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(Connor's POV)

Over at Main Street club, Dylan's opening up to me about his problems. My father owns the club and allows our band to practice here during the week. We're laying down some new riffs on a song called, It Doesn't Matter. After a few beers, my best friend starts venting his dreams and concerns to me.

"Connor, since I was a bully lid, my dreams always been to be a police officer, or a detective. I haven't shared it with anyone besides you, mate. I was going to tell Lizzy the other day, but then she went full honey badger on me at the hospital.

I repress a smile at how Dylan's Aussie accent surfaces when he's distressed.

"Honey badger, eh? Well, I don't know Lizzy Summers, but I know how happy my best friend's been with her the last few weeks." I grab my guitar and rest it on my lap. "I thought she was different than the other girls you've been with." I strum a melancholy song on my guitar, trying to get a bead on my friend's feelings.

Staying quiet for a moment, I allow Dylan time to sort through his emotions. I know he rarely opens up to anyone. When he does, it's because he desperately needs to talk. "So tell me, Dylan. What's so special about this Lizzy?" I strum my guitar, waiting patiently waiting for him to answer.

"She's different.. than other girls." He looks at the irking searching for the right words. "She's at ease with herself and  that makes me comfortable. She doesn't try to put on airs, or charm anyone. He wraps his long fingers around the neck of the guitar a strums a few chords.


His eyes grow thoughtful. "She's not impressed by me. She speaks up, and lets me know what she really thinks of my ideas."

I smile. Even I can't do that with Dylan. "Well it sounds like she could be a real bomb thrower if you ever married her. Puts a lot of pressure on you when you're with a woman's like that. You sure you like that in a girl?"

Dylan chortled. "You should see her. Lizzy's strong willed, but not confrontational. She's laid back like me. I feel like she's my other half—like a missing puzzle piece. When we're together, we're connected."
His eyes grow dreamy. "The physical tie is amazing." Dylan frowns as if he's in physical pain.
Now she's running away from me."

"I doubt she's running away from you. Half the girls at school would throw themselves under a bus to get at you. Sounds like she's running away from her own ghosts. Not you."

Dylan head snaps up. He stops strumming and puts down his guitar. "What did you say?"

"I said it sounds like she's sorting through her own shit. We've all got inner demons that haunt us. Why should she be any different?"

Dylan stands up, and rapidly starts packing away his guitar. "I never thought it might be something going on with her."

I sigh, "Yeah, well woman are complicated. Are you going to ask her to the dance?"

Dylan hesitates. "You know I don't dance."

I laugh at his obvious discomfort. "It's not about you dancing with her, it's all about you romancing her! Ask her to go with you. That'll break the ice between you two. Besides, if you don't get out of this funk, it's gonna kill the band. Your playing's sucked since you two love birds had a fight."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Thank you for reading!👻

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