xxviii. eagle fang

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After some time and a lot of workouts with Johnny and Molly, Miguel was finally able to walk again.

Today was Miguel's first day back and the whole week leading up ot it, the entire school planned a welcome back celebration for the boy.

Molly walked down the stairs of her apartment complex, throwing her backpack over her shoulder as she walked towards Miguel's door. Just as she was about to knock, the door swung open and Miguel yelped, not expecting Molly there.

Molly had to hold back her laugh as Miguel calmed down. He threw his backpack over his shoulder and gave Molly a small smile. "Hey, Molls. What's up?" He asked and Molly smirked. She raised her hands, dangling her car keys between her fingertips. "You want a ride today?"

Miguel slowly started to smile. Ever since Molly got her Jeep during summer, he had been dreaming about getting to go to school with her and see everyone's faces as he got out of the car.

When he nodded his head, Molly let out a happy cheer in excitement, grabbing Miguel's wrist and dragging him to her car.

The two quickly climbed in and Miguel unashamedly connected to the aux.

He had been nervously bouncing his leg as Molly drove, looking between her and the road as he tried to think of the perfect way to see if Molly was willing to join his and Johnny's new dojo.

Molly could see Miguel was wanting to ask her a question out of the corner of her eyes. She smiled, keeping her eyes on the road. "What is it?"

Miguel laughed, putting his head into his hands over the fact that Molly could read him so easily. He groaned, looking back up and turning to Molly. "Sensei Lawrence was thinking of making a new dojo since he doesn't want to work with Kreese or Mr. LaRusso but he can't have just one student. We were thinking... maybe you'd want to join?"

Molly instantly smiled at the words, her eyes still in the road. "I'm in." She said, making Miguel's eyes widen.

"Wait, really?" He asked, sitting up straighter in his seat as he slowly started to smile. Molly just nodded, looking to Miguel for a second and shrugging. "Totally. I left Cobra Kai because I didn't want to associate myself with the kids who hurt Demetri and trashed Miyagi-Do. They're still there so there's no reason I wouldn't join you guys."

As Molly slowed down to a red light and turned to Miguel Miguel, giving him a small smile. "Plus, you two are my team." Molly whispered, a little embarrassed at how sappy she sounded.

Miguel gave Molly the same smile and lightly punched her arm. When Molly started to drive again, the light turning green, Miguel nodded his head happily. "Sweet!"

When they pulled into the school, Molly and Miguel separated. Molly headed straight to Demetri's locker incase he need help doing things because of his cast while Miguel basked in the attention of the schools banner.

When she got to the locker, her eyebrows shot up when she saw Yasmine helping Demetri put everything in his backpack. Molly waited until the girl walked away before she walked up to Demetri.

With a big smile, Molly grabbed his shoulders and rested her head on it. "And...what was that?" Molly asked playfully. Demetri rolled his eyes, shaking his shoulders to get Molly off of him. Molly moved to lean against the lockers beside Demetri and watched as he threw his backpack over his shoulder and closed his locker.

"She was just helping me out." Demetri said as if it was nothing but Molly could tell he was struggling not to freak out right then and there. Molly raised her eyebrows sarcastically and hummed.

"Seems like you got her to talk to you without you having to kill me, Miguel, and Eli." Molly said, remembering what he said on the first day of sophomore year. Demetri immediately pointed an accusing finger at her and he walked towards her.

"I said I would kill the three of you for her to spit in my face. That still hasn't happened yet so... watch your back." Demetri said and Molly threw her head back and laugh, pushing her hand into Demetri's face to push him away from her.

Molly pushed Demetri right into Miguel. Demetri smiled at Miguel, opening his arms out.

"Hey, the Comeback Kid! Welcome back." Demetri cheered. Molly walked towards them as Demetri raised his casted arm with a dopey grin and chuckled. "I hope to make a similar triumphant return to the land of the mobile appendage masses."

Miguel looked at the cast with a confused look. He noticed Molly had a brace on her wrist a week prior too but never asked about it. "What's up with the cast?" Miguel asked Demetri, before he turned to Molly, who looked nervous. "And what was up with that brace you had?"

Molly looked down at her now healed wrist before she looked back up at Miguel. Before she could answer, Demetri did. "Proximal radius fracture." He said in a matter-of-fact tone. He looked to Molly and wrapped his injured arm around her shoulders, the hard shell of the cast bashing into Molly's shoulders, making her wince.

