle back into her bag. "Swiped it from the bar." She giggled out before noticing Sam's nervous look.

Tory sighed, shaking her head. "Oh, relax." She grumbled, making Molly and Aisha finally noticed Sam's uncertain look. "All the adults are getting wasted. Plus, Mollys bag reeks of weed so I'm guessing she brought some. No one's gonna notice if we have a little fun."

Molly and Sam's eyes widened at Tory's words. Molly turned to Tory nervously as Sam turned to Molly in shock. "You guys could smell it?" Molly whispered. She had that joint on her all day. Could everyone smell it.

Molly started searching her bag for her joint as Aisha laughed. "Girl, I could smell it at the dojo."

Sam, still watching Molly, squinted a little. "You brought a joint?" She asked as Molly finally found the joint in a ziplock bag. It wasn't the greatest way to store it but it was the best she could do.

Molly hummed as she looked down at the don't before turning to Sam, nodding her head. "Hung out with Moon and Delaney the other day, Moon's mom gave us her leftover weed."

Sam huffed, knowing that she shouldn't judge Molly for smoking when her other friends do too. But she would continue to judge Tory. None of her friends stole alcohol before. "You should really put that back."

Tory, finally getting tired of playing nice with Sam, tilted her head in an annoyed manner. "And you are..."

Aisha straightened up once she realized she never introduced Tory and Sam. "Oh. Sam, this is Tory. Tory. Sam." She quickly explained, introducing the two girls to each other.

A small smile took over Tory's face as she nodded. "The Sam." She almost laughed out. While getting ready for the club, Aisha and Molly filled Tory in on all of the Molly and Hawk drama as well as the Miguel and Sam drama.

When she noticed Sam backed down a little, Tory eased. "Come on, like anyone's gonna miss one bottle of vodka. I could swipe half the silverware in this place before anyone notices."

Immediately, Sam was angry again. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Tory. "You shouldn't steal anything." She spat.

"What are you, a nun?" Tory laughed out. She decided to completely ignore Sam for the rest of the conversation, turning to Molly and Aisha. "Come on, are we gonna drink and smoke or not?"

Molly nodded almost instantly and a small look of betrayal flashed over Sam's face. Aisha looked back and forth between Tory and Sam; the devil and angel in her shoulders, before she sighed. "Okay, one drink."

Tory and Molly let out small squeals as cheers. As the three girls went to walk away to go smoke and drink, Molly's steps stopped when she felt a tight hand grab her wrist.

Molly was visibly taken aback, but she knew it was Sam that grabbed her hand. She turned around and looked down at Sam in front of her.

Sam slowly shook her head. "Robby isn't gonna like this." She warned.

It took everything in Molly not to laugh in Sam's face. According to his father, Robby has done a lot worse than weed.

Molly didn't expose Robby like that, of course. Instead, she shook her head at Sam. "Just because Robby is my boyfriend, doesn't mean he has control over me."

With that, Molly pulled herself out of Sam's grasp. She turned around and ran after Tory and Aisha to catch up with them.


After about an hour, the three girls tapped out of their weed and drink. Molly was more high than drunk while Tory and Aisha were more drunk than high.

Despite that, the three girls were giggling messes, all their arms linked as they struggled to walk through the snack bar in a straight line.


The three giggling girls turned around at the sound of Sam's yell. Mollys laughs slowed when she noticed Sam's angry face, but they didn't stop completely.

Once Sam was standing right in front of the three girls, she glared at Tory. "My mom's missing her wallet." Sam stated. Tory looked between Aisha and Molly on either side of her, confused as to what she has to do with it.

Tory turned back to Sam and giggled drunkenly. "Sucks for her." She said, making Aisha and Molly laugh with her.

Sam's glare on the new girl hardened as she crossed her arms over her chest. "You wouldn't know anything about that?"

The three girls tipsy smiles washed away in an instant. All three of them gave Sam confused looks.

"Wait... What are you saying?" Aisha asked, but Sam barely acknowledged her, all of her attention on Tory. "Just give me the wallet, and I won't tell security." Sam warned and Molly's jaw fell.

Tory scoffed out a laugh. "Are you freaking kidding me?" She asked. When Sam didn't back down, Molly quickly shook her head. "Sam! She didn't steal your mom's wallet." Molly tried to explain.

Finally looking away from Tory, Sam turned to Molly, her face red in anger. "Right, and she didn't steal a bottle of vodka." She spat, making Molly blink in shock. Molly took a small step back as Tory took one forward, raising a finger to point at Sam's chest. "Listen, I didn't rob your mom, bitch."

Sam stayed silent, but continued to glare at Tory, Aisha and Molly. Tory watched Sam for a second before scoffing. "Let's get out of here." She muttered.

The three girls all turned to walk away. In all honesty, a headache from getting crossed was starting to form in Molly's head and she just wanted to lay down in her bed.

Sam didn't believe Tory, Aisha, and Molly though. Without thinking about the consequences, Sam jumped forward and grabbed Tory's bag.

Tory turned around at the feeling of Sam trying to grab her bag and did the first thing she could think of: push her.

"Get off me!" She screamed as each of her hands met with Sam's shoulders. Tory pushed Sam back, making the LaRusso girl tumble into the snack table behind her.

Chocolate from the chocolate fountain poured over the girl as everyone laughed. Mollys heart sank about an inch as Tory laughed the loudest beside her.

When Molly noticed Tory and Aisha continue to walk away, she couldn't. She couldn't turn around and leave adam at that state.

So instead, Molly stepped forward and reached and hand out to help Sam up. "Are you okay?" She asked gently.

