xxv. under you(r skin)

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Molly fiddled with her hands as she watched the man behind the desk at the juvenile detention center. "Um... Molly Preston."

The man looked down at his list of visitors that were coming today and when he found Mollys name, he nodded. "Got any ID, miss?"

Molly scrambled to grab her wallet out of her purse and give the man her drivers license. To say Molly was nervous was an understatement. She was visiting Robby, who she hadn't seen in weeks and she was doing this alone.

The man handed Molly back her license as well as a visitors sticker. "Put on your pass and take a seat at a table." The man said and Molly nodded. As she walked into the visitor area, Molly placed the sticker under her collarbone and took a seat.

She sat alone at the table for around two minutes before a loud buzzer echoed through the room and the door opened.

Molly could've jumped out of her chair at the sight of Robby but she held back, not knowing if she was allowed to have any physical contact with him. Instead, she gave him a big smile as he walked towards her table.

"Hey." Molly said softly as Robby sat down across from her. He smiled, feeling a lot better already getting to talk to Molly. "Hey, Mo." He looked over her face and noticed the stitches on her cheek were gone and he could faintly see the scar under her makeup.

"How are you?" Molly asked, noting how Robby would tense when another inmate passed their table. Robby nervously brought his hands to his mouth and nodded his head. "I'm okay. Just a little hard making friends in here." He let out a lighthearted laugh and smiled at Molly. "Definitely missing the Miyagi-Dos right now."

Molly laughed, nodding her head in agreement. "Everyone misses you too." She said and Robby smiled, glad that everyone misses him as much as he's been missing them.

"How's Miguel?" Robby asked and Mollys smile dropped, now expecting that question.

"He's awake."

Molly looked up at watched as Miguel's eyes practically brightened, glad to know Miguel was awake. She gave him a lopsided smiled and looked down at the table. "He's having surgery today to see if he'll be able to walk again."

Robby was frozen for a second but he slowly started to nod his head. "That's good..." He looked back up at Molly, a hopeful look in his eyes. "Right?"

Molly nodded, making Robby relax. "She's apparently the best of the best."

She watched as Robby took a deep breath, controlling his nerves as the worry and stress over what he did to Miguel slowly starting to lessen knowing there was a chance he'd be okay.

"How's school been? No more fights, right?" Robby asked and Molly sighed. "No fights but Cobra Kai has definitely been keeping up with their motto." Molly said and Robby's eyebrows furrowed in worry. "You're... okay though, right? None of them have been messing with you?"

Molly smiled, holding her shoulders higher. "Nothing I can't handle." She said in a matter-of-fact tone, making Robby chuckle.

As his laughter died down, Robby noticed Mollys hand rested across the table. He put his arm down, putting their arms close enough to touch but not enough to get in any trouble. "I miss you so much." Robby whispered and Mollys heart tugged. She nudged her arm a little closer to Robby's and smiled.

"I miss you so much." She whispered back. Robby looked down at the table sadly and Molly readjusted in her seat, getting a little closer to Robby. She gave him a reassuring smile and tilted her head. "But you'll be out soon and everything will go back to normal." She said and slowly, Robby started to smile again.


The next morning, Demetri called Molly asking for a ride to school since her car was the only one that could fit his science fair project. Molly was a little nervous what the boy had made but agreed nonetheless.

When he walked out of his home with a huge lego volcano, Molly suddenly hated the idea of walking into school with him.

Part of her wanted to veer away from him as soon as they stepped out of her car but when she saw Demetri struggling with the project as well as his backpack, Molly walked with him all the way to his class to make sure he didn't drop anything.

Any lunchtime, Molly was sitting at her usual table with Demetri, Moon, and sadly Yasmine. Moon asked Demetri and Molly nicely if they could try and retry a friendship with the blonde and with a lot of convincing, the two said they'd give it a try.

"Hey! You ready to rock our earth science presentation?" Demetri cheered as he walked into the cafeteria still holding his science fair project. As he placed the project down, Yasmine let out a sarcastic hum, looking up at Demetri. "I'm ready to go back to a world where we don't have to talk on a regular basis."

Molly rolled her eyes and glared at Yasmine. "You know you don't have to sit here, right?" Molly snapped and Yasmine's jaw clenched.

"Hey, hey!" Demetri called out, making the two girls look away from each other and to him as he sat down in the open seat beside Molly, his eyes on Yasmine. "My popularity's on the rise, while yours is steadily declining. But, uh, maybe we can meet in the middle, like a sexual Venn diagram." He asked as Yasmine scoffed as Moon giggled.

Molly leaned back in her seat completely and pulled her knees to her chest as she turned to Demetri next to her. "So what's under the sheet?" Molly asked even though she already knew, but also knowing Demetri probably wanted to show off to Moon and Yasmine.

