xxxiv. group hug

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Johnny and Daniel decided that the best way to get the students to get the chance to learn both Miyagi-Dp and Eagle Fang was to switch students. So while Daniel had the Eagle Fangs at the dojo, Johnny took the Miyagi-Dos.

All of Eagle Fang stood in the backyard of Miyagi-Do, waiting for Daniel to arrive. While they waited, Miguel told everyone how horrible his dinner was the LaRusso's wen the night before.

"Dude, you spilled a glass of wine. So what?" Hawk asked, not seeing the big deal Miguel was making it out to be. It was an accident.

Miguel sighed, shaking his head. "You should've heard the way Mr. LaRusso was talking about Sam's future. I can't even afford a car, let alone college. What if they think I'm not good enough?" He asked quietly, looking back and forth between the ground and the group in embarrassment.

Molly sighed, tilting her head sympathetically as she walked toward Miguel. "The LaRusso's aren't that stuck up. You know that." She said and Hawk nodded in agreement. "You're El Serpiente. You're an All Valley champion. Just show Mr. LaRusso what you're made of. You're gonna crush whatever he throws at us today."

Molly had to agree with Hawk there. If anyone in Eagle Fang was gonna do well in Miyagi-Do, it would be Miguel. To try and make him feel better, Molly rose her eyebrows. "It won't be as bad as Sensei Lawrence's training."

Miguel laughed at Molly's words as Molly actually listened to herself. Her eyes widened a bit and she cringed a little. "I'm actually terrified for the Miyagi-Do's. Demetri's already sent me fifteen texts." She muttered just as her phone beeped again.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and sighed at another text from Demetri. "Sixteen." She muttered, making Hawk chuckle. He silenced Demetri's text as soon as he got the third text.

"Molly's right. Compared to Sensei Lawrence's training, today's gonna be a vacation." Mitch said just as Daniel walked into the backyard.

"Who's going on vacation?" Daniel asked, making his presence known. All of the students jumped, spinning around to face the man.

"Uh, no one. What have you got for us today?" Miguel asked, saving everyone from getting in trouble and changing the topic.

Daniel smiled, walking past the group of students. "Come here." He said, gesturing them to follow him as he walked towards the koi pond. "Now, I know you've all been taught to strike first. What do you do when your opponent is faster than you?" He asked just as all of the Eagle Fangs got to the edge of the pond.

"Are those real koi?" Mitch asked, his eyes wide as he stared at all of the fish swimming around. Daniel smiled and nodded his head. "They sure are. Today's lesson is simple. Catch a fish. But since I know you Eagle Fangs like a bit of competition, we're gonna make it interesting. So the first to succeed will have the honor of leading class all week."

When none of the boys had a reaction to the prize, Molly took a small step towards her old Sensei, shaking her head. "They aren't Miyagi-Do's. You've gotta up the stakes." She whispered and even though Daniel took a slight offense to her words, he sighed and looked back to the boys. "And you get to pick out what flavor Gatorade I buy next."

That got all of the boys excited. "Aw, hell yeah! Hope you all like Glacial Freeze." Mitch said, pointing at all of the boys.

Miguel took a deep breath as he looked back down into the pond. "Okay, where are the rods?" He asked, turning back to Daniel.

"Back in my garage. Your bare hands are all you'll use and all you'll need." Daniel said, making Miguel's eyes widen. Molly looked to her team and frowned at how eager they all looked. "Oh, God. Someone's gonna strangle a fish." She muttered to herself.

As everyone started to prep grabbing a fish, Molly followed them to do the same until Daniel stuck his hand out in front of her, stopping her. "Ah, ah. You're not doing this." He said, making everyone turn to Daniel.

Molly's jaw dropped. "What?" She asked and Daniel rolled his eyes, pointing to the pond. "You've done this lesson! You'd immediately win." He said and Molly huffed, not moving away from him so she could watch all of the boys try and get a fish. She really hoped Daniel wouldn't remember she did the lesson with Chris, Nate, and Little Red when she first joined.

