xix. too hot to handle

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Despite Robby and Molly being a couple to everyone around them, the next few days after their kiss they kept their moments secret. They never kissed in front of their friends, they kept up the same act for them instead.

Nothing was discussed about what they really were either and it was driving Molly insane. She and Robby had been fake dating for so long, as soon as they kissed, all Molly could think about was real dating him.

She told herself that she would have a talk with Robby all about it after karate practice; she rehearsed in the car and everything.

Molly only wished she had stayed in her car where she would be graced with an air conditioner and not go to the backyard of her dojo. It was the hottest day of the year in the summer and Daniel refused to let them inside the dojo, claiming it was all part of their training.

Molly claimed it was child endangerment.

She and all of the other Miyagi-Do students sat under the tree for some shade, Molly sitting in between Demetri and Robby.

"It's so hot out. I'm sweating in places I didn't even know I had pores." Demetri, who had his head tiredly resting on Molly's shoulder, groaned as he wiped the sweat that was trickling down his forehead onto Molly's bare shoulder. Molly looked down at Demetri and her shoulder in disgust, her jaw dropped.

The boy looked up at his friend, completely disregarding the glare she was giving him. "Do you have any water?" He asked weakly.

Molly pressed her lips into a line and turned to her other side where her water bottle sat between her and Robby. Sure what Demetri did was disgusting, but he was still her friend—her best friend. She wasn't gonna let him get in any harm just because she wouldn't share her water.

As soon as she handed her water bottle to Demetri, he ripped it open and started to take big sips. Molly didn't think much of it, knowing it was hot out and she would need some after him as well, but when Demetri handed the bottle back to her, her face dropped when she felt the extremely noticable weight difference from when she had just given it to Demetri.

Molly looked into her water bottle and groaned when she saw that Demetri had drank so much of her once filled water that there was only one sip left. Molly's gaze slowly left the water and moved to Demetri, her glare burning him more than the Sun was.

"If I wasn't ready to pass out, I would hit you." Molly threatened, her voice low and monotone, scaring Demetri more. The boy gulped at Molly's words and keeping his eyes on her, Demetri pressed his hands into the grass underneath him and scooted away from her, closer to Sam on the other side of him.

"All right, guys!" Daniel's voice echoed from the entrance of the dojo. Every head whipped to him as he walked out of the home and towards the huddle of students with a big smile on his face. "Get out from under that tree. It's time to get to work." He cheered, clapping his hands to try and pump the students up.

Slowly, all the students stared to stand. Molly wiped the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand and took a deep breath when she started to feel a little light headed. "Hey, Mr. LaRusso, it's like 100 degrees out. Can we take it easy today?" Molly asked, all of the other students making sounds of agreement with her.

Daniel practically laughed at Molly's question, looking around the dojo with his arms out. "Are you kidding? This heatwave is a gift. Today, you are going to experience Shochu-Geiko."

"Like the car insurance?" Chris asked and Daniel shut his eyes, holding back an amused smile at the question. "Shochu-Geiko." He corrected. "It's a Japanese exercise where you train during the hottest days of the year. It's about pushing yourself to your limit. The fight isn't always going to come when it's 75 degrees and breezy."

"Aren't we supposed to avoid fighting?" Demetri asked and Sam crossed her arms from beside him, a small huff leaving her lips as her own fathers words started to flow out of her mouth. "Sometimes, you can't." She spoke and Daniel smiled proudly at his daughter, nodding in agreement. "Someday, the fight may come to you. And I wanna make sure you're ready. So, today, we're gonna see what Miyagi-Do is made of."


Daniel numbered every kid and had them circle up, placing one of them in the middle. The point of the exercise was to be kept on your toes. With eight kids circling you, you don't know who your attacker is until the very last second.

Molly was in the middle of the circle right now. There wasn't any apparent way to get out of the center it seemed. She had both lost and won against some of the kids Daniel had called up and Molly was still stuck in the center.


Demetri ran towards the center. Molly turned around to face the boy, already in her fighting stance. Surprisingly, Demetri put up quite a fight against Molly. She managed to block all of Demetri's hits, but she wasn't able to get Demetri for a couple punches until she caught hold of one of Demetri's punches, trapping him and punching him in the chest.

Molly winced at the hit, muttering a small apology to the boy and rubbing his shoulder sympathetically. As Demtri walked back to his spot, Molly looked around the circle, quickly realizing Robby was the last one to get called on to fight her.