"Miss Preston here sprained her wrist and broke two ribs."

Molly shut her eyes as soon as she felt Miguel's wide eyed look on her. "Broken ribs?!" Miguel yelled and Molly slowly opened her eyes. With a defeated huff, Molly lifted the edge of her shirt, revealing her black brace that she only needed to wear for two more days.

"He didn't need to know about the ribs..." Molly muttered, side eyeing Demetri but the boy didn't mind. Miguel needed to know what happened.

Miguel's eyes darted back and forth between Molly and Demetri, desperately waiting for one of them to explain. Molly took a deep breath and licked her lips as she looked up to Miguel. "We've got a lot to catch up on."


To say Miguel was pissed off was an understatement. When he and Molly walked into their homeroom that they shared with Hawk, Miguel asked the teacher privately if he could move seats and sit next to Molly, not even wanting to sit next to the boy. He was practically shaking all through the class.

By the time lunch rolled around, Miguel headed straight for Hawk at his table with the other Cobra Kai boys. He got right into his face, his glare catching Hawk by surprise.

"I heard about what happened with Demetri. How could you do that?" Miguel asked, his voice low and filled with anger. Hawk's confused look dropped into a glare as he pushed his shoulders back to look taller beside Miguel.

"You should be thanking me for getting revenge on Miyagi-Do. Besides, they started the fight. We finished it." Hawk said and Miguel looked at the boy in shock, opening and closing his mouth. Slowly, Miguel shook his head as he eyebrows furrowed.

"How could you say that? You broke Demetri's arm and Molly ended up with two broken ribs!" Miguel yelled. He watched Hawk looked to the floor and clenched his jaw. Miguel frowned at the boy standing in front of him, shaking his head in disappointment. "Demetri was your friend and you loved Molly. You loved both of them! That's not what our sensei taught us."

"He's not my sensei anymore." Hawk snapped, almost interrupting Miguel from how fast he replied.

Miguel just continued to stare at Hawk, hardly recognizing the boy in front of him. "After everything he did for you, you betray him?" Miguel asked and Hawk rolled his eyes. "He betrayed us."

Miguel took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He wouldn't be able to get Hawk to join if he was aggressive; he needed to calm down. "Look, this isn't you talking. It's Kreese, he's got in your head. You can change that if leave Cobra Kai and join Sensei Lawrence's new dojo. If you come, others will follow. OK? We can show everyone we're not a bunch of bullies. It could be like before. You, me, and Molly." Miguel said, trying to find any way to get Hawk to leave Cobra Kai.

Miguel watched as Hawk's eyes widened and he blinked a couple times. "He has a new dojo?" Hawk asked, the tiniest hint of an excitement in his words. He turned his head to look across the cafeteria. His eyes fell on Molly sitting at a lunch table having a hushed conversation with Bert.

"Rumor has it, you got kicked out of Cobra Kai." Molly whispered to the younger boy, leaning in her seat so she was closer to Bert, who sat across from her.

Bert furrowed his eyebrows at Molly's words, shaking his head in confusion. "I told you that, Molly." He said but Molly raised her hand, silently telling Bert to stop talking.

Once Bert stopped talking, Molly dropped her hand and smirk. "What if I told you Sensei Lawrence had a new dojo? Would you want to join?" Molly asked and her smirk turned into a smile when she watched Bert's eyes practically sparkle.

"Hell yeah, I'd want to join!" Bert yelled and Molly let out a small cheer, holding her hand out for Bert to shake.

"Join what?"

The two turned their heads to see who was talking and Molly's smile dropped when she realized it was Mitch standing at the edge of the table.

Mitch squinted at Molly sitting across from Bert. "What are you doing here?" He asked, his voice sounding a little more disgusted then he intended.

Molly tilted her head and glared at the boy. "I could ask you the same thing." She muttered, looking the boy up and down.

Mitch sighed, his shoulders dropping in defeat. "Got kicked out a Cobra Kai." Mitch grumbled and Molly gave him a fake pout. "Aww.. Too bad so sad." She said in a baby voice, making Mitch clench his jaw and tighten his grip on his lunch tray.

"Molly was asking me to join Sensei Lawrence's new dojo." Bert said, thinking Molly and Mitch's words were just playful banter.

