xviii. nothing or something

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To say Molly was angry at some of her teammates was an understatement. When she got to her next Cobra Kai practice after the mall fight, all Molly wanted to do was beat up the boys that already fought, especially Hawk.

As for the karate classes itself, Johnny has started having Kreese teach the students more. It was Kreese's idea to have the students sit in a circle and call up two at a time to spar.

"Lets have..." Kreese paused as he looked around the circle of students. His turn slowed and he smirked when his eyes landed on a student. "Hawk." He said, pointing at the boy. Hawk's eyes widened at his name being called, but he stood up and walked into the circle nonetheless.

Kreese chuckled as Hawk walked up to him. He placed a hand on his shoulder and proudly looked around the room. "Who here will like to take on Hawk?" He asked. Although Miguel was the champion, it was obvious that Kreese favorited Hawk.

Molly's jaw clenched in anger. Without saying a word, Molly raised her hand. Molly heard Tory and Miguel whisper to each other about Molly volunteering, but she tuned at their words, trying to focus on the anger she was feeling to use it in her fight.

Kreese and Hawk had two completely opposite reactions to Molly's volunteering hand. Kreese smiled at Molly while Hawk's eyes widened. "Miss Preston. Please come up." Kreese offered with a kind voice.

As Molly walked to the center of the mat to face Hawk, Kreese moved backward to stand beside Johnny outside of the circle of students.

Molly stood opposite Hawk, her stance firm beside the small bounce she repeated on the balls of her feet. Hawk felt a wave of nervousness as he noticed her mood. Despite his jitters, he tried his best to appear relaxed and confident.

Soon, Kreese yelled, announcing the fight to start and Molly wasted no time. Like a bolt of lightning, she launched toward Hawk with a series of rapid-fire punches. Despite his initial nervousness, Hawk managed to find his grounding quickly. He raised his arms, blocking each of Molly's powerful strikes.

Hawk grabbed one of Molly's fists, stopping her constant throws. He raised his foot to kick Molly in the gut. Just before his foot could meet her stomach, Molly lifted her free hand, blocking Hawk's kick.

"Block! Keep fighting!" Kreese yelled.

Molly's anger towards the boy fueled her to keep fighting, but it did not cloud her judgment. She controlled it, using it to focus. Panicked, Hawk raised his foot and overcommitted to a high kick, banking on his speed to catch Molly off guard. But Molly had seen it coming. She ducked under Hawk's kick, and stuck her foot out, sweeping Hawk's foot out from under him.

Hawk hit the floor with a loud thud. As fast as she could, Molly pushed herself off the ground and stepped in, close, too close for Hawk. She knelt back down and with all her strength, threw a punch that landed squarely on Hawk's chest.

Hawk groaned, the impact knocking the wind out of him, and for a brief moment, the dojo was silent. Molly stood back up, her breathing heavy but steady.

"Nice work, Preston!" Johnny yelled, making Molly turn to him. Seeing the man smiled at her and nod his head proudly, Molly let a breathy smile grow on her face. "Don't know why you're all pissed off, but I like that you're putting it into you fists." He said, holding up his own fists to mimic Molly's.

She nodded at her Sensei's advice. "Bow. Go again." Johnny instructed. Molly looked down at Hawk and watched as he held his hand out, hoping she would help him up. Molly scoffed, rolling her eyes. Instead of helping Hawk up, she turned around and walked back to her side of the mat.

As Hawk started to stand up on his own, the bell to the doors of the dojo rang through the room. Molly turned her head and her eyes widened at Daniel LaRusso angrily marching into the room.

"The hell do you think you're doing?" Johnny asked. Daniel scoffed out a dry laugh, stepping through the small space between Mitch and Bert to stand on the mat. "Like you don't know." He snarked.

Johnny's face reddened in anger at the sight of Daniel standing on the mat with his shoes still on. "Take your shoes off the mat. You're disrespecting my dojo."

Daniel chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "You're seriously gonna talk to me about disrespecting dojos after what you just did to mine?" He yelled.

Molly's face fell, her eyebrows screwing together in confusion. Johnny was just as confused as Molly and shook his head. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I didn't do anything to your dojo." Johnny said and Daniel raised his eyebrows sarcastically. "Just like you didn't slug one of my employees, huh?"

Johnny immediately looked away from Daniel, his lips pressing together guiltily. Daniel scoffed in annoyance. "You know, part of me actually felt bad for you at one point, but you make it so easy to remember who the bad guy is in all of this. You call yourself a sensei? You don't even know what a sensei is. A sensei mentors. A sensei elevates. He doesn't teach destruction and disrespect!"

