xxi. moved on

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Molly noticed as soon as she pulled into Moon's driveway that the party was going to be packed. Her jaw actually dropped at how many cars were parked around her. She climbed out of the car, along with Robby, Demetri, Sam, and Chris, who she drove.

As they walked towards the house, Molly noticed Robby push his fists into his jean pockets. She turned her head and linked her arm with Robby's, pulling him closer and resting her chin on his shoulder.

"You excited?" Her voice was soft, but laced with excitement as she looked to Robby's side profile. When he turned his head to look at her, he smiled. "Definitely. The last party I went to, I met you and now, I'm going with you as your boyfriend."

"There's a lot of people here already." Chris muttered, nervous about how many people were crammed into the house. Sam chuckled beside him, nudging his shoulder with hers to try and make him a little calmer.

"I guess Moon and Delaney must have invited other kids from school." Molly said, and Demetri groaned from behind her.

"I only brought Trivial Pursuit. If I knew there was gonna be this many people, I would've brought Boulderdash." Demetri complained as they walked into the home. Molly held back a laugh, but not a smile. She turned around and started to walk backward to face Demetri, her big smile wide across her face as she shook her head. "I can assure you, D... No one will be playing Trivial Pursuit."

Just as Molly was about to turn around and face front, Demetri grabbed her shoulders, his eyes wide as they jumped back and forth between something behind Molly and her eyes. "Before you turn back around, as your best friend, I need to know...."

Molly's smile faded and her eyebrows furrowed as she looked up at her friend. She watched as he looked past her one more time before settling his eyes completely on her. "If your ex happened to be... right behind you with the rest of Cobra Kai, would you want me to tell you? Or no?"

Molly's face hardened, and her jaw clenched. Instead of answering his question, Molly turned around and instantly locked eyes with Hawk, squeezed on Moon's couch with Mitch, Bert, and Big Red.

She scoffed, walking past her own group and towards the back door. "Oh my God. I need a beer." She muttered. Demetri's brows furrowed at Molly's words, watching as she started to walk away. "But you're driving." He called after her.

Immediately, Molly's keys were tossed into his chest, and he surprisingly caught them. "Not anymore. No." Molly said, barely turning her head back to face Demetri.

Molly was suddenly was pulled into a tight hug, and she whipped her head around to see who was holding her. Her anger disappeared once she realized Moon had pulled her into a hug, Delaney standing right beside her.

"Molly! I'm so glad you came!" Moon cheered. As soon as she and Molly pulled away from their hug, Delaney gave the same gesture. Molly could feel Hawk's eyes staring into her head, but she let her eyes search the party for Aisha or Tory. Since she left Cobra Kai, it's been harder for the girls to hang out.

"The kegs are out back, drinks are in the kitchen, and the vegan pigs in a blanket just got out of the oven." Delaney said as Moon pulled Sam over to the conversation.

"Guys, you never said anything about inviting Cobra Kai." Sam said, her voice quiet so the kids couldn't hear her.

Delaney's cheeks reddened, and a nervous laugh left her lips. "Whattttt? I could've sworn we did!" Delaney muttered, a fake confusion in her voice. Molly's eyes widened, yet somehow it looked like she was glaring at the girl. "Laney!" Molly scolded.

Delaney immediately threw her hands up in the air defensively, an evil smile on her face. "Oh, be mad at me all you want, but I have drinks out back with your name on it." She said in a sing-song voice, pointing her fingers at Molly tauntingly.

Molly's glare slowly washed away, and a smile spread across her face. "Okay, let's go."


Molly ended up playing some cup pong with Delaney, Moon, and Aisha; Molly and Aisha on one team and Moon and Delaney on the other. Molly and Aisha ended up winning every single round they played until Tory called Molly over from the center of the backyard to play a drinking game with her.

The point of the game was to stand on a stool with one leg and drink what was in your cup without falling. For the first two rounds, Molly played with Big Red as her hype man. She hadn't been a fan of him since he, Hawk, and the other Cobra Kai boys attacked her, Demetri, Robby, and Sam at the mall, but she appreciated the gesture nonetheless.

By the third round, Molly was relatively tipsy, but Robby had come out to cheer her on.

Molly downed her fourth cup in one sip and as she lowered her head to face Tory, she felt a sudden head rush hit her like a truck. Her knee shook from under her, and her arms shot out to hold herself up as she fell.

