xxiv. here to comfort

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Molly didn't know what to expect when she woke up in the morning, but a text from Miguel himself sending a photo of him in a hospital bed with "IM BACKKKKK" underneath was not it.

A weight was lifted off her shoulders knowing Miguel was finally awake. Molly was so emotional about Miguel's start to recovery, she couldn't stop crying to do her makeup. She decided to just pack her makeup with her and do it whenever she was... capable.

She had to see Miguel, it was practically eating her alive all morning. Her moms said she was practically bouncing off the walls during breakfast.

They shockingly let Molly drive herself to the hospital to see Miguel. They would've still punished her by driving her there, but they didn't want her to feel like she was rushed talking to Miguel because she knew her moms would be waiting for her downstairs.

Molly drove as fast as she could—within the speed limit—to the hospital. She told Miguel in advance, making sure he didn't have any doctors or family coming in at the same time.

She slowly walked into his room and it was like the air around her finally became breathable again as she stared at Miguel awake in his hospital bed.

Miguel smiled at Molly and she felt her eyes start to tear up. She sped towards the bed and raised her hands to pull him into a hug when she suddenly froze and her face fell.

Miguel's smile faltered and his eyebrows furrowed as he watched Molly watch him carefully. "Can I..." Molly looked at his back before she looked back up. "Give you a hug?"

Miguel sighed, closing his eyes and smiling. He opened his arms out and gestured Molly to come toward him. "Bring it in, Molls."

Molly let out a relieved breath, letting herself calm down completely as she hugged Miguel. The boy ran his hand up and down her back, noticing the huge scar on her face but deciding not to make it a big deal in the moment.

"How are you?" Molly asked as she pulled away from the hug and sat at the foot of Miguel's bed. The boy sighed, his mood dropping. "Right now? I can't feel anything below my waist."

Molly felt her heart drop and she suddenly felt sick to her stomach. Miguel was looking down at his lap sadly and didn't notice Molly's reaction. "But I have a surgery on Friday." Miguel said, looking up to Molly. "Some doctor from out of state who supposedly works miracles."

Molly blinked a couple times before she finally felt herself smile. "That's amazing!" She cheered but Miguel didn't match her excitement. Molly frowned, her eyebrows furrowing. "Why aren't you smiling?"

Miguel shook his head and clenched his jaw. "I'm not getting my hopes up. The surgery costs a ton. My mom's gonna be in debt." He said and Molly bit her lip. If he didn't believe that this surgery could work, there was a big chance it couldn't. She gave Miguel a small smile, reaching out to ruffle his hair.

"You already beat these odds, what's one more?" She asked. Almost instantly, Miguel smiled, Mollys words being exactly what he needed to hear.

Molly was happy she was able to get Miguel to look on the bright side of his surgery. His smile softened as he watched Molly. "How's Robby?" He asked, making Molly's heart stop for a split second. She blinked, not expecting that question before she turned to look down at her lap.

"I haven't heard from him since that night." She admitted and Miguel frowned, he tried his hardest to move a little closer to Molly. To comfort her, but he couldn't move much.

"How are you feeling?" Miguel asked. Everyone had been asking him how he was since he's woken up which is understandable, but his friends went through things that day too.

Molly shook her head, not wanting to make her visit about her. "I'm okay." She lied through her teeth, still not meeting Miguel's eyes.

Miguel tilted his head, trying to get into Molly's line of sight without injuring himself. "He may be the reason I'm in here but he's still your boyfriend and you're still my best friend. How are you feeling?" Miguel repeated and Molly finally looked up to meet his gaze. She shrugged; it should be obvious, shouldn't it?

"I worried about him, you know? It's been two weeks and I haven't gotten any updates." Molly said, keeping her voice quiet and steady so she wouldn't cry. She went to wipe tears that were falling down her face and scar.

"Is that from Tory?" Miguel asked, finally getting the courage to ask about the scar across Molly's face. Molly swallowed the lump forming in her throat and subtly turned her head away from Miguel, hiding the scar from him.

The action reminded Miguel of when Eli would get embarrassed from his scar and turn his head away whenever someone brought it up. He didn't bring this to Mollys attention though. He didn't know how she'd react to it.