"On your mark. Get set. Go!" Daniel yelled and immediately, the boys ran to the pond, got on their knees and reached their hands into the water. Molly chuckled watching all of the boys get aggravated when they didn't catch a fish and when Miguel fell into the water, Molly's chuckles became loud laughs.

"Dude!" Hawk yelled as Miguel head came up from above water, the boy splashing him. Miguel and the rest of Eagle Fang turned to Daniel and a still laughing Molly.

"Looks like you're a little wet behind the ears." Daniel said through a small smile. He looked to Molly beside him and gave her a small glare, telling her to stop laughing. After a couple seconds, Molly's laughter died down and once it did, Daniel sighed and turned back to Miguel. "Let's get you dried off."


"I was so close to catching one. I definitely touched scale." Mitch groaned as he and the rest of Eagle Fang walked out of the dojo. Hawk smirked and smacked his chest. "I know this Chinese restaurant with a big-ass fish tank. We can go there and practice."

When Mitch chuckled, Hawk looked around at everyone else's reaction to the plan. His gaze kept drifting back to Molly. The idea had been a little wild, but it could be fun—and more importantly, it might give him a chance to spend time with her.

Molly laughed at the idea, turning around to walk backwards to face Hawk. "And get banned for life." She said in a taunting voice and Hawk shrugged as if it was nothing. "Gotta take the risk." He said before he sped up a little bit so he was walking at the same pace as Molly. "Or you could tell us how to do the lesson." He asked as Molly turned back to face front now that Hawk was next to her.

"No way." Molly scoffed out, before turning to Miguel next to her, who hadn't said anything yet but instead stared at his phone. "You going?" She asked, pulling Miguel out of his thoughts. He looked back and forth between the phone and Molly before he shook his head. "Uh, nah. My mom's picking me up."

Hawk felt a slight pang of disappointment at Miguel's answer; worried that if he said no, Molly would say no too. But he hid his disappointment and chuckled. "All right. Well, stay dry, my friend."

He turned to Molly, hoping to mask the nervousness fluttering in his chest. "What about you?"

He watched as she squinted ahead, her brows knitting together. Hawk's heart pounded; he knew it was a long shot.

She finally nodded, and a jolt of surprise shot through him. "Yeah, I'll go." She said and Hawk's eyes widened. He had to fight the smile threatening to spread across his face. "Really?" He asked, his voice almost betraying his excitement.

Molly glanced at him, still nodding. "Yeah." She pursed her lips and shrugged, a small smirk growing on her face. "I won't partake in the whole... fish tank thing, but I'll get a table and order some food. Maybe snap some photos of security dragging your asses out." She joked.

Hawk rolled his eyes, but a small smile tugged at his lips, especially when she looked at him. "Ha ha." He replied in a monotone voice.

When they got to the road, Hawk noticed that Molly hadn't reached for her keys in her bag. A thought crossed his mind, and he took a chance. "You need a ride?"

Molly thought about it for a second. She got dropped off by Johnny when he picked up all of the Miyagi-Do's so she couldn't drive. A nervous smile spread across Molly's face as she stopped and faced him. "If you don't mind..."

A smirk tugged at Hawk's lips as he walked over to his motorcycle Molly's eyes widened at the sight of the bike, forgetting he started using the motorcycle more than his car.

When he took the helmet off the handlebars and walked back to her, Molly hesitated, looking from the helmet to the bike, and then back at Hawk. "Are you serious? I'm not getting on that thing."

"Why not?" Hawk asked, a little offended. He looked back at his bike before he turned back to Molly. "You scared?"

Molly shot him a small glare before he gestured to the bike behind him. "I mean... how long have you been driving this thing?"

He sighed, seeing the small fear growing in the girl. He took a step towards her and tilted his head. "Come on, Molly. I'm a great driver. Plus, I promise not to pull any stunts... literally." He said, making Molly breathe out a laugh, her eyes rolling a little bit.

"Look," Hawk said, stepping closer, his tone dropping to something more sincere that made Molly turn to look back at him. "I get it if you don't want to, but it's just a ride and it's me. And I'm not gonna let anything happen to you."