Demetri looked to Molly beside him and his smile grew as he pointed at her. "I'm glad you asked." He stood back up and pulled the tarp off his project, revealing the lego model underneath. "Behold... what scientists believe to be the Valley when dinosaurs roamed the Earth."

"Legos." Molly joked earning a quick glare and a warning finger from Demetri. "Art, Molly." He corrected. Demetri looked back to his model and pushed on Mollys back, using his free hand to point at a piece in the model. "Go ahead, press the hadrosaur egg."

Molly put her feet back on the ground and leaned towards the table to press on the egg piece. She jumped back and watched in amazement when smoke started to come out of the volcano.

"Awesome." She whispered under her breath as Yasmine smiled up at Demetri.

"Not bad! My parents may not have to pay for my A this time." Yasmine said and Demetri shook his head crazily.

"Your parents will never have to pay for an A again. This thing is a masterpiece. I mean, everything's to scale. And at 8,251 individual pieces, this meticulously assembled model represents the exact moment before the asteroid hit—" Demetri's words were cut short by a soccer ball whizzing towards their table and destroying the legos.

The whole table gasped, Moon leaning into Molly in shock. Molly winced at the sight of the project destroyed and slowly looked up to Demetri.

"Like that?" She asked as someone started to walk up to their table. Molly watched as Hawk walked right up to Demetri, one of the other Cobra Kai's tossing the ball back to him. "I'm sorry, man. Looks like my ball just got away from me." Hawk said, a big smirk on his face as he watched Demetri.

Slowly, Demetri turned to face Hawk. "That took me three weeks to build." Demetri grumbled and Hawk chuckled, spinning the ball in his hands. "Yeah, took my ball three seconds to destroy."

Molly glared at the back of his head as he turned and walked away.

"Do you have another one?" Yasmine asked, making Molly whip her head around to face the blonde. "How would he have another one?" Molly snapped, not noticing Demetri leave their table to follow Hawk.

Yasmine's eyes widened at Mollys rudeness, shaking her head and shrugging. "I don't know... I was just asking." She muttered. Molly rolled her eyes, about to go back to her food before Moon gently tapped her shoulder. "Uh... Molls?"

Molly looked to Moon and noticed the girl was watching something behind them. Molly turned her head and she immediately jumped out of her seat when she saw both Demetri and Sam talking to Hawk. "Shit." She muttered, running up to the three.

Hawk scoffed at whatever Sam had told him and smirked at the shorter girl. "Yeah, like you'll start anything, princess." Hawk taunted just as Molly reached the three. She stepped beside Demetri and crossed her arms as she looked down at Hawk. "If she won't, I will."

Hawk looked Molly up and down and when his eyes locked with hers again, he raised his eyebrows. "You're really gonna fight me?" "You really wanna find out?" Molly asked almost immediately after, taking a step towards him.

"What's going on here, Miss Preston?" Counselor Blatt yelled from behind Molly, Demetri, and Sam. The woman stood on the open side next to Molly and shook her head. "You know our guidelines against physical contact."

Molly looked away from Hawk and her Counselor Blatt, shaking her head crazily. "I didn't even touch him." Molly grumbled, not wanting to raise her voice and make the Counselor accuse her of yelling.

"Got too close." Counselor Blatt said and Molly held back rolling her eyes, taking an exaggerated step back and away from Hawk. The woman turned to look at Hawk, worry covering her entire face. "Did she enter your personal bubble without your verbal consent?"

Molly could've smacked Hawk as she watched him play an "Eli" act. But she held back, she couldn't get suspended again.

"Yeah, she definitely triggered me in my safe space." Hawk muttered, not looking anyone in the eyes but Molly could see his smirk.

"What are you talking about? He started it by destroying my science project." Demetri yelled, pointing behind him to the ruined legos and immediately, Hawk took a step forward. "That was an accident! You probably shouldn't bring your toys to school anyway." 

Molly looked at Hawk like he was crazy. "You were just kicking a ball in the cafeteria!" She yelled before she turned to her counselor beside her. "If kids aren't allowed to skateboard in here, how are they allowed to play soccer?" Molly asked and the woman just shook her head.

"I don't want excuses. I just want you all to respect each other." Counselor Blatt said, completely ignoring Molly's question.

"She's right, guys. We should stop the aggression. Micro and macro." Hawk said and Molly scoffed. "Oh, would you shut up!" Molly snapped, shocking everyone.

"Hey! That's a detention, Miss Preston." Counselor Blatt yelled, pointing a finger at Molly. Molly took a deep breath and closed her eyes, not noticing Hawk's smirk falter realizing he got her in trouble. When Counselor Blatt turned to him and the rest of Cobra Kai, Hawk quickly put his act back on.

