xxvi. i hate you

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"Gonna have to try harder than that!"

Molly's face scrunched at Johnny's yells just outside her door. "What the hell..." She muttered under her breath as she walked towards the front door. Molly swung it open and looked at Johnny, who was leaning against the railing with a fishing rod, with a confused look.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Molly asked, walking out of her apartment, closing the door behind her, and moving to stand against the railing with Johnny.

"Trying to get Miguel to stand up." Johnny explained as Molly looked down, noticing a magazine at the end of the fishing rod and Miguel in his wheelchair underneath it.

Molly looked back up at Johnny with raised eyebrows. "With bikini magazines?" She asked in a monotone voice.

"You know I can find these pictures on my phone?" Miguel asked from the ground and Johnny scoffed, leaning over the edge to look at Miguel. "It's not the same. Chicks are hotter on the page. You won't know unless you get off your butt. Or you can just keep getting foot rubs from your therapist." Johnny scoffed back, moving the rod so the magazine would dangle in front of Miguel's face.

Molly and Johnny watched from the second floor as Miguel's eyes glued to the magazine. Just as he was about to reach up and grab it, Johnny lifted the rod, making the magazine fly up and out of Miguel's reach.

"Weak! That all you got, Diaz? I thought you were the All Valley champ?" Johnny yelled and Miguel rolled his eyes.

As Johnny started to low the rod into Miguel's reach again, Molly reached for the rod. "Let me try." She muttered and Johnny quickly handed it to her.

He watched from Molly's shoulder as she kept the magazine just barely out of Miguel's reach, forcing him to stand up. Small smiles grew on Molly and Johnny's faces as they watched Miguel use all of his upper body strength to try and stand.

As he let go of his support on his wheelchair, Miguel's legs gave out from under him and he fell to the floor. Molly gasped, dropping the rod at her feet as Johnny cursed under his breath. "Damn it!" He muttered as he and Molly ran down the stairs to help Miguel.

They each grabbed one of his arms, pulling him back into his wheelchair. Molly sat on the edge of the fountain so she was the same height as Miguel and furrowed her eyebrows in worry. "You all right?" She asked and Miguel slowly nodded his head.

"All right, gimme a minute, we'll go again. I still have my Vanna White Playboy, that'll get you going." Johnny said, about to leave to walk into his apartment but stopped when Molly smacked his arm and Miguel started to yell at him.

"Don't you get it? You could dangle a new PlayStation, I still wouldn't be able to stand up." Miguel snapped before pushing passed Molly and Johnny and heading towards his apartment.

Molly and Johnny watched Miguel until he was inside his apartment and he shut the door. Molly sighed, turning to face Johnny. "You know I think you had the right idea." She said and Johnny turned to his head to look at Molly and his eyebrows shot up in excitement, shocked Molly actually liked his idea.

Johnny looked back to Miguel's door and squinted as another plan came into his mind. He turned back to Molly and slowly nodded his head. "Yeah... maybe I should try an Xbox?" Johnny asked.

Molly stared at Johnny, slowly shaking her head. Just as she was about to turn and walk away, her phone beeped. Molly pulled her phone out of her pocket and her eyes widened when she saw Chris's text to the Miyagi-Do group chat.


In seconds, Sam responded.

"On my way"

Molly started to get a bad feeling in her gut as soon as Sam and everyone else started to text in the group chat that they were on their way.

"Shit!" Molly cursed under her breath, pushing her phone back into her pocket and racing towards her car. Johnny watched her run away with a confused look on his face. "What? Would a Wii be better? Are those even still a thing?" Johnny yelled after her but he never got a response, Molly getting into her car and driving towards Golf 'n' Stuf.


Molly pulled into the Golf 'n' Stuf parking lot just as Nate was getting dropped off by his mom. Sam and Demetri were waiting outside for them and as soon as Molly and Nate came over, the four of them ran inside to find Chris.

Knowing that Chris spent most of his hours by the prize booth, the group ran there and as soon as Chris spotted his team, he turned to his coworker to ask to cover his shift before he ran towards them.