"I already said I don't know what you're talking about, LaRusso. And you don't know what you're talking about either." Johnny snapped back almost immediately, stepping into the circle to stand with Daniel. Molly's eyes widened at the two angry men just a mere foot away from her. When she felt a hand grab hers and pull her back, Molly expected it to be Miguel, Tory, or Aisha, but when Molly turned her head to look at who was holding her hand, her blood boiled at the sight of Hawk.

Immediately, she snatched her hand out of his grasp and pushed him a couple steps away form her, muttering a small "Let go of me."

"Yeah, well, I know you don't earn a Medal of Honor by stealing it." Daniel seethed. Molly's jaw fell, a small gasp leaving her lips as she completely forgot about Hawk standing beside her. Daniel looked away from Johnny and to the circle of students. "Let me tell you something about your sensei." He kept his eyes on Molly for a second before he looked around the whole room.

"He might teach you how to fight, but he doesn't know a thing about what it takes to truly win at life. If you want to help yourselves before it's too late, the doors of Miyagi-Do? Wide open." Daniel said, his arms out as if to welcome any Cobra Kai students that wished to leave.

"You come in here and poach my students?" Johnny asked, his voice lower than his last words, now getting angry with Daniel.

Daniel only chuckled angrily. "And what are you gonna do about it? You know I'm not gonna strike first." He said, continuing to keep his arms out as if to encourage Johnny to hit him.

Johnnys jaw clenched in anger. He kept his eyes on Daniel until they flickered right past him to Molly. The girl had wide eyes watching the two men, shocked that her teammates could trash Miyagi-Do. Johnnys jaw slowly unclenched when he looked at Molly. He had to keep her, Miguel, and his other students out of the old Cobra Kai ways.

Slowly, Johnny took a step back from Daniel. "I'm gonna be a bigger man." He said, raising his chin a little higher as he swallowed the anger that was bubbling in his chest back down. Daniel scoffed out another laugh and shook his head. "Yeah. We'll see about that." He muttered back and with that, he walked out of the dojo.

Molly watched the man leave with the same wide eyes as before. Her eyes fell down to the students he stepped passed to walk out of the dojo. Mitch and Big Red. Her mind flashed back to the mall. She continued to look around the circle of students. Almost every kid she looked at had started to grow negative. Evil almost.

Molly looked back up to the doors of Cobra Kai, watching as Daniel walked to his car. Her anger slowly started to dissipate at the thought of Robby and Demetri. There wasn't an evil bone in their bodies. She had just given Demetri advice to join Miyagi-Do. Why couldn't she do the same?

She was hardly thinking as she brushed past Hawk and walked towards the cubbies at the front of the room.

"Molly?" Johnny asked, his voice quiet as he watched her slip her shoes on. Every single pair of eyes were glued on her, shocked that one of Cobra Kai's star students was willing to leave so easily. When he noticed Molly grab her things and start walking towards the door, Johnny practically jumped and followed after her. "Preston!"

Molly stopped walking, her shoulders sinking. She almost felt relived at the feeling. But guilt stood beside it, pushing her to shake her head. "I'm sorry, Sensei. But jumping my friends at the mall, wrecking someone's dojo? Stealing a medal of honor? I don't want to be a part of that team." Molly whispered. She looked away from Johnny. She couldn't even look in Miguel, Aisha, and Tory's direction.

Molly bit her lip to control her emotions as she shook her head at Johnny. "I'm sorry, Sensei." Was all she was able to get out before she sped out of the dojo.

She let out a shaky breath and almost tripped on the curb from how fast she was walking out of the dojo. Hearing the bell above the dojo doors jingle, Daniel turned around. His eyes brightened and a smile grew on his face as he noticed Molly walk out of the dojo. It was obvious she was upset about something and Daniel only grew more excited, figuring Molly had finally left Cobra Kai.

Molly, feeling eyes on her, turned her head just as she reached her car. She froze at the man standing a couple cars away from her. Molly quickly pushed her emotions down and smiled at Daniel. "Hi, Mr. LaRusso."

Daniel smiled back at the girl, nodding his head once. "Hi, Molly." His eyes shifted to the dojo and he raised his hand to point at it. "I'm hoping you took my advice?"