Everyone crowding around gasped, waiting to see if Molly would fall. "Molly." Robby whispered from beside her. Shakily, Molly looked down at her boyfriend. He looked up at her with big, but determined eyes, wanting her to win or at least keep going. "Focus."

Molly nodded. She looked back up at Tory, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. She felt herself slowly regain her balance. She opened her eyes and held her hand out in front of Big Red, who was the one refilling her and Tory's drinks.

The boy quickly handed the two their drinks. Molly grabbed the cup and looked up at Tory. When the two girls locked eyes, Tory smirk, holding her drink a little higher before bringing it to her lips and downing the liquid instantly.

Molly chuckled. She wasn't the most competitive, not for a drinking game at least, so she threw her head back and let the alcohol go down her throat. Molly cringed at the burn and shook her head to try to relieve it.

Apparently, her Miyagi-Do focus hadn't been as skilled as other students because as soon as she shook her head, she lost her balance and fell from the stool.

The crowd around them gasped, and Robby shot his arms out to catch her before she hit the ground. Big Red walked right up to Tory as she jumped off the stool, a huge smile on her face. Big Red grabbed her hand and threw it in the air. "Winner and still champion! Tory!"

As the crowd around them cheered, Tory ran towards Molly and immediately pulled her into a hug. "Good game, Molls."

Molly squeezed Tory, and when they pulled away, Tory's gaze moved just past Molly. She walked up to the person she saw standing behind Molly, Sam. "Well, look who it is."

Robby gently grabbed Molly's shoulder, pulling her back and into his chest to give Tory and Sam some room. "Maybe you'd like to play a game? Or are tea parties more your speed, Princess?" Tory taunted, a big smirk on her face.

Molly could see how drunk Sam was. She was practically swaying. Sam clenched her jaw and turned to Big Red. "Get me a cup."

The crowd started to cheer, and Tory chuckled. "Alright. New game!" She yelled, walking towards her stool.

Molly stood in front of Robby, his arm around her shoulders, as he waited to see what would happen. As Sam drunkenly moved to step onto the stool, Molly followed after her and grabbed her hand. Sam turned around with a glare, mad that Molly was stopping her from playing.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Molly asked softly. Sam ripped her hand out of Molly's grasp as if Molly's hand was on fire. "What, you don't think I can beat her?" Sam seethed, her words slightly slurred from the alcohol in her system.

Molly shook her head crazily, opening and closing her mouth in shock. "It's not that. It's just—" "Leave me alone, Molly. Stop being such a buzzkill!" Sam snapped.

Molly's smile fell as she watched Sam walk up to the game. The crowd around them let out "oohs" at Sam's words, but they stopped caring in seconds once the game began. They started to cheer, louder and more chaotic than before. Bodies pressed against Molly to get closer to the game, jostling her slightly.

She glanced around, trying to spot Robby through the crowd, but all she saw were unfamiliar faces. Her breathing quickened, and she felt a tightening in her chest. Panic crept up on her, and her vision blurred at the edges.

Her head began to feel light, almost disconnected from her body. The noise around her seemed to amplify, and the bodies hitting her seemed to get harder and harder. She couldn't catch her breath; it felt like she was inhaling fire.

She brought her hand to her chest. Her fingers tingled, a strange, prickling sensation that spread to her toes and the tip of her nose. She tried to focus on looking for Robby, the laughing faces, anything to ground herself, but it was no use. The panic was too overwhelming.

She needed to get out. She needed air.

Pushing through the crowd of people, she stumbled her way toward the house. No one seemed to notice her distress; they were too absorbed in the rivalry of the game. She felt her panic growing as she got closer and closer to freedom.

Finally, she broke free of the crowd and ran into the house, her movements frantic and uncoordinated. She barely registered the coolness of the home and Demetri and Hawk sitting on the couch as she made her way to Moon's bedroom, away from people.

She slammed the door behind her and stumbled to the wall across from it. Her legs started to go numb, and she became too lightheaded as she collapsed on the floor, curling into a ball, her knees drawn tightly to her chest.

The panic attack was in full force now. She rocked slightly, tears streaming down her face as she fought to breathe, to think, to do anything but feel the crushing weight against her chest.


While the cheers of Molly and Tory's game echoed from the backyard into the home, Demetri, who got a Mr. Pibb from Delaney, walked into the living room and immediately noticed Hawk sitting alone on the couch, all of his Cobra Kai friends watching Molly and Tory's game.

Nervously, Demetri walked up to his old friend and sat down beside him. Hawk looked to see who sat down and instantly rolled his eyes, but Demetri kept his hopeful demeanor up.