"Where are they?" Sam asked, looking around the arcade. There was no sight of any of the Cobra Kai's. Chris pointed behind him and to a dark hallway. "They snuck into the old laser tag place."

"How many?" Sam asked and after thinking about it for a second, Chris nodded. "Four of 'em."

Sam smiled, looking around her team. "Five of us. I like our odds." She said but Molly still had that bad feeling in her gut. Her hand went to her stomach as she frowned shaking her head.

It seemed like Demetri had the same bad feeling as Molly because he took a step closer to Sam, shaking his head. "Are you sure we should be doing this?" Demetri asked and Molly started to nod her head feverishly.

"Yeah, I'm getting a bad feeling about this." Molly said, her voice breathy as she tried to get rid of the knot forming in her stomach.

Sam looked back at Demetri and Molly and shook her head, ignoring their worry as nerves. "We're not on school property. This is our chance to fight back."

Molly took a deep breath and turned to Demetri. The two shared an identical nervous look but after a couple seconds, Demetri swallowed his nerves and nodded his head. Molly still had the bad feeling in her gut telling her to leave and take everyone with her, but Demetri wasn't nervous.

Molly licked her lips and slowly turned back to Sam, Chris and Nate, all of them looking at her as they waited for an answer. She took a deep breath, ignoring the feeling and nodding her head. "Let's do this."

The five headed towards the abandoned laser tag maze and while Molly went to the back to turn off all the lights, the rest of Miyagi-Do headed inside.

"What the hell?" Molly heard Hawk yell as she walked towards the crowd of teens. When she joined the Miyagi-Dos, Hawk was already watching them but as soon as he saw Molly stand with them, his jaw clenched.

"What do you want?" He asked, turning to look back to Sam who smirked.


With that, everyone ran at each other. Doug ran towards Molly, screaming and already throwing punches. Molly ducked as he swung at her, kicking her leg out to hit him, but he dodged it.

He swung a wide hook, but Molly ducked under the punch and moved to be behind him. She raised her leg and sent a kick to the back of his knee, causing him to stumble.

Doug groaned as he stumbled. He turned around to face Molly, rubbing his knee as he regained his balance.

Behind Doug, Molly could see Demetri fighting Mikey. Their eyes met, and they both nodded, the same idea coming to their heads. At the same time, they pivoted toward each other, and did a matching, spinning kick. Doug and Mikey went crashing to the floor.

"Sam LaRusso..." A voice screamed from the entrance.

Molly's eyes left Doug's body on the floor and turned to watch Tory walk into the room, two more Cobra Kai's trailing behind her.

"Where are you, bitch?" Tory yelled as Doug began to get up again. Molly's eyes widened at Doug and grabbed his fist just before he could punch her. Since he was kneeling on the ground still, Molly raised her knee and hit him in the chest, knocking him down again.

The moment Tory saw Doug hit the ground, Tory's eyes moved to see who fought him. When she saw Molly standing in front of her, all she could think about was how Molly took Sam's side in the fight, not hers.

She charged at Molly, her eyes filled with an anger Molly hadn't seen since the school fight.

Tory lunged at her, fists flying with a speed that shocked Molly. Molly thought about Miyagi-Do and moved on instinct, raising her arms to block Tory's attacks. She didn't want to fight, especially not with Tory.

Tory's punches were relentless, each hit more painful on Molly's forearms than the last. Molly focused on defense, not wanting to or having time to retaliate.

Tory grew more angry the more Molly didn't fight. Molly could see the frustration building in Tory's expression.

"Tory, stop! We're friends!" Molly shouted as Tory punched her in the stomach. While Molly bent over to hold her stomach, Tory hesitated for a fraction of a second, her anger flickering as the words hit home. But she quickly buried it down and swept Molly's legs out from under her, knocking her to the ground.

Molly groaned when the back of her head hit the hard wood floors. She lifted her head to rub it as Tory stood over her.

Molly shook her head as she looked up at Tory, a pleading look in her eyes. "Please, Tory. We don't have to do this."

