xxix. a little odd

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"Good, Bert. Remind me not to piss you off. " Johnny yelled after Bert kicked the frisbee out of his hands.

Molly had to admit, Eagle Fang was actually pretty nice. She missed training with Johnny and Miguel and as much as she loved Demetri, she loved the quiet Eagle Fang had.

Johnny picked up the frisbee and held it out again. He looked around at his students before his eyes fell on Mitch. "Assface, you're next." He said, nodding to the frisbee.

Mitch huffed, looking up at Johnny with a small frown. "Does my nickname gotta carry overfrom the previous dojo?" He asked and Johnny raised his eyebrows.

"You wanna be Penis Breath?" He asked and almost immediately, Mitch shook his head.

"Assface is fine." He said before he preformed his kick, knocking the frisbee out of Johnny's hands. Johnny nodded proudly, reaching down to grab the frisbee. "Good, Penis Breath!"

He got back into position and nodded his head to Molly. "All right. Preston, get up here."

Molly smiled at took a step forward since she and Miguel stood in the middle of the students. She spun around and kicked the frisbee out of Johnnys hands, the frisbee going the furthest it had yet.

Johnny smiled and let out a sigh of relief when he saw how far the frisbee got. He turned back to Molly and nodded, still smiling. "Good to have you back, Preston." He said, making Molly smile, pushing her shoulders back proudly. "Good to be back, Sensei."

She walked back to stand in line with her class as Johnny retrieved the frisbee again.

"Diaz, you're up." Johnny called out and as Miguel stepped forward, Johnny smirked, waving the frisbee tauntingly in Miguel's face. "Imagine this is the guy I stole this Frisbee from, all right? Just picture his stupid white dreads."

Miguel nodded and spun around to kick. His foot barely grazed and frisbee and Molly frowned. Johnny huffed, patting Miguel on the shoulder. "All right, good hustle. Who's next?" He asked but Miguel shook his head.

"No, I can do it, Sensei." Miguel said and Johnny gave Miguel a serious look. "Miguel, it's fine." He said but Miguel was determined.

"I got it." He snapped and Johnny slowly nodded. He raised the frisbee again and everyone watched as Miguel kicked his leg out and collapsed to the floor,

"Miguel!" Molly gasped, running towards him to help him up. As she and Bert tried to help him, Miguel smacked them away.

"I'm fine!" He yelled, making everyone jump back.

Molly looked up at Johnny to find him already looking at her. There was a small frown on his face that resembled the worried one on Mollys. He sighed and looked to the rest of the students.

"All right, everybody. Take five, go get some water." He said and as the students started to disperse, his eyes widened. "But not from the fountain, I saw some meth head wipe his ass in it."

Molly cringed at the man's words, grateful she brought her own water. She walked towards the small bag she brought and grabbed her water bottle as Johnny walked towards her.

"Glad to know you never stop throwing a good punch after joining that Miyagi-Do." Johnny said as Molly took a sip of her water. She felt a lot better when she swallowed and smiled at the man.

"Glad to know you haven't stopped being so..." Molly looked around the park to her other teammates before she turned back to Johnny. "Comforting."

Johnny let out a small chuckle at her words but it quickly died down as a question he had been needing to ask her gnawed away at him. "Hey, look. I've got a question." Johnny asked and not noticing his nervousness, Molly smiled.

"What's up?" She asked, tossing her water bottle back into her bag. She turned back to Johnny and finally noticed how on edge he was.

"Robby. He's okay, right? I haven't run into him at the apartment so I wanted to make sure he was okay." Johnny asked, struggling to look into Molly's eyes. Molly blinked, shaking her head. "Oh, um... he's good but you might not run into him at the apartment much. He's not staying with me." She said, her voice getting quieter the longer she spoke.

Johnny was shocked by Molly's words, his back straightened and he squinted at the girl. "What? I thought he was. Wasn't that why you picked him up?"

Molly bit her to hold back her frown and shrugged. "It was. But on the ride to his parole officer, he told me he had somewhere else to go." Molly said and Johnny started to grow aggravated. Not with Molly but with Robby.

"What? Where?" He asked and when Molly gave him a sheepish smile, his hands clenched at his sides.

"He wouldn't tell me." Molly admitted and Johnny's eyes widened.