"I saw the blood on you during the fight. Didn't know it'd leave a scar." Miguel decided to say instead, remembering the few seconds he saw Molly when he first jumped into the fight.

Molly dropped her head and let out a dry chuckle. "Yeah... I've been covering it with makeup so it doesn't look too bad." Molly whispered and Miguel frowned.

Just before he could tell her he shouldn't cover it and that it wasn't bad, a voice from the doorway made them both turn their heads.

"El Serpiente!" Hawk yelled as he walked into the room. Hawk froze when he saw Molly sitting at the foot of Miguel's bed and his eyes widened when he saw the scar on her face.

The room grew even tenser as Hawk's eyes met hers. She cleared her throat and as she stood up, Molly placed a hand on Miguel's shoulder. "I'm gonna go." She said softly. Miguel gave her a sad smile, part of him hoped Molly would stay so the two of them plus Hawk could hang out like out times. He nodded nonetheless, muttering  a small goodbye to her.

Molly walked past Hawk, not being able to look at him but Hawk's eyes were glued on her until she got halfway down the hall.

She kept walking until she reached the elevator at the other end of the hallway. Molly reached for the button but her hand started shaking, stopping her. Molly looked down at her hand and suddenly felt a her chest tighten. She couldn't bring herself to press the button. Her breathing became more sporadic as she fell back into a chair beside the elevator.

She rested her elbows on her legs, and buried her face into her shaking hands as she started to cry. It was like everything was hitting her all at once again.

After a few minutes, Hawk walked out of Miguel's room and headed towards the elevator. He froze when he saw Molly at the end of the hallway, her shoulders shaking as she cried.

He walked towards her, each step building his courage as he got closer and closer to her. Once Hawk reached Molly, he sat down beside her. He just sat there for a moment, staring in front of him, not knowing what to do. He turned back to Molly and decided to just follow his instincts. That worked at Moon's party when he saw her having a panic attack, it could work now too.

Molly jumped when she felt someone start to touch her back but Hawk didn't move his hand. Instead, his hand moving in soothing circles on her back. She turned to see who was beside her and when her tear-stained eyes met Hawk's saddened ones, he gave her a small, reassuring smile, silently telling her it was okay.

Molly's lip trembled before she let her head fall back into her hands to cry again, feeling a strange comfort in his presence.

They sat there for a while, Hawk rubbing Molly's back as she cried until Molly's phone rang. She lifted her head, eyes red and puffy. When she saw Demetri was calling her, she answered and brought the phone to her ear. "Hello?" She asked, trying her hardest to not let Demetri know she was crying by keeping her voice steady.

"Where the hell are you? The car wash started thirty minutes ago and you were supposed to help us set up!" Demetri yelled into the girls ears. Molly's eyes widened, completely forgetting about Miyagi-Do's fundraiser for Miguel.

"Shit!" She cursed under her breath. Molly shot out of her seat and sped towards the elevator.

Hawk stood up after her, watching as Molly pressed the elevator button and stared at the doors. He fiddled with his hands, waiting, hoping for her to turn around and face him.

"Yeah, I'm on my way now," Molly said to Demetri just as the doors opened. She hung up and stepped into the elevator. As she turned around and pressed the button for the floor she need, Molly froze, staring at Hawk standing in front of her, his mouth opening and closing, filled with words he couldn't seem to get out.

As the doors began to close, Molly stuck her hand out to stop them. "You coming?" She asked. Hawk continued to stare at her, wanting to join her and finally talk to her again but he couldn't bring himself to. He quickly shook his head, looking around until his eyes landed on a vending machine down the hall. "No, it's alright. I'm gonna grab something from the vending machine before I head out."

Molly nodded, muttering a small "okay" as she moved her hand away from the door. While the doors started to close again, Molly gave Hawk a small smile. They may be on different sides, but he still helped her out for the second time now. "Thank you."

Hawk felt his heart rate pick up and he slowly started to smile. He took a step forward confidently. "It was no—" Hawk began, but the doors shut, cutting him off. He frowned, letting out a small huff. "Problem."