Breathing heavily, Tory looked at Molly, her eyes still filled with anger but now mixed with confusion and hurt. "You think it's that easy?" Tory's voice was quieter now, but the anger was still very prominent as she placed her foot in between Mollys collarbones and played her back down, pinning her to the ground. "It's not."

If looks could kill, Molly would be dead from the glare Tory was looking at her with. "If we were friends, you wouldn't be friends with LaRusso! You would've stayed in Cobra Kai!" Tory said through her gritted teeth.

Molly shook her head. "Cobra Kai hurts people!" She said and Tory only grew angrier at Molly's words.

Tory's pressed her other foot down on Molly's wrist, not enough to break it but enough to keep her trapped. Molly hissed in pain as Tory smirked, tilting her head cockily. "Sam LaRusso hurts people!" Tory warned.

Molly looked up at Tory, biting her lips to hold back the cry that was fighting to escape. She shook her head crazily and tried her hardest to push herself up to seem more intimidating but it was no use.

"Yeah? And yet she and I were the ones that have stitches from you." Molly spat.

That seemed to be the last straw for Tory. With a sudden war cry, Tory raised her leg that was on Molly's chest and drove it into Molly's stomach, pain immediately exploding through her ribs.

Molly screamed in pain as Tory stepped away, leaving Molly gasping for air and curling into a ball, holding her wrist to her chest. The room was a blur of sounds, her own cries were all she could hear besides the high-pitched ringing in her ears. She could barely breath, her chest burning every time she tried to.

Molly didn't know how long she was lying there but slowly, her hearing started to come back to normal and she could faintly hear Demetri's screams.

"No! Please, stop! Eli, stop! It's me!"

The pain in her chest was replaced by a surge of panic. Ignoring the stabbing pain in her wrist, Molly forced herself up and staggered toward the sound of Demetri's voice.

"Shit!" She muttered under her breath, stumbling into the nearby set pieces of the laser tag walls.

"Help me! Molly!" Demetri cried, making Molly try her hardest to pick up her pace but everything was spinning and she could barely breathe.

As she turned a corner, she saw Demetri across the room, on the floor. His arm was twisted behind his back by Hawk, who seemed ready to break it.

The Cobra Kai kids surrounding them chanted for Hawk to do it and Molly tried her hardest to push herself forward, her own pain the last thing on her mind.

But just as she was within arm's reach, Hawk brought Demetri's arm down with a sickening snap.

Demetri's scream pierced the air, and Molly collapsed to the ground, horror freezing her in place. Slowly, the Cobra Kais drifted away and out of the room while they laughed. Hawk was the last one standing over the two of them, his eyes glued on Demetri.

Molly, ignoring the burning pain in her wrist, and shakily crawled to Demetri's side. He was on his side by the time she got to him and gently, Molly rolled him onto his back.

"Hey, you're okay. You're gonna be okay." She murmured, her voice shaking as she brushed his hair out of his face.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Molly could see Hawk still standing over them. Part of her was terrified to look at him. After what he just did to Demetri, Molly didn't know if he was done yet. But hearing Demetri's sobs, Molly turned to her head to face Hawk, tears in her eyes from her own pain and the sight of Demetri.

"What is wrong with you?" Molly yelled, but Hawk didn't move or respond, his face pale as he stared at Demetri.

Hearing someone walk over behind her, Molly turned her head, deciding to not wait for Hawk's answer. When she saw Chris coming over, Molly sighed. "Help me get him up!" She called out, but Chris still took slow steps towards her and Demetri.

Chris's eyes jumped from Molly to Demetri. At the sight of him, Chris gave Molly a nervous look. "Shouldn't we call an ambulance?" He asked and Molly quickly shook her head.

"It'll be way too expensive. The hospital is just a couple blocks away. I'll drive." Molly said, too quick to think. She suddenly felt a jolt of pain in her ribs and she looked down.