Molly's eyes followed his finger, watching the class through the windows, she shoulders slumped and she sighed. "What my team did..." Molly shook her head and turned back to Daniel. "It's not something I want to be a part of."

Daniel's back straightened and he pushed his shoulders back at her words. Not only did he get at least one student out of the "hellhole" of Cobra Kai, but he got one of it's star students out. He tilted his head to the side, a small smile on his face. "Would Miyagi-Dp sound like a team you'd want to be a part of?" He asked. When he noticed Molly's eyes brighten a little, he took that as her answer and gestured to the street behind her. "I assume you remember how to get there?"


"Oh my God..." Molly whispered as she and Daniel slowly walked into the backyard of the trashed Miyagi-Do. The whole yard was tee-peed, there was graffiti art across the whole fence, rocks and statues were knocked over and every punching back was cut open and emptied. She felt guilty for what her teammates had done even though she had no part in it.

Daniel pressed his lips into a line at the sight of his dojo, still feeling sick looking at the dojo. He looked down at Molly and even though he knew just by the look on her face that she was in no part of this or had any clue of it, a part of him nagged at himself to ask. "And you don't know who did this?"

Molly didn't look up at the man, keeping her eyes on the backyard, paralyzed in shock. Slowly, she shook her head and started to speak. "I mean, I'm not sure, but I can take a guess." She struggled out, ready to make a bet that Hawk and a couple other students could've had something to do with this after the fight at the mall.


Molly turned her head in the direction of the voice that called her name. She smiled at Robby walking towards her, Demetri and Sam following closely behind. Molly looked away from the three in front of her and turned her head to Daniel. When she locked eyes with the man, she raised her eyebrows, silently asking him "Do you want to tell them, or should I?"

Daniel smiled down at his new student and turned to look at his older ones. "Let's make our new Miyagi-Do student, shall we?"


Daniel decided to have Molly work with Robby on repotting the bonsai trees while Demetri and Sam tried to lift one of the fallen stones.

It was silent between the two, neither of them knowing how to speak to other after their almost kiss in the LaRusso bathroom the night prior. Molly wanted to talk about it, get it over with so maybe— just maybe she and Robby could do something about this terrible tension and turn their fake relationship into a real one, but she didn't even know where to start.

Her eyes couldn't look away from Robby, she was about to get a headache from how often she'd look back and forth between him and the bonsai she was working on. It took a couple minutes and a lot of deep breaths, but after a while, Molly grew the courage to finally speak up about the moment from the night prior that had yet to leave her mind.

"So about the last night—"

Before she could get the rest of her thought out, Robby shook his head and turned to her. "Nothing happened." He blurted, his words almost sound morphed together from how fast he spoke. Molly was visibly taken aback by his words, not expecting him to be so sure with an answer she wasn't expecting.

Molly only blinked at him, her lips parting slightly from the slight drop her jaw made. Robby's eyes were just as wide, shocked by his own words and how fast he interrupted Molly. He didn't even let her finish her thought; part of him too terrified to. Robby instead pushed done the anger he was feeling at himself and shook his head. "So, there's no reason to feel uncomfortable, right?" He asked, not even believing himself.

Molly was frozen, like a deer in headlights. Robby had said the complete opposite of what she was planning on saying. How could she tell him how she really felt now? Molly realized she was taking way too long to respond to Robby's question. She struggled to take a deep breath and forced a smile onto her face. "Right. Exactly." She muttered, her voice hoarse to control how she actually felt.

She looked away from Molly as soon as the words left her lips, not being able to look the boy in the eyes. Meaning she completely missed how his face fell at her words. Sure, he was the one that interrupted her, but he was so sure that she would correct him and speak out.

Robby swallowed down the lump forming in his throat and looked back down at the bonsai he was working on.

"Uh... Excuse me. Is this Miyagi-Do?"

Molly turned around at the familiar voice and her eyes immediately widened at Chris, Nate, Little Red and a couple other Cobra Kai's standing at the entrance of the backyard.

Daniel, who was helping Demetri and Sam try to lift the stone, smiled at the possible new students. "Yeah." He answered as Robby shot up off the ground and made a beeline for Molly's old teammates.

"Come back for another beating?" Robby snapped, making Daniel's eyes widen. Before Robby could meet the boys, Daniel grasped his shoulder and held him back. "Robby—" "This is one of the guys who was beating on Demetri. Probably helped trash the dojo." Robby yelled, pointing at Chris.