Once Molly pulled up ot the car wash, she put on her makeup, covering up her scar since a lot of kids from school would be there and took off her sundress, showcasing her bikini for the fundraiser. When she got out of the car, she threw on her denim shorts she packed with her and walked towards Sam to help.

Sam ended up having Molly walk down the line of cars and make sure all of the Miyagi-Do kids were still training, properly doing wax-on wax-off. Molly thought it was a little obsessive but she wasn't going to fight the girl on it. Great, guys. Keep it up. A line of cars around the block.

As Molly passed the car Demetri was working on cleaning, the boy let out a playful and exaggerated scoff. "Of course you're bossing people around instead of doing the work with the rest of us." He complained.

Molly glared at Demetri. She looked around and noticed Moon a car away from him, filling up her bucket with a hose. Molly walked towards Moon and once she was done with the hose, took it out of her hands. Molly turned around to Demetri, blasting him with the hose.

Demetri yelped, raising his hand to shield himself from the water but it was no use. "Hey! I was just messing around!" Demetri yelled and Molly turned off the hose, placing it back on the ground.

Demetri tried to catch his breath, absolutely drenched. He looked to the car he was cleaning and back to Molly. "I could really use some help though." He said and she laughed, shaking her head as she walked towards Demetri to help him out.

As the two of them cleaned the car, Demetri looked to Molly with a sad smile. "Have you talked to Robby, yet?" He asked and Molly looked at Demetri with a confused look, shaking her head.

"How? He's been on the run. Kinda a bad tactic to reach out to people when the police are looking for you." Molly asked even though her and Robby did plan that he would send her letters. She felt a small pang in her chest at her own words though considering it's been almost three weeks and Robby still hasn't sent her a letter.

Demetri brows furrowed. He stopped cleaning the car completely as he watched Molly. "You don't know?" He asked and Molly felt a chill go down her spine. She slowly stopped washing the car and turned to Demetri. "Know... what?"

She watched as he nervously bit his lip. "They found Robby. He turned himself in." Demetri started shaking his head when he noticed Molly start to blink rapidly. "It's... all over the news. I did some research for you and you can email him and vice versa and you can also visit him."

Demetri's words started to become mush in Mollys ears. She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and opened her email.

Molly let out a happy sigh when she saw a new email from Robby.

"I realized after I left that I wouldn't be able to send any letters without a return address but at least now I can talk to you. I hope you can visit soon. I miss you and I love you."

Molly smiled down at the email. She looked up at Demetri calmed down once she realized Robby was okay. Sure, he was in juvy but he was safe.

As Molly started to wash the car again, Demetri joined her. He smirked, wanting to keep the subject lighthearted now, and raised his eyebrows at Molly in a teasing way. "So why were you late, missy?"

Molly rolled her eyes and laughed, turning to face Demetri. "I went to go visit Miguel, Dad." Molly teased, making the boy scoff and raise his hands in defense. "Hey! I'm just trying to make sure you're safe. Sorry I care about my mom."

Molly scoffed out a laugh and without thinking, threw a handful of bubbly soap at him. Luckily, Demetri shut his eyes just before the soap could get in them and Molly laughed, leaning back and pressing a hand to her stomach.

She was laughing so hard, she didn't notice Demetri grab a handful of soap. He grabbed Molly's shoulder with his free hand before dragging his soapy hand down her face. Immediately, Molly's laughs stopped and she gasped, her eyes doubling in size as she watched Demetri laugh in front of her.

"Oh, you're so gonna get it!" Molly yelled, bending down to grab their shared bucket of water. In seconds, Demetri was running away and Molly quickly followed him.


After washing cars with Miyagi-Do and the cheer team, Molly offered to drive Demetri home.

"Are you a little peckish? I could go for some food." Demetri muttered, his hands rubbing circles on his stomach. Molly rolled her eyes but was hungry herself. She turned to face Demetri and smiled. "What do you want?"

Demetri turned to face Molly, a hopeful smile on his face. "We could suffer the long line of  In 'n' Out together?" He asked, knowing that as much as Molly loved the restaurant, she hated how long the drive thru line was.