Mitch's eyes widened and he whipped his head to look at Molly. "Sensei Lawrence has a new dojo?" He asked and Molly smiled, straightening up in her seat. "Yeah, you want in?" She asked eagerly. Mitch smiled wide, nodding his head excitedly. "Hell yeah!"

Molly hummed, a fake smile growing on her face. "Too bad." She said happily and Mitch's face dropped.

He put his lunch tray onto the table and sat down beside Bert, across from Molly. "But you need students." He said and Molly crossed her arms over her chest.

"Not you." She muttered and Mitch sighed. He dropped his head for a second before scooting towards the edge of his seat so he was closer to Molly. "Look, I'm sorry about being an asshole to you and your friends. I know I didn't have to do what I did but... it really felt like I had to. Like if I didn't do what they did, I'd be on the other end of their tormenting and it terrified me. You know how Cobra Kai gets into peoples heads. It changes people."

Molly didn't look Mitch in the eyes. She may be strong, but she was always quick to give in to people's apologies.

Mitch noticed Molly not looking him in the eyes and he leaned to the side so she would have to look at him. "I really am sorry, Molly." He said. His voice sounded genuine to Molly and as she thought about it, all he really did was a little bit of trash talk. The other members have done much worse.

Sighing in defeat, Molly turned to face Mitch. "Do you still have the same phone number?" Molly asked and Mitch immediately nodded his head. "Yeah. Yeah." He said as Molly started to stand up. She placed her palms onto the table and looked down at the boys, nodding her head just once. "Great. I'll text you guys the info when I hear from Sensei Lawrence."

When the two boys nodded, Molly smiled and walked out of the cafeteria, proud of herself for getting not one but two new students for their dojo.


At the end of the school day, Molly was at her locker throwing everything she needed for homework into her bag when she felt someone stand right beside her. Molly recognized the person's lack of personal space from anywhere and her face scrunched.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Molly asked, looking up at Johnny, who was now leaning against the lockers beside Molly's.

"Looking for you and Miguel. He told me you wanted to join my dojo. Finally leave that Miyagi crap. That true?" Johnny asked as Molly zipped up her backpack. Molly threw the bag over her shoulder, closed her locker, and gave Johnny a smile.

"I never liked how Kreese did shit. If he wasn't there, I would've never left. You're my Sensei." Molly said and Johnny smiled at Molly's same sappy words she said earlier to Miguel. He grabbed her shoulder and shook it happily. "Atta girl. Now where's Miguel?" He asked, looking past Molly and down the hallway for Miguel.

Molly rolled her eyes and started walking in the direction of Miguel's locker, Johnny trailing behind her.

When the two got to Miguel, his eyes widened at Johnny on campus. "How did you get through security?" Miguel asked, looking around to make sure no teachers or faculty was around to reprimand him.

Johnny scoffed out a laugh and held his arms out in an obvious tone. "I went to school here. Think I don't know all the secret ways in?" He asked before he punched Molly and Miguel's shoulders lightly. "Got some good news. Found us a pretty sweet spot for our new dojo. How's the recruiting coming?"

When both teens cringed at the question, Johnny's face fell. "That bad?" He rose his hand and pointed at Miguel and Molly with two of his fingers. "It's not just you two, right?"

"I got Bert and Assface to join." Molly said and Johnny nodded, pointing at Molly proudly. "Sick. Bert's good. Assface I'm a little bummed about but I'll take what I can get." He looked back and forth between Miguel and Molly with raised eyebrows. "That it?"

"I also asked a couple kids around. They said they were interested." Molly added and Johnny whistled in excitement. He looked to Miguel and pointed at Molly again. "I need her to be my spokesperson. You're fired." He said waving Miguel off as Miguel closed his locker and the three of them started walking down the hall.

Molly smiled, taking Johnny's words as a compliment. As they walked, Johnny, who was standing between the two teens, turned to Molly and let out a small laugh. "Couldn't get your ex to join?" Johnny asked and immediately, Molly's smile dropped.

"And... I quit." Molly muttered, the moment now being ruined. From the other side of Johnny, Miguel shook his head and sighed, making Molly and Johnny turn to him. "It's just everything's changed, Sensei. Cobra Kai, they...They all drank the Kool-Aid."

Johnny's eyebrows creased together at Miguel's words. He looked back and forth between Molly and Miguel with a confused look. "Kool-Aid? What's wrong with Kool-Aid?" Johnny asked and Molly rolled her eyes.

