xx. real or fake

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Aisha and Tory ran into their dojo as fast as they could, big smiles spread across their faces when they saw Miguel and Hawk already together on the floor stretching. The two girls turned to each other, both of them giving the other a small nod before they ran at the boys.

Miguel and Hawk jumped at how fast Tory and Aisha sat down beside them. "We need to talk." Tory said urgently. Miguel and Hawk started at the two girls and was starting to get confused in the small huddle, the girls wide eyes scaring him.

"About what?" Miguel asked, his nerves sky rocketing at the sight of Tory and Aisha. He didn't know who to look at, his eyes bouncing back and forth between the two of them.

"About Molly and Robby." Aisha answered and immediately, Hawks nervous glance dropped into an unamused frown. He rolled his eyes and pulled his legs back into a criss cross position.

"I'm out." He said, starting to get up to remove himself from the conversation, but Aisha grabbed his forearm and pulled him back down, her eyes still wide. "You're gonna want to hear this." She muttered, her voice lower than normal, making Hawk nervous about the seriousness of the conversation.

Slowly, he sat back down in between Miguel and Aisha. The two girls waited until he was comfortably on the floor again before speaking.

"Now, this might sound crazy, but Tory and I think that this little relationship going on with Robby and Molly is fake." Aisha explained, her eyes mainly on Hawk to catch the boys reaction.

Immediately, Miguel's brows furrowed. "What?" He whisper yelled, shaking his head crazily before he turned to his girlfriend. "Tory, are you kidding me?"

Tory stood her ground, grabbing Miguel's shoulders. "No, it makes sense. Just listen." Tory explained. Miguel squinted at the girl before he turned to Hawk. The Moskowitz boys eyes were widened softly, his jaw dropped just barely. Miguel could've sworn he had a look that was filled with hope.

Aisha turned to Hawk, who was staring at the floor with the same expression stuck to his face. "Hawk," Aisha said, making the boys head whip up. "When you and Molly were together, you two would be really affectionate. You guys would kiss in front of us and hold hands and just... you know, be couple-y." Aisha explained.

Hawks heart sank at the old memories of him and Molly being together. He swallowed the lump forming in his throat and nodded his head gently. "Yeah..." He answered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Aisha turned to Tory, silently giving her an "I told you so" look before she turned back to Hawk. "Well, when Tory first came here, the three of us went to the beach club and Robby was there so Molly hung out with Robby and they didn't kiss once." Aisha said, her eyes wide as if she were telling a scary story."

Miguel's eyebrows furrowed. He remembered the day the girls went to the beach club. It was the same day that he found out Molly and Robby were dating after Hawk came over to talk to him about it. "Wasn't that like... close to when they first started dating? Maybe she was nervous to kiss him in front of you guys. Especially since she knows you're friends with Hawk." Miguel asked, trying to come up with some reason as to why Molly would come up with this lie.

"That would make complete sense if we were hanging out with them. But she went off on her own with him. We were spying and nothing!" Tory yelled, throwing her hands into the air to add emphasis.

"Creepy." Miguel muttered jokingly, making Tory smile and kick her leg out to hit his. As Miguel laughed with his girlfriend, Hawk watched Aisha confused. "What? But... Molly always kissed my cheek, even when we first started dating." Hawk said, bringing Miguel and Torys attention back to him as he continued. "The day she asked me out she kissed me on the cheek out of just pure excitement."

Aisha smiled, glad the boy was catching on. "Which is why we think they're faking it." She said , raising her finger and pointing at the boy.

"Okay, but maybe she doesn't want to do things with Robby that she did with Hawk." Miguel asked but Tory immediately shook her head. "Yeah, but Molly's an affectionate person anyway. Dating or not. Even if she didn't want the exact same thing with the two of them, she'd still kiss him or something." Tory explained. Aisha turned to the girl, nodding in agreement before she looked to Miguel.

"Plus, I talked to Demetri—" Aisha was interrupted by Hawk groaning, rolling his eyes at the mention of his ex best friends name. Aisha rolled her eyes at Hawk's annoyance, deciding to keep her eyes on Miguel. "I talked to Demetri and he said he's never seen them kiss either."

Now this caught Hawks attention.

