xxvii. fragile

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Molly waited outside the gates of the juvenile center for Robby. She got there a little early, not wanting Robby to have to wait outside if they let him out early. Molly was there playing another game pigeon with Demetri, this time, it was 8-ball.

As Molly sent him a round, Johnny walked towards her, having the same idea to pick up Robby. His eyebrows furrowed at her. "Preston, what the hell are you doing here?"

Molly put her phone into her pocket and gave the man a confused look. "Robby asked me to pick him up." Molly said as Johnny walked towards the doors of the juvie. He tried to open it, but the doors were locked.

"It's locked. They'll buzz it openwhen he's on his way out." Molly said and Johnny groaned. He leaned onto the wall beside her and looked down at her. "He staying with you?" Johnny asked and Molly nodded her head. "Got the moms approval and everything. I'm taking the couch and he's gonna have my room."

Before Johnny could respond, a voice in front of the two spoke.

"You brought his girlfriend so he would go with you?" Daniel yelled to the two, walking up the stairs and towards them.

Johnny pushed himself off the wall he and Molly were leaning on while Molly glared at Daniel, she still was pissed at what he said about her and her family especially since he hadn't apologized yet.

"You gotta be kidding, they called you?" Johnny snapped, him and Daniel let out a dry chuckle. "I called them. With Shannon still in rehab, I wanted to make sure someone was here to pick him up." Daniel said and Molly rolled her eyes

"I actually came on my own so..." Molly looked between the two men and gave Johnny a sympathetic smile. If Johnny or Daniel were there by the time Robby was out, he would not be happy. "You two can go."

"I'm not looking for any trouble. I'm just here for Robby." Daniel said, this time to both of them once he noticed Mollys attitude towards him."

"Robby doesn't need you. You've done enough." Johnny said before waving Daniel off. "Thank you. Goodbye."

The two men were so busy with their bickering, they didn't notice the doors open and Robby walked out. Molly felt her breath get caught in her throat. As he walked towards her and gave her that damn smile, everything around her seemed to fade away.

Molly launched herself into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck. He held her tightly, lifting her off her feet, and she buried her face in his shoulder, inhaling the scent of him that she missed so much.

Her felt like her heart was racing, and somehow skipped a beat at the same time. Tears pricked at her eyes knowing that Robby was finally home. That she could be with him again. She hadn't realized just how much she'd missed him until he was here, in her arms.

"Hey, you." Robby murmured softly into Mollys shoulder, his voice vibrating against her skin.

"Hey." She whispered back, holding him tighter.

They stood like that for a moment, simply drinking each other in, before Robby looked past Molly and saw Daniel and his father arguing a couple feet ahead of them,

He pulled himself out of the hug and glared at the men. "Seriously?" Robby asked, raising his voice so the men could hear him.

They both stared at Robby and Daniel took a small step towards him. "Robby." Daniel breathed out and as he took another step towards him, Robby held his hand up, stopping Daniel from walking.

"I told you I don't want you here." Robby muttered before he turned to Johnny. "Both of you."

Johnny shook his head, walking towards Robby and Molly until he was side by side with Daniel. "You're my son. I wanted to be here." Johnny explained and Daniel immediately nodded his head. "And so did I."

"Don't do me any favors. It's your fault I was here." Robby told Daniel and the man sighed, shaking his head. "I know you're upset. I was doing what was best for you. Now that you're out, I just want you to know I'm here. You always have a home at Miyagi-Do."

"Or with me." Johnny blurted and Robby scoffed. He reached out and grabbed Mollys hand, squeezing it tightly. "Both of you... stay out of my life."

He started to walk towards the parking lot, pulling Molly with him. When he got close to Daniel, Robby got in the man's face. "And you stay away from Molly." Robby threatened, barely loud enough for Molly and Johnny to hear.

As Robby started to walk away again, Daniel's eyebrows furrowed, confused where the threat came from.

"What are you talking about..." Daniel muttered, turning around to watch the two teens. Molly turned around and started walking backwards towards her car as she gave Daniel a sarcastic smile.

"Don't worry, Mr. LaRusso. My moms who don't care about where I am will take care of him." Molly said and watched as Daniel face dropped, finally remembering what he said to Molly on the first day of school.

Molly turned back forward, speeding up to walk side by side with Robby. As soon as she was beside him, Robby let go of Mollys hand and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her into his side.

