xxxiii. friend hawk

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After a horrible first lesson with Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang working together, Molly was nervous to be back. The day before, Johnny splashed water in Demetri's face, Chris threw up, and Hawk broke a window. Molly also still hadn't gotten an apology from Daniel. Had she been dodging him the whole day? Yes. Was she milking it? Possibly, but she still believed he shouldn't have made a comment about her family.

Now, Molly stood in between Miguel and Demetri in the backyard of Miyagi-Do with Johnny and Daniel in front of them.

On the other side of Demetri was Hawk. Since her birthday celebration, which was two weeks ago now, Molly hasn't talked to Hawk much. The boy said he wanted everything to go back to normal and that's what Molly was doing.

Their last normal was the two of them in Cobra Kai together; when they were broken up. It was practically killing Hawk. He got on his knees and begged for her and now she barely ever looked his way.

"Sensei Lawrence and I have the same goal of preparing you for the tournament. But we have different ways of getting you there." Daniel said and he clasped his hands together. "We realize that teaching you opposing viewpoints at the same time can be a little confusing."

"So we've discussed it and come up with a solution. We're gonna divide and conquer." Johnny said before he pointed behind him to the front yard. "Eagle Fang trains out front." He said, and Molly's eyes widened slightly, looking at Demetri beside her before turning back to the senseis as Daniel gestured around him. "And I'll be back here with the Miyagi-Dos."

Miguel's face twisted. "I thought we were stronger working together." He said and Molly nodded along with him, giving a confused look to Johnny. "Yeah, isn't that the whole reason we're... you know, together?"

"We're still working together." Daniel said, nodding his head and Johnny smiled. "Just separately. On opposite ends of the dojo." Johnny added before he clapped loudly. "All right, Eagles, follow me!" Johnny yelled, heading towards the front yard. Molly looked to Demetri beside her, sending him a small smile before she started walking towards the front yard.

Johnny waited till all of his students crowded in front of him before he started scanning through all of them, squinting at them. He watched as Hawk came up behind Molly, his shoulder brushing against hers slightly. Molly looked to Hawk next her and took a small step to the side, away from him and closer to Mitch.

Johnny smirked at that. "Hawk." He called out. Hawk's eyes snapped from Molly to Johnny, his eyes wide. "Since you're new to Eagle Fang, come on up." He said, gesturing for the boy to stand beside him.

"Yes, Sensei." Hawk yelled, bowing to Johnny before taking a step forward. Instantly, Johnny got in the floor and swept Hawks feet out from under. Molly gasped, not expecting it as Hawk groaned on the ground.

"What the heck?" He yelled as Johnny stood back up, a breathy smile on his face. "Today we're gonna practice our front sweeps. On Hawk." Johnny said, pointing tot he boy that was slowly starting to get back up.

Molly pursed her lips and nodded her head, liking Johnnys tactic. Hawk finally got back up and dusted the dirt off his clothes. "All right. I know I was a dick, but I'm sorry." Hawk said and Johnny just glared at the boy.

"Talk is cheap." Johnny spat and Molly snickered, glad that she wasn't the only one that's been telling Hawk that. At the sound of her laugh, Johnny turned to Molly. He smirked a little, remembering how sad the girl was when they broke up.

To let her get a little bit of payback, Johnny stepped back and gestured for Molly to step forward. "Preston, you're up." Johnny said and Hawk's eyes widened. He spun around to face Molly as the girl walked up to him, a big smirk on her face.

She was gonna have some fun with this lesson.


After everyone practiced their front sweeps, Johnny and Daniel gave both dojos a lunch break. Molly sat on the curb outside of the dojo, eating the salad she brought from home. She found sitting outside of the dojo was a good way to get away from Daniel.

Hearing some walk out of the dojo, Molly didn't care to look up from her food, not thinking anything of it.

It wasn't until the person came up to her and started to sit down, that Molly realized it wasn't Sam. She turned to Hawk just as he sat down beside her, his shoulder crashing into hers.

"What are you doing here out here?" He groaned out as he sat down. He turned to Molly just as she looked away from him. "Hiding from Mr. LaRusso." She breathed out before she looked to Hawk next to her. "What are you doing here?"

Hawk sighed, his shoulders slumping. "Hiding from Miaygi-Do so... Mr. LaRusso." He muttered and Mollys eyebrows furrowed.

Noticing she hadn't talked yet, Hawk turned his head to Molly and as soon as he saw the confused look on her face he spoke again. "He said I burnt bridges with everyone here." He muttered, looking away from Molly and to his feet.

Molly raised her eyebrows at Hawk's words. "He's not wrong."

