eleven- reborn

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Author Notes: This is a sequel to the first Yugioh/Danny Phantom crossover story I did called "Ghostly Secrets." I claim no rights or anything associated with these two series but the idea for the story is completely my own. If you haven't read the first story I suggest that you do so as this picks up right after the first one ended. A special thanks to fallingHikari on fanfiction.net for their help in creating an OC villain for this story.

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, -duel monster card speech-, bold=dark voices, italic=ghost speech, CAPS= shouting/yelling, (author notes), bold italic=dark ghostly voice

Eleven- reborn

As the bright light that was emitted from Horakhty died down, Atemu was shocked to find himself in an actual body of his own.  He still looked like his old Egyptian self as he still also looked a lot like Yugi except for he was taller, had crimson red eyes, and crimson trim to his tricolor hair.  His skin was a light Egyptian tan color as he wore the same clothes that Yugi wore along with his own version of the millennium puzzle that hung around his neck.  Atemu wore the original puzzle while Yugi was wearing a silver version of the millennium puzzle on a gold chain.

“Atemu?” Yugi questioned in shock as he slowly rose to his feet.  Horakhty smiled as the three Egyptian Gods spoke to the creator of light in a low voice as no one heard what they said.  Horakhty nodded his head as the gods transformed back into their card form as Horkhty used his powers to create three identical versions of the cards.  The three true Egyptian God cards flew to Atemu’s hand while the other three flew to Yugi’s hand.  The three cards were just as powerful as the Egyptian gods but they weren’t in the same class.  (Uria, Lord of Searing Flames. Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder. Raviel, Lord of Phantasms (the GX versions of the Egyptian God cards).  Both Yugi and Atemu looked at Horakhty in confusion.

-The Epyptian Gods’ did not wish to be separated from you both so they wished for me to create three just as powerful and strong versions for Yugi.- stated Horakhty.  Both Yugi and Atemu nodded their heads that they understood.

Danny had found himself transformed back to his human form thanks because of Horakhty’s light so no one besides his close friends and family knew the truth.  Not to mention Yugi, Atemu, Bakura, the Ishtar family, and Yugi’s grandfather.  Before Horakhty vanished completely he turned towards Atemu. 

-You are still capable of using your shadow magic and such this way you can help Danny Fenton with his ghost hunting.  In many ways you are much like the young halfa as I have given you the same ghostly powers and form as he has.  I did not sever the bond that you have with Yugi Moto.  It is your choice if you want your friends to know about your newfound powers and abilities.  Enjoy your second chance at life while you can Atemu.- stated Horakhty before he disappeared just as suddenly as he appeared.

Atemu turned towards Yugi’s friends who where all glaring at him (except for Bakura and Merik). 

“I can explain.” he stated throwing his arms up in the air as if surrendering.  That is when Shadi had shown up to take back the millennium rod allowing both Yugi and Atemu to keep their twin versions of the millennium puzzle.

“Now that the evil threat has been banished once and for all.  I shall take the millennium rod back for safe keeping.” stated Shadi as he took the rod from Yugi.

“Shall I ever see you again Shadi?” asked Atemu.

“That depends my pharaoh on what fate has in store for you now.  But if there ever comes a time when the millennium items are needed, I shall return.” replied Shadi as he vanished from sight taking the millennium rod with him.  Atemu looked at the group as a soft smile caressed his face.

“I guess that I have some explaining to do.” he stated as the whole group consisting of Seto, Joey, Tristian, and Tea all ran to Atemu giving him a huge group hug earning a smile from both Yugi and Danny.

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