xxii. out of hand

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Since Demetri was the only one who didn't drink among his friends, and Molly's car was their ride to the party, he decided to stay the night at Molly's place. Sam was already planning to spend the night, and Robby was staying with his dad, who lived in the same apartment complex as Molly. After dropping Chris off at his place, Demetri drove everyone else to Molly's apartment.

Molly let Sam take her bed since she had been crying the whole car ride from Moon's, saying she was a horrible person but refusing to explain what she did when anyone asked. After helping Sam to bed, Molly sat on the couch with Demetri, watching Modern Family.

Molly ended up falling asleep on the couch, with Demetri sprawled out on the other end after three episodes.

She woke up to the faint sound of yelling in her courtyard. Molly groaned, tiredly bringing her hands up to her eyes to rub the sleep out of them.

"Johnny, come on, I saw your car outside. I know you're in there, open up."

Molly started to wake up more and recognize Daniel's voice. She pushed herself off the couch and walked towards the window that pointed down to Johnny's apartment. She watched Daniel stand in front of Johnny's door angrily, with Johnny standing behind it.

Suddenly, Johnny shut the door on Daniel. Molly could hear Daniel yell Johnny's name, but the door stayed closed.

When Daniel kicked Johnny's door down, Molly's eyes widened, and she immediately ran towards her room to wake Sam up. "Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!" Molly shrieked, waking Demetri up.

Molly threw her door open and ran to her bed. She didn't care about waking Sam up peacefully. Molly grabbed the girl's shoulders and shook them as hard as she could. "Sam! Wake up!"

Sam groaned at Molly's way of waking her up. Her eyes opened groggily, and she glared at Molly. As she started to gain more consciousness, Sam's eyes widened, and she began to push herself up into a sitting position when she saw Molly's worried face. "What happened?"

"We gotta go downstairs right now." Molly said, not having time to explain details to Sam. She grabbed Sam's hand and pulled her out of the bed and towards the exit of her apartment.

As they ran down the stairs, Sam saw her dad's car and could hear him yelling from Johnny's apartment. She quickly put the pieces together, and by the time Molly tugged her into Johnny's home, she knew what had happened.

Molly's jaw dropped at the sight of Johnny's apartment. Stuff was knocked off the kitchen island, and his TV had fallen off the wall, shattered on the floor. Molly looked at the two men, who were both in their fighting positions. Just before either of them could land any more hits on each other or Johnny's things, Molly yelled, "What the hell is wrong with you two?"

The two men stopped and turned in the direction of Molly's voice. Daniel stepped out of his fighting stance as soon as he saw Sam beside Molly.

"Sam..." Daniel muttered, taking slow steps towards the two girls. He looked away from his daughter and at Molly, shaking his head in confusion. "Molly? What are you doing here?"

Molly's eyebrows furrowed. "I live here?" She looked out the door and pointed at her apartment on the second floor. "I'm in the unit upstairs." Molly turned back to Daniel and watched as his eyes shut in embarrassment and realization. "And Sam was staying with you..." He turned to Johnny, wanting to apologize, but as soon as he looked back at the man, his anger returned.

Daniel whipped his head around to look at Sam, taking an angry step towards her. "Why didn't you call or text us?" Daniel yelled. Molly was quick to step in front of Sam; she was the one who suggested she sleep over, after all, and Sam shouldn't get in trouble for that.

"Mr. LaRusso, it was my fault. I brought her here." Molly pleaded, her hands out in front of her as if it was a way to defend herself. Daniel scowled at the girl, raising his hand and pointing an accusing finger at her. "Don't you even start!" Daniel snapped, and Molly let out a quiet yelp.

She took a scared step back, even Johnny, Robby, and Sam were shocked at Daniel's outburst. His face reddened in anger as he kept getting closer to Molly. "You may have parents that don't care where you run off to, but I care about my kid! She should've texted!" Daniel yelled, finally moving his finger away from Molly and to his daughter.

Molly's eyes immediately teared up at Daniel's words. Johnny looked at Daniel in shock, his eyes darting to Molly just as she bit her lip to control her emotions. "Daniel..." Johnny whispered as Sam took a step forward in front of Molly, defending her just like Molly had defended her.

