xxxi. giving you proof

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When Molly got to the LaRussos, Sam opened the door and immediately took notice to Molly's red and puffy eyes. She decided not to question it for the time being and instead gave her a small smile as she side stepped to let her walk in.

Molly gave Sam a weak smile back, her heart still pounding and the urge to cry still high from her breakup that happened just minutes ago.

When she walked into Sam's, all of Eagle Fang and Miyagi-Do stared at her while they sat on the couch. Molly looked at all the eyes nervously. "What's going on?" She asked, a small, stressed laugh leaving her lips.

"They won't tell us. They've been waiting for you." Mitch said, pointing to Sam and Miguel.

Demetri straightened up when he saw Molly's eyes and held his hand out, gesturing her to come towards him. Molly could've cried right then and there. She was so grateful to have Demetri.

She walked towards him and as soon as he was able to grab her hand, he did and pulled her to sit beside him. As Demetri wrapped an arm around Molly's shoulder, she looked up at Sam and Miguel and shrugged. "Oh... Okay..." Molly muttered mindlessly, her head still replaying her breakup with Robby over and over again. "What's up?"

Sam and Miguel looked at each other before they turned back to Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang. "We think we'd stand a better chance against Cobra Kai if we joined forces. Two dojos are stronger than one." Sam said, fiddling with her fingers nervously,

Molly's eyebrows raised. She looked at everyone she sat with on the couch. "Combine... Eagle Fang and Miyagi-Do?" She asked, looking back to Miguel and Sam. Miguel nodded at Molly's words, sending her a small smile. "I know we haven't always gotten along, but Cobra Kai is the bigger threat now." He looked away from Molly and to the rest of the group. "To all of us."

Sam smiled sheepishly, and shrugged her shoulders. "And if everyone's willing to make amends for Molly's birthday, why not to take down Cobra Kai too?" She asked and Molly frowned a little. This night was supposed to be about her and now it turned into another karate thing.

Demetri noticed the girl slump in his hold and held her a little tighter, pulling her closer into his side as Chris shook his head at Miguel and Sam's plan. "This isn't gonna work." He muttered and Sam took a step towards him, a desperate look on her face. "It has to. We have one last chance to make things right. Alone, we're nothing. But if we work together, we have a shot. If we can't get over the past, the fighting will never end. We have to confront our enemies. This rivalry has to stop. One way or another."

"This is just really bad on your part!" Demetri abruptly yelled, making Sam and Miguel turn to him. Demetri had a mean glare on his face, shaking his in disappointment. "Turning Molly's birthday into a karate thing? It's cruel." He spat. Miguel and Sam's smiles fell, realizing they could've waited till after her dinner to talk about it or even the next day.

Molly frowned when she saw Miguel and Sam's sad faces. Her day was already ruined and she didn't want to make the two of them feel like it was her fault. Molly shook her head and gave the two of them a weak smile. "It's fine. I don't really care about my birthday anymore anyway." She said, making Demetri even more worried, but Molly kept her eyes on Miguel and Sam, nodding her head. "Let's take down Cobra Kai."

As Miguel and Sam continued to try and convince Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang, who were still very against the idea, to agree, Demetri turned to Molly, his eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"What's up with you?" He asked, his hand running up and down Molly's arm. Molly pulled her lips into a line to stop herself from crying and looked to the floor.

"Robby and I broke up." She whispered and Demetri's jaw fell. "Oh... Molls..." He muttered, pulling her into him completely for a hug. Molly wrapped her arms around the boy instantly and held on tight, trying her hardest not to cry again.

"Even if we wanted to team up, it'd never work. I was in Cobra Kai. Their style mixes with ours like..."

"Oil and vinegar?"

Molly and Demetri looked up from their hug to look at Chris and Nate. They watched as Chris slowly turned to glare at Nate, shaking his head.

"No, not salad dressing. I would say like the British Bulldogs and the Hart Foundation." Chris said and Mitch, who sat on the other side of Molly, rolled his eyes.

"They were friends, dipshit." Mitch spat.

Chris turned his head to look at Mitch, glaring at him. "Not at WrestleMania 3, Penis Breath." Chris shot back. Mitch straightened up in his seat, scooting a little closer to Chris as he pointed at him. "OK, you can't call me Penis Breath. Only they can call me Penis Breath." He said, pointing to Molly, Bert, and Miguel when he said "they."