Molly hissed in pain, but didn't jump out of Robby's grasp. Robby looked at Molly with wide eyes, softening his already gentle grip as he waited for her to tell her what was wrong.

She gave him a nervous smile and raised her shirt, showing Robby her brace for her broken ribs. "Still a little fragile." Molly muttered through a nervous laugh as they reached her car.

Before either of them could climb in, Robby stopped walking and turned to Molly completely. With one hand, he traced his fingers over the brace on her wrist while his other hand traced the brace on her waist. He looked back and forth between the two injuries with a small frown. Molly told him at her last visit what happened at the laser tag place and he was pissed. Pissed at Tory and pissed at Hawk.

But right now, his main concern was Molly, who was standing right in front of him and was finally able to touch. Finally able to kiss.

Robby's hands moved to cup Molly's cheeks and he pulled her face into his. Her lips were just like he remembered. Soft, a little chapped, with a small taste of vanilla from her chapstick. He almost melted into the kiss from how much he missed her.

When they pulled away, they kept their faces close. Molly broke out into a smile, lazily wrapping her arms around Robby's shoulders as the boy dragged his thumb across her cheekbone.

He pulled her into a one more quick kiss and when they pulled away, Molly was still smiling, making Robby's stomach flip.

"I love you." Robby whispered through his smile. Molly had to hold back getting all giddy in front of him and instead smiled wider. "I love you." She muttered back.

With his eyes still on Molly, Robby reached out and opened her car door for her. "Such a gentleman." Molly said and Robby smiled, holding her waist as she climbed in. "Only for you."

Molly put on her seatbelt and started the car as Robby walked around it to get to the passenger seat. Once he was inside and had his seatbelt on, Molly started to leave the parking lot. "So where am I taking you? You have to get a probation officer, right?" Molly asked and Robby nodded,

"Yeah.. they gave me the address let me type it into your phone." Robby muttered. Once the direction popped up on her  screen Molly nodded.

"Okay. I'm not too sure how long it takes, but I can wait in the parking lot for you and then we can drive back to my place." She suggested, turning to face Robby as she stopped at a red light. She had a small, dopey smile on her face that made Robby want to smile.

But he didn't.

Robby shook his head and looked ahead of him. "Actually, you can go home." His voice was harsh, startling Molly. She blinked a couple times before she looked back at the road and realized she had a green light.

As she started to drive, Robby continued. "I'm staying somewhere else and it's pretty close to where I'm getting my probation officer so I can just walk."

Mollys head was swirling with different thoughts. Robby didn't tell her he was planning on staying somewhere else. Last they talked about it—which was three days ago—they planned on Robby staying with her. Her moms even gave the okay. Who the hell was Robby planning on staying with? Why didn't he tell her?

Molly didn't speak, the different things swirling in her head. With a nervous and heavy heart, Molly nodded. "Oh... okay..."


Robby looked around the room and when he saw the receptionists desk he walked towards it, nervously putting his hands in his pockets. "Hey. I'm Robby Keene."

The woman didn't look up from her paperwork. She grabbed a packet and handed it to him. "Fill out this form. We'll call your name when a probation officer's ready to see you." She said. Robby gave the woman a confused glare but took the packet and a pen nonetheless and sat down.

As he filled out his paperwork, the door across the room opened. He looked up and immediately was filled with anger when he saw Tory walk into the room. Robby's mind rushed as he remembered what she did to Molly and in seconds, he shot out of his seat, dropped the paperwork and ran at her.

The girl laughed at Robby, making him stop. She looked around the room before she turned back to Robby, who had his hands in fists. "Yeah, go ahead. They'll send you straight back to juvie." Tory said and she watched as Robby slowly unclenched his fists.

She licked her lips and smiled, looking back up to Robby's eyes. "We're in the same boat."

"Thanks to you for starting the fight." Robby spat and Tory rose her eyebrows in amusement, looking him up and down. "And you for finishing it. It's not fair, you know. Everyone else got to go back to normal, but here we are eating shit while your stupid friends and your little girlfrie—"

"Don't talk about her!" Robby interrupted, now getting mad that Tory would talk badly about Molly. "And last I checked, she's your friend." Robby said, pointing at Tory.