Molly's shoulders shook as she tried to hold back her heavy breathing. It took everything in her not to blink so tears wouldn't fall from her eyes. She knew she couldn't hold back much longer and she quickly turned around and walked out of the home.

She could hear someone chasing after her, but she didn't know who it was until Robby called her name.

Molly turned around just before she got to the stairs. Tears were streaming down her face now, and she quickly wiped them away. "I need to get ready for school." She muttered, her voice quiet so it wouldn't crack.

Robby took slow steps towards her, raising his hand and cupping her cheek. "Are you okay?" His voice was gentle, and that, along with him wiping her cheek, calmed her down a bit. Molly took a deep, shaky breath. "I will be." She whispered, leaning her head to kiss Robby's palm. Molly looked back at Robby and gave him a small smile. "Um... do you need a ride?"

Robby shook his head, leaning forward to press a kiss to Molly's forehead. "No, it's okay. I'll have my dad take me." He said as he pulled away. Molly nodded, giving Robby a calmer smile. "Okay, I'll see you at school."

She moved closer to him, her smile still wide on her face as she kissed him. The kiss was long but sweet. Robby moved his hands so both of them were cupping her face. As soon as they pulled away, Robby leaned in again and gave her a quick kiss. "See you." He said once they pulled away.

Molly walked up the stairs and back to her apartment. As she walked in, she immediately saw Demetri sitting on her couch, wide awake and already dressed for school.

"Who's ready for the first day?" Demetri asked in an over-exaggerated cheesy voice. Molly slowly turned to face him, and within seconds, his face dropped when he noticed her red eyes and tear-stained cheeks. "What happened?"


It didn't take long for Molly to get ready for school; she already picked out her outfit the day before so she only had to throw her clothes on and do her hair and makeup.

When Molly and Demetri got to the school, they parted ways, their lockers and homerooms being in different halls. Molly grabbed all the books she'd need for her first set of classes from her locker when someone walked up to her.

"Excuse me?"

She turned her head and saw Robby standing there with a playful grin on his face.

"I'm new to this school." He said, leaning casually against the lockers. "Can you help me find Ms. Santino's class?"

Molly laughed softly. "Really? You're going to pretend to be the new kid just to get me to walk you to class?"

Robby shrugged, his grin widening. "Hey, any excuse to spend more time with my girl."

Molly rolled her eyes but couldn't help the blush that crept up her cheeks. She finished putting her things into her backpack and closed her locker. "Alright, New Kid, let's find Ms. Santino's class."

As they walked down the hallway together, Robby reached over and gently took her hand, interlacing their fingers. "You know, I think I'm really going to like it here." He said, looking at her with a soft, affectionate smile. "I have you, and I already have a group of friends here."

Molly squeezed his hand as they arrived at Ms. Santino's classroom, and Robby turned to face her. "Thanks for the help, Mo." He said, his voice teasing. "I don't know what I would've done without you."

She giggled, leaning in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "You're welcome. Now, don't get lost on your way to lunch, okay?"

Robby laughed. "I'll do my best." He leaned in and kissed her lips. "Save me a seat?" He asked and Molly smiled. "Of course." She giggled out as she walked away and towards her own homeroom.


Never did anything in homeroom except read so as soon as she sat down, she pulled her book out of her backpack, put her earbuds in, started listening to music, and reading.

Molly raised her head and took one of her earbuds out when someone drummed their hands on her desk. She looked at Miguel walking past her desk to sit at the one behind her, Hawk trailing behind him. She smiled at Miguel and her body followed his as he sat down so she was facing him.

"So how was the party for you?" Molly asked, considering she only saw Miguel while she was doing the drinking game with Tory.

She watched as Miguel frowned, pinching the bridge of his nose as he shook his head. "I did something horrible." Miguel muttered, repeating Sam's same words.

Molly's face dropped, her eyes widened slightly as she leaned closer to his and Hawk's table. "You kissed Sam." She whispered.

Hawk and Miguel looked at Molly with wide eyes; Hawk looking at Molly with shock at the accusation and Miguel being shocked she knew. "How did you..." Miguel asked, making Hawk whip his head to him, his jaw dropped.

"Both you and Sam said you guys did something horrible, I just put the pieces together. But why did you kiss Sam?" Molly asked, her voice harsh but quiet so no one outside of the three of them could hear her.

