xxx. i love you, i'm sorry

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Molly never knew what it was like to have a birthday until she was adopted. When she was in foster care, she was never in one house long enough for them to remember the date or care. But once she was adopted by Janice and Keira, Molly finally knew what it felt like to have a birthday and she loved it.

Considering she loved planning, Molly also loved planning her birthdays and she was specifically proud of the plan for her seventeenth birthday.

Her moms understood Molly would want to spend the day with her friends and boyfriend so she was gonna have breakfast with her moms at Nats diner, which was about 20 minutes away in Sherman Oaks on a good traffic day.

During the day, she planned to hang out with Robby and go to the Griffith Observatory to look at the stars and then by dinner, Molly would be at Sam's for a celebration dinner with Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang. After a long talk with both dojos, everyone agreed to be civil for her birthday.

She unashamedly smiled at all of the birthday texts she got when she woke up in the morning. Demetri, Miguel, Sam, Moon, Chris, Nate, Bert, Mitch and surprisingly Yasmine had all sent her birthday texts by the time she was ready for breakfast with her moms, Demetri sending the longest text as well as a funny gif to go with it.

Molly and her moms walked down the stairs of their apartment complex just as Johnny walked out of his downstairs unit with his trash. He smiled at the family but kept majority of his gaze on Molly.

"Hey, birthday girl!" Johnny called out, walking towards Molly and pulling her into a side hug. Molly smiled against the man, hugging him back. "Hey, Sensei."

Molly's moms smiled at the interaction, happy that Molly has another parental figure, a father figure at that, to keep her safe while they're gone at work. They've heard all about Johnny from Molly and Miguel whenever they have him over for dinner. Keira took a step closer to Johnny as he and Molly pulled away from their hug.

"We were heading out to breakfast actually to celebrate Molly's birthday if you wanted to join." She asked, making Molly's eyes widen. She wouldn't mind having Johnny at the breakfast with them, she was just shocked her moms would be okay with it.

Johnny waved the woman's offer off, shaking his head. "Nah, it's her day. Have your family time." Johnny said and now Janice smiled, tilting her head at the man. "There's always room for one more parental figure in Molly's life to join.." She joked and Johnny smiled at her words.

Molly could see he was contemplating joining but after a couple seconds, he shook his head and looked down to Molly beside him. "It's alright. I'll just take this one and the boy out to breakfast tomorrow." He looked back to Janice and Keira and gave them a small smile. "Go spend time just you three."

Molly smiled at Johnny. Even though she wasn't sure if "the boy" they'd be having breakfast with was Miguel or Robby, she was excited. She started walking towards her moms, waving the man goodbye. "See ya, Sensei!" Molly sang as they walked towards her mamas car.

Johnny smiled after Molly, walking towards the trash bins to throw away his garbage. "Later, Preston."


Just like Molly planned, breakfast was over and she was back at her house by 11.

Molly was confused when she hadn't heard from Robby all morning. He wasn't supposed to head over until 12:30, but she still should've heard from him by now, right?

She shook it off as Robby just sleeping in and turned on the tv. The first movie she played was Pitch Perfect and once it was over, she started to play the second movie.

Throughout the movies, Molly repeatedly checked her phone and called Robby but all she got was his mailbox. By the time she was halfway through the second movie, it was 2:15, fifteen minutes passed when they were supposed to be at the Griffith Observatory.

And Molly still hadn't heard from Robby.

Molly knew she had his location. It was eating her alive not to check. She just got it barely 18 hours ago, checking it already made her feel like she was an overbearing girlfriend.

She had to practically keep her phone on the other side of the couch to stop herself from reaching over and checking Robby's location.

Molly was so in her head fighting whether or not she should check Robby's location, she didn't even realize the movie was over. When she heard her phone ringing from the other side of the couch, Molly jumped towards it, hoping it was Robby coming up with whatever excuse for not answering and calling to wish her a happy birthday and to create a new plan for the day.

But when Molly saw it was Demetri FaceTiming her, her shoulders slumped a little but she answered nonetheless.

As soon as the call connected, Demetri had a big smile on his face. "Happy birthday! I know you're at the Griffith, but I wanted to call and say..." Demetri's words slowed when he noticed Molly was still at home. His eyebrows furrowed and his face fell. "You're still at home..."

Molly gave Demetri a tight lipped smile. "I haven't heard from him all day." She muttered sadly. Demetri's eyes could've popped out of his head from how wide they got. He started to shake his head crazily.

"He was supposed to be at your house at 2, Molly!" Demetri yelled and Molly let out a small huff and looked away from her phone. "Yeah." She muttered.

Demetri opened and closed his mouth in shock, looking at the time at the top corner of his screen before looking back to Molly.