The girl scoffed and shook her head. "Not anymore. Not when she still hangs out with LaRusso." Tory said before an almost evil glint sparkled in her eyes. She had to hold back a smile as she took a step towards Robby and shook her head. "I mean... how do you trust your girlfriend being friends with someone who gets with other girls boyfriends? She could be getting pointers from Sam."

Robby shook his head and clenched his jaw in anger. "Stop." He warned, his voice low, but Tory kept going. Her smile grew as she took a step towards him.

"Don't you think she's moved on?" She asked. Tory tilted her head, a fake pout on her face. "She moved on from Hawk to you pretty fast. Who's to say she's not doing the same right now?"

Robby was sure if he clenched his jaw any tighter, he'd break his teeth. His nostrils flared and he could feel his nails break the skin in his palms from how hard he was making fists. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"Just wait, she'll turn on you. Just like she did with Hawk and Cobra Kai." Tory said and Robby took a step towards Tory this time, the two were now inches away from each other.

"She turned onto Cobra Kai because they hurt people!" Robby said and Tory's eyebrows furrowed, that same fake pout taking over her face again. "And you don't think she thinks you hurt people? You put one of her best friends in the hospital." Tory laughed out.

She watched as Robby's fake fell. Tory bit her lip to hide her smile as she too a step back and away from Robby. "At least I know who I'm staying close to. You're still not looking at what's right in front of you."

Just as she was about to walk away, she froze. Tory turned back around to face Robby and pointed at his paperwork he left at his seat. "On the section about home life, just check off "stable." They don't care. They never come to check." With that, she walked out of the room.

Robby stared at the door Tory left through as her words echoed through his head. Would Molly really move on from
him while he was gone? They seemed perfect when she would visit and even now when she picked him up. Does she think he's a bad person? Did she go back to Hawk?

Robby shook his head, trying his hardest to get Tory's words out, but it was no use.


After dropping off Robby, Molly headed headed to the store to pick up some groceries. She texted Miguel and Johnny once she parked, asking them if they needed anything since they always ask her when they go to the store.

While she waited for them to text, Molly went around the market for her own groceries. She grabbed her chips, soda, and some snacks for Robby when she got texts from both Miguel and Johnny saying what they needed.

Molly grabbed all of Miguel's things and looked down at her phone again to see what Johnny wanted. All he said was "Milk" and when Molly headed to the dairy aisle, there was about ten different kinds and even more brands.

Molly groaned, pulling her airpods out of her purse and facetiming Johnny once they connected.

When Johnny answered, all Molly could see was his ear. "Hello?" Johnny said and Molly rolled her eyes. "This is a FaceTime, Sensei." Molly said and on the other side of the phone, Johnny squinted.

"A what?" He asked.

"Just looked at the phone screen." Molly snapped, trying not to cause too much attention to her.

She heard Johnny grumble "How the hell am I supposed to hear you?" before he listened to her and looked to his screen. He smiled when he saw Molly. "Oh, woah! Preston you're in my phone!" He chuckled out and Molly laughed.

"What milk do you like?" Molly asked through her laugh and Johnnys eyebrows furrowed. "What the hell kind of question is that?" Johnny complained and Molly shrugged.

"Brand? Kind? I don't know." Molly asked as Johnny walked towwards his couch and fell back into it. "My carton is red. And don't get me any of that oat, almond, or skim shit. Get me regular milk." Johnny said and Molly looked back up at the options. She saw the red brand Johnny uses but saw both 2% and whole milk.

Molly looked back down at her phone. "Is regular milk 2% or whole for you?" Molly asked and Johnny let out an exaggerated groan and rolled his eyes like a child. "Regular!"

Before Molly could ask anymore questions, Johnny hung up. Molly looked down at her phone with wide eyes. She was trying to be nice, helping him out but he made it so difficult.

She went to her texts and asked Miguel if Johnny drinks 2% or whole milk and when she hit send, a voice from next to her made her freeze.


Molly froze. She hadn't heard that voice in months. Slowly, she turned her head and her heart started beating faster when she saw the woman standing next to her.

"Mrs. Moskowitz." Molly breathed out, trying her hardest to smile at the woman so she didn't seem rude. Her eyes searched around the woman, trying to spot Hawk through the store, but she didn't see him. Molly relaxed; she probably came alone.

Molly turned back to the woman and gave her a genuine smile. "Hi. It's good to see you."

"You too." The woman looked over Molly and her smile doubled. "You look beautiful, sweetheart. How have you been?" She asked.

