11- changes bound to happen

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Author Notes: This is a crossover between Danny Phantom and Yu-Gi-Oh! I claim no rights or anything associated with these two series but the idea for the story is completely my own. All I ask if you read this story and like what you see that you leave me a comment and/or a review.

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, -duel monster card speech-, bold=dark voices, italic=ghost speech, CAPS= shouting/yelling, (author notes), bold italic=dark ghostly voice

Eleven - Changes Bound To Happen

It had been a month since Yugi's friends had visited him in America. A picture of Yugi along with all of his friends now sat on his dresser. Yugi found himself smiling at the thought of all his friends. Yugi, Atemu, and Danny have been training together in whatever free time they had to get a better understanding of the others powers and abilities. Danny's ghost powers did not affect Atemu and/or Yugi at all. Yugi was getting used the thought and ability of being able to use his duel monster deck without the duel disk. Danny had to admit that being able to speak mentally with Yugi and Atemu had its benefits. But both could feel and sense that this was only the beginning what they could do. During this month it seemed that Dash had begun to lay off on picking on them. This made Atemu smile as he didn't want to have to use his shadow magic on a human. He had done it a few times only during certain instances.

It was during a school day when it happened as the group was sitting in Yugi's grandfather class. Yugi could feel this sharp and intense pain run through his body as the millennium puzzle was glowing. Yugi could hear Atemu screaming through the mental path they possessed.

*Atemu... what is wrong?* Yugi managed to ask in a shaky voice as he was feeling Atemu's pain even though the pharaoh was trying to spare his human host from feeling the pain. Sweat broke out across Yugi's forehead as he moaned softly grabbing his grandfather's attention.

"Yugi... you don't look too well. I think that you should go and see the nurse." stated Solomon.

"I will take him there Mr. Moto." volunteered Danny as he could hear Atemu's mental screams of pain.

"Thank you Danny!" replied Solomon. Both Danny and Yugi left the room heading towards the closest bathroom. Yugi and Atemu were fighting whatever influences were happening to him but failed as Atemu was now in control over Yugi's body. Both Danny and Atemu made it to the bathroom as Atemu could barely contain his moans of pain. Danny checked the bathroom to see if the coast was clear. Suddenly without warning Atemu let out a terrible scream of pain.

"Atemu... Yugi... what is happening?" asked Danny in concern.

*I don't know. Something is blocking our mental path!* replied Yugi as he couldn't feel what was happening to Atemu as he was stuck within the millennium puzzle.

"It is probably best that you don't feel what the pharaoh is going through Yugi Moto." stated a very familiar voice. Yugi turned to see Shadi, keeper and guardian of Atemu's tomb as well as the millennium items.

"Shadi? What in the world is happening?" asked Yugi.

"Something has corrupted the shadow magic as it is effecting Atemu. His body is rapidly changing to deal with it." replied Shadi.

*Danny did you hear all of that?* asked Yugi mentally.

*Yeah I heard. So just hang on in there Yugi. I will do whatever I can to help Atemu.* replied Danny.

Atemu screamed out in pain as his body underwent the terrible transformation. The shadow magic that he controlled became more powerful and much darker. Atemu felt as if his back was on fire. Atemu's hand no longer looked human as they became large demonic claws. Atemu ripped off his shirt groaning in pain as he let out a terrible screech. Atemu could feel the skin on his back rip open as a set of four demonic bat-like wings had ripped out of his back. Atemu had reverted back to his Egyptian form and clothing as his ears stretched to a small elfin points. Sharp fangs emerged from within his mouth. The crown that he wore when he was pharaoh had a demonic red eye in place of the Egyptian design. Both Yugi and Danny watched horror as the transformation completed itself.

"Atemu... are you all right?" asked Danny. All he got was a soft moan in return as Atemu slowly sat up wincing in pain. Danny had noticed the ghostly image of Shadi as he was about to invoke his ghost form but Atemu had stopped him.

"Danny... it is all right. He is a friend!"Atemu stated weakly. "Shadi... it is good to see you my old friend!"

"I wish that I could say the same my pharaoh. Don't worry about your human host. I had spared him from feeling the pain that you went through. But I fear that the changes that you went through are not reversible." stated Shadi.

"I know as I can feel it. Something very dark and dangerous has awakened. Its force is deep within the shadow magic that it has altered the very fabric of the shadow arts."

"Is that even possible?" asked Danny.

"From what I feel and sense I recognize it as I have felt this power only once before. Tell me Shadi... he has arisen hasn't he?" questioned Atemu.

"He... he who?" questioned Danny as the ghostly image of Yugi appeared by Atemu's side. He gasped when he saw Atemu's new form. Atemu still looked somewhat human but also like a demon.

"A very dark god. The Egyptian god of destruction, Sekhmet. He has once again risen." replied Shadi causing Atemu to let out a sharp Egyptian curse. The shadow magic and dark energy lept from Atemu's body attacking Shadi, Danny, and Yugi.

*ATEMU!* screamed out Yugi. Atemu gasped as he tried to calm down controlling the dark forces he had summoned forth. Slowly the shadow magic and dark energy returned back into Atemu as he was panting.

"Who is this Sekhmet person?" asked Danny.

"Sekhmet who once an ancient god who craved ultimate power to destroy the world. He had once done battle against Lord Atemu in order to gain control over the seven millennium items and the shadow magic that the pharaoh controlled. Lord Atemu had destroyed Sekhmet by using the god cards but before Sekhmet was destroyed he vowed that he would return." answered Shadi.

*Shadi how does Atemu's new form effect me?* asked Yugi.

"His powers are ten times stronger than before as he will be able to use any card monster, spell, and/or trap power by simply thinking of it. He will be able to fuse with any creature card in his deck doubling his powers. That's not including the powers and abilities that he already possesses." answered Shadi. "This form will always happen when Lord Atemu takes over your body but I have managed to cut the link that way you will not feel it. But I feel that I may have to warn you my ghostly friend, that the changes are soon bound to happen to you as well." added Shadi as Danny couldn't help but to shutter when he heard this. Shadi proceeded to hand Atemu the millennium rod. "You will need this in the battle that is to come. You will find that its powers has changed." When Atemu took the millennium rod in his hands, the rod transformed into a magical sword.

"Thank you Shadi for your help my friend."

"May Ra protect you my pharaoh!" Shadi stated before he disappeared from sight. Atemu proceeded to give Yugi back control of his body allowing the transformation to reverse its self. True to Shadi's words, Yugi didn't feel anything from when they switched control. But they were still bound together no matter what happened to them.

The rest of the day went by without any problems as Atemu spent his time within the puzzle training and learning about his newfound powers as he couldn't help but to be concerned about Shadi's warning. Even within the millennium puzzle the new form that he had transformed into had stayed with him.

'There is more going on here as no doubt he has possibly no doubt teamed up with some of my old enemies as well as some of Danny's. But which ones?' Atemu thought to himself as the dark magician came before him.

-Lord Atemu... I have pressing news that I must tell you.- stated the dark magician.

"What is it Mahad?"asked Atemu.

-Sekhmet has resurrected the three that you had banished after defeating them in battle.- replied the dark magician.

"Dark Seto, Yami Bakura, and Yami Merik. Just my luck!" snarled Atemu.

-Of course all of us duel monsters are always with you Lord Atemu as well as Master Yugi.- stated the dark magician. All of the creatures from Atemu's and Yugi's deck appeared before Atemu.

"Thank you... all of you!" replied Atemu as he journeyed to make his connection with Yugi. There was much they had to discuss.

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