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"there's no way this is normal!" Hermione yelled, causing Danny to stir a bit and yawn.
Dumbledore sighed and gestured them to be a little more quiet.
Dumbledore then spoke in a low Whisper.

"Danny isn't human"

The three were dumbstruck.
Ron was the first to snap out.
"but... If he isn't human then what is he? " he asked.
The other two now snapped out as well.
Dumbledore sighed.

"he is human, but only half."
Hermione tilted her head.
" so.... He's a hybrid?"
Dumbledore nodded.
Harry then spoke.
"what's the other half?"
Dumbledore sighed again.
"i am not the one to tell you"
Dumbledore took out his wand and erased the memories of Danny's body conditions and Dumbledore telling them.
The three now fell to the ground.

Dumbledore placed them on seats.

"you will know when the time comes." he whispered, the  walked back to Danny.

"lord phantom, wake up please, I need to talk to you."
Danny stirred a bit and opened his neon green eyes.

"yes, professor?"

"Danny please watch out, those three are gonna be suspicious."

Danny looked down.
"i-uhm I know, I'll try Better."

Dumbledore nodded.

"now, it's getting late, you better get some rest, tomorrow is broom fly lessons"

Danny chuckled.
"can't I just grab the broom and fly on my own?"

Dumbledore laughed.
"that surely is an option, but if you do, you have to be careful no one sees."
Danny nodded.
"well, I'll be off then, I have to inform some teachers about your little 'problem', don't you agree? "

Danny shook his head.
" I prefer no one to know, more than there already do and I could be in danger."
Dumbledore nodded.

"I see, well then, I'll be off then"
"yeah good night."
"sleep well daniel"

Danny jumped off of the chair and into bed.
He got out a book and a necklace.

Danny opened the book with the spell to bewitch a piece of jewelry into a charm to keep your powers at bay and keep you from changing your appearance.

"libos suplicum"

The necklace started floating and glowing slightly.
The necklace then stopped and landed on Danny's lap.
Danny put it on and immediately he felt the spell work.
He could relax his powers now and did so.

Danny felt incredibly comfortable.
He then laid his head on the pillow and spirit jumped on the bed and formed a ball of furr against Danny's ribcase.
They both fell asleep immediately.

Next morning everyone had awoken before Danny and all stood around his bed again.
One of them threw a book at him, causing him to wake up.

"what was that good for!"
Danny sat up rubbing his chest on the place where the book landed.

Everyone still looked at him.
Danny got annoyed.
"stop staring at me, Geez."

Danny sat in his bed in just his underwear.
He had kicked out the rest in his sleep.
Some massive and nasty scars.

Danny got more annoyed by the second.
"Can you STOP! " he yelled as he got up and got clothes.

Neville gulped.
" those cannot be from just a fight...what happened" he spoke.
Danny sighed.

"bullies" he partly spoke the truth.

Hermione sighed.
"geeez those bullies aren't human much then, those are claw prints!" she said.
And she was right.
Three long claw marks were visible on his back.

Wulf had gone mad at skulker and slashed out, but Danny had jumped into the way and got slashed instead.
Wulf had felt so bad about it he had cut his nails shorter (and dyed them pink to embarras himself for self punishment).
Danny had healed quickly though, but was left with the scars.

Danny wanted to argue, but felt really dizzy all of the sudden.
Harry noticed this and Danny fell to his knees.
"Urgh not now damnit"
Danny's head started to hurt like hell and Danny clutched his hair between his fingers while slamming his head down on the ground.
Ron and Harry pushed everyone out of the room and Hermione helt Danny up so he wouldn't slam his head against something again.

Danny, who felt normal temperature, heartbeat and breath thanx to the charm, fainted.
Hermione told Harry and Ron to get the medics and Dumbledore but Danny ordered against it.
"I'll be fine in a minute... " he groaned.

Danny knew what this was.
This was a new ghost power.
Then a random stream of information on the power flooded onto his brain.


Danny smiled, this freaked the other three out.
It was a toothy grin, a mouth fill of pointy sharp teeth and a longer fang on all 4 corners of the teeth.

"I'm fine now, thanx." Danny said as he casually got up and walked towards the door.

Later that day in the big dining hall.
Several kids were studying.

Then the owls flied by and dropped some mail.

Some kid named Neville got a ball.

Ofc our eyes Hermione had to give a speech about what the ball was and what it did.
Some other kid had gotten some kind of letter that burnt itself after reading it and someone else had gotten a doll that knows if you lie or tell the truth.

Danny had gotten a magazine from jazz about nasa.

A few hours passed and the 4 had gone outside for their next lesson.
Flying with a broom.

the broom flying lessons had started and everyone stood next to a broom.

"oké listen up everyone" the teacher spoke.

"put your left hand above the broom and say up."

Danny looked at the broom.
He then placed his hand above and used telekinesis.

Then a kid yelled: "Oh he didn't even say anything and the broom entered his hand!"

The teacher had noticed this too.
Danny ignored them.
The teacher just waved it of as nothing and Continued speaking.

" oké now sit on the broomstick and hold a tight grip on it, you don't wanna fall off...good now on my whistle I want you to kick off from the ground and hover above the ground, then lean down to land and touch the floor again."

Everyone got ready.


Neville floated up and up and couldn't control the broom, so the teacher had told everyone to stay on the ground and not move till she came back.
She stepped on her broom and went after Neville.

When both were out of the field of vision, Draco started to play with Neville glass ball.

"ha, look at this, shall I keep it?" he said, then laughed.

Danny stepped towards Draco.

"give it here!" he said.
Draco laughed again.
He then threw the ball away, with a spell so it would go extra far.

Danny was mad now.
He looked Draco in the eye and Draco then fainted.
Danny grabbed a broom and flied after the ball on an incredibly fast pace.
He caught the ball right in front of McGonagals office window and he then flied back down, landing like he did it a thousand times before, which he has XD.

Everyone looked at him.
Then Hermione looked at Danny and shook him.
" where did you learn to fly like thaaat!" she said.
Danny just shrugged.
"this is my first time flying with a broom." yeah and my 20 thousandths time without he thought.
McGonagal then walked out and called for Danny, who followed her all the way to snapes potions s class room where McGonagal took out woods.

"Mr woods, I have found you a seeker"

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