16- hostage

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Author Notes: This is a crossover between Danny Phantom and Yu-Gi-Oh! I claim no rights or anything associated with these two series but the idea for the story is completely my own.

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, -duel monster card speech-, bold=dark voices, italic=ghost speech, CAPS= shouting/yelling, (author notes), bold italic=dark ghostly voice

Sixteen - hostage

Atemu and Danny were in rage. Sam was taken hostage, taken back to Sekhmet. In their rage and anger they had unleashed their full and unbridal power. Yugi could feel their power as it threatened to destroy everything within the shadow realm. The four mages summoned forth moved to protect Tucker from their master's terrible powers. Yugi knew he had to do something to stop both Danny and Atemu before its too late. Yugi could feel this sudden surge of power flow throughout his entire being.

*Stop Danny... stop Atemu! You must stop!* Yugi yelled out mentally. Both Atemu and Danny turned to see Yugi floating before them as he seemed to be glowing in a bright white light. Luminous wings belonging to that of an angel came out of Yugi's back as they were made completely of light. *Please stop Atemu... stop Danny before you loose yourselves completely. Don't let the madness take a hold of you both. We will get Sam back!* Yugi cried out as he let out a bright light blast at both Atemu and Danny. The light hit both Atemu and Danny stopping them both. Yugi's words struck them to their core. With a blink of an eye Atem dispelled the shadow realm giving Yugi back control over his body. Danny's transformation also reversed quickly. Yugi felt weak and drained of energy that he almost passed out. The four magicians moved to help their master before he fell over.

-Master Yugi!- they called out in concern.

"I am all right. Just a little weak. I am not used to using powers." replied Yugi. The four magicians nodded their heads that they understood as they disappeared from sight. Tucker went to Danny's side to help out his friend who also looked like he was going to pass out.

"What in the world happened?" asked Tucker.

"What do you mean what happened? Sam was taken again!" stated Danny angrily.

"Hold the phone... what do you mean again?" asked Yugi.

"Long story..." answered both Danny and Tucker in unison.

"That was not what I was referring to Danny. The whole ghostly transformation. You almost looked exactly like him." replied Tucker.

"Don't worry as it is still me. I don't know what happened. Ghost Gardna stated that it was time for me to awaken my powers as he entered into my body. I still don't know what new powers I possess because of these newfound abilities." answered Danny.

*We will have to work quickly on learning to use and control your newfound powers if we hope to get Sam back.* Atemu stated. Danny nodded his head that he understood.

Meanwhile within the Ghost Zone, Sangi whom had taken Sam hostage as she was kicking the duel monster.

"I said put me down you damn clown!" yelled out Sam.

"It seems that Darkaiba couldn't wait to battle against the pharaoh and the ghost boy. His dark clown brought us back a prisoner to boot." stated a dark voice. Sam looked up to see the darker beings of Bakura and Marik standing before her.

-My master said to bring her to Lord Sekhmet. Not you two.- replied Sangi.

"Unfortunately Lord Sekhmet is busy feeding we will take the girl, clown." stated Malrik.

-But...- replied the dark clown But before he could continue on Kuroryou blasted the dark clown.

"So what do we plan to do with her?" asked Kuroryou. Evil smirks stretched across both Malrik's and Kuroryou's faces. Sam would fight back but this time she actually feared these two. From what she heard about these two from Atemu, they were both very dangerous.

Elsewhere... Danny and Atemu had to work fast to learn to use Danny's newfound abilities. Solomon Moto had set up a training ground for the two teens as he knew what was going on. It was hard to keep the secret from the old man. At times he would hear his grandson speaking to himself. Yugi would often tell his grandfather that he was rehearsing lines for a play but Solomon had noticed that the millennium pyramid was glowing as he also had the millennium rod when it was supposed to be buried in Egypt. It was hard to keep the secret from the old man. It didn't take much for the old man to put two and two together. Solomon knew to keep this a secret from Yugi's friends as they would be concerned and want to help out Yugi. It was bad enough that Sam and Tucker were involved as they wanted to help but couldn't. Danny's powers were almost two times as powerful as they were before. That isn't including the powers that Danny had developed since the beginning of this whole thing. Danny's new powers included being able to speak with Atemu and Yugi mentally, seeing the spirits of either Yugi and/or Atemu depending on who was in control of the body, and being able to sense the dark and/or shadow magic. Danny had two new abilities that he didn't previously have. Danny could astral project himself finding himself within the millennium puzzle and he gained some dark and shadow magic but he was nowhere as powerful as Atemu. Yugi on the other hand gained the powers of white and light magic the complete opposite of Atemu's and Danny's. Much like how Atemu had his demonic form, Yugi had an angelic form but he didn't have to physically transform like Atemu did but he could manifest his angelic form. Yugi could also sense things that Atemu and Danny couldn't. Yugi could sense that Sam was within the ghost zone being guarded by the dark spirits of Merik and Bakura. He knew that Sekhmet had not changed their appearances but also gave them names. Merik's dark side was known as Malrik and Bakura's dark side was known as Kuroryou.

Once Danny, Yugi, and Atemu felt they had full and complete understanding of their powers and abilities, they went to Danny's house to use the ghost portal to enter the ghost zone. Yugi flew besides Danny on him manifested angel wings. Danny's eyes widened completely when he saw what happened to the ghost zone. Several of ghost islands where ghost lived had been completely destroyed. Some of the door portals laid in a similar appearance.

"Man... Sekhmet litterally destroyed this place." Danny stated.

*We will take care of Sekhmet and Plasmius when the time comes. Let us worry about getting Sam back.* Atemu stated mentally.

"Lets just hope that after we defeat Sekhmet the ghost zone can return back to normal." stated Danny as they continued to fly. Suddenly both Danny and Yugi stopped as Yugi allowed Atemu to take control. Danny grabbed Atemu by the hand as the pharaoh willed his wings to rip from out of his back. Atemu had learned how to transforms certain parts of his body into his demonic form. Both super powered teens stood at the ready as they could both sense dark and shadow magic approaching them. There floating before them was Malrik and Kuroryou as Lord Poison a card owned by Malrik holding Sam hostage. "Let her go!" growled Danny. Both Malrik and Kuroryou laughed at Danny.
"You will have to battle us for her. We will not loose as easily as Darkaiba did." replied Malrik.

"And it won't involve using any of our powers but rather duel monsters." stated Kuroryou.

*But I have only just begun to understand how to duel. I don't think I will be able to defeat them in a duel.* Danny told Atemu mentally.

*Don't worry Danny. I have faith that you will win. Just remember everything that Yugi and I have taught you. Also have faith in the heart of the cards.* Atemu told Danny mentally as he nodded his head. Duel disks formed on both Atemu's and Danny's arms. "Lets duel!"

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