"I mean isn't it obvious?" Hawk asked. Molly, very slowly, turned her head to face the boy, her face practically screaming "are you kidding me?" Miguel squinted at Hawk, confused where his friend was going to go with this.

"He's not over her!" Hawk whispered yelled before looked he side eyed Miguel. "It was kinda obvious." He muttered sarcastically. "Terrible case of first love syndrome." Hawk said and Miguel immediately scoffed. "Oh, like you're one to talk!"

Molly never wanted to leave a conversation faster. She bit the inside of her cheek and stared at Miguel, too uncomfortable to look at Hawk, who she could feel looking at her.

Luckily, Molly was saved by a boy none of the three had ever seen before walking up to Hawk and Miguel's table, his eyes set on Hawk. "Hey, man. Just wanted to say, I wet the bed till I was 13... There's nothing to be ashamed of."

Molly brought her hand to her face and covered her mouth, shocked that this boy just admitted that to a table of people he didn't know. She turned to look at Hawk, his jaw was clenched so tight, Molly was sure it would shatter.

"Get the hell out of my face!" Hawk snapped. As the kid fled the table, Miguel looked at Hawk with a confused look. "What's that guy's problem?"

She watched Hawk's eyes widened and his cheeks tinge pink, not wanting to have to relive the embarrassment from the night prior all over again. Molly looked back and forth between the two boys before butting in. "It's my fault." She blurted.

Both boys turned to Molly, Hawk relaxing while Miguel was intrigued. Molly gave Miguel a small—fake laugh and sheepishly shrugged. "I accidentally spilt my drink on Hawk last night. Everyone thought he peed himself."

Miguel sighed, shaking his head. He turned to Hawk beside him, silently telling him that that sucked. When Miguel looked back down to his homework on his desk, Hawk turned to Molly.

He nervously looked back and forth between the desk and Molly before mouthing "Thank you." Molly smiled and nodded, a silent way to tell her it was no problem before she turned back to face forward and read her book.

She read for the rest of class and took her earbuds out towards the end of it so she could listen to the morning announcements.

"And finally as we embark upon another academic year, it's important to remember to be tolerant and accepting of all of our peers, regardless of— Hey, you're not supposed to be in here!"

Molly looked up from her book to the speaker the morning announcements were coming from with furrowed brows.

"I don't care, move!"

Molly turned around in her seat to look at Miguel behind her, a terrified look on his face. "What is she doing?" Molly whispered. Miguel's eyes jumped back and forth between Molly and the speaker, his mouth opening and closing instead of answering.

"Samantha LaRusso. I know what you did and now you're gonna pay for it. I'm coming for you, bitch!"

The bell rang, signaling homeroom was done. Molly quickly threw her book into her backpack and ran out of the room.

She ran down the hall as fast as she could towards Sam's classroom. Molly followed the crowd, assuming everyone was following Sam. As she turned down a sudden hallway Molly pushed though the crowd to get to the front.

Molly stood behind Sam, Tory just a couple feet in front of her. Molly looked into the crowd behind Tory and watched with wide eyes as Robby pushed his way to the front. The couple locked eyes for a couple seconds before Tory spoke.

"I saw what you did at the party." She spat and Sam nervously held onto her backpack strap. Tory shook her head in a mixture of sadness and disgust. "You kissed Miguel."

Molly let out a disappointed breath at Tory's words, shaking her head at the back of Sam's. Tory noticed Molly's action and felt a sudden weight off of her shoulders, glad that Molly didn't know about it. She almost felt a bit calmer, but as her vision turned back to Sam, Tory saw red all over again.

She let out a war cry and ran at Sam. The LaRusso girl immediately turned to run away but Tory grabbed onto her backpack and pulled her back. Sam let go of her bag almost immediately to free herself but Tory already had a hold on her.

Tory kicked her in the stomach, making Sam fall back right into Hawk. Molly turned to Robby across the hallway as Hawk pushed Sam towards Tory, screaming, "Get back in there!"

Robby knew why Molly was looking at him, and he shook his head eagerly, silently begging her not to jump in. She looked away from Robby just as Tory threw Sam to the ground and raised her leg to strike her head.

That was all Molly needed to jump in.