Hawks face contorted, his eyebrows furrowing and his posture straightening. "Wait, what?" He asked, his words coming out more aggressive than he would've liked. Hawk looked around at his three friends; Tory and Aisha both nodding while Miguel looked almost as confused as him. Hawk turned back to Aisha, shaking his head.

"But he's in Miyagi-Do with them." Hawk tried to reason. There was no way Molly and Robby haven't kissed if they were really dating.

"Exactly. He's with them for hours at a time and he still hasn't seen them kiss. And if there's anybody Molly would be comfortable kissing Robby in front of, it'd be Demetri. After the mall fight, Demetri would definitely favor them over her and Hawk." Aisha rambled.

Hawk glared at the girl, his face now covered in an unamused expression. "Thank you for that." He said sarcastically but Aisha rose her hands in defense. "I'm just saying, man." She shrugged out, giving the boy a lopsided smile.

Suddenly, an idea popped into Miguel's head. The boy straightened up, a small smile on his face as he thought further into his plan. "Well, tomorrow is Delaney and Moon's party. And if it's Delaney and Moon's party—"

"Molly will be going." Aisha interrupted, catching onto Miguel's plan.

"Which means Robby will be going." Hawk added.

Torys smile brightened. She had heard so many stories and saw so many posts and videos of Molly and Hawk when they were together. They looked so cute. She wanted to see them together again so she could see them as a couple in real life. "It's the perfect time to check. Someone will have to see if two of them really are a could."

Hawk, still unsure about the plan, raised his eyebrows. "And if they aren't?" He asked. Aisha turned to Hawk, a smile growing on her face. "Then that means you can try to get her back." Aisha said, nudging Hawks ribs with her elbow happily.

Hawks eyes widened at Aisha's words, he looked around his group and felt a wave of confidence hit him when he saw Miguel and Torys smiles towards him. Hawks smile turned into a faint smirk as he turned back to Aisha. "Get her back."


Karate practice was cancelled for Miyagi-Do so Molly spent her day on FaceTime with Delaney, Moon, and Sam to help her figure out an outfit for her 80s themed date with Robby. As she finished getting ready and ended the call, Molly got a text from Miguel, asking her to head downstairs and help him out at Johnny apartment.

Nervously, Molly walked towards the man's apartment complex. She hadn't talked to Johnny since she left Cobra Kai. She only talked to Miguel, Aisha, and Tory since leaving the dojo.

Molly walked into the apartment without knocking and saw Johnny sitting on his couch, Miguel across the room from him, leaning on the kitchen island.

"You gonna teach me about fashion now?" Johnny sassed to Miguel and the boy only sighed, shaking his head disappointedly. "Might have to." He muttered.

Molly eyed the two before she spoke up. "What are you guys doing?" She asked, making both of their heads turn to her. She watched as Johnny straightened his back at the sight of Molly and Miguel huffed tiredly. "Help him with Tinder." He grumbled, walking towards Johnnys room.

Molly chuckled at the request, walking toward where couch to sit beside Johnny. "Oh, God." She muttered playfully, flopping down onto the couch. Johnny stared at the girl, giving her an emotionless expression.

"Traitor, how are you?" He asked and Molly turned to him with a dropped jaw. "What are you, twelve? I wasn't even a paying customer. I was there for free." Molly snapped back immediately. Johnny pursed his lips and looked away from the girl for a few seconds before nodding, "You're right."

"So, I was thinking a buttoned-up shirt and some distressed jeans. You have any of those?" Miguel's voice echoed from Johnnys room. Johnny looked up from his phone and to the hallway.

"I have old jeans, if that's what you're saying." Johnny yelled back before his phone vibrated in his hand. Johnny head whipped to his phone and his eyebrows furrowed. "Hey. What do I do? There's a chick on my app." Johnny asked, elbowing Molly in her side to get her attention.

Molly turned to look down at the phone and noticed he was only on the main page. "Swipe right if you like her and left if you don't then we'll set up a bunch of dates." Molly explained and Johnny squinted at the screen, following Mollys directions.

As he swiped left on almost every girl, he groaned. "This is dumb. You can't find anything out about a chick from one look—" Johnny shot up in his seat on the couch, his eyes wide at the woman on his screen. "Ooh, this one's hot." He muttered, quickly swiping right.

