xxiii. back to school

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Standing on the other side of the door, Robby stared at Molly. He was frozen staring at her, his eyes glued on the stitches on her face. He raised his hand to reach out and touch her cheek but just before he could, he stopped himself. He didn't want to hurt Molly like he hurt Miguel.

He took a step back, biting his lip anxiously as he fiddled with his fingers. "Are you... Are you okay?"

Molly blinked at Robby. She nodded, shocked at how he was acting. "Yeah, just a couple stitches." She gave him a reassuring smile as she side stepped to give him some space to walk in. "Get in here." She said gently, reaching out to grab Robby's hand and pull him inside.

As soon as she closed the door, Molly leaned up against it and turned to Robby, her eyes wide as she searched his face for injuries from the fight. "Where did you go? When they were taking me to the hospital, you disappeared. I've been calling and texting you all night." Molly rambled, the fear from the whole day still fresh in her chest.

Tears started to grow in Robby's eyes as he shook his head. "I was scared. I... I got angry at Miguel and when I saw him go over the edge, I saw my own life flash before my eyes. I panicked." He rambled. After a couple seconds of silence, Robby took a deep breath and looked up to Molly. "I was scared you'd hate my guts." He admitted.

Mollys face fell. She reached out and grabbed Robby's hands, giving them a reassuring squeeze as he continued. "My phone broke during the fight. I've been hiding behind the cars in your parking lot, building up the courage to come knock on your door all night. When I saw Demetri drop you off, I knew I had to see you one last time."

Molly felt her heart drop at his words. She suddenly felt nauseous as her eyebrows creased together. "What do you mean one last time?" Molly asked, dropping Robby's hands.

Robby started to shake his head desperately. He didn't want Molly to be upset with him. "They're gonna wanna lock me up for what happened to Miguel, I need to run away." Robby said and Molly watched Robby with sad eyes.

"Do you have a plan?" She asked and Robby sighed. He shook his head, no longer meeting Molly's eyes and instead looking at the ground. "Not yet. Figured I just run, cut my hair so they don't recognize me so quickly."

It was like Molly's brain was moving a mile a minute. She thought up everything that happened today. She already may lose Miguel, she couldn't lose Robby too.

"Stay here then." Molly blurted. Both her and Robby's eyes widened, even shocking herself from her words.

Robby took a step closer to Molly, almost thinking he didn't hear her properly. "What?"

Molly took a deep breath as she really thought of a plan. She swallowed the lump in her throat and took a step towards Robby, grabbing his hands. "The earliest my moms could come back after hearing about the fight is tomorrow afternoon. Stay here for the night, figure out a plan—a good plan and then we can say goodbye in the morning." She then smiled, removing one of her hands from his to ruffle his hair. "I'll even give you a haircut."

She looked from Robbys hair to his eyes and her smile slowly started to fall. Molly squeezed his hands and took a shaky breath. "I don't want to say goodbye yet."

And so, the couple spent the rest of their night with only each other. The stress of the whole day left their minds, they only wanted to think about each other.

Molly did ended up giving Robby a haircut, cutting off most of the sides and leaving some on the top so Robby could still it as he pleased.

Neither of them slept, Molly was gonna drop Robby off early in the morning anyway so they didn't see a point. They watched movies, made a late night dinner, cuddled, anything they could think of as their final goodbye.

And when dawn came, Molly gripped the steering wheel tightly as she drove through the quiet streets at the edge of town to drop Robby off. Robby stared out of the passenger window, his expression unreadable and neither of them dared to speak until Robby's eyes landed on LaRusso's Car Dealer. He sat up and pointed at the brightly lit building. "Pull into there."

Molly glanced at him. She was confused but listened anyway. She drive into the dealership lot, parking in the far back corner away from the showroom lights. Turning to face Robby, she took a deep breath to control her emotions. "How will I know you're okay?"

She watched as Robby smirked, grabbing his bag at his feet and opening it. Right on top sat a worn notebook, a stack of envelopes, a handful of stamps, and a pen. Her heart clenched as Robby zipped his bag back up. "Figured I could write you letters." Robby murmured, his smile lopsided, and he shrugged, attempting to lighten the moment. "It won't be like the movies, but I want you to know I'm okay."