Molly's defenses cracked just a little more. She chewed her lip, weighing the options. Hawk smirked and hoping to calm Molly down, he tilted his head. "Plus, I think Demetri would kill me if anything happened to you."

Molly giggled at Hawks words, her head dropping. She could feel his eyes on her, waiting for an answer. Finally, Molly looked back up to Hawk and she sighed. "Fine. But if you do anything crazy, I'm getting off and walking the rest of the way."

Hawk chuckled, relieved. "Deal." He handed her the helmet, and she took it with a wary look before putting it on.

She looked at the motorcycle with hesitance, now nervous to get on. Molly looked back at him and pointed at him. "I swear, if you pull anything..."

"I won't." Hawk reassured, sliding onto the seat and holding the bike steady as he chuckled. He looked over his shoulder at Molly and gestured for her to join him. "Hop on."

After a moment, Molly sighed and swung a leg over the bike, settling in behind him. She shifted, trying to find a comfortable position. "Okay, so... what now?"

"Hold on tight." Hawk said.

Without a second thought, Molly's arms moved around his waist, her grip firm and steady. She had seen enough movies and shows to know she really did have to hold on. She pulled herself closer to him, the warmth of her touch seeping through his jacket.

As the engine roared, Molly let out a small yelp, her grip tightening reflexively around Hawk. He laughed, the sound mixing with the rumble of the bike. Butterflies erupted in his stomach as he felt her bury her face in his neck, even though she was wearing a helmet. The sensation of her holding onto him sent a rush of memories through him, of the times they'd been this close before, the way things used to be.

They sped down the road and all Hawk could think about was Molly's arms around his waist how much he missed this—missed her.


When they got to the restaurant, Molly decided to walk in alone and get a table by herself so she wouldn't be associated with the boys' if they got kicked out but she could also keep an eye on them and film if anything funny happened.

She got a small two-person table with a perfect view of the large fish tank the boys planned to use for practice. When the waiter came over, Molly ordered a bunch of dishes, more than she can eat by herself so whenever any of the boys need a break or got hungry, they could come over to her table, and have a few bites and leave some money to split the bill.

The plan was working pretty well until Bert fell into the tank, making him, Mitch and all of the other Eagle Fang boys get kicked out of the restaurant.

All of the boys except Hawk, who was in the bathroom when everything went down.

Hawk looked around the restaurant for the boys and when he didn't see them, he walked towards Molly's table. "Where the hell did everyone go?" Hawk asked, pulling the chair across from Molly out and sitting down.

Molly snickered, pointing at the puddle in the middle of the room and the small footprints that leave to the exit. "See all that water?" She asked and Hawk turned to see what she was pointing at. "Yeah."

Molly smirked as she bit into her dumpling. "That's Bert's trail." She said, her words muffled from the food in her mouth. Hawk turned back to Molly, his eyes widening and a smile growing. "Damn! Can't believe I missed it."

A small giggle left Mollys lips as she turned her phone around to show Hawk the video she filmed of everything going down. "Oh, but you didn't."

Hawks eyes widened once he realized what video Molly was showing him and to get the glare from the lights above him off of the screen, Hawk grabbed both of Mollys hands and tilted her phone so he could see better.

Hawk kept his hands on Mollys', not thinking about it as his whole attention stuck on the video of Bert falling in and all of the other boys getting dragged out of the restaurant.

Molly laughed at Hawks reactions and when the video ended, she moved her hands out of his grasp and pushed her phone back into her pocket.

It was weird for Molly. It was something she knew but for some reason, it was still new. Sure, it was still the same boy she dated but it was different. He was different, she was different, and this wasn't a date.

All Molly could think about was how much had changed since the beginning of sophomore year when she first met Miguel until Hawk broke the silence, pointing to the plate in front of Molly; the last one with food. "So, you gonna finish that, or can I grab a dumpling?" He asked, his voice lighter as pointed to the two dumplings on her plate.

