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Julia's sharing some good advice with me. "You have to love your self before you can love anyone else, Lizzy. That's the key to survival dating an attractive man. You've hit the jackpot with Dylan. He's handsome, but he also has a good heart." She sighs, gustily and then adds, "I should know. I've dated enough narcissistic, dullards to write a book called Dating Nightmares." With that parting thought, she leans down and gives me a hug before leaving again. Her scent of fresh lilacs lingers in the air.

Two weeks later, I've been released from the hospital. I haven't seen Dylan or spoken with him since our fight. My heart aches constantly. On my hands and knees, in my bedroom, I'm viciously ripping up the pink, rose patterned carpeting. Rolling it back off the floor, I search for clues to my mother's diary. Belatedly, I know I'm taking all my anguish over Dylan out on the innocent, inanimate rug. Distractedly, I note the beautiful wood floors underneath and I make a mental note to leave them bare and not replace the carpeting.

Meanwhile, despite the cool air blasting out of the conditioner, I'm sweating like a demon. Pulling back an especially stubborn section of carpeting, I notice one particular part of the floor feels warmer than the rest of the room. It's as if I'm standing in front of a thermal geyser, or I'm bring immersed in a natural hot spring. Sitting back on my heels, I register the warm energy surrounding me. It's soothing and relaxing and my heart stops hurting for a few minutes.

A book flies across the room, breaking my serenity. I feel the cold chill of Donna's presence surround my body. She's trying to get my attention. Not only can I feel her, but I can also see her spirit. She is floating against the pink walls of my room. She looks eerily young and innocent. There's no more more hideous scars or makeup on her face. Staying calm, I remember my promise to help friendly ghosts.

Speaking out loud, I address her presence in the empty room. "Donna I know you're upset, but you've got to calm down. You're draining my aura!"

As I'm talking to the ghost, I notice a small patch of uncovered flooring in the corner of my room that looks less worn. Reaching down, I feel the lighter colored section of wood. The boards aren't nailed down. Someone's devised a clever book-sized hiding nook under the floor. Grasping the corners of the loose floorboards, I lift them up one by one. Holding my breath, I peer into the darkened nook.

Thank you for reading!👻

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