"Hey, can I borrow this jacket?" Miguel's voice echoed again. Johnny didn't look up from his phone to see if Miguel would even come into the room to show what jacket he was talking about and answered. "Huh? Yeah, whatever." He answered, still swiping through the girls on Tinder.



"Not with a ten-foot pole." Johnny muttered and Molly flicked him. The man was unfazed by Mollys action, cringing at the next girl that appeared. "Lose that mole, you're in." He said and just before he was about to swipe left, he froze. Molly watched as he squinted and titled his head before he spoke again. "Eh. Actually, yes." He said, swiping right in the girl.

Johnny noticed the colorful clothing Molly was wearing out of the corner of his eyes and turned to face her. He looked at the girl with a confused expression. "Why are you all dressed up?"

Molly blushed at the answer she was about to say. This was going to be her first official date with Robby. A big smile grew on her face as she felt excited nerves start to swarm in her stomach. "I have a date." She gushed.

What Molly wasn't expecting was for Johnny to scoff. Mollys excitement deflated as she watched Johnny shake his head and take a swig of his beer. "With my son."

Her eyes widened at Johnnys words. She started to realize that she never did tell Johnny about her and Robby even when they were fake. Johnny noticed the girls nervous look and let out a dry chuckle. "Yeah, I know about that. The kids won't stop yapping about it."

Molly watched as Johnny took another long sip of his beer. She blinked a couple times and gulped. "Look Sens—" Molly words stopped from Johnny scoffing and rolling eyes. "Oh relax, Preston. I'm not mad about you and Robby." Johnny said and Molly relaxed, a small smile growing in her face.

Johnny took another sip of his beer, shrugging his shoulders. "I just didn't like that you didn't come to me. Ask for my blessing and all that bullshit." Johnny muttered. Mollys eyebrows furrowed as she struggled to hold back a laugh. "I didn't know I had to ask for your blessing." Molly said in a mocking tone.

Johnny side eyed Molly, silently warning her not to make fun of him and Molly quickly wiped the smile from her face and cleared her throat. She pursed her lips and shrugged. "Well... do I have your blessing to date Robby?" Molly asked, her voice having a small hint of annoyance in it considering Johnny wasn't the greatest father to Robby, but Johnny didn't notice it:

Johnny squinted and hummed as he was thinking about the question. As Johnny looked away, Molly rolled her eyes. When she could see him turn back to face her out of the corner of her eyes, Molly quickly straightened up and gave him an awaiting smile.

After an excruciating long wait, Johnny took another of his beer. "You're a good kid and you're already dating so why the hell not." Johnny muttered.

Molly smiled widely at the man's words. Not knowing how else to accept his gratitude—even if she was most likely going to stay with Robby if Johnny disapproved—Molly leaned forward and pulled the man into a hug.

She felt him chuckle against her, slowly wrapping his arms around her to return the hug. The two pulled away when Mollys phone beeped against her lap. She looked down and smiled at the text from Robby telling her he was ready to get picked up.

Molly looked up at Johnny and saw him already smiling her. "Go have fun, Preston." Johnny said and Molly smiled, grabbing her phone and purse and getting off the couch. As she walked towards the door, Johnny sat up straighter on the couch and pointed at her. "Hey! Wait! Not too much fun!" He yelled after her.

Molly laughed at the man's words, looking back at him as she grabbed onto the door handle and opened the door. "Got it." She said, trying her hardest to hide the pink in her cheeks by rushing out of the door as fast as she could and heading to her car.


Molly walked into the skating rink with her hand interlaced with Robby's. She smiled at the colorful lights flashing throughout the rink and everyone dressed up. "Gotta say, I wasn't sure about the costumes, but I actually like it." Molly laughed out.

On the drive over, all the two could talk about was how they hadn't eaten before their date. Molly suggested they just go to a drive-thru, but Robby said there was food at the skating rink and they could eat there.

Molly looked around for any area where food might be sold, but only saw people with menus. Her eyebrows furrowed just as a blonde worker with short curly hair skated past her. Molly's eyes widened as she raised her arm, not touching the girl just incase she startled her.