Molly tried not to make it obvious that she knew who was next, making sure to look around at the students circling her, but still ready for what ever Robby throws a her.


Molly turned around to face Robby just as he started to run to her. She watched as Robby raised a fist to hit her. Mollys eyes widened, quickly blocking the hit. The two went back and forth each of them throwing punches and blocking. While defending her spot in the center, Mollys had been taking small steps back with every hit from Robby she blocked. Once she was a good arms-length away from the boy, she raised her leg and kicked him in the stomach.

Molly smiled triumphantly as Robby stumbled backwards. "Got you." She teased. Robby looked up at Molly, his eyes wide but a small smile on his face.

Daniel clapped at Mollys win. "All right, Demetri's turn!" He yelled, making Molly leave her spot at the center of the circle and take Demetri's place.

Molly let out a tired breath, wiping the sweat off her forehead with the back of her arm as Demetri got into his fighting stance. Daniel looked around the circle of students, trying to decide on who to call on before his eyes landed on Chris and he smiled.


Demetri, not memorizing who had which number, didn't see Chris running at him until he got a kick to his side. Chris's kick was so strong, it knocked Demetri to the floor. Demetri groaned in the dirt, both of his hands on his side as Chris shook his head from above him. "Sorry, Meat. You gotta block that."

Slowly Demetri started to stand, the heat and the kick already tiring him out. "I hate this." He complained out of breath.

Sam, who was fanning herself beside Molly, gave her dad a pleading look. "Dad, can we please take a break? This heat is brutal." Sam asked, her voice tired and out of breath. All the kids let out small murmurs of agreement, feeling sunburnt, tired and overall disgusting.

Daniel looked at all of his students and raised his eyebrows in a fake amusement. "You guys wanna cool off?" He asked and when every single student nodded, Daniel smirked, "All right. I think I can accommodate that."


Since most of Miyagi-Do got dropped off by their parents, Molly ended up having to drive half of the students to wherever Daniel was leading them. Molly drove Robby, Demetri, Nate, and Chris as she followed behind Daniel's car who was driving Sam and the rest of the students.

Daniel led them to a warehouse and he ignored all of their questions as they walked through the empty building until he led them into a freezer. Molly, who was wearing a tank top and leggings, immediately wrapped her arms around herself as the cold met her skin.

She shivered and turned to Robby beside her as Daniel closed the door of the freezer. "This has to be illegal." She whispered so Daniel wouldn't hear her. Robby shrugged as Demetri, who stood on the other side of Molly, scoffed. "It definitely is."

"So, you couldn't take the heat of Shochu-Geiko, perhaps, you'll find Kangeiko more to your liking." Daniel said in a obnoxious tone as he walked to stand in the middle of the huddle the students had created.

"Are there are no geikos that takes place in a spa?" Sam asked and Molly huffed, still rubbing her hands up and down her arms to gain some warmth. "Oh, I could really use a spa day." She muttered.

"It's not about the heat or the cold. It's about adapting to the environment around you and using that to your advantage." Daniel explained before he held his hands out and started to look around the room. "Look around, what do you see?" He asked.

"Frozen London broil." Chris asked as Molly continued to look around the room. Daniel chuckled, shaking his head. "No, not the meat, look past that." He said, making Molly huff in annoyance, condensation from her breath coming out of her mouth like smoke.

Daniel immediately pointed to Molly. "I see the exhalation of breath." He said, making Molly turn to him while all of the students turn to Molly. Daniel then turned to Robby, noticing the boys muscle twitch from the cold as he shivered and Demetri move his footing in hopes to get in a better position. "The twitch of a muscle. The shift of a stance." He said, calling the two boys out.

"If you lean into the cold, it will heighten your senses. And then you'll anticipate the moment before your opponent strikes. And you'll always be ready."

Daniel looked around at all the students before his eyes settled on Molly. He pointed at the girl before pointing at where he stood in the center, silently telling her to take his spot.

Molly slowly walked into the middle as Daniel moved to stand just outside the middle. He waited until Molly was in her fighting position before he chose a student to call on to attack her.


Molly turned around to face the part of the circle where Robby stood, remembering his number. Robby ran at her with a raised fist, ready to throw a punch at Molly, but she quickly blocked it. They move back and forth, each blocking and countering the others moves. The room fades away, leaving only the two of them in their intense duel.

Without hesitation, Robby charged forward, aiming to bring Molly to the ground, but as Robby reached to push her down, she grabbed his arm, pulling him along with her momentum.