"Why are you OK with anyone calling you Penis Breath?" Chris asked and instad of answering, Mitch just rolled his eyes. "You know what? Screw this." Mitch yelled before turning to Bert beside him. "Come on, let's go."

As Mitch and Bert started to walk away, Molly's eyes widened, her body tensing watching the boys leave. Demetri felt Molly tense and didn't want Molly to have her birthday ruined more. He pushed himself off the couch and glared at the boys walking away.

"Hey, pussies!" He yelled. Mitch and Bert froze, slowly turning around to face him. Molly's jaw dropped, her hands going to her face to hide her giggles.

"This is exactly what those assholes at Cobra Kai want. Since you were one of 'em, you're an asshole too." Demetri turned to Chris and pointed at him. "So are you." He said before his eyes went down the couch until they landed on Molly. He sighed, shaking his head. "Molly you're safe since it's your birthday, but you dated one."

Molly nodded her head to herself as Demetri looked back to Mitch and Bert. "And so was I. Well, at least I wanted to be one. But now Cobra Kai is the worst collection of assholes in the Valley, run by the king of all assholes. So if by merging with Eagle Fang..."

Demetri turned to Miguel, shaking his head. "Weird name, by the way." He said, making Molly smile. "Told you..." She sang. Miguel whipped his head to her, sending her a glare that screamed "not the time" as Demetri continued.

"Can keep us all from getting shit on anymore, then we'd all be assholes not to do it." Demetri yelled. Mitch and Bert turned to each other, silently asking the other what they should do. Demetri frowned at them, walking back to sit down next to Molly. "I'm sorry for all the "assholes." I usually take pride in my grandiloquence, but... it's an emotional time."

When Mitch and Bert still didn't move, Molly gave them a small smile. "What if I said this was all I wanted for my birthday? I know you guys didn't get me any birthday gifts." She said and immediately, Bert and Mitch sighed, walking back to the couch and taking their old spots.

Molly turned back to Sam and Miguel once Mitch and Bert were back on the couch, sighing. "Now... where do we start?" She breath out.

Everyone started to leave the couch and walk towards the kitchen to sit at the table and plan. AS Molly started to stand up to follow them, Demetri grabbed her hand and pulled her back down.

Demetri watched her carefully, wanting to make sure she was really okay. "Are you sure you're okay doing this now?" He asked and Molly shrugged, her lips tugging into a lopsided smile.

"No better time then the present. I had to wait before I could cry over me and Hawk's breakup. I guess I can do the same now." Molly sighed. Demetri watched Molly for a few seconds, before nodding.


After about an hour of planning, the group had come to some understanding. They stood at Sam's dining room table, all of them crowded around and looking down at the paper in Migue;'s hands.

"We're all in agreement that our new combined dojo should train at Miyagi-Do. But deadlocked on a new name, Gi Design, Post-Training Snacks, and Sensei Dispute Resolution Protocol." Miguel said and Molly groaned. They basically got nothing done.

Miguel looked to Molly and nudged his shoulder with hers slightly, a small smile on his face. "Not good, but still, it's a start." He said, trying to lift her spirits.

A cat meowing from just outside the kitchen made everyone's heads turn. Molly's eyebrows furrowed, not knowing Sam got a cat as Bert smiled.

"Aw, I think your cat wants to come in." He said, walking out of the kitchen and outside to the cat. As soon as the door closed, Molly turned to Sam.

"When did you get a cat?" Molly asked and Sam looked up at her, a wide-eyed look on her face as she shook her head.

"We didn't." She muttered.

Seconds later, Bert was thrown threw the kitchen window, landing on the floor. Molly was the first to get to Bert, trying her hardest to help him sit up, the rest of Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang crowding around her to see. "Bert, what happened?" Miguel asked from behind Molly.

Molly whipped her head around and glared at Miguel, helping Bert stand. "What the hell do you think happened? He just got thrown through the window!" Molly yelled when the door Bert had just walked out of opened.

Molly pushed Bert behind her as Hawk, Kyler and three more Cobra Kai boys walked into the home. Molly's jaw clenched and her breath got caught in her throat, taking a small step back, pushing Bert back with her.

"It's payback time, Rhea." Kyler said, a big smirk on his face as he looked at Miguel. As the Cobra Kai's walked towards the group, the Miyagi-Dos andEagle Fangs walk backwards towards the living room as the front door opened.

Tory and two more boys walked in and Molly immediately felt her stomach twist. "Heard you were throwing a party. Hope you don't mind if we crash, Molls." Tory said, her eyes trained on Molly. She smirked when she saw Molly's jaw clench.

