xxxii. beg for it

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It turns out, when Johnny suggested to go out to breakfast for Molly's birthday the day after with "the boy", he was referring to Robby. Molly, who was rocking a black eye after the fight at the LaRusso house, had to break the news to Johnny about her and Robby's breakup.

Johnny then offered that they invite Miguel. When both Molly and Miguel agreed, Johnny drove them to IHOP. They were there for almost two hours before they headed back to their apartment complex.

As Johnny veered off to his side of the apartment complex, Miguel nervously looked up at Mollys unit before he looked to her. "Hey, can I come up to your place? My mom has been asking me questions about the fight nonstop and I just need a breather." He asked.

Molly pursed her lips as she dug through her purse for her keys. "Um... sure." She muttered as they walked up the stairs.

When they walked into Molly's apartment, Molly headed straight for the dining room table to put her bag and her leftovers down, her back to the couch where her moms and two others sat.

"You're back!" Her mom sang before she sent a small smile to Miguel. "Hi, Miguel." She said and Miguel smiled, waving at the woman.

"Hi, Janice." Miguel, trying his hardest to hide his smile for Molly to see her surprise.

"How was breakfast?" She asked and Molly smiled, taking her leftovers to the fridge. She still hadn't looked to the couch yet. "Good! Sensei almost got us kicked out because—"

Mollys words slowed when she turned around to look at her mom and saw Demetri and Hawk sitting with her. Her eyes widened a little but she tried her best to hide it.

"Oh! Hey..." Molly awkwardly greeted, giving them a small, confused smile. "What are you doing here?" She asked, walking out of her kitchen and towards the couch they sat on, Miguel trailing behind her

Demetri's shoulders pushed back and a proud smile grew on his face. "Well, we figured since your real birthday was kinda ruined, we could celebrate your birthday today!" Demetri said, throwing his arms in the air in celebration.

"I asked Sam to come but she said she was still shaken up about last night and just wanted to stay at home." Demetri rambled.

Molly blinked at the boy, trying to process his words. After a couple seconds, she nodded. "Okay, well... what did you have planned?"

"I did suggest roller skating at first, but then Miguel said that it would probably be a bad idea since you and Robby had a date there." Demetri said and Molly looked to the floor, licking her teeth. She could feel Hawks eyes stare into her so she refused to look at him, keeping her eyes on Demetri.

"So I thought since it's winter time, why not keep the theme
and go ice skating instead?" Demetri suggest, a small smile on his face as he shrugged.

Molly raised her eyebrows in amusement, trying her hardest to hold back a laugh. "You think it's a good idea for you to be wearing skates that have blades instead of wheels?" She asked and Demetri rolled his eyes.

"I'll have a walker." Demetri defended before he pointed between her, Hawk, and Miguel. "Or one of you to hold my hand."

Molly rolled her eyes, knowing she'd be the one sticking with Demetri. But she appreciated the gesture of the boys wanting to make up for her birthday, even though she was a little confused as to why Hawk was there. She smiled at the three boys and sighed. "When are we leaving?"

Demetri looked to Hawk before he looked back up tk Molly. "Right now if that's okay. Your surprise has been sitting in my car for a while." He said, pointing behind him as if to say his car and the surprise was in that direction.

"My surprise?" Molly asked. Demetri and Hawk smiled, standing up from the couch and walking towards Molly. "Oh! You're gonna be so happy. Eli and I did have to wake up at 6am to get said surprise but it was worth it." Demetri chuckled out.

He and Miguel suddenly grabbed her hands and started to drag her towards the door. "Come on, let's go now!" Miguel yelled eagerly, excited for Molly to see what they've done.

"I just walked inside." Molly complained as Miguel opened the door and started to pull her outside. Hawk was the last one to walk out of the home, grabbing Mollys purse off the table for her.

"I don't even have a hoodie! I'll be cold in there!" Molly said and Demetri scoffed and rolled his eyes, shrugging her off. "You'll be fine!" He said as he opened the door to the stairwell and Miguel got behind Molly, his hands going to cover her eyes.

Molly ducked out of Miguels hold, looking at the three boys like they were insane. "Can we at least wait till we're down the stairs before we cover my eyes?" Molly asked. She watched as the three of them turned to each other before they turned back to her, all of them nodding their heads.

"You're right." Miguel muttered, raising his hand and ushering Molly to walk down the stairs.

As soon as they got on the ground floor, Demetri got behind Molly and covered her eyes while Miguel held her hands and led her to Demetri's car. Hawk wanted to help but he already knew him being there was a big step, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

Demetri noticed how on edge Molly was as he led her to his car. She was hesitant to take any steps and her shoulders were raised tensely. Demetri's groaned, shaking his head, "Come on, Molls. Don't you trust me?" He asked just as they got to the car.

"I do but you're very accident prone." Molly answered, making Demetri's face drop.