"Oh, excuse me. Where can we get some menus?" Molly asked, noticing the worker held a tray for food. The girl turned around and Mollys face brightened at Tory standing in front of her. "Oh my God! Tory!" Molly cheered, pulling her into a hug.

Tory immediately returned the gesture, her smile just as wide. "Molly!" Tory hummed as the two of them pulled apart. Molly looked over Tory's outfit with wide eyes, loving Tory's look. "I didn't even recognize you with your hair! I love it." She gushed and Tory's cheeks turned pink at her friends compliment, shaking her head quickly. "Oh, stop. Look at you!" She said, turning the attention off of her and onto Molly.

Molly blushed at Tory's words, looking down at her outfit. She had to give props to Moon for helping her pink out the perfect outfit.

"What time do you go on break? I wanted to time it out so that the fries are actually crispy."

Mollys head whipped up at the sound of Miguel's voice. She had to quickly cover her mouth at the sight of him wearing a red leather Cobra Kai jacket and huge sunglasses.

Realizing there were more people standing with Tory, Miguel turned his head and smiled at Molly. "Oh, hey Molly!" He greeted as his eyes traveled to the boy beside her. "I didn't know your date was gonna be here..." He said slowly, remembering Tory and Aisha's theory from earlier in the day.

Robby gave Miguel a tight lipped smile and nodded to his and Tory's outfits. The two of them never talked it out after Miguel thought Sam was with him and Robby at the same time, but he didn't want any bad blood with the boy. He was one of Mollys closest friends. "I dig the costumes."

Miguel was frozen, his eyes bouncing back and forth between Mollys and Robby, attempting to notice any signs of their relationship being fake. Tory turned to Miguel at his lack of words and when she realized he was not going to thank Robby for his compliment, she turned to him instead. "Thanks."

Robby nodded back to Tory before he turned back to Molly. Miguel noticed Robby's eyes soften and his smile become more genuine as he looked at Molly. Robby's hand gently went to the small of Mollys back to get the girls attention.

Molly blushed at the action, turning to face Robby. "Do you want food now or do you want to skate for a bit first?" Robby asked and immediately Molly put her hand to her stomach. "Oh my God, let's eat now." Molly said and Robby chuckled. He turned back to Tory and raised his eyebrows. "Where could we get those menus?"

Tory stood identically to Miguel, both of them watching Robby and Molly with wide eyes, realizing their theory may very much be wrong. After a couple seconds of staring, Tory realized she never answered Robby's question. She quickly shook her head and turned around, pointing at a small kiosk. "Over there." She answered.

"Okay, great." Robby answered as Tory turned back around to face the couple. Robby's hand left the small of Molly's back and moved to grab her hand. He turned back to Tory and Miguel and nodded his head. "See you guys later." He said and Molly turned to the couple, giving them a big smile and a small wave as Robby pulled her to the menus.


After eating and playing a couple arcade games, Robby and Molly headed to the rink. Molly walked onto the rink and grabbed the wall so she didn't accidentally roll away from Robby. She watched and waited for a couple seconds as Robby hesitated to step into the rink, his eyes glued onto the spot he was stopping himself from stepping.

Molly giggled at the boy standing in front of her. "What do you don't know how to roller-skate?"

Robby slowly looked up to Molly, his face reddening and his eyes holding an embarrassed look. Molly let out a loud laugh at Robby silently answering her question. Robby looked back down to his skates in embarrassment.

Mollys laughs continued and even got louder as a small child practically ran onto the rink and started to skate with ease.

"Please don't laugh." Robby muttered, still not meeting Mollys eyes and instead holding the wall beside him so tight his knuckles were turning white.

Molly took a deep breath, trying her hardest to stop her laughs. Slowly, her giggles started to die down and she skated closer to Robby. She held out both of her hands and gave Robby a wide smile, still trying her hardest to hold back any laughs. "Just... hold my hands."

Robby looked up at Molly with softer eyes. He opened and closed his mouth, trying to come up with words to say, but he took too long. Molly grabbed his hands in hers and slowly started to skate backwards, pulling Robby onto the rink.

