xvii. new step dad

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All of Cobra Kai plus Moon and Delaney took over many booths in the back of the Applebee's at the mall. Molly, Tory, Aisha, Moon, and Delaney all crammed into a booth; Tory sat in between Aisha and Molly while Delaney and Moon sat across from them.

Molly only had a Dr. Pepper and was sharing a basket of fries with Tory. Moon gasped down at her phone, giggling at whatever was on her screen. "Oh, my God. Yasmine has the same bikini as me."

Molly and Aisha rolled their eyes at the mention of the blonde. Aisha scoffed as Molly spun her straw in her soda to make a whirlpool. "Tell that bitch she can stay in France and wear it."

Tory didn't know Yasmine so instead of engaging in the conversation, she looked around the restaurant at all of her other teammates. When she noticed Miguel across the walkway from her and the other girls, sitting alone and typing away at his computer, she wanted to get his attention.

Tory reached her hand into Molly's soda, making Molly look at her with wide eyes. "Hey!" Molly groaned as Tory grabbed an ice cube and threw it at Miguel.

Molly frowned at her soda. The waited just brought it to the table and Tory put her hand in it. She pushed the drink away from her and turned to Miguel who was now glaring at Tory.

Tory smiled, shrugging her shoulders with a fake innocence. "Oops. Must've slipped out of my hand." She said. Miguel rolled his eyes and turned back to his computer. Tory's smile faltered and her eyebrows furrowed. "What are you even doing over there?"

Miguel sighed, keeping his eyes on his laptop. "Going all-in." He answered. Molly grimaced at his words, pulling herself out of the conversation.

"I don't think I want to know..." Molly muttered, pulling out her phone. Her eyes widened at the time and she quickly shout out of the booth she was squeezed in. "Oh, shit! I have to go."

Delaney furrowed her eyebrows as she watched Molly scramble to grab all of her things. "What? Where?"

"Molly has a date." Aisha sang just as Hawk walked past the girls table. All the girls started to tease Molly, "ooo" leaving all of their mouths as Hawk turned to Molly.

They locked eyes and Molly was surprised when she didn't feel the same nerves she always did when Hawk looked to her. She didn't feel her heart jump as much when she locked eyes with him. The guilt she felt watching his sadness wasn't as prominent anymore.

All she was thinking about was her date with Robby.

Molly looked away from Hawk first, the boy leaving her mind as soon as he was out of her line of sight. She cringed as she looked around her table. "We're actually... coming back here so..."

"We'll keep tabs on Hawk for you." Tory reassured and Molly smiled. She leaned down and pressed an obnoxious kiss to Tory's temple.

Tory groaned while Molly kissed her, worried the girls lipstick would leave residue on her face. Molly pulled away and smiled down at Tory. "Thank you." She muttered and Tory smiled up at her as a "you're welcome."


Molly made it to Miyagi-Do right on time, Robby and Demetri walking out of the building right as she pulled up.

Robby smiled at Molly as he walked towards her car. He climbed in and kissed her cheek. "Hey." He said with a big smile. Molly felt herself smile back as the butterflies fluttered in her stomach again. "Hi." She muttered back.

Those damn butterflies.

Demetri, who watched the whole scene, raised his eyebrows and walked around the car so he was on Molly's side. He rested his elbow on the roof of Molly's car and looked down at her through her window. "And where are you two going?"

"Date to the mall." Molly said, looking at Robby beside her. She smiled and grabbed his hand before looking back to her window to Demetri.

"Mind if I join? I need to see how it is being a third wheel with you two. Seeing as thought Robby is my new step dad." Demetri explained.

Molly let go of Robby's hand and sighed, dropping her head to her steering wheel. "Oh my God." She muttered as Robby squinted, looking back and forth between Molly and Demetri. "What?" Robby asked.