Sam scoffed at Tory's retreating figure before she turned back to Molly. Her glare softened and guilt started to pool in her body once she remember she snapped at Molly. "Real nice friend you've made." Sam muttered, looking down at her ruined clothes.

Molly was silent as she shook her head. She didn't see anything on what Tory did as wrong. Sure, they shouldn't have taken the vodka, but they're just teens.

Molly frowned a little, toying with her own hands as a fidget. "Look, even if you don't trust her, Aisha and I told you she didn't do it. You don't have to trust her, but you should've believed us." Molly said.

Sam's gaze fell to the floor, knowing Molly was right. Molly watched the girl for a couple seconds before she finally grew the courage to follow after Tory and Aisha.

"I'm sorry about you clothes, Sam." Molly muttered before turning away and following after her friends, leaving Sam all alone.


On the car ride back to her house, Molly sobered herself up. She thanked Aisha's mom for the ride home and walked into her apartment.

Molly stopped in the doorway, her eyes wide and her heart jumping when she noticed a third person in her home.

"What the hell happened to you?" Molly gasped at the sight of Demetri sitting at Mollys dining table with her mom. He had stitches across his nose and he was drinking some tea he always asked Mollys mom to make.

"Molly!" Her mom scolded and Molly quickly turned to face the woman, her eyes wide as she gestured to her friend. "What? He has stitches! I'm concerned." She yelled as she took off her shoes and left her bag by the door, completely forgetting about it as she ran to sit beside Demetri.

Molly cupped Demetri's face gently and looked over his wound. She sighed at the sight of the stitches. Molly stood up, moving her hands from Demetri's face and grabbing one of his hands.

"Come on." She muttered, pulling him out of his seat and leaned him into her room. She didn't know what happened, but she knew it had to involve karate and her moms could not know that karate was that dangerous.

She pulled Demetri into her room and once they were both inside, she turned around and closed the door. When Molly turned back around to face Demetri, she found him sitting criss cross at the head of her bed.

Molly walked over to him, sitting directly across from him at the foot of her bed. "Who did this to you?" She whispered.

"Your 'sensei.'" Demetri muttered, putting up air quotes with an annoyed look. Molly swallowed the lump in her throat and looked at Demetri with a hurt expression. She gently raised her hand to touch Demetri's face again, but only grazed his cheek.

"Johnny did this to you?" She asked quietly. Her voice was low and a little shaky. Molly couldn't believe Johnny would do this to Demetri.

"What? No! Not your neighbor!" Demetri yelled. He knew Molly had been starting to look up to Johnny so he made sure the idea of him being the one to fracture his nose left her head. Molly eased at Demetri words, letting out a small breath as her shoulders relaxed.

"The old mean one did this." Demetri huffed like a little kid. He grabbed the polar bear stuffed animal beside him on Mollys bed and rested him in his lap, wrapping his arms around the stuffed animal.

Molly bit her bottom lip. That sounded more believable. Demetri frowned, looking down at Mollys bedsheets. "I tried to tell Hawk what happened, but he was just complaining the whole time about you and Robby... dating?" He asked, looking up to Molly for the last word.

Molly's eyes widened, answering Demetri's question. But Molly did have that reaction because she was caught. She had that reaction because her plan was working. Hawk was pissed off that she was dating Robby.

A smile started to grow on her face, but Demetri didn't notice it, looking back to Mollys bedsheets as he scoffed. "I can't believe you didn't tell me first by the way." He sassed, knocking Molly out of her thoughts.

She hid her smile as Demetri looked back to her. "I should've been the first to know! I'm least involved with all of this... karate drama." Demetri complained, leaning back into Mollys pillows.

Molly huffed, moving around in her bed so she was now laying down beside him. "I wanted to tell you in person. You know I don't like saying stuff over texts. I guess Hawk told you before I could."

Demetri frowned a little before Molly turned to face him. "Why were you at the dojo anyway? Are you thinking of joining karate?" She asked.

"I just wanted to learn some self defense like you did." Demetri admitted and Molly nodded as he continued. "But I'm not joining Cobra Kai anymore after one of your senseis threw me to the ground and the other I should file a restraining order for."

An idea popped into Mollys head as she slowly turned to look at Demetri laying down beside her. "What if... you just don't join Cobra Kai?"

Demetri turned to Molly, the inner corners of his eyebrows meeting together in confusion. "I don't think I'm following."

Molly sighed. She moved around on her bed so she was laying on her side, her elbow propped up on her pillows as she rested her cheek in her hand, squishing her face a little. "Well... join Miyagi-Do." Molly said and Demetri's eyes widened as she continued. "Robby's in it and I'm sure him and Sam will be sweet to you. Mr. LaRusso might give you a headache, but that dude knows what he's doing. There's a class there tomorrow. I can drive you if you want."

Demetri watched Molly for a second, waiting for her to jump and say it was a prank but she didn't move. Her reassuring smile didn't falter once.

He moved to look in front of him and gnawed at his lip. He wanted to learn karate. Even if that wasn't with his two best friends at Cobra Kai, he still wanted to learn. Demetri turned back to Molly and nodded his head happily.

emily speaks...
new coverrrrrrr😍😍😍

MOBBBBBY (i'm gonna collapse i was giggling like crazy writing that whole fucking scene)
molly and tory my heart omg i love them and aisha to absolute bits and mama molls coming in clutch at the end of this chapter. her and demetri are the absolute best i will die on this hill.


also everyone a lot of you in this fic already do it(i love you guys mwah🫶😘) BUT PLEASE TRY TO COMMENT AND VOTE!! IT REALLY DOES HELP MOTIVATE WRITERS TO KEEP WRITING (hence why this is my most continuously updated fic) BUT YEAH JUST A REMINDER🫶‼️

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