"Someone get these Legos off the ground, someone could get hurt!" The woman yelled before walking away completely. Molly huffed, opening her eyes and immediately, they locked with Hawk. She rolled her eyes and shook her head as she turned to walk away. "Douchebag." She muttered under her breath.

As she walked towards her lunch table to pick up the lego pieces scattered around the floor, Demetri followed after her. He placed a gentle hand on the top of her back and rubbed. "Hey, if you keep letting him get to you, you're gonna have detentions till senior year." Demetri joked and Molly just shook her head, not wanting to accidentally lash out at him.

"He's pissing me off!" Molly grumbled and Demetri had to hold back a laugh. He threw his arms out to his side and got on the ground to help Molly pick up his legos.

"This is Hawk we're talking about. He's just trying to get under your skin." Demetri said before he pursed his lips and thought something. He smirked at Molly, holding back a chuckle.

"Or... again, considering this is Hawk were talking about, he's just trying to get under you." Demetri said just as the bell rang for the next class. Molly stood up and scoffed at Demetri's words, shaking her head crazily and covering her eyes. "Oh my God!" She groaned as she walked towards the exit of the cafeteria.

"Am I wrong?"


For the last class of the day, Molly had gym with Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai. She sat on the bleachers by the soccer field, tying her shoes when Demetri groaned from next to her. "These gym shorts pinch in all the wrong places."

Molly frowned at Demetri words as Sam chuckled. "Come on. Have a little school spirit." Sam said and she immediately got rolled eyes from Demetri. "Oh, yeah. Go Mountain Lions!" Demetri grumbled under his breath, sarcastically raising a triumphant fist in the air. His eyes left Sam and moved to something behind her and he scoffed. "I wish we could do something about those cretins."

Sam and Molly both turned to see what he was looking at and saw all of Cobra Kai on the other side of the field. Sam turned back to Demetri and Molly with a smirk. "We can." She said and Molly raised her eyebrows and held back a laugh.

"How? Counselor Blatt will give us detention just for breathing near them." Molly asked and Sam's smirk only deepened. She looked around the filed before she turned back to Molly and Demetri, innocently shrugging. "I don't see her anywhere, do you? Besides, what's a soccer game without a little physical contact?"

Molly slowly started to smile, nodding her head. "I like the way you think." Molly's words worried Demetri but before he could put his two cents in, their coach blew her whistle, telling all to them to come to the field.

Just like her and Sam talked about, Miyagi-Do used soccer as a way to be able to get some hits on Cobra Kai. If one of them had the ball, Molly would "accidentally" kicked their shins or sweep their legs before kicking the ball out from under their legs.

As Molly got the ball, Demetri ran side by side with Hawk, blocking him from getting to Molly. "She really loved you, you know." Demetri said, hoping to get into Hawks head. Demetri had to hold back his smile when he saw Hawk pale.

"What'd you say?" Hawk asked and Demetri nodded his head, looking at Molly before turning back to Hawk. "You had a good thing going with the hottest girl in school, and you ruined it by becoming a loser!"

He watched as Hawk looked past him to Molly. Hawks face fell as she watched the girl smile as she scored a goal. Demetri smirked, pushing Hawks back and sweeping his leg out from under him, knocking him to the ground.

Demetri got up off the ground and started to walk backwards towards Molly. "I guess that's why the Europeans call it football." Demetri said, turning around just as Molly ran up to him.

"Nice job!" Demetri cheered, double high fiving the girl as she laughed at her victory.

Their exchange was quick, Molly wanting to get back to the game. Just like the last time, Molly quickly stole the ball from Rickenberger, making sure to kick him between the legs in the process.

As she ran towards Cobra Kai's goal, she felt a body run beside her. Molly turned her head and her eyes widened at Hawk. He grinned at her, a competitive look in his eye, and she felt her competitiveness grow.

Molly tried to run another way, but Hawk was relentless and hot on her tail. He lunged towards her, his foot aiming to steal the ball but instead, his leg accidentally clipped hers, and she felt herself start to fall.

As she started to fall tot he ground, Molly noticed Hawk running to the ball. She reached out, grabbing his arm and pulling him down with her.

They tumbled to the ground, a tangle of limbs, and Hawk landed on top of her with a thud. Molly groaned as her head hit the dirt, her vision blurry for a second.

After a moment, she blinked her eyes open, locking them with Hawk, who was just inches above her. His expression shifted from surprise to something softer, and he felt a strange flutter in his chest.

Molly noticed Hawk hesitate, his eyes betraying a flicker of nervousness and she smirked. Molly twisted beneath him and flipped them over until she was on top of him

Not noticing the flush on Hawk's cheeks, Molly spotted the ball just a foot away from Hawk's head. In a flash, Molly shot off him, sprinting towards it. She cast a quick glance back, surprised to see Hawk still on the ground, looking up at her in awe.