Demetri realized Robby was not in on the loop and leaned down lower so he could see Robby better through the drivers window. "Well, I used to call Molly and Hawk my parents. Now that said parents are divorced, Mama Molls has to introduce me to her new boyfrie—"

"Demetri get in the car!" Molly snapped, her head still pressed against her steering wheel. Demetri's eyes widened and he quickly nodded his head, immediately opening the door behind Molly and scrambling into the backseat.

Molly raised her head once Demetri's car door closed and sighed. She could see Robby smiling at her out of the corner of her eyes. "Mama Molls?" He teased and Molly whipped her head to face Robby, a small glare on her face.

"Yes. But you're not allowed to call me that. Only Demetri can." She said before she noticed Sam walking out of Miyagi-Do. Mollys smile faltered, guilt from leaving Sam at the beach club starting for a moment. Molly leaned closer to Robby so she could see Sam from his window clearer.

"Hey, Sam!" Molly yelled, making the LaRusso girl look up from her phone. "Wanna go to the mall?"


As soon as they got to the mall, the four headed to the food court, Robby, Demetri, and Sam all hungry after karate. They ordered their food and while Sam and Demetri waited for their food to be ready, Robby and Molly searched for a table they could all sit at.

"So how's Demetri doing at Miyagi-Do?" Molly asked as she took the seat across from Robby. The boys eyes widened as if to say "oh, boy" making Molly grow a little nervous. Robby sighed, leaning back in his seat. "He isn't giving it his all. He's making a complete joke of it." Robby complained.

Molly pressed her lips together, She moved forward in her seat to make up for Robby leaning back in his. Now, they were closer. "Look, Demetri wants to do this. I know it. He just... has never been the fighter type." Molly looked away from Robby and bit her lips. "Or the working type."

Robby let out an annoyed laugh, making Molly turn back to him. She grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. "But he is one of the most committed people I know. He may be really difficult about it, but he will give it his all in no time." Molly said, hoping to give Robby some reassurance. A small smile grew on her face and Molly tauntingly tilted her head. "You have no room to talk about being difficult, Swayze." Molly started.

Robby, who was once a little annoyed, watched Molly with wide eyes. The girls smile only doubled in size as she innocently shrugged her shoulders. "Considering you made a big fight about your distaste towards romance movies when you love Dirty Dancing." She said. Robby's jaw clenched, a fake mad facade displayed across his body. He leaned back forward onto their table, resting an elbow on it as he raised a finger to point at her. "I told you about my middle name in confidence."

Molly continued to just smile, leaning a little closer. Since they were both leaning forward, their faces were only a couple inches apart. She hummed, making a kaleidoscope of butterflies fill his stomach. "Yeah, well you shouldn't have." She whispered. Robby's face immediately heated up and he quickly turned away, hoping to make his blush seem like embarrassment.

"My mom was a huge fan of Patrick Swayze. Made me watch Dirty Dancing all the time." Robby said, hoping to excuse and dismiss Molly's words. But the girl just smirked. "Made you?" She asked. Robby stared into Molly's eyes, his pupils slowly started to dilate before he sighed in defeat. "Okay, maybe I liked it."

"I'm more partial to his performance in Donnie Darko." Demetri said as he and Sam came back with the groups food. Molly and Robby immedaitely jumped apart, both of them leaning back inot their respective seats. The space, once barely anything, now felt miles apart, a thick tension taking over the space between them.

Demetri and Dam handed Molly and Robby their food and sat in the open seats. "Interesting movie. Mmm, time travel logic left a lot to be desired."

Molly took a long sip of her Dr. Pepper at the mention of the movie. She had watched the movie with Demetri and Eli right before the school year started. It was almost a year ago. She cringed at the thought, a distaste forming in her mouth.

"Wait. Is today Wednesday?" Demetri asked. Molly, grateful that he pulled her out of her thought, nodded her head. "Mhm." She answered as she took another long sip of her soda.