"It's just... Sensei Kreese is turning them into an army of assholes. There's no convincing them to leave." Miguel elaborated and Johnny nodded, finally understanding. As the three of them exited the hallway and were now in the main building, Molly looked up at Johnny and shook her head.

"And now offense... I don't want them on my team." Molly explained and Johnny nodded, understanding where she was coming from.

In seconds, that understanding vanished when he looked ahead of them and saw Hawk and the rest of Cobra Kai about twenty feet in front of them. Johnny held his hands out, stopping Miguel and Molly from walking any further. "Wait here." He muttered as he walked towards the Cobra Kai's

Molly looked to see who Johnny was walking towards and her stomach twisted when she saw the other dojo. "Oh..." She mumbled under her breath as Miguel grabbed her hand and pulled her after their Sensei.

"Okay, listen up!" Johnny yelled, making all of the Cobra Kai kids turn to face him. Molly and Miguel watched from a foot behind the man as all of the boys actually gave their attention to Johnny.

"I screwed up. And I'm sorry. And that's not what a sensei does. I took the easy way out. I gave up. What happened here at this school... it rocked me to my core." Johnny explained. He looked back at Miguel and Molly, his eyes softening before he turned back to the Cobra Kai's. "I couldn't look myself in the eye, let alone face all of you."

Hawk let out a dry chuckle. "Yeah. I guess it makes it easier to tell yourself that." Hawk said before his face dropped and he glared at Johnny. "But the truth is, you bailed on us long before that fight happened. You got soft. And we paid the price." Hawk spat.

Hawk's words hit a nerve for Johnny because in seconds, he was toe to toe with the boy. Molly couldn't see Johnny's glare but she could see his finger pressed against Hawk's chest and the scared look on Hawk's face.

"Now, you listen up. When you came into my dojo, you were softer than a baby's ass. Having to have your girlfriend and nerd best friend be the one with the one to stand up for you when you didn't have the balls to do it yourself!" Johnny snapped and Hawk looked away from him, no longer able to look him in the eyes.

"I made you what you are, not Kreese. He doesn't give a shit about you. About any of you. If you wanna keep whining about the past like a bunch of pussies, fine. We can play that game." Johnny took a step away from Hawk and rose his hand in surrender. "Wanna stick with Kreese? Go ahead. Don't say I didn't warn you when your life ends up in the shitter. Or you could sack up and join my dojo. Havenhurst and Magnolia, tomorrow at 4:00."

Molly's eyebrows furrowed at Johnny's words, recognizing the streets he gave. "You're amazing dojo is Balboa Park?" Molly asked and without turning around to look at her, Johnny put his hand in front of her face and held up one finger.

"Zip it!"

He moved his hand that was pointing at Molly to point at the Cobra Kai's. "If you wanna save yourselves, train the right way... you better be there. And don't be late!"

WIth that, Johnny walked towards the exit of the school, knocking books out of passing boys hands as he did so.

"Sorry, kid. Old habit." He muttered. Miguel was starting to follow him out before he noticed Molly not move. Miguel turned to face Molly and pointed behind him to Johnny. "You coming?" He asked and Molly shook her head.

"No, I have to go tell Sam and the others I'm done with Miyagi-Do for good." Molly breathed out, a little nervous for the encounter but Sam knew Molly wouldn't want to be apart of Miyagi-Do once her dad came back.

Miguel nodded, starting to follow after Johnny. "Alright. See you tomorrow." Miguel called out as Molly started to walk towards Sam's locker. "See ya!"


Molly, Miguel, Bert, Mitch, and the two other kids Molly had convinced to join all stood in a line facing Johnny. They definitely had less members than they would like, but they took what they could get.

"This is day one. We've been here before. But things are different now. They tried to tear us down. It didn't work! They said we needed a roof and four walls. Screw that!" Johnny yelled, before he pointed to the ground. "This park... will be our new dojo. Cause you don't need a dojo to be a dojo! Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sensei!"

Johnny smiled, feeling a sudden surge of adrenaline at the feeling of having students again. He smiled and pointed at Miguel. "I started Cobra Kai with one nerd."

Molly snorted and Miguel rolled his eyes, smacking Molly in the shoulder to shut her up.

Johnny then pointed to all of the students in front of him. "This is a step up. And if we're gonna be taken seriously, we need a name that commands respect. A name that elicits power and dominance. Cobras are strong. They may be the king of the jungle, but the world's more than just a jungle. And there's only one animal... that can kill a snake."