Before anyone could question him, Chris shook his head wildly. "We didn't have anything to do with that. But I am sorry about what happened at the mall." He said, his eyes hoping back and forth between Robby, Demetri, Sam and Molly.

Molly slowly stood up and walked towards the group as Chris continued. "We just wanna learn Miyagi-Do karate." He explained before his eyes fell back on Molly and he smiled. "Like Molly."

All eyes turned to Molly at his words. The girl's eyes widened a little, but she held back showing too much nervousness. "What you did back in Cobra Kai was badass. We don't want to be like them either. We want to be like you." Nate said, his smile taking over his entire face as he watched Molly.

Molly was about to smile and thank the boy for his compliment, but just before she opened her mouth, Demetri spoke up, moving to stand beside her and resting a tired hand on her shoulder. "I'd be careful about this, Mr. L, letting the Cobra Kais into Miyagi-Do. It's like letting the wildlings behind the Wall."

Molly's face dropped, looking up at Demetri with a glare. "Dude." She muttered, insulted by Demetri's words. Demetri looked down at Molly and rolled his eyes, waving off her reassuringly. "You're an exception." He groaned back.

Daniel raised his eyebrows at Demetri Game of Thrones analogy cockily. "Didn't the wildlings help Jon Snow win the Battle of the Bastards?" He asked. Molly, still looking up at Demetri, pursed her lips tauntingly as Demetri's face fell and he cursed under his breath. "Should've picked a different analogy."

Daniel smiled triumphantly over the fact that he proved Demetri wrong. Despite three out of four of his students hating the idea of these new students joining the dojo, Daniel walked up to them with a big smile and a hand for them to shake. "We're happy to have you. Nice to meet you. Come out front with me. Start your first lesson." He offered, starting to walk towards the side of the home to get to the front yard, but stopped and turned back around. He smiled at Molly and waved his hand, gesturing for her to come with. "Molly, why don't you come along too."

Molly smiled and nodded her head, partially glad that she had an out from going back to working with Robby, especially after he shut down her thought. Without looking back at Robby, Molly sped up to catch up with Daniel and her fellow ex-Cobra Kai's to the front yard.


After a couple excruciatingly long hours working with Daniel and the other ex-Cobra Kai, Daniel had them finally go ot the backyard and work with Robby, Sam, and Demetri, claiming all the training he could have them doo is currently destroyed.

As the handful of students started to head towards Sam, Demetri, and Robby, Molly watched the three of them. Demetri was still attempting to lift the fallen stone, Sam was repainting the fence and Robby was still re-potting bonsai. Molly felt a small twist in her stomach at the sight of Robby, and not the good kind.

She suddenly felt uncomfortable to walk towards him, worried an awkward tension will be strung between them know that Robby made it clear that the night prior was nothing to him. Molly played with her fingers, a fidget that slowly started to come back after her and Hawk's breakup but started to go away once she got closer with Robby.

Robby turned his head noticing only one Cobra Kai student didn't join him, Sam, or Demetri and instead stood by the walkway that led to the front yard. His eyebrows furrowed at Molly, a small feeling of regret forming in his gut for not letting her speak.

He didn't want what happened the night before to be nothing. He wanted it to be something. He was just nervous that maybe Molly didn't feel the same way.

But seeing Molly now, part of him told him that maybe she felt the same way. She was looking around the backyard and when her eyes met with Robby's, she froze.

Robby took this as a sign to fix what he had just messed up. He left the bonsai he was working on on the floor and slwoly started to walk towards her.

As soon as Molly saw Robby coming over, she looked away from him and to Nate and Chris. Robby took her watching the two as a conversation starter as he finally reached her. He crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head at the sight of the new students. "I can't believe Mr. LaRusso let them in here." He huffed.

Molly's brows furrowed. She turned to Robby and raised her eyebrows. "He let me in here." She said in a matter of fact tone. If Daniel let Molly in, why  would he let them?

Robby shook his head again and started to turn his head to look at Molly. "Yeah, but you're you." He said, his voice softer as a small smile took over his face. Their eyes looked again and he didn't know if it was impatience or just how close he was next to Molly, but something inside of Robby sparked up. He decided to test the waters with her, seeing if maybe what he interrupted her about could've been something more. He reached his hand out and his fingertips grazed her knuckles.

Immediately, Robby noticed Molly looked down at their hands, her eyes a little wide but the corners of her mouth turning upwards. She looked back up to Robby and felt the tightness in her chest grow stronger. But something in Molly told her it was okay.