"The new issue of Dungeon Lord came out." Demetri said as he pushed himself out of his seat. He looked down at the three still sitting at the table. "Do you guys want anything from the comic book store?"

Sam shook her head, holding back laughing as Robby gave him a smile. "Um, no, thanks." Robby said and Demetri nodded.

Molly raised her hand, holding up one finger. "If you find—" "Anything batman. I know." Demetri interrupted. Molly smiled, relaxing in her seat. "Thank you."

Demetri didn't hear Molly's gratitude, his mind racing at the idea of the new comic book being released. "I'll be right back. Make sure no one throws away my chicken." He yelled as he ran away from the table and towards the comic book store.

Robby watched him go with an amused smile. When Demetri was out of his sight, he and Sam turned to Molly. "Is he always like that?" Sam asked, holding back her laughter. Molly smiled, starting to eat her food. "Worse."


Demetri was gone long enough for Molly, Robby, and Sam to finish their food. Molly went to the Panda Express to ask for a bag for Demetri's food while Sam and Robby got a refill of all of their drinks.

"It didn't have to be this way. You could've joined Cobra Kai if you weren't such a pussy!"

Molly turned her head at Hawk's voice. Her heart sank to her stomach when she noticed Hawk and four other Cobra Kai students circling Demetri in the middle of the food court.

"Shit!" Molly grumbled. She grabbed Demetri's boxed up chicken and ran up to the six boys. She left Demetri's food on a nearby table and pushed through the circle of teens so she was in the center with Demetri. Molly stood in between Demetri and Hawk and grabbed Demetri's wrist, attempting to pull him behind her, but Demetri was frozen in fear.

"Get behind me." Molly whispered and almost gaining some relief knowing Molly was there, Demetri side stepped behind her, peering at Hawk from over she shoulder. Molly turned back to Hawk and nodded her head towards the exit. " You guys need to back off."

Hawks nostrils flared as he stared at Molly in front of him. He was trying to continue his threatening demeanor, but Molly could tell he was struggling to keep it up with her. He looked around the food court before he turned back to Molly. There was a small smirk on his face as he tilted his head. "Thought you had a date today."

Almost as if he was summoned, Robby walked into the fight with Sam, the two of them standing beside Molly.

Hawk's hands balled into fists at his side as he looked at Molly standing with Miyagi-Do's. He glared at the three rivals before turning to Molly. "Come on, Molls. We're on the same side." Hawk tried to reason, hoping to get Molly to join him.

Molly bit the inside of her cheek and nodded her head angrily. "Exactly, so back the fuck off." She snapped, taking a step forward so she was in front of all three Miyagi-Do's.

Her words were filled with venom for Hawk. The boy took a small step back and looked to the ground.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Hawk could see Robby grab Molly's hand and pull her back so she was standing behind him. Hawk scoffed as he raised his head to look back at Molly, disregarding Robby all together.

"I don't want to have to hit you." Hawk said, pushing his voice to sound darker. Molly could see right through him. She dated him for a year, she knew him. A small smirk grew on her face as she tilted her head condescendingly. "You wouldn't stand a chance." She spat.

Hawk bit the inside of his cheek and looked around at the Cobra Kai students that were circling Molly and the Miyagi-Do's. He nodded to himself when he realized they had the upper hand. "Five against four?" His eyes landed on Demetri and he smirked. "More like three and a half."

It was almost like all the Cobra Kai boys circling Molly and the Miyagi-Dos were telepathic because all at once, they ran at the four. Molly grabbed Demetri's wrist and pulled her behind him

Now, Molly was tall. She was taller than most of the boys she was in Cobra Kai with.

Chris was not one of those boys.

So when Chris started making his way towards her, Molly did feel a little nervous. But she also knew she was better than him. Chris' main focus was to throw punches at Molly, but considering their major height difference, Molly simply got on the ground and kicked her leg out.

The boy fell to the ground as Molly got up. She smirked at the boy on the ground, but she didn't get to congratulate herself for long because Big Red came running towards her.