"You didn't have to answer..." He muttered as Hawk unlocked the car. Demetri smiled again, excited for Molly to see the surprise. He looked to her with a big smile, practically bouncing in excitement.

As Miguel opened the backseat door of Demetri's car, Demetri looked to Molly. "Ready?" He asked and even though her eyes were covered, Demetri knew Molly rolled her eyes.

"I've been ready." She said in a playful annoyance. Demetri glared at her again and let out a fake scoff. "Okay, you know you don't need the attitude. I'll just drive Aisha back home."

"What?" Molly shrieked as she grabbed Demetri's wrists and ripped his hands away from her face to look at Demetri's car.

Mollys eyes were wide and she stared at Aisha standing in front of her in shock. Aisha had a big smile on her face and she threw her arms out. "Surprise!" She sang.

"Oh my God!" Molly screamed, a smile bursting across her face as she ran towards Aisha and jumped into her arms for a hug.

Miguel, Demetri, and Hawk watched as the girls laughed and swayed in their hug. Demetri huffed, shaking his head. "I have never gotten that kind of reaction when she sees me." He muttered.

Molly immediately turned her head to face the three boys, her smile wiped clean from her face as she continued to hug Aisha. "Move away for four months and then you'll get this reaction from me." She snapped before she turned back to Aisha and smiled again.

"I've missed you so much!" Molly muttered, hugging Aisha tighter. She felt Aisha smile into her neck and laugh. "I've missed you too." Aisha breathed out. She pulled herself out of the hug just enough to look at Molly. "But let's head over to the ice rink. Get this party on."


Just like she said, as soon as Molly walked into the ice rink, Molly was cold. She tried her hardest not shiver and instead just hugged herself.

They all grabbed their skates and as they all headed to the benches to put them on, Demetri sat his skates beside Molly and pointed behind him to another booth. "I'm gonna grab myself a walker. Don't want to be injuring myself."

As he walked away, a cold breeze hit Molly and she shivered. Hawk noticed and he immediately stopped tying his skates and started to take off his sweatshirt.

"Here." He said, making Molly turn to him. Her eyes widened when she saw what he was doing and she quickly shook her head.

"What? No, then you'll be cold." Molly said, pointing to his now bare arms since he was only wearing a t-shirt underneath his sweatshirt. Hawk rolled his eyes and pushed the sweatshirt closer to Molly. "Come on, just take it. You know I don't get cold easy. I really don't mind."

Molly stared at the sweatshirt for a couple seconds before she finally took it from him. She threw it on and was immediately met with the scent of Hawks cologne. She had almost forgotten what it smelt like.

She relaxed, finally warm and the old smell of Hawks cologne bringing some kind of peace to her. It used to back when they were still dating, and for some reason, it still did,

Molly turned back to Hawk to find him already staring at her, the corners of his lips pulled up into a smile as he looked at her in his clothes. "Thank you," Molly said and Hawks smile grew.

"It's no problem." Hawk said, his cheeks pinking, but Molly blamed it on the cold.

"Alright! Who's ready to skate?" Demetri asked, coming back with his walker.

He crashed down into the spot beside Molly, his shoulder bashing into hers as he started to put on his skates. He held back a smile when he saw Molly wearing Hawks sweatshirt and instead just nodded his head to it.

"Nice sweatshirt." He said, a big smirk on his face that made Molly glare at Demetri and kick her foot into his shin.


Molly and Aisha ended up having to teach Demetri, Hawk, and Miguel how to ice skate. Aisha held Demetri's hands and skated backwards to help him move forward while Molly did the same with Miguel.

It didn't take long for Miguel to get the hang of it and start skating on his own. Molly laughed as her eyes followed Miguel screaming to Aisha across the rink to look at him skating all by himself.

Molly was about to skate away before she noticed Hawk on her side, clinging to the wall. She watched him for a few seconds, on the fence on what to do.

Slowly, Molly skated towards Hawk. He looked up when he saw someone coming towards him and immediately, an embarrassed smile grew on his face.

Molly just smiled and held out her hand. "Come on." She said and Hawk let out a nervous laugh, shaking his head. "I'm good. You go skate and have fun." He said, nodding his head to Aisha and Miguel still trying to teach Demetri how to skate.

Molly looked to the three before turning back to Hawk. "As fun as it would be to watch this," Molly gestured to Hawk clinging onto the wall to stabilize himself. She gave Hawk a small smile and skated a little closer to him, her hand out for him to hold again. "It's my party and I want everyone to skate together."

She didn't wait for Hawk to answer after that, she just grabbed Hawks hands off the wall and started to skate. Hawk held onto Molly hands tighter, looking at her with wide eyes, but she only smiled.

"Come on! I know you know how to roller skate." Molly said, shrugging. "It's practically the same thing." She said and Hawk rolled his eyes.

"It is not the same thing at all." He grumbled and Molly raised her eyebrows. She started to tauntingly let go of his hands and Hawks eyes widened. He grabbed her hands tighter and pulled, pulling himself towards her.