"Tory, you don't have to do this." Miguel practically begged as Molly looked around at all the Cobra Kai's circling them. She felt a little relieved when she didn't see Robby there.

"It's too late. This ends tonight." Tory said, making Molly turn back to her. There was a look in Tory's eyes that sent shivers down Mollys spine. It was the same look Tory had in her eyes the night ahead broke Molly's ribs.

"No mercy!"

It all happened so fast. One second, the Miyagi-Dos and Eagle Fangs were cornered by the Cobra Kai kids and the the next, everyone was fighting.

Right now, Molly was fighting Mikey. She had just finished fighting Edwin before Mikey came at her.

The two were sending each other punch after punch until Molly saw Demetri just behind Mikey. He was fighting Doug and Edwin. Mollys eyes widened and she was ready to leave her fight with Mikey completely when she saw Doug twist Demetri's arm around to break it again.

Just as she was about to run towards Demetri, Mikey lunged forward, landing a quick punch to her eye that caught Molly off guard. Molly groaned in pain, her hand instinctively going to her eye, not letting her see Mikey prepare to sweep her legs out from under her.

Molly hissed in pain at her head hitting the hard wood floor. She looked up at Mikey standing over her, a smug smirk on his face. "Gotta give a little something to the birthday girl." He taunted.

Molly winced when he kneeled down, Mikey forcing his knee into her stomach. She squirmed around and glared at him. "Yeah, how about you let me kick your ass as a gift?"

Suddenly, raised her knee that was at the perfect spot between both of Mikey's. She rolled to the side as Mikey groaned, stumbling back a bit. Molly kicked up, sending her foot into his stomach and knocking him back. She jumped to her feet, quickly topping it all off with a spinning kick that sent him crashing to the ground.

Just as Mikey hit the ground, Big Red appeared. Molly's eyes widened, immediately ducking when he threw a punch at her. She kicked her leg out, hoping to hit his side, but Big Red caught it and pushed her for away.

As Molly tried to catch her footing, she completely missed Big Reds fist flying at her until it hit the same eye that Mikey hit.

"Kinda don't want fight you." He chuckled out, stepping closer to Molly. "What Keene said was brutal." Big Red muttered, a fake sympathy in his face.

Molly's jaw clenched at his words and noticed Mikey starting to get back up behind Big Red. She looked back to Big Red just as he threw another punch at her. Molly's eyes widened as she dodged the punch and swung a kick into his side, sending him crashing into Mikey behind him. The impact knocked both boys off balance, and they fell to the floor.

"Now, that's brutal." Molly muttered, her chest heaving with adrenaline as she looked down at the two boys, trying her hardest to catch her breath.

When she looked up, she saw Demetri and Hawk staring at her, their eyes were wide and their jaws were dropped.

Molly threw her hands out to her side, huffing. "What?" Molly snapped, tired and angry about how her night has gone. "That was nothing."

Immediately, Demetri and Hawk started to shake their heads frantically. Demetri blinked rapidly, shaking himself out of his stare. "Nothing!"

Molly, still trying to catch her breath, put her guard back up what her attention shifted to Hawk. A sudden wave of irritation washed over her as she slowly moved toward him, her glare never faltering.

He struggled to look at her, turning to look practically anywhere but her as she walked towards him. His cheeks flushed pink once she was standing face to face with him, Hawk was almost shaking in nervousness to keep his composure.

"What are you doing?" Molly asked, squinting a glare at Hawk. When he finally got the courage to look back to her, Hawk just stared at her for a moment, his mouth frozen open as he tried to think of something to say.

He took a deep breath as he straightened up and locked eyes with her, a small smile playing on his lips. "Giving you proof." He breathed out, referencing the night he went by her house. If he needed to show he was sorry instead of saying it, here he was.

Molly's eyebrows raised ever so slightly. She took a small step back, silently backing down. She watched Hawk visibly take a breath of relief, but Molly felt worse in this moment, now starting to feel an awkward tension grow.

She tried to think of something to say. Something that would tell him she was happy? proud? that he left Cobra Kai, but her mind blanked.

When Molly felt someone ram into her shoulder, Molly yelped, jumping back. She, Hawk, and Demetri all turned to see who came at Molly and relaxed when they saw Miguel.

"We have to go help Sam. Tory cornered her." Miguel said, still out of breath from his fight with Kyler.