Mollys eyes widened at the redhead charging at her. Just like Chris, Big Res ran at Molly with punches. After blocking a handful of hits, Big Red landed a punch right on her mouth.

Molly groaned in pain, her head following the blow of Big Reds punch. Molly instinctively brought her fingers to her lip, immediately noticing the sharp pain and the wetness of blood when her fingers grazed it. Pulling her hand back, she saw the blood on her fingers. The sight of her own blood made her lips curl in anger.

Molly slowly looked back up at Big Red and let out a war cry, Big Red, once carrying a proud look at landing a punch on Molly, now looked terrified at Mollys foot coming towards his face. He didn't even try to defend himself, too shock at the girls anger to do anything.

He fell to the ground in seconds, landing right beside Chris. Molly looked down at the two boys she fought with a heaving chest. Her head raised hearing groans in front of her. She watched Sam fight Rickenberg, Robby fight Hawk, and Demetri standing in between Sam and Robby, using them as bodyguards.

"Demetri, look out!" Molly yelled, noticing Mitch running towards Demetri. Demetri's eye widened at not just Mitch, but now Molly running towards him. Not knowing what else to do, Demetri just ducked.

Molly used this to her advantage. As she ran up to Demetri, she pressed a hand on his back and jumped over him. While she was in the air, she raised her leg and kick Mitch in the face, knocking him to ground. Molly landed right in front of Robby and Hawk's fight, Hawk's back to Molly.

Robby raised his leg and kicked Hawk across the face. Hawk's whole body spun at the impact of Robby's kick. He ended up facing Molly who punched him right where Robby's foot once was.

Hawk fell to the ground right beside Mitch, groaning in pain as he brought his hand up to where Robby had kicked him and Molly punched him.

Molly glared at her ex laying at her feet. It was right then when Molly lost the last bit of feelings she had towards Hawk. Her fists clenched and unclenched at her sides before she turned around. She, Demetri, and Robby all stood right by the table Molly had left Demetri's chicken. She grabbed the food and turned to Demetri beside her.

"I saved your chicken." She said quietly. Demetri looked back and forth between Molly and the food before he slowly took the box out of her hands. He opened it to make sure everything was in there and smiled when he saw a small container beside the chicken. "And I made sure to get extra of that seasoning you like."

Demetri looked up at Molly and nodded gratefully. Even with her busted lip, her smile made him smile. "Thanks."

Molly was pulled out of her conversation with Demetri when a hand gently grabbed her hip and turned her around.

She was met face to face with Robby. Keeping one of his hands on Molly's hip, Robby raised his free hand to Molly's neck, just below her ear. His thumb grazed her bloodied lip, making Molly gasp, not only because of the pain, but because Robby was touching her lip.

"You okay?" Robby asked. Molly's eyes accidentally dropped from Robby's to his lips. Her mouth fell open slightly, Robby's thumb now just beside it instead of on it.

It took a lot of will power in Molly to look away from Robby's lips and back up to his eyes. For some reason, looking him in the eyes made her want to kiss him more. Her face moved just barely an inch closer to Robby's before she stopped herself.

She felt Robby tense and she closed her mouth, swallowing to get rid of her dry throat. Molly nodded her head, her eyes glued to Robby's. "Yeah, I'm okay." Molly reassured. Her voice was quiet since her and Robby were standing so close. Robby nodded back. His eyes flickering back and forth between Molly's eyes and her lips.

He dropped both of his hands, the warmth of where they once were still lingering on Molly's body. Molly frowned a little and looked away from Robby. Her eyes fell back to Hawk on the ground where her eyes met his glossy ones.

Hawk blinked rapidly, attempting to get rid of the tears in his eyes as he bit his bottom lip. Molly, just like before, felt no guilt or sadness watching the boy in front of her. She licked her lips and looked away.

Molly Preston was certain she no longer loved Hawk.