Hawks eyes could've shot out of his head from how wide they got, offended by Mollys words. Molly rose her eyebrows, silently asking "really?" before she rolled her eyes and scooted a little closer to Hawk.

"You almost got Chris fired, you beat up Miyagi-Dos youngest fighter, and as cheesy as it sounds, you messed with their friends." Molly listed, counting the incidents with her fingers. Hawk looked down at Mollys three fingers and sighed.

Molly dropped her hand and gave Hawk a small frown. "You can't expect them to welcome you back with open arms." She muttered.

Hawk looked back to Molly, his lips pulled together to try and hide his feelings from Molly. "Demetri did, though. And everything I did was worse on him." Hawk whispered. Molly could tell this was all taking a toll on Hawk. He was struggling to speak to her right now because he was trying not to cry. Deep down he was still just Eli.

Molly tilted her head a little, a lopsided smile on her face. "Demetri was also your best friend." She tried to explain, but Hawk, not getting it, just furrowed his eyebrows.

"So?" He asked and Molly sighed. "Him and Miguel know you. They see that you're going back to your old self. That's why they're trusting you again. Everyone else..." Molly said. She looked to the road for a second, her lips pursing before she turned back to Hawk.

"They don't know nice Hawk or Eli." Molly said, her voice quieter when she said the second name. Part of her was worried Hawk would snap at her for bringing Eli up, but the other part of her pushed her to say it.

Hawk didn't snap at Molly; he licked his lips and looked to the road instead. Molly nudged Hawk's shoulder with her own and when he turned to her, she smiled. "They need to see it more to believe it."

Hawk shrugged, shaking his head a little. "What do you expect me to do?" He asked and Molly smirked.

"Same thing I've been saying and the same thing Sensei Lawrence told you today. You gotta prove it. Talk is cheap." Molly said and Hawk looked down to the ground, trying to think of more ways to prove it. Has what he's already done not enough?

After a couple seconds, Hawk turned back to Molly. "What about you?" He asked and Molly laughed, taking another bite of her salad.

"What about me?" Molly asked, holding her hand up to cover her mouth. She looked to Hawk after she swallowed her food and he shrugged. "You said Demetri and Miguel see that I'm going back to my old self. What about you?" Hawk asked, tilting his head at Molly a bit.

Molly's eyebrows furrowed as she looked to the ground. "It doesn't matter what I think." She said, shaking her head and immediately, Hawk nodded, turning to face her a bit more.

"It does matters the most what you think." He said, his voice sounding quieter, more desperate.

Molly looked back to Hawk and saw the almost pleading expression on his face and sighed. "I think... you're trying which is really good." Molly looked away from Hawk and shook her head, her shoulders relaxing. "But besides my birthday party, you and I haven't really talked for me to know."

She turned back to Hawk and watched as his face slowly fell, wanting a different answer out of Molly. Suddenly, Molly let out a small laugh and shook her head again. "Plus, I don't really know what... friend Hawk was like so what I think won't be completely accurate." She muttered.

Hawk stared at Molly, his mouth suddenly drying up in nervousness. He opened and closed his mouth, trying to come up with something to say, anything to say.

Just as he finally got enough courage to speak, Johnny from inside the dojo screamed. "Preston! Hawk! Get back inside! Lunch is over!"

Molly turned to look at her sensei as Hawk continued to stare at Molly, his confidence deflating.

"Yes, Sensei!" Molly yelled back. She closed up her salad and stood up, leaving Hawk on the curb alone.


After karate, Molly stood in front of a place she'd never thought she'd step foot in again.

"This is a stupid idea." She muttered to herself, tempted to turn around, get back in her car, and drive away. Her heart was racing and her foot tapped anxiously under her. To not bite her nails, Molly fidgeted with her fingers before she finally stepped in to Cobra Kai.

The bell rang throughout the dojo, letting anyone inside know that someone was here, but Molly ignored it. She didn't take her shoes off as she walked across the mat, making a beeline towards the backroom.

"You're back already? Did you forget something?" Robby asked as Molly walked further and further into the hallway. Molly's heart picked up its pace, making her head a little foggy, but she kept going.

She walked into the backroom and saw Robby crouched down in the corner, searching through his duffel bag.

Robby turned his head when he saw who he thought was Tory walk in. His eyes widened and he stood up when he realized it was Molly. "What are you doing here? You're lucky no one's here." Robby asked, his voice quiet as he walked towards her, as if someone was already in the dojo.

Molly kept her composure, no matter how hard it was seeing Robby after the breakup. She held her head higher and licked her lips. "I wanted to talk to you."

When Robby didn't protest, Molly took a steadying breath. "To see if you'd come back to Miyagi-Do." She whispered, her hands starting to fidget in front of her again.