"Molly, it's 3pm and you haven't heard from him all day! Don't you have his location or something?" Demetri asked and Molly immediately groaned, throwing her head into the pillow beside her to hide the noise. She stayed with her head in the pillow for a couple seconds before she softly lifted her head just enough to see Demetri's face, part of her face still smooshed in the pillow.

"I do but I don't want to seem like some helicopter girlfriend." Molly muttered, her words a little hard to hear for Demetri considering it was over the phone and her face was semi-pushed into a pillow.

Demetri sighed, a small frown growing on his face over the fact that Molly was willing to spend her birthday wallowing and worrying about her boyfriend instead of doing the things she wanted.

"It's not being a helicopter girlfriend if you haven't heard from your boyfriend all morning on your birthday and he's an hour late. It's called being a good girlfriend. What if he was kidnapped? Or murdered?" Demetri muttered, specifically being overdramatic with his last couple thoughts because he knew part of Molly would actually worry about Robby getting killed or kidnapped. It was a last scenario plan but he didn't want Molly to have a bad birthday.

He watched as his words actually got to Molly. She shut her eyes and groaned again. "Okay, fine! I'll check." Molly yelled, making Demetri smile. As soon as she opened her eyes and she pointed at him, his smile dropped. "But I'm sharing my screen. I'm not doing this alone." She said and Demetri held his hands up in defense, a small chuckle leaving his lips.

"Fine by me." He sang, almost a little curious to know where Robby was. Molly huffed, sharing her screen and after a couple seconds, her Find My was open. It made Demetri smile when she saw the few names Molly shared locations with, him being one of them. It made him feel special.

But his smile fell into a look of confusion when Molly zoomed into Robby's active name.

"He's at the zoo? Why the hell is he at the zoo?" Molly whispered under her breath, shaking her head slightly.

"Did you perhaps ask for a sloth for you birthday?" Demetri asked, raising his eyebrows. When Molly quickly looked up to his small rectangle at the top of her screen with a glare, he gulped, nodding his head.

"Not the time for jokes. My bad." He muttered as Molly stopped sharing her screen and tried to come up with any idea as to why she hadn't heard from Robby all day only to find him at the zoo.

"I'm gonna head over there and see what that's about. I'll keep you updated." Molly said, but Demetri could see the panic in her eyes. He decided not to question it and instead, raised his hand to salute her.

"See you tonight."


When Molly got closer and closer to the zoo, she remembered that you have to pay 10 bucks to park at the zoo parking lot so instead of heading to the lot, Molly decided to wait and park on the back street of the zoo.

Molly parked her car and looked back down at her phone. She watched as Robby's icon walked into the zoo but not through the entrance but instead through a fence.

Molly sighed, worry starting to pool in her gut as she shook her head sadly. "Oh, Robby..." She muttered. "What are you doing?"


Molly had been outside of the zoo for about fifteen before she noticed Robby's icon start to walk back out of the zoo and towards the road where she parked.

As the Cobra Kai students and Robby started to make way out of the woods behind the zoo, they noticed an extra car parked alongside all of theirs. A Jeep.

Hawk and Robby recognized the car immediately.

Robby gasped and reached for his phone in his back pocket. He turned on his phone and cursed under his breath when he saw December 19th on his phone screen and all of Molly's texts and calls he missed from being on Do Not Disturb.

Tory looked at Robby with furrowed eyebrows as Molly got out of the car and leaned against the back of her car, not noting them yet. "What is it?" Tory asked, wondering why Molly was there and why Robby looked so guilty. From the other side of Robby, Hawk clenched his jaw in anger.

"It's her birthday." He muttered quietly to Tory, making sure to send a glare to Robby.

Before Tory could say anything, Robby made a beeline towards Molly's car.

When Molly heard someone walking towards her from the woods and saw Robby appear through the trees, she couldn't tell if she was relieved, angry, or hurt. She pushed herself off her car and walked towards him.

"There you are! You really scared the shit out of me!" Molly yelled before she looked back down at her phone. It was now 4 o'clock.

"I haven't heard from you all..." Molly's words slowed as the rest of Cobra Kai started walking up to them, standing behind Robby. Molly's face flushed as she tried her hardest to keep her eyes on just Robby and not all of the kids behind him.

Robby bit the inside of his cheek. "Mo, I can explain..." Robby started as he gently reached out to grab Molly's hand. When he was just centimeters away from their hands touching, Molly ripped her hand away from Robby.

"What are you doing with Cobra Kai?" Molly asked, not caring to quiet down so they wouldn't hear her. Robby sighed, his eyes shutting to control his nerves. "Look, when I said that I was staying with someone, I didn't tell you who it was because I didn't want you to freak out or get mad."

Molly's eyes guiltily shifted to Tory behind Robby, her mind going back to Johnny's worry that he was with another girl for just a split second. "I've been staying with Kreese at the dojo." Robby admitted, making Molly look back to him.