Molly rolled her eyes playfully and slid the plate toward him. "Knock yourself out. But leave me the last one." She said and instantly, a sly grin spread across Hawk's face. He reached for the plate and shook his head. "I think you've known me long enough..." He muttered, his voice trailing off as he scooped up not one but the last two dumplings and popped them into his mouth.

Molly's jaw dropped, her eyes wide with semi-mock anger. "Seriously?" She whisper yelled, not wanting to get kicked out of the restaurant.

She couldn't hold back the laugh bubbling up inside her and it started to first appear as a smile first. Hawk, his cheeks puffed with dumplings, noticed and tried to keep a straight face, but he couldn't hold back a muffled snicker. The two of them stared at each other, their expressions wavering between shock and amusement, and soon they both broke into laughter–Hawk trying his hardest to get his food down first so he didn't choke.


The next day, Eagle Fang was back at Miyagi-Do trying to catch a fish. Molly sat against the tree beside the pond, reading a book she brought since she wouldn't be able to do the lesson.

"Damn it! How do they make it look so easy on Hillbilly Handfishin?" Mitch yelled and Molly looked up from her book, side eyeing the boy. Before she could make any comment about what he said, Hawk groaned. "Shit! This is impossible!" He yelled, catching Daniel's attention.

"Molly did it." He said as he walked towards the koi pond. Molly smiled when all of the boys turned to her, silently asking her to tell them how to do it. Molly's smile only grew as she brought her hand to her mouth and imitated zipping her lips closed and throwing away the key.

All of the boys groaned, turning back to the pond. After a couple seconds, Molly watched as Miguel's posture straightened. "I have an idea." He muttered to himself and Molly closed her book, her eyes staying on Miguel as he got into the water.

All of Eagle Fang besides Molly looked at Miguel as if he were crazy, but when Miguel looked back at Molly, he could tell just by the look on her face that he was right to get in the water. He looked back to the boys and nodded his head, gesturing the to join him. "Come on, get in."

Hawk was the first one to get in and then everyone else. They all looked to Miguel, silently asking him what to do next.

"Follow my lead. Walk in a circle." Miguel whispered, slowly starting to circle the balance board. Molly watched with a small smile as all of the boys listened to Miguel and started to circle. When all of the fish started to swim under the board, Miguel let out a breathy laugh. "It's working. They're going under the board."

Miguel reached under the board and raised his hand, lifting a koi fish into the air. Daniel chuckled, clapping his hand. "We have a winner!" He yelled as Miguel held tighter onto the fish, not wanting it to leave his hands.

Molly's eyes widened at how tight Miguel was holding the fish and gasped. "Damn, the fish isn't going anywhere! It's not a stress ball." She yelled, making Miguel look up to his hands and realize how tight he was holding the fish. Immediately, he put the fish back into the water.

He looked back up to Molly as all of the boys started to climb out of the water. "Sorry." He whispered, climbing out of the water.

Miguel cringed at his wet clothes sticking to his body. He looked up and his eyes landed on Molly, completely dry. A small smirk grew on his face as he looked away from Molly and to the rest of the Eagle Fangs beside him. All of them were looking at him, the same smirk on his face.

"So, since you were feeling a little left out..." Miguel started, turning back to Molly as she stood up. Bert and Mitch slowly walked away as Miguel and Hawk kept walking towards Molly.

She looked up and her eyes widened when she realized Miguel and Hawk were coming towards her to give her a hug while they were dripping wet.

"No." Molly said, shaking her head as she took a step back, not knowing Mitch and Bert were moving to come from behind her.

Hawk chuckled. "Come on..." He muttered, his voice lower as a smile grew. Miguel smiled from beside him, throwing his arms out and walking towards Molly faster. "Group hug!" He yelled, him and Hawk running towards Molly.

Molly shrieked, turning around to get away only to be stopped by Bert and Mitch. "No! Bert!" Molly yelled just as all of the boys arms latched around her. Molly groaned as she started to feel her clothes get cold and wet.

"I hate you guys." She muttered and the boys ignored her, knowing she was lying.

"You love us." Miguel hummed.

emily speaks...
molly and the eagle fang boys have my heart🫶


new chapter will be out soon!! make sure to comment and vote<33

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