It was quiet between the two of them; Demetri not knowing what to say and Hawk not wanting to say anything at all.

The Alexopoulos boy drummed his fingers against his red solo cup before he turned to Hawk with a smile. "You check out the new Doctor Who trailer?"

Hawk scoffed, taking a big sip of his "mystery drink" that Aisha made for him. "I don't watch nerd shit."

Demetri gulped but didn't back down. He moved a little closer to Hawk and gave him a knowing smile. "You know... Moffat isn't the show runner anymore."

Hawk's eyes widened, and he whipped his head to Demetri. "Wait, really? Since when?" He asked, his voice quiet but eager so no one could hear him. Demetri smiled, watching Hawk have his own smile. Before he could even answer the question, Hawk asked another. "Is there a new Doctor? What's he like?"

"She's badass." Demetri chuckled, a big smirk on his face.

Hawk turned to have his whole body face Demetri, the biggest smile Demetri had seen on his face since he even started going by Hawk. "She? No way."

Molly rushed into the home from the backyard, and from how fast she was walking, Hawk didn't notice the panic that was radiating off of her. His smile fell, but his eyes stayed softened as he watched her say something to Delaney and Delaney pointed down the hall. Demetri followed Hawk's eyes and frowned when he realized he was watching Molly.

Demetri turned back to Hawk and gave him a lopsided frown. "I'd give up, man. She's moved on." Demetri said. Hawk looked away from the spot Molly just was and scoffed, taking a sip of his beer. "Defeat does not exist."

Demetri sighed at Hawk's words, a new protectiveness for Molly he didn't know he had came up. "There's that winning attitude that pushed her away in the first place. That and being stupid enough to think that you were better off without her." Demetri seethed. He noticed Hawk straighten his shoulders, and Demetri slowly started to smile, thinking that maybe he was finally getting to him.

He placed a friendly hand on Hawk's shoulder. "I think you need a healthy dose of inner peace. It's worked for me."

Hawk turned to face Demetri. His face didn't hold any anger. It looked like he was taking Demetri's words into consideration.

"Hey, Moon. Do you know where Molly is?"

Hawk's mood deflated in seconds at the sound of Robby's voice asking for Molly. He turned in the direction he heard the boy and glared.

All of the progress Demetri had made was gone in an instant. Hawk turned back to Demetri, an evil smirk on his face. "Oh yeah?" He taunted as he stood up. He raised his solo cup of beer and dumped it onto Demetri's head.

The whole room gasped at the sight. Demetri shut his eyes and mouth as tight as he could to not get any alcohol in them. He flinched as Hawk through the cup at his chest.

"That's what I thought." Hawk said. Demetri slowly raised his head to look up at his old best friend and felt his heart sink when he didn't even see a hint of regret on his face. "Still a pussy."

As Hawk walked away, he felt a surge of anger pump through him. He was mad at Demetri, mad at Robby, and mad at himself.

He walked down the hallway of Moon's home, searching for a bathroom or bedroom he could sit in until he cooled off. Hawk could see a closed door just down the walkway and sped up.

Hawk pressed his ear to the door once he got to it, listening in to see if he could hear anyone in there. When he didn't hear anything on the other side of the door, Hawk turned the handle and walked in.

As soon as the door shut behind him, he let his back fall back against it and sighed. His hands went to his face, and he was tempted to slide down the door until he was sitting on the floor, his knees to his chest.

But he didn't need to. After a couple of seconds of controlling his own emotions, he felt himself get a little calmer. He dropped his hands from his face and examined the room. It was dimly lit, and since he was now out of his own head, he finally noticed the rapid breathing coming from the other end of the room.

His back stiffened, and he froze. Even though it was Hawk in the room, Eli knew Molly's breathing. He could hear it in a crowd of 20 people and be able to recognize it was her panicking.

Hawk looked around the dark room, but he couldn't make out Molly since his eyes hadn't adjusted to the darkness yet. He squinted, walking towards the area he heard the shallow breathing before he finally saw Molly sitting on the floor, her back against the wall. His heart stopped for a second.

"Molly?" He said softly, his voice laced with concern.

She doesn't respond, her eyes wide, unfocused, and staring off in front of her. Hawk rushed to her side, kneeling down and gently taking her hands in his.

As soon as Molly felt someone grab her hand, her eyes snapped back into focus. She looked to see who had grabbed her hands, and her eyes widened in surprise at Hawk crouched in front of her.