"A mongoose?" Bert asked and Johnny rolled his eyes, glaring at Bert.

"A real animal, Bert." Johnny sassed, making Bert squint. While Johnny walked towards a cardboard box a few feet away from him, Molly leaned towards Miguel, her eyes on the man as he carried the box closer to his students.

"I'll bet you 20 bucks that it's a stupid name." Molly whispered.

Miguel rolled his eyes, holding back a smile as he shook his head. "I don't know... I have faith in Sensei." Miguel said as Johnny opened the box and pulled out a folded red t-shirt.

"Welcome to Eagle Fang Karate." Johnny unfolded the shirt, revealing their new dojo name and logo.

Molly laughed loudly at the design and the fact that she was right as Miguel huffed beside her. "Pay up." Molly muttered teasingly, holding her hand out in front of Miguel as he dug into his pockets for some cash.

He huffed as he placed two 10s into Molly's hand. Molly's smile was wide as she stuffed the cash into her back pocket.

"Uh, eagles don't have fang—" Mitch was interrupted by Johnny throwing the shirt right as his face. Johnny started to toss shirt to all of the students, not asking them what size they needed, making all of them have the wrong sizes.

"Put 'em on!" Johnny yelled as Molly looked down at the shirt. She definitely did not want to wear this out in public but she knew Johnny would make her.

"Anyone else feeling a little snug?"

Molly turned her head at Mitch's words and her eyes widened when she saw the shirt Johnny had thrown at him and he put on was too small. Molly looked back down at the shirt in her hands and saw it was too big for her. She looked back up at Mitch and gave him a small smile.

"Do you need to trade?" She asked, raising the shirt in her hands and Mitch almost jumped in happiness, glad he wouldn't have to wear his current shirt for the rest of class. "Yes, please."

Mitch quickly took off this shirt that was too small and handed it to Molly. Once the two of them traded, Molly threw on her shirt and smiled at the perfect fit. She looked to Mitch beside her and he gave her the same smile, his shirt now fitting just right.

"Thank you." Mitch mouthed to Molly and the girl just shook her head, silently telling him not to worry about it.

"Sensei, look." Miguel breathed out from the other side of Molly.

Molly turned to looked at Miguel and watched as he stared at something behind Johnny with a small smile. Molly and Johnny followed Miguel's eyes and Molly's eyes widened and Johnny chuckled when they saw Hawk and two other Cobra Kai boys walk towards them.

"Still got it." Johnny muttered to himself before he turned to his six students. "All right, everybody. Looks like our class just got bigger. Make room."

Molly's eyes stayed glued on the Cobra Kai kids, not trusting it. Seconds later, Tory and Kyler walked over from the same direction Hawk came from.

Molly's heart started to pick up its pace at the sight of Tory. Her hands shook as she raised them to cover her stomach. Her ribs.

She suddenly felt sick and took a shaky breath, catching Miguel's attention. He watched Molly with careful eyes, gently putting a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asked. He knew Tory was the one that hurt her at the laser tag place, but he didn't expect Molly to react how she was now seeing the girl.

Molly blinked hard so no tears could form in her eyes and she swallowed the lump in her throat. "No." Molly croaked out, her voice shaking as Tory got closer and closer to her.

Miguel took a step in front of Molly, glaring at the teens kids in front of him as Kreese and the rest of Cobra Kai walked over. Miguel could hear Molly's shaky breathing from just behind his shoulder and he reached his hand out and gently grabbed her hand, running his thumb up and down the side of it to help her calm down.

Hawk smirked at the look of betrayal on Johnny's face. "I told you, Cobra Kai for life."

Molly finally had enough strength to look away from Tory. Her heart was still pounding in her chest as she watched Kreese take off his sunglasses and smile at Johnny.

"Don't worry, Johnny. I'm not here for a fight." The man reassured and Johnny scoffed. "Yeah? Then why the hell are you here?" He asked and Kreese smiled.

"I'd like to make you another offer to come back to Cobra Kai where you belong."

"You're crazy if you think I'm ever teaming up with you again. The garbage you're feeding them, the shit they're pulling, and the shit it's putting other kids through, it's messed up." Johnny snapped. He looked back at his students, finally noticed Molly's state and his jaw clenched in anger.

