17- battle in the Ghost Zone

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Author Notes: This is a crossover between Danny Phantom and Yu-Gi-Oh! I claim no rights or anything associated with these two series but the idea for the story is completely my own.

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, -duel monster card speech-, bold=dark voices, italic=ghost speech, CAPS= shouting/yelling, (author notes), bold italic=dark ghostly voice

Seventeen - Battle in the ghost zone

Danny could feel every fiber of his being shaking as he placed his duel deck into his duel disk indicating how many life points he had. This would be his first real duel since learning the ins and outs of the game. Atemu could see Danny shaking as if scared.

*Yugi be a friend and help him out. In the emotional mess that he is in, he will end up making mistakes.* Atemu told Yugi mentally along their common path.

*Sure thing Atemu.* replied Yugi as his spirit left the puzzle floating over towards Danny. Yugi placed his hand gently on Danny's shoulder. *Calm down and take a deep breath Danny. You will be fine. I will help guide you.* Yugi told Danny. Danny did as Yugi suggested as he found himself calming down.

*Thanks Yugi!* replied Danny. Malrik was the first to react as he summoned Dark Jeroid to attack Danny's life points directly. But Atemu reacted quickly summoning Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight to protect Danny. *Thanks Atemu.*

*Not a problem Danny. That's what friends do. I have been in a tag battle before. Just be careful, these two like to pay for keeps.* replied Atemu. Danny had noted that both Malrik and Kuroryou held or had millennium items. Malrik had a rod which Danny could have sworn that Atemu had tucked away behind his back.

*Hey Atemu is it me or do those two hold millennium items?* Danny asked.

*They are only pale imitations of the real thing. But it doesn't mean that they won't turn this into a shadow duel.* replied Atemu. Danny drew several cards as he summoned forth Serene Psychic Witch to destroy Malrik's summoned monster allowing Atemu to attack Kuroryou directly. Both lost a good amount of hit points.

"Good move Phantom and Pharaoh. But its time that we stepped things up a bit." stated Kuroryou as both his and Malrik's millennium items were both glowing. This caused Atemu to curse violently in Egyptian as he quickly grabbed his own millennium rod which quickly transformed into its sword form. Atemu moved quickly slashing at both millennium items before they had a chance to fully call upon a shadow duel. Both Malrik's and Kuroryou's widened considerably at the sight of the millennium rod which now looked like a golden sword but still retaining its natural shape of a rod.

"Sorry but I will not allow you to drag an innocent human being into a shadow duel." stated Atemu as the millennium rod transformed back into normal allowing Atemu to tuck it back away. Sam let out a soft sigh as she knew that neither Danny and/or Atemu would allow anything to happen to her. Kuroryou summoned Disgraced Mage to attack both Atemu's and Danny's summoned creatures. Yugi guided Danny to use his magic card to stop the Disgraced Mage's attack keeping his and Atemu's points safe. Malrik reacted summoning a Vampire Leech to attack Atemu's and Danny's life points directly despite the creatures that were on the field. Then he used a magic card to destroy all of the creatures that were on the field.

"What the hell Malrik?" questioned Kuroryou.

"Do you want to win this duel or not?" questioned Malrik. There was distrust between the two that allowed Atemu to attack. Atemu had summoned Celtic Guardian to slip past the two and attack Lord Poison releasing Sam from the creatures hold. Before Malrik and Kuroryou could retaliate, Atemu called forth Curse of Dragon to take Sam out of the ghost zone. Both Malrik and Kuroryou screamed out as the Curse of Dragon grabbed Sam in its claws flying at top speed out of the ghost zone. Before Malrik and Kuroryou could react, Atemu called up on his powers to trap them both in a shadow duel.

*Danny stay close to me.* Atemu told him. Danny said nothing as he knew that Atemu had a plan. Yugi's spirit vanished from Danny's side as his form wouldn't be very stable within the shadow realm.

*Danny have faith in the heart of your cards. I won't be able to help you. Just remember everything that Atemu had I had taught you.* stated Yugi.

*Thanks Yugi.* replied Danny as he summoned Goka - the Pyre of Malice to attack the two. Kuroryou reacted summoning his favorite card the Dark Necrofear to destroy Danny's attacking creature. This gave time for Malrik summon his favorite creature Makyura the Destructor to attack the two heroes (I'm not certain if this is Merik's favorite card or not).

"You should have never challenged us to a shadow duel Pharaoh. This will be the end for both you and Phantom." growled Malrik. Both Malrik and Kuroryou used the power of their millennium items to increase the power of their creatures.

*Danny buy me some time. I need to summon the three Egyptian gods. I am going to put an end to this battle once and for all.* Atemu called out. Danny could feel the duel cards calling to him as he could sense and feel Ghost Gardna's presence. Danny pulled out a card to see his duel monster on it.

'Is this what Atemu and Yugi referred to as the heart of the cards?' Danny thought to himself. Danny could sense and feel that Ghost Gardna's powers and abilities were very similar and close to his own. "Ghost Gardna…. Multiply and release your Ghostly Wail!" Danny stated as he placed his creature onto the duel disk. The Ghost Gardna materialized gaining a power bonus for being within its natural environment. Ghost Gardna did as commanded by Danny multiplying before releasing a loud ghostly wail. Danny took a long deep breath before releasing his own ghostly wail. This brought Atemu enough time to summon the three Egyptian gods.

"Unfortunately this is the end for you both. Slifer the Sky Dragon….. Obelisk the Tormentor….. and the Winged Dragon of Ra….. Combine your powers together. TRIPLE GODLY STRIKE!" commanded Atemu. Being within the shadow realm doubled their powers as Atemu also used the two millennium items to bestow infinite power to his three gods. Both Malrik and Kuroryou screamed at Atemu before the blast hit them both destroying them along with their summoned creatures. Danny and his Ghost Gardna didn't let up their ghostly wails until the two dark spirits were completely destroyed. Danny sighed as the summoned duel monster disappeared.

"Finally… its over!" stated Danny.

"Not quite Danny. Sekhmet is still out there. In the meantime lets head home." stated Atemu. Danny simply nodded his head in agreement as both heroes flew off back for the gate that connected the shadow realm and gave Yugi back control over the body. *But not bad considering that was your first true duel.*

"Thanks Atemu. While I was dueling in the shadow realm I think I felt what you were talking about… the heart of the cards. Cause when I needed him, Ghost Gardna came to my aid." stated Danny. This caused both Yugi and Atemu to look at the halfa in shock. Not even their friends back in Japan had learned to have faith and feel the heart of the cards as quickly as Danny did.

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