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Change of plans, say hello to the ghosts! Vlad still doesn't exist tho, I hate him lol
Anyway, I said earlier that I wouldn't include the ghosts as ghosts but I do it anyway have fun XD

Next morning things were quite strange.
As Danny awoke and sat up in his bed he noticed the other 4 roommates sharing at him including Ron and Harry.
Danny rubbed his eyes and stepped out of his bed and into the bathroom.
He looked in the mirror and a "holy fuck!" was heard.
Danny's hair had white 'dye dip' points.
Danny groaned and rubbed his hands roughly through his hair, which turned the tips black again.
Then he noticed four faces in the doorway.

"what, get used to it, it will happen more often" he said as he got his clothes and dressed himself.
Harry walked towards Danny.
"what" Danny said kinda annoyed and killed da still half asleep.

Danny had pulled off his shirt and his body had some ugly scars on it.
"what are these from?" Harry asked.
Danny flinched. He had forgotten all about these scars.
DAMNIT, God frigging damnit.
"got I to some fight with guys with knives... "
This was not completely a lie, he got in a training fight 'death browl' with clockwork and some of his best warriors to train, and got hurt.

Harry tilted his head.
" how did you get into that fight?"
"must I tell?"
"no but... "
" then I prefer not to tell"
Danny looked at Harry, yet his eyes were distant as if sunken into thoughts.
Now hermoine ran into the room.
"aunt dora!" he yelled as he jumped on spirits back.
"yo hermoine, did the dragon say anything?"
"something about young Lord"
Danny now smiled from ear to ear.
Spirit jumped through the wall with Danny and they went to the dragon.
Upon arrival, Danny saw different wizards and witches fire spells at the dragon, who wasn't affected by it at all.

The teachers turned around and stared at Danny.
Dora calmed down.

"lord, we are in trouble, Dani and Ember have disappeared."
Danny looked mad now.
"how did this happen?"
" I do not know, young Lord, I only know they are both taken away from yo- eh the castle."
Danny looked even angrier now.

"how in the world, I'm sure there was enough defense added to phantoms castle, who could have-"

He was cut off by a teacher that asked him to step away from the dragon.

Danny looked annoyed at the teachers.

"Dora please go back human."

Dora nodded and turned back into Dorathea.

Hagrid walked towards Danny.
" you know this ghost? " he asked.

Danny nodded.
Griffindor had gathered at the back of the hall now.

" I'm from amity Park, that place is like the gathering place for ghosts." Danny said.
McGonagall nodded.
"that is true, but mister black-"she was cut off by Danny.
"I prefer Fenton, thanx. "
" ah but of course, mister Fenton, why do you know this ghost?"

Danny shrugged.

"Dora is like an aunt to me"
Dora walked towards Danny and placed an arm around him.

"lord Daniel, I will inform fright knight and clockwork, your orders?"

Danny sighed.
"tell them I'll be there as soon as I can, tell them also to find them."

Dora bowed. "yes, my lord." and she disappeared.
Danny jumped back on spirits back and murmured some Latin to the tiger, who nodded and flew up to the roof.

Everyone was surprised, little Danny lived in a ghost town?

Harry, Hermione and Ron ad gotten their brooms and flew to the roof, where they..... Only found a sleeping spirit.
Danny wasn't there.

They were really confused.

"Maybe he hid a broomstick here?"
Ron suggested.

Hermione shook her head.
"no, why would he do that"

As Ron and Hermione were arguing, Harry noticed a boy in a black t-shirt with a neon green flame on the left down corner and a white dp logo, and a black jeans with some holes in it, white converse and white hair fly by.
(Yeah I replaced the hazmat suit with other clothes.)
Harry tapped on Hermione and Ron's shoulders and pointed at the boy.

Danny waved at them.
They waved back.
Then they noticed they had never seen him before, and he was flying without a broom.
Harry was stunned.

Partly because flying without a broom is seen as impossible, and the whitehead was gorgeous.
Hermione was also stunned, same reasons.

Danny then realized he was still flying and quickly landed on the roof next to the ghost tiger.
He whispered something to the tiger and the tiger then left.

Danny then flew up and dived into the roof, phrasing right through.

"is he a ghost?" Hermione said.

"not sure, he looked kinda too alive for one,if you know what I mean."
Harry said.
"maybe he just died? " Ron said.

" good point" Hermione and Ron said.

As they came up with case scenarios, they went inside and went to the griffindor living room, where danny sat, in a chair, sleeping with....


A book.

Hermione walked to Danny and placed her hand on his, immediately yanking it away.

"damn he's cold" she hissed as she ran to get a blanket.
Harry and Ron both placed their hands on Danny's too and also we're shocked by the temperature.

Harry ran out to get the medics but took Dumbledore instead.
Ron and Hermione were freaking out.
Hermione had done a quick checkup and had found d that Danny's heartbeat was only one the minute and his breathing was radically slow.
Hermione felt his head again, almost freezing her hand.

Dumbledore knew of Danny's halfa situation and tried assuring the other three this was normal and asked for them to calm down.
They didn't buy it though.

"there's no way this is normal!" Hermione yelled, causing Danny to stir a bit and yawn.
Dumbledore sighed and gestured them to be a little more quiet.
Dumbledore then spoke in a low Whisper.

"Danny isn't human"

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