Johnny turned back to Kreese and pushed an accusing finger into his chest. "You're to blame for that." He seethed, making sure to push Kreese back with his finger as he pointed at him.

Kreese's eyebrows rose and a small smirk grew on his face. "I have to disagree with you there. I care about my students. They're strong and they're true fighters. And they wouldn't make the mistake of showing mercy and ending up in a coma!"

Kreese's words angered Molly more than Tory scared her. She pushed herself forward, putting Miguel behind her protectively to stare down Kreese.

At Molly's movements, Hawk took a step forward, protectively standing in front of his sensei. Kreese stuck his hand out, gently pushing Hawk back.

Kreese started to smile cockily as he watched Molly and Johnny. "And it's my understanding that everything that's happened to the kids at Miyagi-Do, happened because they started fights they couldn't finish." Kreese sassed before he turned to Molly completely.

"Isn't that right, Miss Preston?" Kreese asked and Molly clenched her jaw.

Johnny, not even turning to Molly, pushed her gently back behind him and took another step towards Kreese. "Hey, don't talk to her." Johnny spat, making Kreese finally turn back to him.

The man held a hard glare as he shook his head. "This is it, Johnny. There's not gonna be another chance." Kreese warned.

Johnny leaned closer to Kreese. "Good." He whispered back to the man. Kreese slowly nodded his head, almost looking upset at Johnnys words. "You made your choice." Kreese spoke, putting on his sunglasses. "And you are gonna regret it."

With that, Kreese turned around and started walking away. One by one, the students started to follow after him. Tory was one of the last people to follow Kreese.

Before she turned around, her eyes locked with Molly's and she smirked at waved.

Molly gulped, making Tory's smirk grow. She turned and started to walk away, leaving one last Cobra Kai member standing there.

Hawk watched as Molly stared at Tory with ragged breaths. He looked back at Tory's retreating figure before he looked back at Molly one more time. This time, Miguel was looking down at Molly, putting a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

"Hey, you're okay. You're okay." Miguel whispered as Molly's hands snaked around her stomach, covering her brace.

Hawk bit his lip at the sight but he couldn't do anything about it. Not right then, at least. He turned around and walked away, following after his team.


After karate, Molly went home with Johnny and Miguel and after a long nap on her couch, Molly woke up at 9pm and decided to do some stargazing.

Molly laid down on the cool stone edge of the fountain in her apartment courtyard as she gazed up at the sky. She was finally able to take her back brace off so she was pretty comfortable.

The stars twinkled down at her, and she smiled. It had been too long since she had time to do this. School and karate kept her busy, and now adding trying to spend time with Robby thrown into the mix, it's been even harder.

But now, with the world quiet and finally finding free time on her hands, she felt the weight of her worries lift away.

Somehow looking up at the stars soothed the tension in her shoulders and calmed the persistent buzz of her mind. Each star she focused on seemed to calm her down more and more.

Her peace was gently interrupted by the low hum of a motorcycle pulling into the parking lot. Molly ignored it, figuring it was just her neighbor, Dylan, returning home. She heard footsteps approaching, and she closed her eyes, waiting until she heard the man enter his apartment for her to open her eyes again.

But the footsteps stopped, and she felt someone hovering near her feet. Molly opened her eyes and tilted her head to look up.

Molly pushed herself up so fast she got a head rush when she saw Hawk standing in front of her. She almost didn't recognize him with his red hair down. Her heart skipped a beat, and the calm she'd found just moments before seemed to disappeared.

Hawk struggling to meet Molly's eyes, fidgeting with his hands nervously,

"What are you doing here?" Molly finally asked, holding herself up with her arms and pulling her knees into her chest.

Hawk shifted, his gaze moving up to the stars before finally looking my to her. "I wanted to check on you. You seemed shaken... up today..." He said, his voice was soft as he started to stutter when he saw Molly roll her eyes.

"I wonder why." Molly muttered sarcastically. Hawk licked his lips and took a step towards her. "I didn't mean to interrupt." Hawk blurted, his nervousness clear in his voice. A soft smile tugged at the corner of Hawk's lips. "I remember how much you love stargazing. It's good to see you're still finding time to do it."

For a second, Molly thought back to when the two of them were together and the first time Molly had Eli stargaze with her. She pointed out all of her favorite constellations and even though he wasn't too interested, Eli listened to every word Molly said and remembered it for all their next stargazing dates after that.