"Thanks for the ball!" Molly called over her shoulder, racing towards the goal.

Demetri ran up beside Molly, a knowing smirk on his face. "What did I tell you? Under you." Demetri said and Molly rolled her eyes.

"Shut up." Molly laughed out. She looked up and saw Big Red in the goal. She decided that Miyagi-Do didn't need a point that bad and smirked.

In a quick move, Molly threw her foot back before flying it forward and kicking the ball right into Big Reds face.

That seemed to be the final straw for their coach because instead of announcing her teams point, the woman blew her whistle. "You know what? That's it! Everyone to the principal's office now!"

As Molly tried to catch her breath from all the running, she could hear both teams around her groan. She walked towards the bleachers, grabbing her bag and water bottle when she heard someone wince behind her.

"Yikes..." Demetri muttered, making Molly turned to him. She noticed Demetri looking at her cheek and not her eyes and raised her hand. When she felt a liquid at her fingertips, Molly groaned. "Are you kidding me?" Molly yelled and Demetri gave her a small smile.

"At least your other scar will have a buddy?" Demetri asked and when he saw Molly roll her eyes, he shook his head. "This one won't scar at least. It's tiny." Demetri said as Molly started to walk away.

He followed after her and the rest of Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai walked towards the principals office. Just as they reached the room, Counselor Blatt was waiting outside of her office. "The principal is in a meeting right now so I'll take care of this... mishap."

She looked around at all the students before she smiled at Hawk. "Eli, if you could come into my office and we could discuss what happened?" She asked and Molly looked at the woman with wide eyes, completely forgetting about what she was searching for in her backpack.

"What? How is that fair?" Molly asked and Blatt whipped her head around to face Molly. "Because Eli is the most trust worthy, Miss Preston. With how often you've been lashing out, I can't be too sure if you're telling the truth." She said and Molly clenched her jaw when all of the Cobra Kai kids started to laugh.

After Counselor Blatt led Eli into her office, Molly went back to looking for the small bin of bandaids she kept in her backpack. Demetri's eyes followed Molly as she moved to her knees in the floor to look through her bag better.

"What are you looking for?" Demetri asked, considering Molly had spent about five minutes now looking for something in her bag. When she pulled out the small metal bin filled with DC styled bandaids, he rolled his eyes. "Oh my God, are you kidding me?" Demetri asked and Molly huffed, grabbing two bandaids out of the bin and standing up, throwing her backpack over she shoulder again.

"You're literally a soccer mom. What? Do you have orange slices in there too?" Demetri asked but Molly ignored him, grabbing his arm and opening the Robin bandaid in her hand.

Demetri hissed through clenched teeth when Molly pressed the bandaid onto his elbow where he was bleeding. Molly rolled her eyes, a small laugh leaving her lips. "Oh, hush. You big baby."

After making sure the bandaid was securely on Demetri's arm, Molly grabbed the second one, a batman one, and opened her phone to her camera. She pushed her phone into Demetri's chest, muttering a small "hold this" so she could use it as a mirror for her new cut.

"How come you get batman and I have Robin?" Demetri asked as Molly out on the bandaid. Without saying a word, Molly raised her eyebrows.

Demetri sighed, looking down at the floor. "Okay, I see it now." He muttered as Blatt and Eli walked out of her office. Everyone's eyes turned to the woman, waiting to see who got in trouble even though deep down, they knew that if Hawk was telling her everything, Cobra Kai was off the hook.

"Caldwell, Johnson, Rickenberger, the three of you and Eli are free to go."

All of Miyagi-Do groaned while Cobra Kai cheered. "You're kidding me! What about us?" Sam yelled and Counselor Blatt turned to Sam. "The rest of you will be receiving rehabilitative, not punitive, Saturday detention." Counselor Blatt said before turning all of her attention to Molly. "That's two for you now, Miss Preston."

"Detention? Oh, great, there goes another blemish on my permanent record." He muttered and Sam shook her head. "This is bullshit!" She yelled. Counselor Blatt turned to Sam in shock at her outburst. :Miss LaRusso! That is not how we express ourselves here. I think you need two weekends of rehabilitative detention. Give Miss Preston here a buddy." She said, nodding her head to Molly at her last sentence.

Molly crossed her arms over her chest and started walk away as Sam slammed her fist against he locker beside her. "This school sucks!" She yelled, walking in the opposite direction as Molly.

Demetri let out a nervous laugh and turned to his counselor. "I don't know her that well." He muttered, pointing his thumb to Sam's retreating figure. He looked past Counselor Blatt and Cobra Kai and to Molly. His eyes widened when he realized she was halfway out of the school.

"Her, I do. I can't let her be mad at me. She's my ride home." Demetri said before running after her.

emily speaks...

demetri knowing his dad still loves his mom😭

i apologize for next chapter😁

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