"You still don't know?" Johnny asked, his voice lower, making Molly nervously start to pick off her nail polish. She thought he was getting angry at her for not knowing where his son was, but he was actually angry at Robby for keeping Molly out of the loop.

Molly gulped and shook her head. "Whenever I ask to pick him up or drop him off for our dates, he always shuts it down and says he'll take the bus. Trust me, Sensei, I've been trying." Molly said and Johnny nodded. He could tell how upset and stressed she sounded. He knew she was trying her best.

He started to calm down a bit, his fists unclenching at his sides as he raised his eyebrows at her. "And you're... not worried?" He asked and Molly's eyebrows furrowed.

"Why? What would I have to worry about?" Molly asked, her voice a lot softer as she started to think about all the different reasons she should be worried.

Johnny winced a little and hesitated. He knew how much Molly panicked about things and if this worry wasn't already on her mind, he didn't want to be the one that would have to tell her. But he also knew someone had to give her some realization, even if it meant she would start second guessing his son.

"Your boyfriend is staying with someone but he won't say who. I know he's my kid but... that sounds suspicious." Johnny said, his voice a lot softer and quieter to try and not panic the girl.

But Johnny's change in tone only stressed Molly out more. Johnny never spoke softly even when he was giving Molly a pep talk after her and Hawk's breakup. If he was this gentle now, it had to be bad, right?

Molly slowly started to shake her head, swallowing down her nerves. "Do you think he's with another girl?" She asked and when Johnny sighed, alarms started to go off on Molly's head.

"Look, we both know I don't know Robby as much as I should." Johnny admitted and Molly stared at him with wide eyes, only making him hate himself even more for speaking. "I don't know what he's doing. But he's been out for almost a month and you're the only person who's giving a shit about. If anyone should know where he is, it should be you. Not me. Not LaRusso. You. He should tell you."

Molly looked down at the ground, her chest tightening at the thought of where Robby is staying and what he's doing. Johnny took a step towards her, making her look back up at him.

"Don't be a pussy and don't let your boyfriend walk all over you. Find out where he's staying." Johnny said before he punched her shoulder mockingly. "And then tell me after." He said, making Molly laugh.

She took a deep breath when her laughter died down and nodded to her sensei. "On it, Sensei." Molly said, making Johnny nodded back at her.

"You've gotta be shitting me!"

Johnny and Molly turned their heads at Mitch's yell. Everyone started to walk back together, all of them watching as Mitch looked down at his phone angrily.

"What? What happened?" Miguel asked, him and Molly standing right in front of Mitch.

Mitch looked up to Miguel and Molly and pushed his phone into Miguel's phone to read. "They canceled the All Valley." Mitch said, making Mollys eyes practically pop out of her head. "What?" She yelled, leaning towards Miguel to read the phone from over his shoulder.


After practice, Molly drove home while Johnny headed to the town board meeting to get the All Valley back. As she pulled into her parking spot, Molly got a text from Robby, asking if he could come over. Molly agreed and offered to pick him up.

And again, Robby declined.

He showed up around 30 minutes later and Molly decided not to question anything yet and instead put on a movie.

They were about halfway into Scream 3 when she got a text from her family group-chat with her moms. Tomorrow was Mollys birthday and she was going to have a birthday breakfast with her moms so she could spend the rest of her day with Robby and her friends.

As she read her mama's text asking her where she'd want to eat, Molly realized she never gave Robby a time for when they could hang out. She moved a little closer to Robby and rest her head in his shoulder.

"So I was thinking we could go to the Griffith Observatory at like 2 o'clock tomorrow? Is that an okay time for you? It'll probably be packed since it's a Sunday, but it shouldn't be too busy during the day." Molly said, looking down at her phone as she texted her moms that she wanted to eat at Nat's Diner for breakfast.

Robby nodded, grabbing a handful of their shared popcorn as they stared at the screen. "Sounds good." He said and Molly smiled.

"I'm gonna do breakfast with my moms so that'll probably end at like 11. And if you want, you can come over earlier but we'll have until 6 to hang out and then I have my dinner with Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang. Do not ask me how I got both of them to agree to this thing. I don't even know." Molly rambled, a big smile on her face. For as long as she could remember, she's loved her birthday. She would love planning her parties and her day altogether.