"Molly, look at me. It's going to be okay. Just breathe with me, okay?" Hawk said, squeezing his hands around Molly's tighter. He started to breathe slowly and deeply, guiding her through it.

Molly's breathing stayed just as frantic before, maybe even a bit faster because of Hawk being with her in here. Why did he have to be here? Hawk's eyes were wide, and his own heart started to pick up its pace when Molly's breathing didn't change.

It was like he was on autopilot, still knowing how to help Molly through her panic attacks like the back of his hand. He let go of her hands and slowly brought one of them into a fist. His eyes gently met Molly's, silently asking her if it was okay for him to touch her.

Molly didn't know what else to do. She was starting to feel faint, and as much as she hates the idea of Hawk helping her through her panic attack, she knew there was no one else that knew her and her attacks enough to do it. So she nodded her head. It was fast, faster than her heartbeat.

Without wasting a second, Hawk leaned forward and pulled Molly into a hug, his fist in between his and her sternum so she had somewhere to focus her breathing.

Because of their position, Molly's head rested on Hawk's shoulder. She tried her hardest to take slower, bigger breaths as the tears in her eyes started to trail down her face and seep into Hawk's zip-up.

Gradually, her breathing started to sync with his, and the panic in her eyes slowly left.

"That's it, just like that," Hawk murmured, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on her back.

As her breathing steadied, Molly pulled herself out of Hawk's grasp and looked up at him, her eyes still filled with tears. She felt her hand twitch in her lap and had to hold herself back from raising her hand and touching Hawk's cheek. To run her thumb across his cheekbone.

It was an old habit of hers, to caress Eli's face once she was out of an attack to get rid of the tingly feeling in her fingertips. She can still picture herself curled up in Eli's warm bed, her hands on Eli's face as his drew circles on her waist for her to concentrate on.

But Molly couldn't do that. She didn't want to do that. She wanted to run her thumb across Robby's cheekbone. She sniffled, pulling her legs into her chest, creating a barrier between her and the boy and running her thumb up and down her knee, the small threads of denim being a nice way for the tingling feeling in Molly's fingers to go away.

Hawk noticed Molly's hand, her consciousness holding her back from doing something that was muscle memory in her eyes. She hasn't even had a panic attack since after her breakup. She hadn't come up with a plan on what to do now that she didn't have Hawk as a support system anymore.

Molly cleared her throat to make sure her voice wouldn't be raspy after crying and spoke. "Sorry you had to see me like that."

Hawk shook his head, his expression soft. "Don't apologize. It's not the first time I've helped you through panic attacks. I'm just glad someone was here to help. You don't have to go through this alone."

For a moment, they just sit there, the silence between them making both of them tense. Even though the two of them hadn't been on speaking terms, Molly really appreciated him helping her through her panic attack. "You always knew how to calm me down." Molly whispered nervously, her voice shaky.

Hawk smiled, a small smugness taking over his body he tried his best to hide. Robby wasn't there to help her. He was. He thought back to Tory and Aisha's theory that Molly and Robby were just faking it. He wanted to dig further into this theory, but he knew now was the worst time to. His main priority now was to make sure Molly was okay.

"I just want you to be okay, Molls. Always."

Molly's heart ached at the nickname. It was like she was thrown back in time, when Hawk calling her "Molls" meant the world to her. She blinked and looked away from Hawk, stuck in a speechless state at the weird deja-vu-like feeling that just hit her.

Just then, the loud sound of microphone feedback echoed all throughout Moon's home. Molly cringed at the noise, quickly bringing her hands to her ears before she heard Demetri speak into the mic.

"Excuse me!"

Molly didn't know what Demetri was doing, but something told her in her gut that it was a bad idea. "Shit." She muttered under her breath. Without saying a word to Hawk, Molly pushed herself up and raced out of the room.

"I'd like to make a toast. To Eli Moskowitz." Demetri cheered and in seconds, Molly heard Hawk hot on her tail after hearing his name.

As the crowd started to murmur asking who Demetri was talking about, Molly searched the living room for familiar faces and her eyes landed on Robby. She rushed towards him as Hawk walked towards Cobra Kai, who stood against the back wall.

Her arm anxiously linked with Robby's, making him turn away from Demetri and to Molly. He turned his whole body to face Molly completely when he noticed her eyes were red and some of her makeup had been smudged from the tear lingering around the corner of her eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" His voice was soft and filled with worry. Molly nodded and tried her hardest to give him a believable smile, still shaken up from her panic attack. "Yeah, just too many people. Freaked me out." Molly said, sniffling in the process.