Robby's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing. "Now, why the hell would I do that?" He spat and Molly blinked in shock, not expecting him to become so aggressive so quick.

Molly looked down and licked her lips again. I mean, did she have to explain it? "Because Cobra Kai is terrible. It makes people bad and it makes them do bad things like Tory breaking my ribs or Hawk breaking Demetri's arm." Molly said, her voice getting louder and her words coming out faster every second she spoke.

Robby let out a dry laugh, almost sounding like a scoff as he looked away from Molly. She looked up to him just as he turned back to her, looking more annoyed then before. "Isn't Hawk on your team now?" He asked.

Molly opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, Robby squinted and took a step towards her. "How is that? How are you guys?" He asked, his head tilting condescendingly.

Molly took a step back, not liking how close he was getting while he was so aggravated. Her heart skipped a beat, confusion flashing across her face. "What are you talking about?"

Robby shrugged, his lips pursing in annoyance. "It's been two weeks since we broke up." Robby said before he pointed an accusing finger at Molly. "That's the same amount of time after you and Hawk broke up before we started dating."

"Fake dating." Molly managed to get out, and Robby scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, whatever. All I'm saying is you can finally drop the act and tell everyone you two are dating again." Robby said and Molly's eyebrows furrowed, her face scrunching in confusion.

"Drop the act? What act?" She asked before she started shaking her head. "You're talking as if I've been with Hawk this entire time!" Molly said, getting angry at what Robby is insinuating.

"Haven't you?" Robby asked, his eyebrows raising as he took another step towards Molly.

Molly frantically shook her head, shocked that Robby would even think that.  "What? No! Why would you even think that?" Molly asked before she looked back into Robby's eyes. "I'm not with Hawk!" She yelled, her voice not as nervous anymore, but annoyed. She wanted Robby to really listen to her.

She brought her hands up to her face and rubbed her eyes. "I haven't been with Hawk since June!" Molly yelled, removing her hands from her face but keeping them by her head as if it would get her point across.

"Bullshit!" Robby snapped.

Molly wasn't thinking after that. It was like she was on auto pilot as soon as Robby spoke. She smacked him across the cheek. The sharp sound echoed in the silent dojo. Robby's head snapped to the side, his hand immediately reaching up to touch the reddening mark on his cheek.

Molly quietly gasped at what she had done, blinking as if it were a dream as she took a small step back.

Her eyes started to sting as tears welled up, everything Robby said finally hitting her. She quickly looked down, refusing to let him see how much his words had hurt her. She swallowed hard, taking a shaky breath before she spoke. "This was stupid. Coming to you was stupid."

She looked up at Robby, completely ignoring the shocked look on his face as she shook her head. "I don't know why you think I was with Hawk while I was with you..." Molly clenched her jaw, her nose twitching a little before she spoke again. "But if you really think that low of me, maybe you'll be fine here."

Molly took a step back, her gaze glared onto the boy in front of her. "Don't come to Miyagi-Do or Eagle Fang. No one wants you there anyway."

With that, she walked out of the dojo, feeling worse then she did when she walked in. The tears finally spilled over, but she kept her head down and held her cries back so Robby wouldn't hear her.


After a pretty quick car ride since Coba kai was so close by, Molly climbed out of her car drained. She sniffled as she threw her backpack over her shoulder and started to walk towards the stairs.


Molly stopped walking and looked up at the voice in front of her. Her eyes widened at Hawk sitting on the fountain, a small smile on his face.

Molly blinked rapidly, trying to get the tears out of her eyes while not looking the boy in the eye. "Hey." She said back before turning to Miguel's door that Hawk was sitting facing right in front of. "Miguel's not home?"

Hawk looked to Miguel's door before he turned back to Molly, pushing himself up to stand. "Actually... I came to see you." He muttered, walking towards her.

It was when Molly's eyes widened at his words that he noticed the tears in her eyes. His steps towards her picked up. "Are you okay?" He asked and instantly, Molly turned away from him, subtly wiping her tears.

"I'm fine." She answered, but her voice betrayed her and wavered. Hawk sighed, taking a small step towards her, not wanting to pressure her. "Come on, Molly. I'm trying to be friend Hawk. What's wrong?" He asked, a small laugh leaving his lips as he brought up their previous conversation in the day.

Molly let out a tired laugh, shaking her head. "Trust me. You do not want to know. Friend Hawk or ex Hawk." She said, hardly even thinking about what she was saying.

She barely even had to look at Hawk to know he froze at her words. Molly cursed herself in her head, bringing her hand up to pinch the bridge of her nose. She muttered a small "sorry" but Hawk didn't hear her.

"So, why did you want to see me?" Molly asked, hating the awkward silence. If the two of them were going to be on the same team and be in the same friend group, they would have to get past this.