She smiled back at Robby and grabbed his hand. When Robby felt Molly squeeze his hand, his smile doubled in size. Molly's smile turned taunting, looking around the backyard at all of the ex-Cobra Kai's helping Sam and Demetri. "And they're like me. He just wants to help them change."

Robby looked around at all the teens before he scoffed. "They won't." He shut down. Molly raised her eyebrows, silently asking an "Oh, really?" Before she stopped walking, making Robby stop as well and turn to her.

Molly shrugged, her lips pursed ever so slightly. "Can't change the way you feel." She explained.

Robby felt his head grow dizzy at her words and her eyes staring back at him. He took her words as if they held a deeper meaning.

You can't change the way you feel.

He stepped closer to Molly. The moment he did, the world seemed to shrink to just the two of them, standing chest to chest in the backyard of the dojo.

Molly's breath hitched at the action, a silent gasp trapped in her throat as Robby's gaze drifted downward, lingering on her lips. Molly, too, found her gaze slowly getting drawn to his lips, the space seeming to be just one small movement apart. The pull in her stomach drew her imperceptibly closer to him.

Robby slowly lifted his hand. Instead of the expected touch, he traced the line of her cheekbone with his knuckle, a touch so featherlight yet searing against her skin. The trail of warmth left by his touch seemed to ignite every nerve in her body until he reached the edge of her cheekbone. Finally, he allowed his hand to rest more fully on her face, cupping it gently.

She held her breath as Robby brought her face closer to his. Molly felt an eagerness bordering on a painful desperation. She was ready, she was close to just grabbing either side of his neck and pulling her into him. He was taking way too long in her opinion.

But just as their lips were a mere breath away, the moment was shattered.

A groan cut through their moment from just behind Robby, causing them both to spring apart.

Molly gasped when she noticed Demetri on the floor, Chris standing over him. The moment soon disappeared from her mind, almost as if it never happened as she ran towards Demetri. "Oh my God, are you okay?" She asked as Robby stomped past her and Demetri, pushing Chris's shoulders back.

"Whoa! What are you doing? We're on the same team now." Daniel yelled as he ran up to the huddle of students. As Molly pulled Demetri up, Robby threw his hand out, angrily pointing at Chris. "Once a Cobra Kai, always a Cobra Kai!" Robby seethed.

Molly's jaw dropped at Robby's words, a look of betrayal taking over her face. She shook her head crazily, looking to Demetri to see if maybe she heard him wrong before hse turned back to Robby. "Okay, what the fuc—" Before she could finish, Robby turned around to face the girl, the anger that was once very apparent, now completely gone as he shook his head and his accusing hand reassuringly. "Not you."

Molly's shoulders slowly relaxed, still not liking Robby's comment, but accepting his reassurance anyway. Daniel huffed at the unwanted hatred between the kids and shrugged tiredly. "Well, that's not true. I know it's not true 'cause... I used to be a Cobra Kai."

To say Molly was shocked is an understatement. Her eyes could've rolled out of her head if they got any wider. It seemed that every other kid in the backyard had the same reaction because Daniel pulled them all into the dojo, instructing all of them sit across from him before he told his story.

"Look, Cobra Kai sells power, strength, and when I joined, I was... Well, I was weak. It was 1985. I had just won my first All Valley, and Mr. Miyagi didn't want me to compete anymore. He never really liked the idea of fighting for trophies in the first place." Daniel explained to the dozen kids sitting before him. Molly squinted a little, her nose crinkling in confusion as she tried to remember who Mr. Miyagi was from Robby's retellings of Daniel's stories.

"So, he and I, we got into this big argument, and what did I do? I joined Cobra Kai. I learned to strike first, strike hard, show no mercy, and it turned me into an angry and violent kid. It changed me."

Molly's once confused expression fell in a snap. Her shoulders slumped and her eyebrows furrowed as she thought about Eli— or... Hawk. She knew these mottos were getting into his and other Cobra Kai students heads. She wished that she could make them see that this was all just karate. Maybe if she was able to do that, she and Demetri would get all of their old friends back. Once's that don't judge Demetri and most likely Molly now for distancing themselves from Cobra Kai. Maybe she'd get the old Hawk back.

Even though Molly lost her feelings for Hawk, she still misses him. And she can still hope that he can change and find his way back. He was a huge part of her life—her first everything; a part of her will always care and wish the best for him and vice versa.