She understood Tory's anger and hurt, but this was not the place to resolve it. Fighting at school was a recipe for disaster.

Molly ran up behind Tory and grabbed her waist, yanking her away from Sam just before she could land the blow. Tory didn't think; she reacted on pure instinct, whirling around and swinging her fist.

Molly barely had time to register the pain. Tory's spiked bracelet slashed across her cheek, and the sharp sting was quickly replaced by a burning, searing sensation. Molly screamed in pain, immediately letting go of Tory.

A collective gasp rose from the crowd. Molly touched her cheek as her eyes watched the blood dripping from Tory's bracelet.

Tory's eyes widened in horror, realizing what she had done, but before she could react, she was slammed into the lockers.

Robby stood in front of Tory, his hand gripping her shoulder, pinning her against the cold metal. His eyes were filled with anger towards Tory and it quickly turned to fear as he turned to Molly. His expression shifted, struggling to hide his terror at the sight of Molly's injury. He looked too worried—his eyes flicking back and forth between Molly's eyes and the gash on her cheek.

"You okay?"

Molly opened her mouth to speak, but Tory tried to move against Robby's hold. Robby whipped his head back to Tory and pushed her into the lockers again. "Stop!" He yelled as Miguel pushed himself through the crowd.

He didn't know what happened before he got there. All he saw right now was his girlfriend being held up against a locker by Robby, and he felt full of rage.

Miguel charged at Robby, leaping at his torso and tackling him. Molly's mind was a blur, the pain throbbing in her cheek.

She felt her legs start to wobble and just before she could feel herself start to fall, someone grabbed her shoulders and pulled her away from the fight. Molly looked up and tried her hardest to focus more when she saw Chris and Demetri standing beside her, Chris holding her arm since he was the one to pull her back.

"We've gotta do something, right?" Chris asked, talking about both Molly and the fight. Demetri looked at the fight then to the blood on Molly's cheek and sighed. "Good idea." He patted Chris's shoulder before running down the hallway. "I'm gonna get a teacher."

Chris watched Demetri run away before he looked back down at Molly. He held back any big reaction, not wanting to freak Molly out more. "Are you okay?"

Molly, again, never got the chance to answer. Mitch came running at Chris, and Chris pushed Molly away from them as they started to fight.

"Oh, it's on!" Molly heard Hawk scream behind her. She turned around just as he punched Nate in the face, knocking him to the ground. Molly ran towards Nate, helping him up as Hawk let out a loud scream.

Molly tried to pull Nate away from all of the chaos. She got pretty far down the hallway and smiled when she noticed Moon. Moon wouldn't be anywhere near the violence.

"Come on, guys, can't we all just get along?" Moon yelled. Molly looked around to see who was near her and her eyes widened when she saw Rickenberger run straight towards Moon.

Molly let go of Nate and ran towards Rickenberger. Molly kicked the boy in his side, distracting him from his original plan to attack Moon.

Rickenberger stumbled back but quickly regained his balance, his eyes narrowing as he focused on Molly. He charged at her, throwing a kick that Molly easily dodged. She used her block as a perfect way to distract him while she threw a punch at his face.

As the two of them fought, they moved down the hallway, exchanging punches, kicks, and blocks. Rickenberger aimed a high kick at Molly's head, but she ducked just in time, kicking her foot out, and sweeping his other leg out from under him. He fell hard but rolled back to his feet almost instantly.

Molly's heart pounded in her chest, and the pain in her cheek was still seering as she blocked a series of punches from Rickenberger. She saw an opening and aimed a kick at his gut. Rickenberger was thrown back so hard he crashed into the double doors behind him, bursting them open.

The crowd erupted with cheers for Molly, pushing through the doors after her and Rickenberger. The noise was deafening, an ear-piercing mix of shouts and gasps.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Molly could see Demetri finally return, now with Mr. Palmer, their old biology teacher.

Rickenberger got to his feet, his face filled with rage as he lunged at Molly again. They continued to fight, he swung wild punches, which she dodged back to back before throwing her own punch right to his nose that sent him staggering back.

Molly's current English teacher, Mr. Moore, appeared behind Rickenberger and grabbed his shoulder, hoping to pull him completely away from Molly to break up the fight and to finally patch up Molly's wound.