"I need your help." Hawk said and Molly squinted at him, her eyebrows furrowing. "With what?"

"Proving myself." Hawk breathed out. Molly watched him for a second, trying to figure out if he really had a plan or not. He seemed pretty determined and Molly sighed. "Walk with me." She said, turning and starting to head towards the stairwell.

"At Miyagi-Do today, I saw the painting of the Okinawan sparring deck and I know there's that whole backlot in the backyard that's just overgrown with weeds. I was thinking we could get all the Miyagi-Do's and Eagle Fangs to help build it back there." Hawk rambled as they walked up the stairs and towards Molly's door.

It was a good idea. One that would definitely get the kids to start trusting him again, but Molly didn't see why he needed to her help. Her face scrunched as she unlocked her door, looking back at Hawk. "That's a great idea. Why did you need my help?"

Hawk followed Molly into her home mindlessly, the two of them setting their backpacks down on the coffee table like they used to when they were dating. Molly watched as Hawk dug through his bag until he pulled out a notebook.

He flipped through the pages, his tongue sticking out in concentration. Molly felt herself smile at the action, remembering when she first met Eli at computer camp and he would stick his tongue out of the corner of his mouth while they worked.

Hawk finally found the page he needed and passed Molly his notebook. "I need you to look it over. You're the best at physics." Hawk said as Molly looked down at the paper. Hawk chuckled, nervously shrugging his shoulders even though Molly wasn't even looking at him. "Plus, I don't think Sam would answer if I called her and asked if we could do this. She might actually listen to you."


After going over the physics and making sure everything added up, Molly called Sam and told her the plan. Sam ended up giving the okay and all of the students headed to karate an hour early the next day to start working on the sparring deck and surprise their senseis.

"All right, stand back. It's comin' down!" Hawk screamed, a sledgehammer in his hands. Everyone backed up as Hawk swung the hammer, knocking the fence down.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Daniel yelled, him and Johnny running into the backyard.

Hawk's eyes widened in worry and the first person he turned to was Molly. Molly turned to look at Hawk and gave him a reassuring nod. Hawk licked his lips and looked back and forth between his senseis and Molly before he handed Molly the sledgehammer and walked towards the men.

"You were both right. Talk is cheap. So I'm building a bridge." Hawk explained and Demetri smiled, walking up to stand beside him. "More specifically, an Okinawan sparring deck. Eli's a design whiz. Molly looked it over being as she is in AP physics and insane, and the physics checked out." Demetri said and Molly had to hold back a snicker at Demetri's comment about her, continuing to pull weeds out of the ground.

"Mr. Miyagi just used this area for extra storage, but a new deck would mean a lot more room for training. We're all gonna help build it. Assuming our senseis approve?" Sam asked and Molly turned to look at the men even though she wasn't in the conversation.

She watched as the two men turned to each other, having their own silent conversation before they turned back to the students and smiled. "Sounds good to me." Daniel said and Johnny sighed, admiring all the kids working together. "Yeah. Sounds awesome."

Molly decided to finally join in on the conversation. She sighed as she walked up to stand next to Sam, wiping the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand. "Good! Because we did already start." She said, making Sam, Hawk, and Demetri laugh.

Molly leaned over Sam, handing Hawk the sledgehammer back. As she turned to walk away, Daniel took a step towards her. "Wait, Molly. If I could talk to you for a second?" He asked and Molly stopped walking.

Slowly, Molly turned on her heels and started to walk back towards Daniel as Sam, Johnny, Hawk, and Demetri all walked away, giving the two some space.

Daniel sighed, disappointed in himself for taking so long to say what he was about to. "I wanted to give you a long awaited apology for what I said on the first day of school."

Molly looked down and bit the inside of her cheek as Daniel continued. "It was completely disrespectful to you and your moms. I know it doesn't take back what I said, but I truly do not think that about your family. I was just, scared for Sam and pumping with adrenaline."

Molly looked back up to Daniel and after a couple seconds, she sighed. In the end, Molly didn't want to have any bad blood on her own team and she knew she's had a couple comments she's made that she only said because the heat of the moment. Plus, she knew Mr. LaRusso.

"Thank you for the apology, Mr. LaRusso. I know you didn't mean what you said." Molly said and Daniel smiled. Grew looked past Molly and to his other students, sighing. Daniel turned back to Molly, placing his hand on her shoulder and turning her around to face where the spring deck would be.

"Let's check out this sparring deck they're building. Shall we?" He asked and Molly smiled, walking towards her team to help.

emily speaks...
so this update took so long to get here i've been working on the mobby scene for so long trying to make sure it actually sounded like robby you know? but i think i got the best that i could out🙏🙏


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