Even though she was grateful what she had thought wasn't the case, Molly's felt her heart drop. "What?" She asked, her voice sharp. She threw her hands in the air and looked at Robby like his was crazy. "Why the hell are you staying with Kreese?"

Robby shook his head, struggling to meet Molly's eyes out of guilt. "He visited me in juvy and he really opened my eyes." Robby explained and Molly's eyebrows rose in a sarcastic shock.

"And so what? You had so much fun you decided to stay with him, not tell me about it, and then ditch me on my birthday to hang out with Cobra Kai?" Molly asked, her voice already wavering. Just as Robby was about to open his mouth, Molly spoke again. "Were you already planning on staying with Cobra Kai when you got out? Or did you decide to after I told you what they did to me and Demetri?"

"What happened to you and Demetri, happened because you guys don't know when to stop." Tory interrupted and Robby instantly stuck his arm out in front of her, silently telling her not to butt in.

He took a step towards Molly, and she took an immediate step back. Robby started to shake his head frantically. "It's not as bad as it sounds." Robby started and Molly rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest as he continued. "And I wasn't planning on ditching you today."

Molly cut Robby's words off with a shocked laugh. "Oh! Well, thank you for not planning to ditch me, but you still did!" Molly yelled and starting to get stressed and worried that they were now having a second fight, Robby started to yell.

"I just got mixed up with dates. I forgot! It's not a big deal!!"

Molly was sure her heart stopped. She could see some kids in Cobra Kai wince and cringed at Robby's words. Even they thought what he said was bad.

Molly opened and closed her mouth in shock as Robby finally realized why he said.

The Cobra Kai's slowly started to disperse, now feeling very uncomfortable standing in on this fight when they weren't close to either of them.

Molly's eyes started to water and she tried her hardest to blink back her tears. "It's my birthday... and we talked about this plan yesterday." Molly said, her voice trembling and breaking at the end.

Robby's heart dropped at Molly's words. He was so thrown off after their fight the night before, his mind completely blanked on Molly's birthday and their plans for the next day. Robby took a step towards Molly, something the girl didn't notice as she quickly tried to wipe her eyes without smudging her makeup.

"Look, Mo, I just got a little mixed up after last night. It's not that big of a deal!" Robby said, shrugging his shoulders defensively.

Molly's eyes widened at Robby's words. "Not that big of deal? Do you hear yourself?" Molly yelled, bringing her hands up to her temples in frustration.

"It was an accident!" Robby yelled, trying to defend himself.

"It's my birthday!" Molly shot back almost immediately.

Suddenly, Molly started to let out an annoyed laugh. "No fucking way this is happening to me twice." She breathed out through her laughs, bringing her hands up to her face.

Hawk, who was at his motorcycle about fifteen feet away, froze. He didn't want to eavesdrop but he couldn't control it.

"What are you talking about?" Robby asked and almost immediately, Molly pointed between herself and Robby. "This! Me getting pushed away! Or... to the side at least!" Molly yelled.

She thought back to when she was with Hawk and how there would be some moments where he'd push her away. It reminded her too much of her and Robby now. She shook her head and closed her eyes tight as if she were dreaming. "Oh my God. It's happening all over again." She muttered to herself but Robby heard her.

He rolled his eyes and groaned. "You're over exaggerating, Molly." Robby said, reaching out for grab her arm but again, she ripped it out of his hold as soon as his fingertips touched her hand.

"Are you kidding me?"  Molly yelled, startling him. "Why are you staying with Kreese? Why are you hanging out with them, knowing what they did?" She continued in an angry ramble.

Robby tilted his head and raised his eyebrows at her. "What about what I did to Miguel?" He asked. Molly looked at him with wide eyes and a desperate expression.

"You didn't do it on purpose! You know it, and I know it! Why are you acting like this?" Molly yelled, throwing her hands out to gesture to Eobby as she looked him up and down. Sure he looked the same, but Molly didn't recognize him.

Robby shrugged, shaking his head. "I'm acting like myself, Molly." He said, trying to sound nonchalant, as if the anger had suddenly drained from him, only confusing Molly more.

She shook her head, looking him up and down with something close to disgust. "No, you're not."

Robby shrugged coolly as if he was unfased by their current argument and Molly's state. "Well, then I guess I've changed. Cobra Kai's really opened my eyes."

Molly raised her eyebrow, now growing annoyed with Robby. She scoffed and shook her head. "Yeah, well, I can't watch another boy I love get changed by Cobra Kai."

In seconds, Robby's cool demeanor washed away as his face paled and his heart skipped a beat. "Wait..." He muttered as Molly started to walk towards the driver's side of her car.

He chased after her, his throat starting to burn and his eyes starting to sting. "Molly, please, let's figure this out," Robby pleaded. Molly ignored him, opening her car door but Robby immediately slammed it shut before she could get in.