But when she turned to Robby and saw that he was on his phone and hardly reacting to her words, her smile started to fall. "That's fine." Robby said, not even looking up from his phone.

Molly watched her boyfriend with squinted eyes. Ever since he's been out of juvie, he's been acting off.

"Are you okay?" Molly asked, her voice quiet and Robby whipped his head around to face Molly, an annoyed look on his face.

"Is there a reason I shouldn't be?" Robby snapped, his tone sharper than she was used to.

Molly blinked, taken aback by his harshness. Slowly, she shook her head. "No, you're just being a little short these past couple of days. I wanted to make sure everything was fine."

"Everything's fine." Robby replied quickly, his eyes darting away.

Molly just blinked at the boy, not bringing him. She wrapped her arms around herself as her mind started to race off things she might've done wrong that is making Robby act like this . "Okay, well..." She hesitated, her heart starting to race as she thought back to Johnny's words during practice. "Would you want me to pick you up?"

Almost immediately, Robby shook his head. "No. I'll just meet you here."

Molly watched the boy for a second, her heart starting to pick up its pace. "Robby, why don't you ever let me pick you up?" She asked, her voice a little shaky from her chest tightening.

Robby shrugged. "Don't want you to waste gas." He said almost as if he's had this answer planned if Molly ever asked.

Molly swallowed hard, her throat dry. "Okay, but...why don't I know where you're staying?" She could feel the panic rising to her throat, making it harder for her to talk.

"Why do you need to?" Robby snapped, finally looking at her, arms crossed defensively. Molly opened and closed her mouth, her head shaking as she tried to come up with words.

"I don't need to but I would like to know!" Molly's voice rose, her confusion turning to frustration. Her breath came faster, shallow and unsteady, as her brain started to get a little fuzzy.

Robby's expression softened, the tension in his shoulders easing as he saw the panic and tears in her eyes. Molly's hands were shaking as she looked at the ground. "Do you... Do you not trust me?" She asked and before Robby could answer, more worries that clouded her mind since talking to Johnny started to spill out.

"You were supposed to stay with me. I thought you wanted to stay with me. But then you tell me there's this new place and you won't tell me where it is and it freaks me out and it worries me!" Molly looked up to Robby, the tears in her eyes threatening to fall, making Robby's heart sink.

"What if something happens and I don't know where you are?" She asked, her voice breaking.

Embarrassed, Molly looked to the ground and shook her head. "You were gone for so long. I don't want to lose you again." Molly said, her words barely audible through her sudden hyperventilating.

The room seemed to close in on her, and she took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. Her hands clawed at the couch to keep her steady. Robby watched her, slowly starting to realize how much Tory's words got into his head. He knew Molly. He knew she would never do any of that.

He stepped closer, reaching for her hand. "I'm so sorry, Mo. I.." Robby looked down and shook his head, trying to come up with his words. "I shouldn't have lashed out like that." Molly felt the warmth of his hand squeeze hers, grounding herself in the moment. It gave her something to focus on while she caught her breath.

Her breathing slowly began to calm, the panic retreating and Robby gave her a reassuring smile, one that lit up his eyes and calmed Molly down a bit more. "How about this..." He suggested, making Molly tilt her head, silently telling him to go on. "I'll share my location with you. So if you ever panic, you can just check the app and see where I am."

Molly laughed as she sniffled, watching as Robby opened their messages and shared his location with her.

He looked back at Molly, moving a little closer. He gave her a small smile and tilted his head. "This way, you'll always know where I am." He whispered and even thought it wasn't exactly what Molly wanted, she nodded her head.

Ruby felt a lot better, not noticing Molly's hesitance. He raised his hand to cup her face and leaned in, kidding her cheek. When he pulled away, Molly turned to face him.

"I love you, Molly." Robby whispered and slowly, Molly smiled back, leaning into Robby's hand. "I love you too."

Robby smiled at Mollys words. He ran his thumb across her cheekbone gently before he pulled her towards him, pressing his lips to hers.

emily speaks...
molly and johnny duo agenda is unstoppable 🙌🙌🙌

next chapter is already almost done...(i've had it written since season 1) AND ITS MOLLYS BIRTHDAYYY

i'll see you guys very soon and i love you all😚😚

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