Even though her wrist didn't look bad and she couldn't see her chest, Molly knew she was definitely in need of medical attention based on the pain. Molly gulped and slowly looked back up to Chris. "Or someone can." She muttered.

As Chris helped Molly get Demetri off the floor, Molly noticed Hawk still standing there, staring at the damage he'd done. Her anger flared, angry for her best friend, and she rushed at him, shoving him hard in the chest and knocking him out of his thoughts.

"What the hell are you still doing here?" Molly shouted. Hawk finally looked away from Demetri and to Molly. His eyes were wide, glossy and filled with regret as he stared at her, but it only made Molly angrier.

Hawk shook his head, his own eyes starting to fill with tears. "Moll—" "Get out!" Molly screamed, pushing him again.

Slowly, he turned and walked away, his shoulders slumped, saying nothing.

Molly scoffed, shaking her head as she walked back towards Demetri. "God, I hate him." She muttered under her breath, but Hawk, who was still walking out of the room, heard her.

The words struck Hawk like a punch. He froze, stunned, as if his senses were finally knocked back into him.

He turned to look back at Molly, watching her as she and Chris tried to help Demetri up, Sam and Mate slowly walking over.

With tears in his eyes, Hawk looked away from the two people who used to always be there for him and walked out.


Molly normally hated the antiseptic smell of the hospital, but she barely noticed it as she sat next to Demetri's bed. Her ribs, two of which were broken, ached with each breath. She ended up having to wear a brace for her ribs and a splint on her sprained wrist. Next to her, Demetri laid with his arm in a cast.

A group of doctors stood at the foot of Demetri's bed, flipping through charts and talking among themselves. Molly's licked her lips as she watched the doctors, hating that they haven't told her what happened to her friend.

"How is he?" She asked, her voice tinged with worry, but there doctors didn't even look up from their charts.

"He has a Proximal radius fracture." One of the doctors replied, flipping a page on the chart.

Molly squinted at the doctors, getting a little offended. "How long will he have to wear the cast?" She asked and again, none of them looked up.

"Six to eight weeks."

Molly could've sworn her eye twitched. She held back clenching her fist considering she had a sprained wrist and instead, took a deep breath. "And his arm will be okay?"

The doctors finally looked up, annoyed with Mollys constant questions. Demetri noticed and stuck out his uninjured arm, gently covering Molly's mouth. "Pardon my friend here," He said with a small smile. "She's like a mother to me. She's just nervous."

The doctors chuckled, their irritation dissipating as Demetri removed his hand from Molly's mouth. Molly looked at them, her voice softer and more composed now. "He's gonna be okay?"

The lead doctor nodded. "Yes, he'll be fine." He assured her before the group left the room.

Molly watched them go, then glanced down at her wrist brace, tracing her fingers over the material. She felt a pang of guilt for not reaching Demetri in time. Her thoughts were interrupted when Demetri spotted a Sharpie on the bedside table. He picked it up and offered it to her with a wide grin.

"So... you wanna sign?" He asked, his eyes bright with his smile.

Molly couldn't help but smile back as she took the marker. As she signed her name on the cast, the guilt started to come back again. Molly swallowed the lump forming in her throat and shook her head as she finished writing her name. "I'm sorry." Sge whispered softly.

Demetri's brow furrowed. "What for?"

"I didn't get to you in time." Molly admitted, her voice cracking as she refused to look into Demetri's eyes.

Demetri sighed, shaking his head. He moved over in his hospital bed and patted the space beside him, inviting Molly to sit. Molly gave the boy a tight lipped smile as she sat down beside him, their shoulders pressed together.

He wrapped his uninjured arm around her shoulders, and pulled her even closer as he smiled down at her. "Hey, it's okay." Demetri said gently. "You did your best, and I know that. That's what matters. You've always had my back, and that's more than I could ever ask for."

Molly leaned into him, her heart a little lighter. Demetri's words soothed the guilt gnawing at her.

emily speaks...
and so what if i said molly and demetri were the best best friends ever🙄🙄🙄🙄id be right

rip molly and tory🙏you guys were so cutesy while you lasted



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