Molly managed to smile, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Her smile faltered when Robby frowned completely, his own eyes starting to tear up as he now struggled to keep his eyes on hers. "But you won't be able to write me back." His voice was shaky now.

Tears started to fall down Molly's face, and she dropped her head so Robby wouldn't be able to see. She sniffled, and Robby's gaze snapped to her instantly. Gently, he cupped her face, and pulled her head up so they could lock eyes.

"But I will come back, Mo. I promise. This isn't me breaking up with you. I'm not giving up on us." Robby whispered desperately. Molly bit her lip to hold herself back from crying as Robby quickly tried to wipe her tears. "This isn't goodbye. I'm not giving up on us." Robby said, his voice cracking.

Molly leaned closer to Robby's hand as she gave him a small smile. "I don't want us to end either."

Memories started to flood Molly's mind—her moments with Robby. She then thought back to her relationship with Hawk. How she was always too scared to say "I love you" to Hawk. She waited and waited, too scared to ever admit it. She didn't want to do that now too.

Molly out her hands over Robby's squeezing them tightly as she gave him a small smile. "I love you, Robby." She cried. Robby's eyes welled with tears, his composure crumbling as he returned her gaze. "I love you, Molly."

In that moment, they leaned towards each other, lips meeting in a kiss. It was a kiss that was soft but was filled with so much more.

It was a goodbye kiss.

Reluctantly, they pulled away, their foreheads touching as they breathed each other in, not wanting to let go.

Neither of them wanted to say the words "goodbye" so instead, Robby just stepped out of the car and began to walk away, leaving with no else to say. Molly watched him go, tears streaming down her cheeks as Robby disappeared into the building.

That was the last Molly heard from Robby.

It's been two weeks since Molly dropped him off at the LaRusso car dealership and Molly hasn't gotten anything letting her know Robby was okay.

As heartbroken Molly was by this, she had to keep going. Her suspension was finally over and today was her first day back at school, along with everyone involved else involved in the fight.

Molly's scar had healed pretty well. It was still extremely noticeable, a long brown scar going from the edge of her cheekbone to the middle of her jawline but it wasn't a raised scar, luckily. To the touch, you could hardly feel it.

So Molly covered it with her makeup for school. You couldn't see it unless you were standing closer directly in front of her.

Mollys mom decided to take some time being home with Molly, not wanting her to get into too much trouble anymore. They both decided to drop Molly off, which Molly didn't mind, she didn't really think it was too embarrassing to get dropped off.

As she walked towards her locker, Mollys eyes scanned every person she walked by, nervous that anybody could just come up and attack her. She felt her scar burn as memories from the fight started to plague her mind.

Her buzzed just as she reached her locker. Molly jumped, a small gasp leaving her lips that luckily, no one noticed. Once she called down, she reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone.

Molly smiled when she saw Aisha FaceTiming her. She quickly answered the call and placed her phone in her locker, facing her as she filled her backpack with everything she needed.

"Hey, girl!" Aisha cheered, looking like she was at school too. Molly smiled at Aisha already missing her like crazy since she moved to Santa Barbara. Before Molly could greet Aisha back, she was already asking Molly questions. "How's being back?"

Molly sighed, putting one last book in her backpack before zipping it closed and throwing it over her shoulder. "I just got here but it's definitely weird. Very on edge." She said as she grabbed her phone and closed her locker.

"How's karate been?" Aisha asked and Molly let out a dry chuckle. "I wouldn't know. I quit." She looked down at her phone right as Aisha's jaw dropped. "You what?!" Aisha screamed, her mouth opening and closing in shock. "Why did you quit? When did you quit?"

Molly sighed, looking back up as she walked through the halls. Sadly, her locker was on the opposite side of the school as her first class of the day. "After the fight, Miguel, Robby... I don't want to get involved with something like that again. Plus, before school that day, Daniel said some nasty things to me."

Molly pursed her lips and shook her head, looking back down at Aisha on her phone. "I don't want to be taught by someone who could be so rude to their students."