Hawk leaned against the wall, his eyes fixed on the couple. He couldn't shake the Tory and Aisha's words that Molly and Robby's relationship was fake, a scheme to get back at him for breaking up with Molly.

But as he watched, Robby leaned in close to Molly. They exchanged a few whispered words and Robby smiled, wiping a tear from her eye. It made Hawk's heart ache.

Then, Robby kissed her.

Hawk felt a sharp pang in his chest as if the air had been knocked out of him. He tried to look away, but he couldn't. His eyes were glued to the sight of Molly. The crowd around them seemed to blur, but Hawk had a perfect view of the scene.

A couple of people nearby noticed Hawk's reaction and exchanged knowing glances, but he didn't care. His world had narrowed down to that, that one kiss.

Even when they pulled away, Hawk's eyes stayed on them. Stayed on Molly. It wasn't until Mitch elbowed him to pay attention to Demetri's words that he came back into the real world.

"Some of you might know him as Hawk. But underneath that crazy clown cosplay and whatever type of Manic Panic he dumps in his hair, he's still good old Eli. My binary brother."

Molly turned back to Demetri on the small stage of Moon's home, shaking her head. "Demetri, don't." Molly whispered, but considering her and the rest of Miyagi-Do was in the very front row, Demetri heard her. Demetri looked to Molly for a second, but he didn't look like he was willing to stop.

He looked back to the audience and gave them a fake frown. "Well, he was my binary brother. You know what he is now? A real zero." He held his hand up to form an "o", making the audience chuckle.

"All right, that's enough, Demetri." Hawk yelled from the back of the room. Molly turned around to look at him and bit the inside of her cheek at the angry look on his face. Demetri just let out a dry laugh, shaking his head reassuringly to the audience.

"Don't let that angry red hairdo fool you. He's a big softie. We watched every Harry Potter movie together. And he bawled like a baby when Dobby died." Demetri said, a fake pout on his lips as he spoke in a baby voice.

The people around Molly started to laugh. She bit the inside of her cheek nervously as Demetri looked down at her. She saw his eyes practically sparkle as an idea popped into his head. "And you all know Molly Preston." Demetri started, his hand out to gesture to the girl. Molly felt herself shrink as all eyes moved to her. "Hi Molly." Demetri said, giving the girl a small wave.

Demetri looked back to the rest of the audience. "Eli was a big ol' softie with Molly back when they dated. He was little spoon, you know?"

The room laughed at Demetri's words. Molly knew deep down that they weren't laughing at her or making fun of her, but she felt her back stiffen and her heart rate start to pick up.

"In the words of Eli's hero, Steve Jobs, 'I've got one more thing.' Have any of you heard of sleep enuresis?"

Molly no longer cared about her own humiliation in that moment. She knew Hawk had been an asshole to Demetri, but this was crossing a line.

"Don't." She could just barely hear Hawk mutter behind her. His voice was soft and shaky. It reminded her of Eli. Molly took a step closer to the stage and Demetri, shaking her head desperately. "Demetri, that's enough. Come on. Quit it."

She reached her hand out to pull Demetri off stage, but a hand beside her grabbed her wrist and pulled it back. Molly could've gotten whiplash from how hard she turned her head to see who grabbed her hand and her eyes widened at Robby being the culprit.

Molly took a step towards Robby, eagerly shaking her head. "What are you doing? Let me go." She tried to pull herself out of his grasp, but Robby kept a tight hold. Molly looked back up at Demetri hopelessly, getting angry that she couldn't stop him.

"That is the medical term, of course. In the King's English, it's good old-fashioned bed-wetting. And Eli here is a pro. My mom even had a special air mattress for sleepovers. And she called it... Eli's waterbed."

The laughter that echoed in the room was loud in Molly's ears. She turned around and locked eyes with Hawk. He had a shaky frown on his face and tears in his eyes. It was weird, even with the new clothes and hair, Molly could see Eli coming out.

"I'm sorry." Molly mouthed to the boy, her own face contorted into a sad one. She felt her heart sink when Hawk blinked and a single tear fell down his face. His eyes left hers and scanned all the laughing eyes on him. He quickly wiped the tear and his sad face turned into anger.

"You're a corpse!" Hawk yelled, his voice booming over the laughter. He and the rest of Cobra Kai started walking towards Demetri, everyone except Miaygi-Do parting the way for them.