"Hey! Break it up!"

It was like Rickenberger was running on auto-pilot because without wasting a second, the boy turned to the teacher, grabbed his arm, and flipped him to the floor.

When Rickenberger turned back to Molly, she quickly grabbed his head with both of her hands and brought it down against her knee, sending him to the ground and ending their fight.

While Rickenberger fell to the floor, Molly's attention was drawn to Demetri running towards the computer lab, Hawk hot on his heels. "Shit!" Molly cursed under her breath, leaving her fight with Rickenberger to follow them.

She slipped into the hallway quietly, hoping to spot Demetri before Hawk did.

"Demetri, I know you're in here." She could hear Hawk taunt a hallway away from her. Molly gulped as his voice echoed throughout the hall. "Figured you'd hide in the computer lab. You damn nerd!"

Hawk's words made Molly suddenly remember a moment back when her and Eli first started dating. Demetri was telling her and Eli during lunch one day that there was one specific classroom that was his "safe space".

She ran towards the classroom and saw the door already open. If Demetri was in there, he was making it pretty obvious. Molly looked down both ends of the hallway before sticking her head inside the classroom. Just like she suspected, Demetri stood on the opposite end of the room, looking out the window for Hawk.

Molly was honestly shocked Hawk didn't think of Demetri being in here, but she smiled at the sight of Demetri okay. She leaned back and looked down the hallway again and when she saw no one around, Molly ran into the room.

She knew that if she just touched Demetri's shoulder, she'd startle him so Molly whispered his name first.

Demetri jumped a bit but luckily didn't make any noise. Molly grabbed his hand and immediately started to pull him back towards the door. "We've got to go." She whispered.

They hurried out of the classroom, and froze in their tracks as soon as they stepped into the hallway. Hawk stood at the other end, blocking their path, his face twisted into an evil smirk.


Molly and Demetri exchanged identical wide eyed looks. Without a word, they turned and sprinted away, the sound of their footsteps echoing down the corridor and Molly's hand having a death grip on Demetri's wrist.

They practically barreled through the doors Molly had originally ran in after them. She skidded to a stop watching everyone fight around her.

She felt Demetri shake himself out of her grip to get away from Hawk, who was just a couple feet behind them. As Demetri ran away, Hawk ran after him, completely disregarding Molly. He didn't want to fight her. He wanted to fight Demetri, get payback.

But Molly didn't notice any of this. All of the pain, aching, and stress finally started to catch up to her. She felt her heart beat in her eardrums and her breathing shakily pick up its pace.

Directly in front of her, was Aisha and Rickenberger fighting. Even though they were both in Cobra Kai, Aisha decided to give him a piece of her mind after watching him attack Molly so aggressively.

Her vision started to get blurry from her tears but she could see Aisha punch the boy in the face and elbowing him in the neck. When he fell to the floor, Aisha left him there and ran towards Molly.

"Oh my God, Molls. I saw what happened." Aisha was speaking so fast, Molly hardly understood her. "You might wanna hold that cut. Stop the bleeding." Aisha said as she held Molly gently in her arms, leading her closer to the exit of the school.

Molly followed Aisha's instructions, raising her hand up to her cheek, and using the cuff of her sweater as gauze.

Aisha stopped herself and Molly from walking just as the reached the bottom of the staircase, wanting to check on Molly's cut.

A loud crash to their right stopped her. The two girls turned their head and saw Hawk laying in the broken glass of the trophy case with Demetri standing over him, his chest rising up and done crazily as he tried to catch his breath.

And then, they heard a scream that made Molly's heart sink.


This time, the yell came from her left. Molly turned her head and everything seemed to slow down.

Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat shaking her body. The sight of Miguel falling from the second-floor was nightmarish. She could almost feel the air thicken around her. Then, in an instant, Miguel's back hit the ledge with a sickening thud.

He collapsed onto the stairs, unmoving, and Molly could've sworn she felt her heart stop altogether.

Molly was the first one to run up to Miguel. She didn't touch him. She knew not to touch him since he hit his back. Her lip quivered as she looked down at Miguel and her shoulders started to shake.

As Hawk took slow steps to stand beside her, his eyes glued on Miguel, Sam, who hadn't moved since she saw Miguel fall, looked up at Robby in the second floor with a shaken expression. "Robby, what did you do?"