A small laugh passed through her lips, making Robby feel a little more relaxed as his hands squeezed hers tighter. "It's either me or we get you a walker." Molly laughed out, not a single mean bone in her body as she spoke. Robby's feet slid against the slippery ground, but Molly kept him up, her back still facing the direction she was taking him.

"But what if you get hurt? You're skating backwards." Robby asked, trying his hardest to look passed Molly and behind her so she doesn't run into anybody, but he couldn't lean too far without the stomach-sinking feeling that he was going to fall.

Molly shrugged, pursing her lips for a second before her smile came right back. "I can skate backwards just fine. Who I am worried about is my boyfriend who can't seem to skate."

Robby's heart sped up at Molly's words. She called him her boyfriend. Sure, the two of them were fake boyfriend-girlfriend for a while and this was their first real date, but did that mean that they were real boyfriend- girlfriend now? The title made his hands clammy and he nervously let go of her hands, his main focus on Molly he completely forgot that he was in the middle of skating.

"Boyfriend?" Robby asked. Molly noticed that Robby was now skating on his own, but held back from mentioning it. She felt her cheeks burn nervously at Robby's question, but it didn't stop her from keeping eye contact with him. "Yeah, I mean... we technically already went through the 'dating' stage while we were fake boyfriend and girlfriend." Molly shrugged, shaking her head casually. "Figured we would be just fine going straight to real boyfriend and girlfriend."

Molly noticed how Robby's eyes bounced back and forth between both of her own and her head dropped, her eyes still staying on his. "Unless... you don't want that." Molly said. There wasn't any sadness in Molly's words, she said it almost in a taunting voice. Based on Robby's expression, Molly knew that he was just startled by her calling him her boyfriend for the first time.

Right away, Robby started shaking his head crazily. His eyes widened with urgency, nervous that Molly would think he didn't want to be her boyfriend. "No!" He yelled, making a few passing heads turn and Molly's eyebrows raise. He quickly swallowed to control his nerves and took a deep breath. "I mean I do want that. I want to be your boyfriend."

Robby's words made Molly's smile, she looked Robby up and down and realized he was still skating successfully on his own. She looked back up into Robby's eyes and her smile turned into a smirk. "Good because I'm gonna need to congratulate my boyfriend." Molly said and Robby's brows furrowed. "Why?"

Molly didn't answer. At least not with words. Her eyes instead jumped back and forth between Robby's eyes and his feet. After a couple seconds, Robby looked down and his eyes widened when he realized he was skating all on his own. He looked back up at Molly, who looked just as excited as him and let out a loud laugh.

"Oh my God!" He cheered, skating a little faster to catch up to Molly. He immediately pulled her into a hug, making Molly gasp and quickly fix her footing so the two of them didn't fall.

The couple laughed at Robby's achievement. And when Robby's skate accidentally knocked into Molly's the two stumbled to catch themselves. Molly was quick to save herself a grabbed Robby's forearm as tight as she could to keep them both up. As Robby slowly started to stand up straight again, their eyes locked and their laughs grew louder.

Robby, his laughter barely dying down, leaned in and pressed his lips to Molly's. The kiss was messy at first considering both of them were still laughing, but neither of them would have it any other way.

From across the roller rink, Miguel and Tory's eyes followed Molly and Robby, both of them watching the couple with wide eyes. "They were that couple-y when you and Aisha saw them?" Miguel asked, his eyes glued on them as Robby kissed Molly. Tory's jaw fell, realizing her and Aisha's theory was all wrong. "Nope." She whispered.

emily speaks...
long wait but this chapter is finally out! i hope all of the mobby AND moli stans enjoy because we got mobby and some soon to be pining hawk😏😏😏😏

im gonna try and finish up season two by the time season 6 part one is out WHICH I AM SO EXCITED FOR
except hawks mohawk idk what the fuck they were thinking with that BUT WE ARE NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT IT
the urge to have molly and jules(my oc in my other eli fic you guys should check out if you havent😏) talk eli OUT of that mohawk is STRONG

ANYWAY next is moons party which i have SO much planned for but that will probably mean i want it perfect so it may take a little longer to write but HOPEFULLY IT IS OUT BEFORE JULY 18TH

i love you all so much and remember to comment and vote<33

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