Her voice was soft, just like Molly remembered it. It made Molly calm down as she nodded. "I've been good." Molly said, making Mrs. Moskowitz smile. She loved Molly and thought she was a great person for her son to have in his life. When she found out Molly and him broke up, she felt like she lost a daughter.

She looked over Molly, not having seen the girl in months. When she saw Molly's hand in a brace, her eyes widened and she gasped. "What happened to your wrist?" The woman asked and Molly froze. She looked down at her wrist, that was still in its brace, with wide eyes. "Oh!" Molly looked back up to the woman, trying her hardest to think of something to say.

Part of her wanted to tell the truth. That her son and his karate dojo did it as well as breaking a couple of her ribs and Demetri's arm but another part of her was screaming at her not to.

Sure, Hawk would probably get grounded and maybe his mom would stop paying for karate, but that would only cause more problems for her friends. They've been hurt enough, she didn't want to make them go through more.

So Molly let out a fake laugh and shook her head. "I tripped and fell. Caught myself weird."

Mrs. Moskowitz frowned at Mollys words, shaking her head sadly. "Oh, that's horrible. At least it wasn't any of that karate nonsense. Enough kids have gotten hurt because of this silly rivalry."

Molly's eyes widened and she gulped at the woman's words. To not look suspicious, Molly let out a small chuckle and nodded in agreement with the woman. "Yeah... at least it wasn't that."

"I found the popcorn you like." A voice from an aisle Molly couldn't see down said. Even though Molly couldn't see him, her whole body froze at the voice.

Seconds later, Hawk appeared, walking towards his mom. He tossed the popcorn into their shopping cart and finally turned to see who his mom was talking to.

Hawk froze when he saw Molly in front of him, her shoulders tense and her eyes wide as she stared back at him. She looked scared of him and his heart sank.

"Molly." He whispered yet somehow, Molly could hear him as if he was whispering in her ear. His voice was soft and quiet. If he didn't have the mohawk, Molly could've sworn it was Eli talking.

She gulped and nervously bit her lip. All she could think about when she looked at him was what he did to Demetri. She could hear his screams. She could hear Demetri's arm break.

When Molly felt her phone beep in her pocket, she was quick to pull it out and read Miguel's text telling her which milk Johnny drank. Molly gave Mrs. Moskowitz a nervous smile before she grabbed the milk Johnny wanted. "I should get going. It was nice to see you, Mrs. Moskowitz."

Hawk watched as Molly reach for a carton of milk on the top shelf, making her shirt ride up and reveal the brace she needed for her ribs. Hawks heart dropped, guilt from the night a week ago hitting him all over again.

Molly put the carton of milk in her shopping cart as Hawks mom smiled. "You too."

Before she walked away, Molly looked to Hawk. She felt a small tug in her gut when she saw the look in his eyes. They looked glossy but there were no tears in them. His mouth opened as if he was going to say something but Molly didn't want to hear it. She grabbed the handlebar of her shopping cart and walked away.


After dropping off Miguel's groceries to Carmen, Molly headed across the courtyard to Johnnys apartment. She knew the man kept the door unlocked all the time, which Molly said was horrible to do, and walked in.

"Okay! I got your regular 2% milk—" Molly looked up from her bag of groceries and Johnnys carton of milk and almost dropped it all when she saw Miguel in the middle of Johnnys living room wearing a harness and standing all by himself.

"Oh my God..." Molly whispered in shock, both Johnny and Miguel watching Molly with big smiles.

Molly smiled and started to laugh in excitement. "Miguel!" She yelled, running towards Miguel and pulling him into a hug.

"I'm doing it!" Miguel cheered and Molly felt her face start to hurt from how hard she was smiling. She pulled away from their hug and held onto his shoulders. "You're doing it!" Molly said through her smile, her voice quieter but still just as happy.

Miguel pulled Molly into another hug and grabbed Johnnys arm, pulling him to make it a group hug. Molly was close to tears, happy that Miguel is finally able to stand on his own.

emily speaks...
so much to unpack in this chapter...(don't kill me)

anywho FOUR CHAPTERS LEFT OF SEASON FOUR ALREADY??? you guys are not ready (you may need to grab your pitchforks and knives😔😔)

i have so much i want to say that will hint at the next couple chapters BUT I DONT WANT TO SPOIL LIKE I DID FOR EARLIER SEASONS so im holding back

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