Flower crowns

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{omg two fics in two days ,xD anyway this fic was planned it's completely softness and just ,I love them

Warnings: none ,fluffyness

Genre: fluff}


Grian humed to himself , as music drifted through the air, the knife he has in his hands delicately slicing through the carrots,  his wings fluttering slightly behind him as he heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs,  a groan sounded behind him as arms wrapped tightly around his waist, the male chuckle softly to himself, as the others face nuzzled into his neck.

“Morning Exy or well afternoon” grian murmured out, not wanting to disturb the silence

Xenon just groaned in response, nuzzled more into Grian’s neck, leaving some small kisses on his neck , smiling into it as the avian let out some flustered squawks in response, he didn't need to look up to know the avian was definitely flustered

“ oh afternoon already? Man, me and exy had a long night yesterday”

Hels responded placing a kiss on Ex haid , then places a soft kiss on Grian’s lips , smirking as Grian tried to follow him, when he pulled back 

“ lunch is looking good by the way sunshine” Hels continued , smirk widening at Grian’s dazed expression

Grian hums in response, before shaking his head, realising exactly what he was doing and realised , flusteredly these two were trying to distract him from his task, well he couldn't let that happen but at the same time Ex was still kissing his neck, sucking slightly, no doubt leaving marks, and Hels was looking at him like he meant the world to him, oh gosh what were these two doing to him.

Grian tried to continue cutting stuff up, but his hands were shaking slightly due to what Xenon was doing , he whined as Hels removed the knife from his hands , he pouted snuggling back into Exs arms, groaning as Ex arms tightening meaning no escape.

“ how about you take some breaks sunshine, it looks like a beautiful day , and it would be a shame a beauty like you staying in the kitchen all day”

Hels smirk deepens as Grian’s face gets even more red 

“S-sure what should w-we do?” Grian manages to stutter out, in between pants

“How about we make some flower crowns?”

Xenon murmurs out, pulling away from Grian’s neck  to speak

Both Grian and hels agrees with Ex, and with that , they make their  way outside (of course before they leave Hels make sure everything is turned off)

The three of them walk through the clearing near the area of their base, trying to look for a suitable area to set up, finally the three of them find a good place , to sit down, all three of them sit close by each other, Grian sits practically in Hels lap, and Ex sits next to Hels leaning on him

“Ok so its been awhile since i've made some flower crowns , last time was during the hippies”
Grian said , as he gathered some flowers from the ground,

“I dont think ive really made flower crowns “ Hels replies ,his own  face growing red

Grian’s hums at that nodding 

“ well if you or exy here needs help ,i can help ya out” Grian continued brightly

With that the three of them started making the crowns, Grian was helping Hels out , showing him exactly what to do, Ex decided he wanted to do this alone, not that he didn't appreciate the help, but he felt like he could do this alone, each of them decided to make crowns  for each other, Grian made one for Hels that had roses and alliums, Hels made one for Xenon it had Orchids and lilies , and Xenon made one for Grian that had some daisy, orchids and alliums.

Grian smiles to himself as he looks at the crown in his hands, after he adds the finishing touches it's done, he proud that he still remembers how to do this , looking at Hels and Xenon, his smile softens, watching both of them contently as they make their own crowns, Hels casts a glance at grian as he felt him watching him , smiling as he places a kiss upon Grian’s lips , Grian hums in the kiss, deepening it, as he reaches for his crown, that he forgotten in his lap, he reaches up and places it upon Hels head, they both break apart as Hels looks at what Grian did.

“ What do you think Helsie?”  Grian spoke softly , not wanting to ruin the calm atmosphere

Hels places another quick kiss on Grian’s lips, pulling away

“ It looks beautiful sunshine , “ he replies

Hels then places his own crown onto Ex head, smiling at how it looked, Ex hums before continue doing what he was doing , with one finally flower Ex lets out a triumphant yes, as he's finally finished what he's done , with one last look at the crown he places the crown delicately onto Grian head,  Grian giggled in response , as they also placed a kiss on top of his head.

“ aweee you look like a little prince my love, Ex you did wonderfully with the crown”

Ex murmured in response looking away , bashfully , face growing a deep shade of red,  “ yeah it's not that big of a deal” he murmured out, letting out a yelp as Hels pulled both him and Grian backwards, pulling them both to his chest 

“ how about we all get some sleep , its safe out here, we don't have much to do, we all deserve some relaxations “ Hels speaks before any of the other two could disagree

With a grumble, Ex sighs before agreeing cuddling into Hels, smiling as he noticed their lil birdy have  dozed off , finally 

“ i see what  you did there “ Ex murmurs out, yawning, speaking quietly not wanting to wake their mate up

“ i dont know what you mean their Exy” Hels replies cockily

Ex hums

“Mhm whatever hun, just glad he got some rest,”

Ex closes his eyes nuzzling into Hels , smiling to himself

“ you deserve sleep too my moon, i love you both dearly “

Hels looks up into the sky, making a decision to himself, no matter what hell protect these two with his life, he wants to protect them both from the evilness of the world ,he wants to be with them for the rest of his life, one day he'll get the courage to propose to them, he has the rings, just needs to wait for the perfect moment, he’ll always love them


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