Molly didn't think she could but looking up seeing Robby stand directly above when Miguel had fallen, a guilty look on his face, she felt even worse. She knew it was an accident and that's why she felt horrible. Not only did Miguel get seriously hurt but now Robby would carry this guilt.

Her sob wracked through her body as she looked back down to Miguel, too drained to hold it together anymore. She was in so much pain, both emotionally and physically.

She didn't move as EMTs came over to move Miguel. She couldn't. Hawk gently pushed her backwards until her back hit the staircase, giving the EMTs as much room as they could give.

One EMT stopped helping her team get Miguel onto a stretcher when she saw the slash across Molly's cheek. She took slow steps towards the girl, noticing her practically hysterical state as she cried.

The woman crouched down in front of Molly, blocking her view of Miguel, who was getting pushed out of the school and into an ambulance. "Miss, you're going to have to come with me. You're going to need stitches."

Molly slowly turned her head to face the EMT. She didn't hear a word the woman said but saw her hand outstretched for her to grab. Shakily, Molly put her hand in the woman's and stood up. While she started to get walked out of the school, Molly looked back up to the second floor, and Robby was gone.


Molly ended up getting seven stitches, her cut going from the edge of her cheekbone down to the center of her jawline. It was an eyesore in her opinion, but her nurse said it would start to look better in five days once they took the stitches out,

She was allowed to go home anytime she pleased afterwards but she couldn't. She was driven to the hospital in an ambulance and her car was still at school.

Molly was honestly too drained to drive. She didn't trust herself behind the wheel so she texted Demetri asking if he and his mom could come by the hospital since they lived so close, grab her keys from Molly, go to the school and grab her car, then come back to the hospital, pick her up, and drive her home, Demetri getting a ride home from his mom since she'd be following behind them in her car.

Demetri and his mom agreed and during the time Molly waited for Demetri to drive her home, Molly practically stared at her messages app, waiting for any text from Robby.

Molly sent him about twenty texts, asking where he was and if he was okay.

She got nothing back.

When Demetri pulled up to her apartment and parked in her usual spot, Molly let out a quiet, "Thank you."

Demetri insisted as he got out of the car that it was no big deal and he was happy to help her. He gave her her keys and a quick hug before he left with his mom.

As Molly walked towards her apartment, the rest of the building seemed empty. Johnny's car was no where to be seen and Molly knew the Diaz's were still at the hospital with Miguel. Only family was allowed to see him.

She took slow, defeated steps into her home, and headed straight for her bathroom.

Looking at her reflection in the mirror, Molly didn't recognize herself. A jagged line of black stitches cut across her cheek, swollen and red.

Her stomach churned, and a wave of nausea rolled over her. The sight of the stitches made her feel sick, and she hated who stared back at her in the mirror. This wasn't the face she knew. This wasn't the Molly she remembered.

Anger began to bubble up inside her. She clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms as tears filled her eyes. The longer she stared at the stitches, the more her anger grew.

Without thinking, a scream tore from her throat, raw and filled with pain. She swung her fist at the mirror, shattering the glass into countless shards. The sudden pain in her hand barely registered over the roaring in her ears. She looked down, seeing blood trickle from her knuckles, and felt a wave of regret crash over her.

Gritting her teeth, Molly grabbed some bandages and began to clean and wrap her hand. The tears fell faster and harder, now feeling the sickening burn on her face and hand.

A sudden knock on the door jolted her from her thoughts. Molly's heart raced, and she felt a flush of embarrassment. How could she answer the door like this? With stitches all over her face and blood seeping through the bandage on her hand? But she didn't have a choice. Taking a deep breath, she walked towards the door, her steps unsteady. Without checking the peephole, she swung it open.

She froze, her breath catching in her throat as she saw who stood before her.


emily speaks...
me🤝using rickenberger as my ocs enemy whenever i dont want to create a side oc that goes evil and fights my main oc

this has been my favorite school fight plot ive done from all my cobra kai fics i must say😌😌😌

i was evil giggling writing this whole thing because DANIEL YELLING AT MOLLY?? MOLLYS CUT?? ROBBY AT HER DOOR?? plot is plotting fr🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️

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