Molly laughed, continuing to skate backwards. "Just think about roller skating. Forget that there aren't blades under you." She said and Hawk gave her a small smile.

"Oh, I shouldn't think about how there's sharp blades under me that could severely injure me if I fall wrong?" He snarked and Molly rolled her eyes, but smiled still. "Can you just try to enjoy this?" She asked, her voice softer than their recent playful banter.

Hawk looked at Molly for a few seconds, his own face softening before he nodded his head and started to actually try and skate.

Halfway around the rink, Hawk started to get the hang out it. Molly looked at his feet with wide eyes and a big smile. She looked back up at Hawk and let go of his hands to throw them in the air in excitement. "You're doing it!" She yelled and Hawk let out a loud laugh.

"I'm doing it!" Hawk laughed back as they reached Aisha, Demetri, and Miguel. The two of them turned to the three, and when they saw Hawk ice skating all on his own, they all started cheering.

Aisha, Demetri, and Miguel skated towards Hawk and Molly, forcing them into a group hug. Molly laughed, hugging all of them back while trying to keep herself up so she wouldn't slip.


After skating for hours, the five of them finally called it a night. Besides helping him skate, Molly didn't talk to Hawk one on one. Hawk had spent all day thinking about how to approach Molly, wanting to talk to her, and now, he finally got his chance when Miguel, Demetri, and Aisha all sped up a little faster to return their skates.

Hawk hesitated, swallowing the lump in his throat. He shoved his hands into his pockets and finally gained enough courage to look at Molly. "Hey, Molly?"

Molly licked her teeth and turned to Hawk. "Yeah?" She asked, silently curing to herself for not walking faster with the rest of her friends.

But when she noticed how he was nervously twiddling his thumbs, Molly decided to give the boy a chance to talk. She stopped walking completely, giving Hawk her full attention.

This made Hawk extremely nervous. He looked to the ground, now finding it hard to look at Molly without his face getting red. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry..." He looked up at Molly and gave her a lopsided smile. "For everything."

Molly crossed her arms, and looked to the ground. Hawk took a step closer to her, continuing. "I know you said sorry won't fix what I did and I'm gonna prove it. I just still feel like I should say it." Hawk said, biting his lip nervously.

Molly nodded, making Hawk relax a little. "I really appreciate it." She said and Hawk's shoulders straightened, standing a little taller over Molly's words. "And I can't wait to see you be nice again. I can't be the only one making sure Demetri doesn't get himself into too much trouble." Molly said and Hawk laughed.

Molly sighed as her laughter died down, shaking her head. "Honestly, the way you keep apologizing to me, I was gonna tell you if you want my forgiveness so bad, you've gotta beg for it." She muttered jokingly, walking towards the rest of the group to return her skates.

Hawk silenced almost immediately and he stared at Molly with wide eyes. Even though Hawk knew she wasn't serious, something inside him told him to go for it anyway. Without a second thought, he dropped to his knees.

It took Molly about five steps before she realized Hawk was no longer walking with her. She turned around, her eyes widening in shock as she saw Hawk on his knees looking up at her.

Panic started to flood through her when she noticed the stares from everyone around them. She rushed back to him, shaking her head frantically. She let out a nervous laugh, torn between embarrassment and shock. Molly quickly grabbed Hawk's hand and tried to yank him back to his feet, but Hawk stayed put.

"Oh my God, I didn't mean literally." Molly whisper yelled, but Hawk only clasped his hands together against his lips, his gaze locking onto hers. "Molly, please... forgive me." He begged, his voice raspy from how quiet he was talking.

Wanting to end the embarrassment, Molly nodded her head, grabbing Hawks wrist to try and pull him up again. "Dude, please just get up." She muttered, finally able to pull Hawk up.

Even though he wasn't a fan of being called "dude," Hawk couldn't help the small smile that tugged at his lips when her hand moved into his. The fact that they were holding hands again, even if she hadn't forgiven him yet, sent a rush of warmth through him.

Molly noticed Hawk's gaze flickering between her eyes and something lower. She followed his line of sight and realized they were still holding hands. Her cheeks flushed as she quickly let go.

Molly raised her hand and pointed at Hawk, making his eyebrows raise and his eyes widen when she accidentally laughed. "This isn't me forgiving you." She said, but Hawk could see the smile she was holding back as she turned on her heel and walking away, toward the rest of their friends.

But even as she walked away, Hawk couldn't wipe the smile off his face. Maybe, just maybe, there was still a chance for them.

emily speaks...
i had to write a molly birthday surprise. i couldn't let her remember her birthday as the house fight and breaking up with robby

i just finished moving into my dormmmm very excited all of the girls seem really nice (ive only talked to one of them im so scared)

BUT WE ARE NOW OFFICIALLY STARTING SEASON 4 im so excited for this season it's sickening

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