But those memories only last for a second before Hawk spoke again.

"I just wanted to talk."

Molly stood up and started walking towards the stairs to get back to her apartment. As she passed Hawk, she gave him a glare. "Yeah, well I don't want to."

Hawk's body stayed in place but followed Molly as she started to walk away. Without thinking, he went to reach out and grab her arm. "Molly, pleas—"

Hawk's heart stopped and he froze when he watched Molly flinched at his touch. He took an immediate step back and shook his head. "I'm sorry. I just..." Hawk took a deep breath, and ran his hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry." Hawk repeated, only this time, it wasn't because he scared Molly. He was apologizing for everything. Molly shook her head and crossed her arms as she took a step away from Hawk.

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." Molly said and immediately, Hawk nodded his head. He took a step towards her and Molly didn't step back this time.

"Yeah, I am. You're just not the only one I should be apologizing to." Hawk said, pulling his lips into a line nervously.

Molly blinked at Hawk, shocked at what he was saying. Her arms dropped to her side, silently telling him to go on.

Hawk shoved his hands deep into his pockets, and bit his lip. "What I've done to you, Demetri, Miyagi-Do... It's fucked up. I got so caught up in everything. Kreese, he... he makes you feel like you have power. Like you matter. It was like there was this pressure to prove myself. To everyone. To the other kids in Cobra Kai, to Kreese, and even to myself. And I just keep pushing everything else away. And I know that's not good enough but I wanted you to know."

Molly watched Hawk closely. He sounded serious. Genuine. She tilted her head and looked the boy up and down. "So, are you leaving Cobra Kai?"

Hawk hesitated, the question hanging heavily in the air. After a couple seconds, Hawk sighed. "I can't."

After a couple tense seconds, Molly walked towards Hawk, making the boy straighten up his posture. They were almost a foot away from each other before Molly stopped and shook her head. "You can't say you're sorry and then stay in Cobra Kai and hang out with those bullies. You want to show you're sorry, get the hell out of that dojo and prove it."

She watched as Hawks face dropped and he gulped. They stood in a silence, Molly glaring while Hawk looked at her with a soft, almost pleading expression. He wanted to prove he was good. Not just to Molly. To everyone.

"What's going on here?"

Molly turned her head at the voice and her eyes widened at Robby standing a couple feet away from them, glaring at Hawk. "Robby..." Molly muttered.

Robby turned to look at Molly, and Tory's words started to play in his head.

"Don't you think she's moved on? She moved on from Hawk to you pretty fast. Who's to say she's not doing the same right now?"

Robby felt a surge of anger as walked closer. "What is he doing here?" He snapped. Molly turned back to Hawk, her face hardening as she clenched her jaw. "He was just leaving."

Hawk shifted his gaze from Robby to Molly, biting the inside of his cheek. With a defeated nod, Hawk looked down to the ground. "Yeah." He muttered, giving one last look to Molly before turning to leave.

Molly didn't watch him go; instead, she faced Robby with a big smile. "I didn't expect you tonight." She sang, moving towards him.

Robby still looked tense, Tory's words echoing in his mind. But when Molly wrapped her arms around his shoulders, his concerns began to fade, and a smile slowly returned to his face. There no way she would to that to him, right?

He placed his hands gently on her waist. "I thought I could spend some time with you." He said, his voice softening as he looked into her eyes. Molly smiled and nodded.

"Okay." She hummed, unclasping her arms around his neck and moving to take one of his hands. "Well, let's head upstairs." Molly said with a smile, pulling Robby along with her as they walked toward the stairs.

As soon as Molly turned her back, Robby's smile faded, replaced by a thoughtful expression as he watched her closely, still unable to shake the doubts Tory had planted in his mind.

emily speaks...
long chapter but idc i NEEDED this chapter out ive been itching to post it

i also need someone to take my phone away from me everytime i read your guys comments because im always SO CLOSE to spoiling it for you guys

saying this now just incase i get any comments because i could smell them while i was writing: DO NOT HATE ON MOLLY FOR HOW SHE REACTED SEEING TORY.
i saw how so many people were when they saw sam at the laser tag place and guess what? THEY ARE TRAUMATIZED! THEYRE ALLOWED TO FEEL THAT! AND THEY CANNOT CONTROL IT

that is all😍
watch no one make any comments about it and then i just look fucking insane yelling at you guys😭😭

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