They both hit the mat with a soft thud, but Molly managed to maneuver herself on top, straddling Robby. They're both panting, their breaths visible in the cold air, mingling together in a dance of vapor.

Molly gulped at Robby's gaze on her, a sudden feeling of nervous butterflies erupting in her stomach. Before she could let herself have a proper reaction, Molly remembered her fellow classmates int he room. Without wasting a beat, Molly raises her fist and brings it back down just as fast onto Robby's stomach, earning herself the point.

Robby groaned at the hit as Molly stayed on top of him. "Got you." Molly whispered, her voice breathless. Robby relaxed under her grip, his eyes softening, clearly captivated by her. Molly, still trying to ignore the feeling, quickly stood and helped Robby up, Robby heading back to his spot on the edge of the circle while Molly stayed in the center.

Daniel smiled at the two, cluelessly clapping his hands at Molly's win. "All right. Let's get Demetri in there. Good job." He said, rubbing Molly's shoulder proudly. Molly smiled at the compliment before switching spots with Demetri. As Molly walked to her new spot on the edge of the circle, she rolled her eyes and held back a smile at the smirk on Sam's face. "Shut up." She muttered, her voice filled with a playfullness that made Sam chuckle.

"All right, here goes nothing. Literally." Demetri muttered to himself, but the whole room had heard.

Daniel ignored the boys comment, looking around the circle of students to choose who to call on. "Six."

Sam ran towards Demetri, not going easy on him one bit and immediately punching him in the gut. Demetri groaned at the pain in his stomach as Sam walked backwards into her spot. Daniel groaned at Demetri's lack of trying, pushing past Chris and Nate to get into the center with Demetri. "Come on, Demetri. Look for the signs. Anticipate, you can do this. All right, focus. Come on, Demetri."

"Oh, you, come on!" Demetri snapped, making Molly's eyes widen. "I can't do it, Mr. LaRusso. Between the cold and the shouting and the hole in my sock..." Demetri muttered the last part, looking down at his shoe with a small frown. "I'm not sure when that happened, but it's real uncomfortable."

Daniel looked down at Demetri's foot before looking back up into the boys eyes. He sighed, shaking his head. "Demetri, you are the most neurotic person that I know."

Molly laughed at the mans words and as soon as Demetri looked at her to glare for laughing, Molly attempted to contain it, only making her cough on her own laugh. Demetri rolled his eyes at Molly's laugh before turning back to Daniel as the man continued. "You always expect the worst. But you could use that to your advantage. It means you anticipate."

"Think of it like a Spider-Sense." Molly added, hoping to help Daniel's case. Daniel looked to Molly and nodded quickly in agreement. "Look, Demetri, this isn't about who's fastest and who's strongest. This is about instincts. It's about using what's in here." Daniel said, pointing to his head. "You think you could do that?"

After a couple seconds, Demetri gave Daniel a small nod, making the man smile. He excitedly hit Demetri's shoulder encouragingly, backing up and out of the circle. "All right. Let's try it again. Remember, anticipate."

He waited until Demetri was ready in his fighting position before he looked around the students to choose who should fight Demetri. Daniel's eyes fell on Molly and he smiled, turning back to Demetri. "Two!"

Molly's eyes widened at her number being called, not expecting to get called on since she just finished fighting. Nonetheless, Molly ran into the center and towards Demetri. The boy turned around to Molly, remembering her number. His eys were wide at her approaching figure. He watched, almost in slo-mo, as Molly raised her fist to punch him.

Just before Molly could hit him, Demetri caught it. Molly, completely thrown, noticed Demetri raising his free hand to hit her in the stomach. She tried to block his hit as fast as she could, but Demetri was too fast.

The room gasped at Demetri's win while he and Molly smiled. Molly cheered for her friend, readjusting her hand that was still in his grasp, moving it around so they were holding hands. She shook their conjoined hands crazily, a big smile on her face. "Go, Demetri!" She cheered, making Demetri smile wider.


Molly and Demetri's smiles dropped at Daniel's yell. Considering he was just celebrating, Demetri wasn't ready for Chris coming right at him and he definitely wasn't prepared for the boy to kick him in the stomach.

The room groaned with Demetri as he bent over in pain. Molly frowned, immediately starting to rub Demetri's back. "It's okay. Baby steps. You okay?" She asked quietly, the boy giving her a weak nod. "I want to go home." He groaned back.

Molly cringed at his words, slowly turning around to face Daniel. Daniel huffed at Molly's expression and Demetri's words. "Okay, lets pack it up for the day."