Molly flinched at the noise and the air of the car door whizzing past her face. Hawk noticed and hesitated, stopping himself from putting on his helmet. He didn't want to leave Molly alone with Robby if this was how he was acting.

Molly, with slow and shaky steps, turned around to face Robby , trying to stop herself from crying right then and there as Robby's own eyes started to tear up. "I didn't mean to ditch you, especially not today. I'm sorry, Molly. Please, I'll make it up to you. Just give me another chance." Robby pleaded.

Even though she was holding back sobs, Molly stood her ground, her voice breaking as she struggled to speak. "Robby, have you not heard yourself in the past five minutes?"

Robby looked down at the ground guiltily just as Molly found the strength to look him in the eyes. It reminded her of her breakup with Hawk—how he wouldn't look in her eyes when they bright up. It had pissed her off then, and it was pissing her off now with Robby.

"You're living with Kreese, and you're hanging out with the kids who tormented me and the people who are supposed to be your friends! What do you think that says about you?" Molly spat, pressing an accusing finger into Robby's chest as hard as she could.

Robby's face twisted in anger and he smacked Mollys hand away from him. "You know what? Screw you, Molly. You want to break up? Fine. None of this stupid relationship was real to me anyway."

Molly froze. Everything around her seemed to quiet, except for her heartbeat, which picked up speed. "What?" She asked, her voice soft, hoping she had misheard him.

But Robby stood his ground, clenching his jaw and never taking his glare off her. "I mean, this..." Robby gestured between himself and Molly. "Wasn't real."

It felt like her heart had been ripped from her chest. She suddenly felt sick and dizzy from how fast her stomach dropped. "So... none of it was real?" Molly asked, her voice barely audible, wavering but not breaking.

Robby's demeanor stayed cold. His lips curled in anger as he raised his chin a bit higher.

"Not a single bit."

Molly searched his eyes, desperately looking for any sign that he was lying, any hint of regret. But she found nothing. Her whole body trembled at his words, her chest constricting and making it harder for her to breathe. She struggled to hold back the tears, but the pain was too overwhelming.

She shook her head slightly, tears finally spilling from her eyes. "Fuck you." She cried.

Robby stared at her for a few seconds before he turned and walked away, leaving Molly alone by her car.

Molly leaned against her car, her chest heaving as she fought to keep her composure. Her shoulders start to shake, and unable to hold back her cries any longer, Molly placed her head in her hands to muffle them.

As she tried to wipe away her tears, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Molly looked up, her tear-streaked eyes found Hawk standing a few feet away.

Molly scoffed. "What do you want?" She spat, quickly turning away to hide her face so he couldn't see her.

Her tone startled Hawk. He blinked for a couple seconds, frozen as he thought of what to say. He already tried saying sorry but that didn't work. Hawk hesitated for a moment before he gave her a bittersweet smile.

"Happy Birthday, Molly." He muttered just barely loud enough for her to hear it. His voice was soft, and cautious, as if he was afraid of saying the wrong thing.

The words hung in the air between them. Molly's breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in shock.

With that, Hawk turned and walked away. Molly stood frozen, her jaw dropped in disbelief. She watched him until he climbed onto his bike before she got into her car.

The weight of the day's events crashed down on her just as Hawks motorcycle revved and he drove away. She felt the tears welling up and her chest tightening all over again.

Alone in the parking lot, Molly pressed her fist to her chest and finally let the tears fall, her sobs making her stomach ache.

Molly didn't know how long she had been crying but she could barely hear her phone ring over them. Slowly, she tried to calm herself down as she looked at Miguel's contact name.

After a couple deeps breaths and sniffles, Molly answered the call. "Hey." She said shakily, trying her hardest to make it sound like she hadn't been crying.

It seemed to work because Miguel didn't notice. "Hey, I know you have your date with Robby but is there any chance you could come to Sam's earlier? We have an idea." Miguel said and even though Molly couldn't see him, she could hear the smile on his face.

Molly weakly smiled. "Um... yeah." She said, accidentally making the mistake to sniffle.

Miguel froze, his shoulders straightening and his eyebrows creasing. "Everything okay?" He asked and Molly licked her lips and swallowed the lump in her throat. "Yeah, plans were changed with Robby so I can head over now."

Miguel decided to ignore it. She would be at Sam's place soon and he could see for himself if everything was okay. "Alright. See you soon." Miguel said happily before he hung up the phone.

emily speaks...
rip mobby💔 you were so cutesy

i absolutely LOVED writing this chapter i love mobby but writing angst is so fun and i just imagine everyone's comments

TWO MORE CHAPTERS OF SEASON 3!!!! and then were onto season 4😏😏😏(i'm quite literally shaking to get to this season)

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