Aisha side eyed Molly. "Considering Sensei Lawrence was your first sensei and you're saying this, I'm guessing what Mr. LaRusso said was pretty bad." Aisha said, wondering what on Earth the man could've said that would've offended Molly more than anything Johnny's said.

"He made a comment about my mom's." Molly said and as soon as she saw Aisha start to grow angry, her eyes widened, realizing she should give more context. "Nothing homophobic but still wasn't okay." Molly said and slowly, Aisha started to calm down a little but she was still very angry. "Oh, hell no! No one says shit about someone's parents! Especially your moms. I love your moms."

Molly laughed as she walked into the main hall of the school, where the staircase is. "And they love you." Molly laughed out as she looked ahead of her. A chill went down her spine as she looked at the staircase, she could almost faintly hear Tory scream Miguel's name.

Molly's steps slowed as she her eyes moved from the staircase to the trophy case. Her grip on her backpack strap and phone tightened when she saw Cobra Kai huddling around it, all of them chuckling.

"So what are you gonna do with all this free time now?" Aisha asked, pulling Molly back into her conversation with her. Molly let out a relieved breath, wanting Aisha to keep talking and asking her questions to get her mind off the school fight.

"I don't know. Moon said they needed cheerleaders so..." Molly said, shrugging her shoulders. Aisha raised her eyebrows and laughed. "As long as it's not with Yasmine, I say go for it."

Molly let out a loud laugh, catching a couple of Cobra Kai members attention. "Oh my God. Can you imagine? I think she might actually be terrified of us." Molly giggled when all of a sudden, she crashed into another body.

Molly dropped her phone and cursed under her breath. She quickly bent down to pick up her phone, which was luckily still on call with Aisha. Molly started to look up to the person she bumped into, feeling bad that she was on her phone instead paying attention to where she was going. "Oh, I'm so..."

Molly's words got caught in her throat as Mitch and Big Red stood in front of her, glares on both of their faces. "Sorry." Molly whispered.

"Well, well, well. How's it going, Traitor?" Mitch said, his words coming out like venom for Molly. He took a step closer to her as he spoke, making Molly tense up and flinch.

She didn't know what was wrong with her. Deep down she knew she could take Mitch in a fight any day. Big Red too. But the wound, the fear of it all was too fresh.

Shakily, Molly looked down to her phone, sending Aisha a nervous look. "Ish, I'm gonna call you back."

"Is that Assface? Get the hell away from her, Assface!" Aisha yelled just as Molly hung up on her.

Molly pushed her phone into her pocket and tried to walk past, but Big Red side stepped, blocking her from walking away. Molly clenched her jaw and looked up at the boys. "What do you want?" She asked, starting to feel annoyance creep in with her fear.

"Just wanted to ask how you and your boyfriend were doing after what he did to Miguel?" Big Red spat, as Mitch went to take another step forward towards Molly, a hand from behind her pushed him back.

"Hey! Back off." Chris said as he and the rest of the Miyagi-Do boys came to stand with Molly.

Mitch scoffed and raised his eyebrows, trying to seem intimidating to the Miyagi-Dos. "Got something to say?" He asked, waving his hand across his face like John Cena. Chris chuckled, holding his textbook up to Mitch's line of sight. Immediately the boys face fell. "Yeah. Check out my new Lit book. A lot of hard-hitting shit in here."

"What's going on here?" A voice said from behind Mitch and Big Red. Molly looked past them and her eyes landed on Hawk walking over with Rickenberger and Doug trailing behind him.

"Tell your minions to leave me the fuck alone." Molly spat, taking a step closer to the Cobra Kai's. Hawks face faltered. He knew Molly wouldn't start anything, but his team would. He looked to Mitch and Big Red, both of them smirking at the reaction they got out of Molly, and Hawks nostrils flared as he realized they came and messed with her first.

"Everything all right here?"

Immediately, Molly took a step back to be closer to her team just as Counselor Blatt walked over. She eyed the rival teams as Demetri, who stood beside Molly on the edge of the group, chuckled. "Oh, we're all buddies here. Isn't that right, fellas?" He asked as he moved around to stand in between Hawk and Mitch, wrapping his arms around both of their shoulders to piss them off.