Molly drove Sam, Robby, and Demetri back to the LaRusso home. Molly decided to wait with them for Daniel to come back so she knew Demetri had a ride home.

As soon as they walked into the home, Robby swiftly guided Molly into the bathroom, a gentle but firm hand on the small of her back, steering her through the unfamiliar home.

Robby closed the door behind him and Molly. He nodded his head to the sink. "Sit down."

Molly almost immediately complied, jumping onto the counter as Robby searched the medicine cabinets for ointment. Once he found what he was looking for, Robby turned back to Molly and walked towards her.

Robby stepped in between Mollys legs, his sides grazing her inner thighs as the physical gap between them became nonexistent.

Molly stuck in a breath of air when Robby leaned closer to her. He reached past her and grabbed a tissue from the tissue box behind her.

He raised his hand and held Mollys face by her chin. Robby pressed the tissue to Mollys lip and she instantly gasped in pain. Most of her reaction was adrenaline from Robby and his closeness, but the boy in front of her didn't mind.

Robby used his thumb to caress Molly's lower cheek as a way to comfort her as he slowly brought the tissue to Mollys lip again. This time, Molly was ready. She didn't gasp or have any big reaction. She kept her eyes on Robby, noticing every touch she was sharing with him.

The cool tile against Molly's back contrasted with the warmth emanating from Robby as he cleaned up her lip. His focus was intense, a concentration that belied the nervous energy vibrating through him.

With every careful touch to Molly's face, and Robby's nervous avoidance of her gaze, the space between them felt charged, heavy with tension.

Robby finished wiping the dry blood off of Molly's lips and chuckled.  "You okay?" He asked as he threw away the tissue

Molly let out an airy chuckle. "Hurts like hell." She muttered as Robby placed a small dollop on his finger. "Don't worry. You're still pretty." He reassured, looking back to Molly.

His eyes made the grave mistake of locking with hers instead of looking down at her lips to finish cleaning up her lip. Their faces were inches apart, the air shared in soft, quick breaths. The world seemed to hold its breath with them, waiting, watching for the barriers to break.

Robby's hands dropped, settling on Mollys thighs. Molly sucked in a deep breath at the electricity that came with Robby's touch.

He took a step closer, the two of them now chest to chest. Robby's hands slid up Mollys thighs until they reached her waist. Molly looked down at Robby just as his head craned up to look at her.

Their breaths mixed together in anticipation. Molly kept the palms of her hands pressed against the counter on her side, too focused on the boy in front of her to even think about moving her hands.

Robby's nose grazed hers. Molly's heart raced, pounding against her ribcage with a force that made her believe that Robby could be able to feel it against his own.

Molly felt Robby's lips graze hers before a sharp knock on the bathroom door shattered the moment, jerking them back to reality. They sprang apart, Robby jumping away from Molly as if she was on fire.

The door opened to reveal Daniel LaRusso. His eyes bounced back and forth between the two teens, his eyebrows raised with concern. "I heard about the mall fight. Are you two okay?"

Robby cleared his throat and nodded as Molly hopped off the counter. "Yeah, we're okay. I was just fixing up Molly's lip." Robby explained.

Daniel nodded at the boy. He turned back to Molly and finally noticed her busted lip. "You alright, Molly?"

Molly blinked rapidly, still trying to come back to reality after her almost kiss with Robby. Molly nodded her head and forced a smile on to her face. "Yeah. I should be heading home though."

Daniel nodded his head and side stepped so Molly had room to pass him through the doorway.

Molly didn't give Robby a second glance, shaken up and still tingling as she left the house and headed straight to her car.

emily speaks...
giggling like a maniac writing that last scene GODDAMN

mama molls is back again with her nerdy only child🫶

hawk did in fact take notes and he will copying her (obsessed mf😒) (i don't blame him im obsessed with molly too)

also did not know a group of butterflies were called a kaleidoscope but here we are🤔

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