Chris took a big step forward, looking down at Hawk with the shake of his head. "You're gonna have to go through me."

While the two dojos started to argue back and forth, Molly turned to Demetri, who still stood on stage. All the confidence he had in the past five minutes was gone. He held onto the microphone so tight, his knuckles were white.

Molly finally got ahold of his wrist and pulled him down off the stage. She made sure she was still blocking him from Cobra Kai just in case they got past Miyagi-Do.

"What was that?" Molly whispered-yelled. Like a child in trouble, Demetri turned to Hawk and pointed an accusing finger at him. "He deserved it!"

"Eli's waterbed?!" Molly scolded and Demetri guiltily looked down to the floor because of Molly's reprimand.

Over the back and forth of Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do, the faint sound of police sirens got louder and louder.


Everyone immediately started to disperse, running towards any exit they could to get out before the police arrived. "Demetri, you got lucky. I'll see you in school!" Hawk yelled, Robby and Chris holding him back from attacking Demetri right then and there. Mitch and Big Red pulled Hawk away and towards the exit of Moon's home.

"Lets go! Now!" Molly yelled, holding onto Demetri's hand tighter and grabbing Robby's as she ran past him.

It was a struggle to push through all of the rushing bodies, but as soon as she got to her car, she turned to see who followed her out.

She started counting the heads of everyone she drove, starting with herself. "One, two, three, four..." After she counted Robby, Demetri, and Chris, she realized Sam was missing. Her eyes widened as she looked around the driveway. "Where the hell is Sam?"

The three boys all just shrugged, looking around—not as frantically as Molly.

Molly groaned, pushing Demetri towards the driver's seat as she started running back towards the house. "You guys get in the car! I'll go find her!" Molly yelled. Demetri nodded, immediately climbing into the driver's seat, with Robby and Chris getting into the back.

As Molly ran through the many hallways of Moon's home, she collided with someone running in the opposite direction. Molly turned to the person to apologize and let out a relieved breath when she realized it was Aisha.

"Aisha! Have you seen Sam?" Molly asked frantically, looking past the girl to see if Sam was in the kitchen behind her. Aisha shook her head, just as frantic as Molly. "No, she must've already left. Have you seen Tory?"

Molly thought back on all the faces she'd seen since the cops showed up; she couldn't remember ever seeing Tory. Molly shook her head, just now realizing how out of breath she was from running. "Not since earlier. No."

Aisha sighed, shaking her head. She grabbed Molly's hands and gave them a quick squeeze. "Call me if you do."

Molly nodded immediately, squeezing Aisha's hands back. "You too." Molly said, and Aisha nodded, running down the hallway Molly had just come down.

Molly ran into the kitchen just as Sam did from another direction. Molly let out a loud and relieved sigh, running towards the LaRusso girl. "Sam! There you are. I've been looking for you. We gotta go."

Sam drunkenly turned her head when she heard her name and let out a small cry when she saw Molly.

"Molly, I did something so stupid." Sam cried, pulling Molly into a hug. Molly shook her head, running a hand over Sam's hair. "It's OK, we can figure it out later." She gently pulled Sam away from her and grabbed her hands. "Right now, we just gotta get you home."

Molly turned around, ready to run back to the car, but Sam stayed in her spot. "No. My parents are gonna freak out if they see me like this."

Without thinking, Molly nodded her head quickly, still trying to pull Sam out of the kitchen and in the direction of the car. "Okay, you can stay at my place then, but we've really gotta go."

Sam nodded, taking a deep breath to control her crying before she and Molly ran towards the car. The home was almost completely empty now, so it was very easy for the two of them to get back to the driveway.

As they ran up to the car, Molly waved her free hand frantically to get Demetri's attention. "Start the car!" She yelled.

Demetri's eyes widened, and he started the car as Robby got out of his seat in the back to help Sam in. Molly ended up taking Robby's spot in the back, too much adrenaline pumping through her to stop herself, but Robby was quick to jump into the passenger seat.

Before Robby could even close the passenger door, Demetri slammed his foot on the gas and started driving away from the sound of the sirens and towards Chris's house to drop him off.

emily speaks...
not much mobby during the party but THAT WAS THE POINT
this chapter was to feed moli fans that i've been starving(im so sorry)

i hope you all enjoyed this chapter<33 i was worried ive been hyping it up too much but i really like how it came out!!

ONE MORE CHAPTER OF SEASON 2!! still hoping to have it out before the 18th for season 6 let's all manifest i do it in time please🙏🙏

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