Ten- resurrection

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Author Notes: This is a sequel to the first Yugioh/Danny Phantom crossover story I did called "Ghostly Secrets." I claim no rights or anything associated with these two series but the idea for the story is completely my own. If you haven't read the first story I suggest that you do so as this picks up right after the first one ended. A special thanks to fallingHikari on fanfiction.net for their help in creating an OC villain for this story.

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, -duel monster card speech-, bold=dark voices, italic=ghost speech, CAPS= shouting/yelling, (author notes), bold italic=dark ghostly voice

Ten- resurrection

A sudden burst of power erupted from Atemu causing Regeanna to let out a sharp demonic curse.  Regeanna’s dark powers had seeped into Danny transforming the young halfa into the darker version of himself from the future (aka (also known as) Dan Phantom). 

“Stop him Phantom!” roared Regeanna.  Danny turned towards Atemu as Danny’s soul card was still active.

-No Master Danny!- called out Ghost Gardna as it moved to over shadow his master.  Atemu who had finally broken free of Regeanna’s control used his millennium rod to take control over Danny’s body.  He knew of one card in Danny’s deck that could help Ghost Gardna reach the young halfa.

‘Please let this work!’ he prayed.  Danny drew a single card as he placed it down onto the duel disk.  It was the card that Atemu was hoping for, the Change of Heart spell card.

“NO!” roared out Regeanna.  As Atemu played the spell card Sword of Revealing Lights to stop Regeanna.

“Sorry Regeanna…..  This time we are playing by my rules.” hissed Atemu.  *Come back Danny.  I can’t do this without you.* Atemu told the teen mentally.

Ghost Gardna who was over shadowing his master made the young halfa remember what dark evils that Regeanna was capable of and how he died once before because of the dragonic sorcerer.

-We had made a promise to protect you and to serve you in your time of need.  Clockwork has already shown you what the dark path will lead to.  You are a fighter Master Danny as you can’t fall to the likes of Regeanna.  NOT AGAIN!- yelled out Ghost Gardna as all of the ghostly souls and spirits of the past that Danny has made a pact with came into view.  Also every card that Danny possessed within his deck came into view.  Danny could feel this warm guiding light caress him as he could hear Atemu calling out his name.  Danny seemed to come face to face with his future self deep within his mind.

“I will never be you.  I will not allow myself to follow down your path.  I will not allow myself to succumb to darkness.” Danny stated.  “NOW BE GONE!” he shouted out unleashing a ghostly wail as he was joined by all of the ghosts and spirits of the past along with Ghost Gardna.

“NO!” shouted out Dan Phantom who had transformed into Regeanna as he was destroyed by the blast.

The Swords of Revealing Lights vanished just as Ghost Gardna unfused from Danny as both Danny and Atemu returned to their altered states and forms. 

“It’s not possible.  I refuse to fail once again!” Regeanna roared as he ordered Arcana Force Ex – The Dark Ruler to attack the two teens.  Atemu easily countered using the Winged Dragon of Ra.  Regeanna’s eyes visibly widened.  “NO……  That card isn’t in your deck!”

“Says who?” questioned Atemu as he showed Regeanna the three Egyptian God cards.  “I have to thank my abiou for having these three come to him.  They are always with me no matter what!” growled Atemu as he placed the three Egyptian God cards onto his duel disk.  Ghost Gardna had an army of ghosts and spirits standing behind him.

“Clever Pharaoh…… but I refuse to lose this time.  Now I call forth my ultimate prized monster.  Come forth Chaos Emperor Dragon – Envoy of the End!” stated Regeanna as he sacrificed Arcana Force to summon the new dragon.

The Chaos Emperor Dragon let out a loud roar when he became physical.

*Are you ready Danny?* Atemu asked mentally.

*Let’s put an end to this once and for all!* Danny replied as he played the spell card Chorus of Wails to keep both Regeanna and the Chaos Emperor Dragon off balance while Atemu played the spell card Ultimate Fusion (not sure if it is an actual card) to summon the Creator God of Light – Horakhty by combining the three Egyptian God cards together.  Regeanna let out a low hiss as Horakhty glared at the dragonic sorcerer.

-Regeanna……  It is time that you have paid for your crimes.- stated Horakhty.  Atemu tossed Horakhty the millennium rod which transformed into a giant sword.  The army of ghosts and spirits moved with Ghost Gardna attacking Regeanna while Hokakhty armed himself with the millennium sword to strike at Regeanna.

“Feel the light of justice!” called out Atemu as Horakhty swung the mighty sword killing Regeanna once and for all.

As the shadow realm began to dissipate, both Atemu and Danny could feel the darkness and power that they had gained because of Sekhmet leave them once and for all.  Their bodies had transformed back into their normal shape and forms.

“Danny you should transform back and have Ghost Gardna take on your phantom form.” stated Atemu.

“No….. I think that it is time that everyone learns the truth about me.  If people can accept you, then why can’t they accept me?”

“It would mean that you will no longer be able to hide what you are.”

“I know……. I am ready Atemu.  Let’s go home.” replied Danny as the shadow realm peeled back away from the two of them.  Atemu’s and Yugi’s friends, Danny’s family, and Yugi’s grandfather had entered the arena worried about what had caused Atemu to resort to doing a shadow game.  Seto had dismissed the tournament when the shadow game was played.  Yugi’s friends began to wonder why or even how Atemu had returned.  No doubt both Bakura and Merik had filled the group in.  Once the shadow realm was gone, Atemu collapsed to his knees screaming out in pain.

“ATEMU!” everyone shouted in concern.

Atemu felt as if his body was splitting in two as his spirit separated from Yugi.  Atemu had caught his once human host who was still weak from when the Winged Dragon of Ra fused with Yugi.  The three Egyptian God cards flew to Atemu’s hand as the ceremonial door that lead to the afterlife appeared.

“I guess that it is time for me to go back.” Atemu replied as he handed Yugi to his group of friends.  He then remembered the words that Yugi spoke to him in order to free Atemu from Regeanna’s spell.  Atemu felt as if a part of him was missing after he had separated from Yugi.  Atemu hardly had a chance to truly live.  After his death, he felt more alive with Yugi and all of his friends than he did when he was truly alive.  Yugi slowly began to come around as Atemu stopped at the door which leads to the afterlife.  “I can’t.  I don’t want to leave.  I haven’t had the chance to truly live.” Atemu stated.  Horakhty then suddenly appeared before Atemu.  The whole gang was in shock seeing the most powerful being in all duel monsters existence before them.

-Are you certain that is what you want Atemu?- asked Horakhty.  Atemu looked at Yugi as he nodded his head yes.  Suddenly a bright blinding light surrounded the arena blinding everyone.

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