Molly and Daniel drove all the kids back to Miyagi-Do where many of their parents where already waiting for them. As everyone started to climb out of Molly's car, Demetri got out of his spot in the backseat and moved to the passenger seat as soon as Robby got out of the car.

Molly turned to him and smiled tiredly. "You want a ride home?"

Demetri nodded, his eyes on the road ahead of them. "Yes, please." He muttered as Robby, who had walked around Molly's car, leaned down and rested a hand on Molly's window to look at her. "Before you go, can we talk?"

Molly felt her heart jump at the question. Her lips parted as her jaw fell slightly. Her mind raced with the different scenarios of what Robby would want to talk with her about. Was it good? Was it bad? It had to have been good; he kissed her.

Realizing she never answered, Molly nodded her head and managed to squeak out a "sure", climbing out of the car and leaving Demetri in the passenger seat. As soon as Molly was out of the car, Robby's hand found hers and he tugged her a couple feet away to give them some more privacy.

The small smile on his face and the pink in his cheeks immediately calmed Molly down. It was a good thing. His hand stayed in hers, he gave it a small squeeze out of nerves before he spoke up. "So I was thinking... Friday night we can head to the roller rink." He said before his small smile widened. "So I can take you on a real date."

Molly's heart fluttered at the invitation, a genuine smile spreading across her face as she looked into Robby's eyes. "That sounds perfect." She whispered,  her voice soft but filled with an excitement that made Robby blush.

His grin deepened and his eyes brightened with relief and happiness at her response. "Great!" Robby said through his smile, leaning forward and pressing a quick kiss to her lips. Molly practically felt dizzy at the kiss. She was definitely going to have to get used to the feeling of this. "It's a date then." He finished, his thumb gently brushing against her hand.

Just then, a car honked nearby, pulling them back into the reality. Molly turned her head and held back rolling her eyes at the sight of Demetri leaned over the center console so he could honk her horn. She turned back to Robby and gave him a lopsided smile. "I better get him home. But we can call later?" Molly asked, a hopeful grin on her face.

Robby smiled, his free hand moving up to hold Molly's chin gently. He pulled her face towards his, letting their lips meeting again. This time with a slower kiss. As they pulled away, Robby also reluctantly pulling away from Molly altogether, giving her the space to walk back to her car. "We'll call later."

Molly giddily nodded her head and walked back to the car where Demetri was waiting. As Molly slid back into the driver's seat, she caught Demetri's knowing look beside her, his smile almost taunting her.

"What?" Molly asked, holding back her smile to squint at the boy. Demetri shrugged, looking away from Molly as she started to drive. "You just look really happy with him." Demetri explained, a small smile on his face. "I'm glad Eli didn't screw up love for you and I'm happy for you, Molls."

Molly couldn't contain her happiness at his words. Keeping her eyes on the road, Molly laughed, partially in happiness and the other in relief at Demetri's approval. Even though he had technically already approved of her and Robby, now they were real. He liked the real them.

The drive to Demetri's house after that was filled with light conversation, mostly Demetri playfully teasing Molly about her upcoming date, but there was an undercurrent of excitement that Molly couldn't contain. She felt a buzz of anticipation for Friday, her mind already racing through wardrobe choices and what the evening might bring.

After dropping Demetri off, Molly drove home. As she parked her car in her driveway, she let out a long breath, feeling a mix of nerves and thrill about the upcoming date.

She was nervous for sure. She doesn't really know what to do on a basic date. She only knows how to go on a date with Eli. Her mind raced with worries; nervous she'd do something wrong because she did something she could do on dates with Eli but not on dates with Robby.

Once she got inside, Molly went straight to her room, flopping onto her bed with a dreamy but nervous sigh. She pulled out her phone to text Robby, and smiled when she already saw a text from him.

"btw friday is 80s night so dress up"

Molly laughed at the text, her hand coming up to her mouth to silence the noise. She liked the message and dropped the phone to her chest with an airy sigh and a giddy smile.

emily speaks...

feel like i said the word "smile" way too much in this chapter but its okay mobby is just so cutesy and giddy they dont know what else to do except smile, blush, and kiss.

also kinda hate this chapter i feel like nothing too big happened so my writing is kinda meh BUT THE NEXT THREE CHAPTER ARE GONNA BE SO GOOOOOOOOOOD trust🙏

i love mobby so much but i fear my obsession with moli will never go away😔💔

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