Molly sighed but started driving in the direction of the fast food place anyway. Demetri noticed this and smiled, holding back happy dancing in his seat.

The line wasn't too bad. As they pulled out of the drive thru, Molly got a phone call. She looked down at her center console to see who called and when she saw Nate's name she looked back to the road. "Can you answer that?" She asked and Demetri nodded as he threw a handful of fries into his mouth.

Demetri answered the call and since Mollys phone was connected to bluetooth, she and Demetri immediately heard Nate's panicking voice through her car.

"I know you quit karate but you're the first person I could think of!" Nate rambled, his voice breaking and his words sputtering together.

Molly swerved her car in shock, making Demetri yelp and grab the "oh, shit" handle above his head. "Nate, what are you talking about? What happened?" Molly yelled as Demetri looked at her as if she were crazy.

"I need you to come pick me up!" Nate begged and immediately, Molly turned the car around and started heading towards the car wash. Demetri rammed into the car door, groaning in pain as he scrambled to grab his fries so they didn't fly off his lap. "Cobra Kai... they beat me up pretty bad, I can't ride my bike!" Nate cried.

Molly pressed on the gas harder, practically shaking in anger towards Cobra Kai. Bert was the only one that was the same age as Nate and she couldn't see Bert beating Nate up so bad that he wouldn't be able to ride his bike.

"I'm on my way!" Molly said and Nate hung up the phone. Molly turned to face Demetri in the passenger seat, the boy looking at her, absolutely terrified. "Call everyone else, tell them to meet at the car wash too."


By the time the rest of Miyagi-Do minus Sam arrived at the car wash, Molly had already gotten Nate's bike into the back of her Jeep, Nate not being able to help since he just got beat up and Demetri complaining, saying it was too hot out to carry anything metal.

After Molly checked Nate for any bad injuries, the group decided to head to the LaRusso household since Sam hadn't answered.

When they got to the LaRusso home, Molly helped Nate out of the Jeep and they all walked towards the door. Demetri was the one to knock, Molly standing in the back of the group with Nate.

Sam's brows furrowed when she saw her team standing in front of her. "Hey, what's up?" She asked, watching them all with a confused look.

Molly pushed her way to the front as Demetri looked past Sam and into her home. "Is your dad here?" Demetri asked and Sam shook her head, her eyes glued on Molly since she was the one that had issues with Daniel.

"No, he's at work. Why?" Sam asked before her breath hitched in her throat. She noticed blood on Molly's hands and shirt. Sam looked up to Molly's eyes, searching for any sort of emotion that could tell her what happened.

Molly was angry, her jaw clenched as she shook her head. "Cobra Kai took the money and—" Nate interrupted Molly, pushing his way to the front of the group to see Sam. "They kicked the fucking shit outta me!"

Sam was speechless, opening and closing her mouth in shock at the sight of Nate. After a couple seconds, Sam gulped and pulled herself together. "If Cobra Kai is still having it out for us, we need to start training again." She said and Molly's eyes widened.

Molly looked to Chris beside her, who look just as uncertain as her. Chris looked away from Molly and to Sam. "You sure about this?" He asked and Sam nodded confidently.

"Cobra Kais never stop training. We have to catch up." Sam turned to Molly and gave her a small smile. "And we need everyone." Mollys eyes widened at the attention on her but just smiled wider, walking towards Molly and grabbing her hands. "If that means me taking the reins so you are comfortable being here, so be it."

Molly smiled back at Sam and looked around the rest of the team. Everyone else had their eyes on Molly, smiling at her and nodding their head, all of them wanting her there.

"I, for one, am ready to add a few new moves to my repertoire." Demetri said as Molly watched Sam worriedly. "Hold on a sec. What if your dad finds out?" Molly asked. If Daniel ever found out Miyagi-Do was working without him, he'd be livid.

Sam smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. "He won't. He's out of town."

emily speaks...
hi, yes, the little molly and demetri scene is now holding a special place in my heart

MOLI STANS RISEEEE‼️(mobby lovers wait you'll be fed soon)🙏🙏



anywho i've missed molly and miguel so much and i can't wait to get more into their friendship since i couldn't get to write a bunch of them once molly left cobra kai

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