Molly was pulled out of her thoughts when Daniel spoke up again. "My point is, anyone can be seduced by Cobra Kai, even me. And I'll admit, Cobra Kai makes you feel stronger, tougher, but it will also get you in trouble. And that's what happened to me." Daniel explained.

Noticing Molly jump slightly as she got out of her thoughts, Robby gently reached his hand out and touched Molly's knee, silently asking her if she was okay. Molly looked back and forth between Robby and his hand and gave him a small smile. Robby immediately returned the smile, the pad of his thumb gently tracing circles across her bare knee since she was wearing shorts.

Butterflies erupted in Molly's stomach, and she could feel her face grow warm. Molly looked down at her lap in embarrassment before turning back to Daniel.

"I'm just lucky Mr. Miyagi was willing to take me back." He muttered, a small smile on his face as he recounted the memory with his old sensei. Daniel made sure to look every student in the eyes, giving each and every one of them a hopeful expression. "So, remember, it doesn't matter who anyone was before they stepped into this dojo. All that matters is that right now, today, we are all Miyagi-Do."

Molly held back a small laugh at the finale of his speech. She leaned towards Robby, but kept her eyes on Daniel. "That was so cheesy. I love it." Molly whispered, her laugh not breaking through, but her smile spreading across her face.

Robby smiled at how happy Molly seemed in Miyagi-Do. his eyes scanned her face carefully before he sighed happily, shaking his head. "I'm so glad you're here now."


By the end of practice, all of the students mended their issues, now, slowly, becoming a team.

Even though he wasn't staying with her anymore, Robby walked Molly to her car. In fairness, the whole team plus Daniel did think they were dating. They have to play the part.

"What did I say? They all meant well." Molly said happily as they reached her car. She unlocked the car with the button on her keys, but didn't open the door to climb in. Instead, she stood in front of it, smiling at Robby standing before her with an "I told you so" look.

Robby sighed, a smile fighting it's way onto his lips, but he held it back. "I guess you were right." Robby said, his smile finally making it onto his face.

Molly smiled cockily, shrugging her shoulders. "I know." She said happily, making the two of them chuckle.

Quickly, the laughter dwindled to an unbearable silence. Molly felt her heart pick up it's pace, not knowing what to do after a second almost kiss in less than 24 hours. She gave him a nervous smile and whispered a soft goodbye and turned to face her car.

But Robby didn't want the conversation to end. The moment she reached for her door, a firm yet gentle grasp held her wrist, stopping her movements.

Robby turned her back to face him. His hand slid from her wrist down to her waist, pulling her closer, while his other hand moved up to cup her cheek, guiding her lips towards his.

As their lips met, the world around them seemed to blur. The heat between them was undeniable, every sense heightened for the two of them. It was the epitome of every cliché and yet uniquely theirs—a perfect kiss that seemed to stop time itself.

Robby took a step forward to deepen the kiss, his foot brushing against Molly's, causing her to stumble slightly and fall back against the car door.

Eventually, they had to part, the need for air pulling them back into reality. Molly kept her eyes closed for a moment longer, savoring the rush, the lingering feeling of his lips on hers.

Robby, keeping his eyes on Molly, opened her car door with a big grin. Molly opened her eyes to find him smiling at her, a casual question on his lips but his expression belying the intensity of the moment. "See you tomorrow?"

His voice sounded casual, as if the moment was no big deal to him, but his face told another story. His cheeks were flushed with a bashful red, the remnants of Molly's lipstick smudged across with grinning lips.

Molly, overcome with her own giddy euphoria that made her heart flutter, could only nod quickly, her smile beaming as bright as the Sun. "See you tomorrow," She echoed, her voice filled with a childish excitement.

She climbed into the car, Robby holding the door for her so it didn't close on her. Once she was comfortably in the car, her bag sitting next to her in the passenger seat, Robby leaned his head into the car slightly.

His lips met hers for one more quick kiss that made Molly's heart lurch. The kiss ended as soon as it started and Robby leaned back out of the car and closed the door.

Molly took a deep breath to control her excitement before she started to drive. She watched Robby stand and watch her go through her side mirror. Molly turned back to the road and her smile doubled in size. A small and excited cheer left her lips, finally getting the chance to freak out about what had just happened.

emily speaks...

im OBSESSED with mobby
what if..... mobbybecomesendgame


im in moli withdrawal which just means more mobby😁
ANYWAY. OMG IM SO EXCITED TO GET MORE INTO MOBBY even though... the school fight is coming up😬😬😬😬


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