Counselor Blatt looked away from the boys and to Molly, who was shaking slightly. "Miss Preston? Are you okay?"

All eyes turned to Molly, the girls hands shaking at her sides. Hawk looked back and forth between Molly's hand and face. He watched as Molly struggled to put her hands by her sides and stop them from shaking but once she did so, she turned to the woman and gave her a fake smile. "I'm fine, Counselor Blatt."

To anyone else, it looked like a real smile. But Hawk knew Molly, he could tell from just a couple missing crinkles in her smile and the way it didn't reach her eyes that it wasn't a real smile.

But Counselor Blatt believed her and she nodded. "Alrighty then. How about you all head to class." She didn't even give a chance to respond before she turned and walked away. Molly watched as the woman walked in the direction she was going, behind the Cobra Kai's.

Once the woman was out of Miyagi-Dos sight, they all started walking away one by one. Molly and Demetri were the last ones still there. Molly glared at the Cobra Kai boys in front of her and instead of walking past them, Kolyl pushed through them, making sure her shoulders bashed into Big Red and Mitch's.

"Assholes." She muttered under her breath as Demetri trailed behind her, using the opening between the two boys as a walkway.

The Cobra Kai boys all turned around and watched Molly leave. Mitch chuckled, playfully punching Big Red's side. "Someone got some anger issues in the past two weeks."

Mitch's laughs were cut short by Hawk grabbing the collar of his shirt and bring his face close to his. The boy had a glare covering his face that he had never seen before. "Leave her alone." Hawk warned before he pushed Mitch away as if he was on fire.

Everyone around Hawk watched him with either wide eyes or confused looks. Hawk kept his eyes on strictly Mitch and Big Red since they were the ones that messed with Molly. "I hear you're messing with her again, and you're dead."

With that, Hawk walked away, leaving his team behind him as he walked in the same direction as Molly, the two of them having the same class.

When he walked into the classroom, Molly was already seated at the same table she sat at on the first day of school, reading. As Hawk walked closer and closer to her, heading for the table behind her, Molly noticed him and rolled her eyes, going back to her book.

Hawk kept his eyes on her the whole walk to his seat, praying that she would look up again so he can talk to her but she never lifted her head once. He decided to move and take Miguel spot directly behind her. As he sat down, he leaned closer to her. "Listen, Molly. I'm sorry about Assface and Big Red. They shouldn't have cornered you like that."

Molly just scoffed out a laugh. Hawk watched the back of her head with a desperate look. "I'm serious, Molls. You didn't do shit to them so they shouldn't be messing with you. Even if you are in Miyagi-Do." Hawk said, his words soft but still trying to show his persistence.

Molly finally turned around to face Hawk, since he was leaning forward and she was already leaning back in her seat, when Molly turned to face him, their face less than a foot apart. Molly didn't falter at the distance and she didn't notice Hawk gulped at their close proximity, his cheeks turning a little pink.

"I'm not in Miyagi-Do anymore." Molly muttered only loud enough for him to hear so she wouldn't draw too much attention to the two of them. As she turned back around to face front, Hawk's jaw dropped. "What?" He asked, his voice raised and catching their teachers attention.

"Mr. Moskowitz!" Their teacher yelled. Hawk's eyes widened as his head whipped to the teacher. The man had a hard glare towards the boy from his desk. "I understand this is homeroom but you should not disrupt the class." He warned.

Hawk gulped, quickly nodding his head. "My bad, Sir." Hawk pulled out his homework to try and look busy until their teacher looked away. As soon as his teachers eyes were off of him, Hawk watched Molly, thinking of ways that he could show her that he truly means no harm to her even they're on different sides.

emily speaks...
kinda feel iffy about how i ended this chapter BUT THIS IS MY NEW FAVORITE CHAPTER IDC I LOVE IT SO MUCH


ALSO now that i know where season 6 is heading i am happy to say i have OFFICIALLY figured out who the endgame is😋😋 and i can't wait for you all to see(im not telling)


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