nine- Regeanna strikes

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Author Notes: This is a sequel to the first Yugioh/Danny Phantom crossover story I did called "Ghostly Secrets." I claim no rights or anything associated with these two series but the idea for the story is completely my own. If you haven't read the first story I suggest that you do so as this picks up right after the first one ended. A special thanks to fallingHikari on for their help in creating an OC villain for this story.

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, -duel monster card speech-, bold=dark voices, italic=ghost speech, CAPS= shouting/yelling, (author notes), bold italic=dark ghostly voice

Nine: Regeanna strikes

The battle between Daemon and Danny had begun as Danny was on guard as he believed that Daemon was actually Regeanna in disguise.  As the battle between the two progressed Danny was struggling against Daemon.  Every time that Danny lost any of his life points he felt a bit of his own power and energy leave him.

*Danny are you all right?* asked Atemu in concern when he almost saw his friend fall to his knees.

*I don’t know.  It feels like something is taking my energy and power.* replied Danny.

*Atemu…….* stated Yugi.

*I know abiou.  It sounds like a shadow game.  But I am not sensing any shadow magic.* stated Atemu.  Daemon smiled at both Danny and Yugi as it sent chills down their spines.

“Confussing ain’t it?  You both don’t realize that you will die by my hand.”

-Master Danny.  Allow me to protect you.- called out Ghost Gardna, Danny’s soul card.  Danny placed his hand onto his deck as it pulsed beneath his hand.

Danny drew a card out seeing his soul card within his hand.  A small smile stretched across his face.

“I play Ghost Gardna in attack mode.” Danny called out placing the card down onto his duel disk.  Ghost Gardna became visible as he stood defensively before Danny.

“So that is your soul card.  Once I have crushed it, your soul and power shall be mine.” laughed Daemon.  Atemu took control over Yugi’s body forcefully as he pulled out the millennium rod.

“PHARAOH……. DON’T DO IT!” yelled out both Merik and Bakura in unison.

“ATEMU!?” shouted out Joey, Tristian, Tea, and Seto in unison when they saw the former pharaoh take over Yugi’s body.  They were shocked to see the five thousand year old spirit once again.

“Sorry about this but it is the best that you are not involved with this.  Now…… I invoke the right to a shadow game.” stated Atemu as both the millennium rod and puzzle began to glow.  Shadows erupted surrounding Danny, Daemon, and Atemu.  Daemon laughed out loud as he allowed himself to transform back into his true demonic form of Regeanna once they were in the shadow realm.

Once within the shadow realm, Danny proceeded to transform into his ghostly form.  But it was the ghostly form that he had gained because of Sekhmet.  Danny was not the only one who had transformed, Atemu had also transformed into his demonic form.  Regeanna couldn’t see Yugi as he was in his spirit form with a pair of luminescent angel wings behind his back.  An evil and wicked grin stretched across Regeanna’s face.

“It seems that Sekmet’s powers had sank its hold into you both.  You don’t know how long I have waited to battle you both.  I both owe you for what you have put me through five thousand years ago.  And it seems that I have the perfect way to make you both pay.” stated Regeanna.  His smile broadened across his face.  “Now come forth Arcana Force Ex - The Dark Ruler!” Regeanna called out as he flicked a card into the air as it took on the appearance of the dragon that was featured on the card.  The smile from Regeanna’s face never faltered.  “Now Arcana Force…… bring out the darkness that exists within them both!” shouted out Regeanna.  The dragon let out a fearsome roar before its dark power shot out at Atemu and Danny.  The two let out screams of pain as the dragon’s power began to pull out the darkness within Atemu’s and Danny’s soul.

Yugi could feel the darkness within Atemu coming forth as it felt like the Orichalus all over again.  Yugi had to do something to stop it.  Yugi then noticed the Winged Dragon of Ra that stood before him.

-Master Yugi, use my light and power as well as your own.  It is the only way to combat the darkness that is trying to take control over them.  But I must warn you that using my power will greatly weaken your spirit.- the Winged Dragon of Ra told Yugi.

“I understand.  Thank you Ra for helping me.” Yugi told the duel monster spirit.

-It is our duty to protect our lord and master.  We are bound to Lord Atemu for as long as his spirit shall live.  We are also bound to you Master Yugi.  Your spirit may not be strong enough to handle our full power but, over time it will be.- Ra stated as both Slifer the Sky Dragon and Obelisk the Tormentor stood behind the Winged Dragon of Ra.  Yugi nodded his head that he understood as he could feel Ra’s power and essence fusing into him.  Yugi called upon all of the power that he held within him thanks in part because of Sekhmet.  Yugi then released the energy as he shouted out Atemu’s name.

Atemu could feel himself drowning in darkness.  He could hear dark rich laughter echo in the back of his mind.

“Give it up pharaoh.  Give in to your dark desires.  Feel the power coursing through your body.  Surrender to it.  Join me Atemu.  Together we can rule all of the realms.” called out a dark voice.

“ATEMU!” shouted out Yugi as his light along with the powers and light from the Winged Dragon of Ra cleansed away the darkness wrapping Atemu up in a brilliant cocoon of light.

“NO.......!.” shouted out Regeanna as the darkness melted away from Atemu.

-Lord Atemu, come back to us.  Don’t give into the darkness.- called out the Winged Dragon of Ra as its powers flowed into Atemu.

“Yugi……  Ra…..!?” Atemu asked in confusion.  The transparent form of Yugi unfused from the winged dragon as Atemu caught his hikari in his arms.  “YUGI!” shouted out Atemu.  Yugi’s transparent arm reached up lightly touching Atemu’s face.

“Atemu……. You are far stronger than Regeanna.  Don’t let him control you.  Everyone is depending on you to beat him.  I never got a chance to thank you for everything you have done in helping me over come my shyness and for giving me true friends.  I don’t want you to leave me again.  You will always be a part of me no matter what.” Yugi stated softly before his body faded returning back to the millennium puzzle.

“YUGI!”Atemu shouted out.

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