Molly hesitated, her eyes flicking to Demetri. It was like the two had a silent conversation and Demetri's eyebrows raised worriedly. "You gonna be okay going?" He asked, making Hawk and Miguel turn to Molly, whose eyebrows were creased together and there was a far-off look in her eyes.

Miguel's face fell, remembering how Molly reacted when she saw Tory at the first Eagle Fang meeting; she practically froze in fear. "You don't have to come if you don't want to." Miguel said, placing a hand on Mollys shoulder.

Molly turned to Miguel, her eyes wide as if she was getting pulled out of a trance. She turned to Hawk and Demetri, who were waiting on her next move. "No." Molly said. She turned back to Miguel and slowly shook her head. "Sam needs our help."

After waiting a couple seconds incase Molly decided to back out of her words, Miguel nodded his head and ran out of the home and towards the back dojo.

The four skidded to a stop when they entered the home dojo and saw Sam with a staff, cornering Tory against the wall.

"Guys, stop!" Miguel, who was on the opposite end of the line from Molly, yelled. Sam and Tory both turned their heads, but neither of them moved.

"Tory, the fight's over." Hawk said and Tory almost immediately shook her head in disagreement. "It's not over." She said, her hands still up in fists. She turned back to Sam and glared, "This will never be over, LaRusso. You hear me?"

"You know where to find me." Sam said back, keeping the staff up. Tory looked back to Miguel, Hawk, Demetri, and Molly standing to her side and glared. She walked towards Miguel and Hawk, getting right in their faces. "Traitors!" She yelled, before looking just to Hawk.

"You better watch your back." She warned. Tory started to walk away from Hawk, but Demetri side stepped in front of her, blocking her from walking away. "He won't have to. He's got friends watching it for him."

Tory then turned to the last one in the line: Molly. Even though Molly was already taller than Tory, she held her chin higher, trying her hardest not to let her fear show. Tory looked to Hawk on the other side of Demetri and scoffed.

She turned back to Molly, a big smirk on her face as she tilted her head. "Guess I was right to warn Robby." Tory said cockily and in seconds, Molly's strong demeanor fell. Her shoulders pushed back and her eyebrows furrowed as Tory looked back to Hawk again. "You two would end up on the same team."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Molly asked, but Tory didn't answer, her smirk only growing.

"Happy birthday, Molly." She sang, walking past the girl and out of the dojo. Molly's body rotated to followed Tory, watching the girl leave. When she was out of the dojo, Molly turned to Sam, Miguel, Hawk, and Demetri, all of them just as confused as her.

But Mollys eyes stayed on Hawk. She crossed her arms and her eyebrows pulled together. "Do you know what that's about?" She asked, her voice having a hint of anger in it and Hawk couldn't tell if it was directed towards him.

He shook his head, looking between Molly and the door Tory walked out of. "No. I didn't even know they were close until Tory invited Robby to the zoo with us today." He answered and Demetri's jaw dropped. He turned back to Molly and when they locked eyes, Demetri not so subtly pointed at Hawk.

"He was there?" He mouthed, making Molly roll her eyes.

Molly shook her head, starting to not be able to bear her headache anymore. "I'm gonna head home." She muttered. As she turned to walk out of the home dojo, Miguel, Sam, Hawk, and Demetri all straightened up.

"What? But we haven't had the dinner yet." Sam said, making Molly stop just before the doorway. She noticed the sad looks on all of their faces but she was no longer in the mood, she was too drained, sad, and in pain to do anything else the rest of the night.

"And we were gonna go to my house after and watch your favorite Christmas movies." Demetri muttered, his voice coming out in almost a whine. He was excited for his movie night with Molly.

Molly let out a tired huff and shrugged. "Well, my night is kinda ruined. The whole day actually. Maybe next year." She muttered, walking out of the room.

The four watched Molly go with frowns. Demetri turned around to face them, shaking his head crazily. "We can't let this be how Molly remembers her birthday." He said, pointing to all of them bloodied and bruised.

Miguel agreed with Demetri, but he didn't know what else they could do. He pushed his hands into his pockets and shrugged. "What do you have in mind?"

emily speaks...
sorry if this chapter felt a little rushed😕😕 for how many cobra kai fics i have i struggle writing fight scenes  BUT IM SO EXICTED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER ITS GONNA BE SO GOOD
i think you guys will all be very happy with it😏


anyway im happy so many of you have switched up😁😁the handful of moli fans that stuck around have missed you guys

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