eight- the tournament begins

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Author Notes: This is a sequel to the first Yugioh/Danny Phantom crossover story I did called "Ghostly Secrets." I claim no rights or anything associated with these two series but the idea for the story is completely my own. If you haven't read the first story I suggest that you do so as this picks up right after the first one ended. A special thanks to fallingHikari on fanfiction.net for their help in creating an OC villain for this story.  Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.  Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, -duel monster card speech-, bold=dark voices, italic=ghost speech, CAPS= shouting/yelling, (author notes), bold italic=dark ghostly voice

Eight: the tournament begins

The next day the world wide national tournament began.  Everyone meet within a special stadium that Seto had within his amusement park Kaiba Land.  All of the duelist stood in the center of the stadium as a crowd of on lookers sat in the stands.  Both Yugi and Danny stood together as Seto stood up at the podium addressing the crowd.

“Welcome everyone to this nation worldwide tournament.  This tournament is to determine who will have the legal right to call themselves the true king of games.  You all know the current person who holds that title, Yugi Moto.”  Yugi waved his hand as the crowd erupted in thunderous applause and shouts.  Seto raised his hand waiting for everyone to quiet down.  Once the crowd became quiet Seto spoke again.  “To make things fair, Yugi has agreed to not use the three Egyptian god cards as they will be the grand prize along with the title King of Games.”  A sharp gasp arose from the crowd.

“I have full confidence that I will keep my title along with the three Egyptian god cards.” Yugi shouted out.

“You are the man Yugi Moto!” shouted out one of the crowd members.  Seto simply smiled at the young teen.

“We shall see Yugi.  Now let the first elimination rounds of the tournament begin!” stated Seto as the crowd once again erupted in thunderous applause and cheers.

The first rounds went by quickly as some of the weaker duelists lost to some of the more skilled and well known duelists.  Despite Atemu being with inside of Yugi, the young Japanese teen did all of the duels.  Yugi didn’t want his Japanese friends to know that Atemu had returned.  Atemu and Yugi knew that their friends would be upset if they knew that Atemu was back to once again save the world and not ask for their help.  Both Yugi and Danny had made it through the first rounds easily.  Joey Wheeler, Seto Kaiba, Mai Valentine, Merik Ishtar, and Bakura Ryou had also made it past the first rounds.  Rounding off the group was a man simply known as Daemon Dark.  Whenever either Danny and/or Yugi where near this man, a very bad feeling or premonition flooded their bodies.

*Do you think that it is possible that Deamon Dark is actually Regeanna in disguise?* asked Danny mentally.

*If it was he would have already struck and attacked us.* replied Atemu.

*Maybe he is waiting for the right moment to strike.* stated Yugi.  Both Danny and Atemu had to admit that Yugi may have a point.

*We should be extra careful around him.  And stay on alert.* Atemu stated when Daemon flashed the two teens a very wicked smile.

By now Mokuba had taken the stage as the crowd erupted in thunderous applause.

“Congratulations to the eight remaining duelists for making it this far within the tournament.  Now the second rounds of eliminations will begin until only two people are left standing for the final duel and the title King of games.” stated Mokuba.  The crowd erupted in cheers and shouts as many shouted out Yugi’s name.  One by one the duelists were eliminated until only Danny, Yugi and Daemon where left standing.  Daemon smiled wickedly at the two teens.

*Why do I have a bad feeling about this?* asked Yugi mentally.  Danny was the first to face against Deamon.  The winner of this round would face against Yugi, the current holder to the title.

“Soon at long last I will get to duel the great King of Games.  I hope that you are ready to lose your title Yugi Moto.” stated Daemon.

“First you will have to get past me.  And cut the crap Regeanna, we all know full well what you are truly after.” hissed Danny.  This just brought a smile to stretch wickedly across Deamon’s face.

“Then let us begin!” Daemon stated.

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