7- mind crush

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Author Notes: This is a crossover between Danny Phantom and Yu-Gi-Oh! I claim no rights or anything associated with these two series but the idea for the story is completely my own. All I ask if you read this story and like what you see that you leave me a comment and/or a review.

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, -duel monster card speech-, bold=Atemu speaking, italic=ghost speech, CAPS=SHOUTING, (author notes), bold italic=dark ghostly voice

Seven - Mind Crush

The following day Yugi, Danny and friends went to school as Dash was waiting in the hall for the teens. He was still pissed off with both Yugi and Danny for beating him at dodge ball. A shutter went through Yugi when he saw Dash's evil grin.

*Atemu….. I think we might have a problem.* Yugi told the pharaoh. Danny had learned that much in the same way he could hear Yugi and Atemu speaking to each other mentally, he could also speak to the two mentally as well (I know that Danny doesn't have this power but I am giving him this power). Danny had told Yugi what Dash likes to do to him on a daily basis. Danny was realizing that his powers were changing and growing. Things had never been able to do before he had meet Atemu and Yugi, he could do now.

*Just great! Can I get through one day without becoming Dash's personal punching bag?* questioned Danny mentally. That's when both teens had heard Atemu laughing sending chills up and down the teens spine.

*Maybe its time that Mr. Baxter was taught a lesson.* replied Atemu.

*Atemu please don't tell me that you are planning a penalty game.* stated Yugi knowing that even though Dash was a jerk, not even he deserves a penalty game.

*Well I could always mind or soul crush him.* replied Atemu. This caused Yugi to shiver as he could feel Atemu's dark influence.

*Not even a human like him deserves that Atemu. Alright a penalty game it is but no shadow magic!* sighed Yugi. Both Yugi and Atemu switched places as Danny as Yugi and Atemu switched places as Danny was trying hard to contain his laughter.

'This should be good.' Danny thought to himself. Both Sam and Tucker noticed the change in Yugi as now Atemu was in control as they could see the reason why.

"We will meet you guys in class." replied Sam as she and Tucker made a mad dash for their class.

"You two dweebs have a lot of nerve showing up today after humiliating me yesterday during gym class." snapped Dash as he went to punch Danny. Dash's fist connected with Atemu's hand as the pharaoh stopped him.

"Just because we beat you Dash doesn't give you the right to pick on us. I have heard what you like to do frankly, I can't stand jerks like you." stated Atemu keeping a tight grip on Dash's hand. "How about we settle this after school." replied Atemu. This caused Dash to smile. He had no idea to what Atemu was even planning.

"That sounds fine to me. So I will leave you both alone until after school." replied Dash as he took off into the school.

"Atemu, I hope that this idea of yours works." stated Danny.

Throughout the day true to Dash's word, he left both Danny and Yugi alone. Then after school Dash meet both Danny and Yugi in the cafeteria school yard. Sam and Tucker waited for the battle to be over. Dash was smiling as Atemu was in control over Yugi's body.

"So how do we plan to do this?" asked Dash. Atemu laid out a stack of ordinary playing cards onto one of the lunch tables. "What is this?" asked Dash.

"The method is quite simple, we are going to decide the outcome between us using these deck of cards. I trust you know how to play solitaire." stated Atemu.

"Of course I do." replied Dash.

"Then I won't have to explain it. The rules are quite simple. Complete a deck containing these solitaire cards as quickly as possible. The first one to complete their solitaire deck wins. The decks are brand new and still sealed to make things nice and fair." stated Atemu.

"All right then lets do this." stated Dash.

"Ready and begin!" shouted out Danny. Both Atemu and Dash unwrapped their deck, shuffled the cards, and then laid them out. Then rapidly they stacked the cards in order to complete their solitaire decks. Of course Atemu being the king of games, he managed to complete it only in a matter of minutes.

"Sorry Dash but it looks like I win which means that I get to invoke a penalty. It is time that you experience what you have done onto others." replied Atemu as he snapped his fingers as the eye of Horus appeared on his forehead. This allowed Dash to experience first hand what he has done to Danny. Over and over again. "Now you will think twice before you pick on somebody else weaker than you. And if I hear that you haven't changed, then I will make you!" snarled Atemu darkly. Dash simply nodded his head as he took off fearing what the pharaoh would do.

"Wow Atemu…. You are amazing!" stated Tucker.

"Remind me never to go against you." replied Danny. Atemu simply smiled. Just then Danny's ghost sense went off as Atemu could also sense shadow magic.

"Danny, do you sense that?" asked Atemu.

"I do. I'M GOING GHOST!" yelled out Danny as he transformed into his ghost form.

"There the two of you are. I am the Box Ghost, master of all things square and rectangular. Fear me!" When Danny saw the altered form of the Box Ghost, he highly doubted that it was the same one who always bugged him.

"There is no way that you can be the Box Ghost. Just who in the hell are you?" growled Danny.

"I told you all ready. NOW DIE!" snapped the Box Ghost as he blasted both Danny and Atemu with his ectoplamsic energy. Atemu reacted quickly as he pulled out his deck of duel monster cards.

"Swords of Revealing Light!" yelled out Atemu as he flicked a card into the air as it materialized into swords of bright light stopping the Box Ghost's attack from hitting him and Danny. Danny gathered up his energy as ectoplamsic energy. The Box Ghost used the box of cards that sat on the table as it grew in size blocking the attack. "Persistent aren't you?" asked Atemu.

"You are usually more annoying that this Box Ghost. What is it that you are after?" asked Danny.

"My master wants your powers for his own. As such I must capture you to bring you back to my master." replied the Box Ghost.

"Your master? It is not going to happen!" replied Danny.

"Now come forth Dark Magician Girl!" yelled out Atemu summoning forth the Dark Magician Girl as he flicked her card into the air. The card took on the physical form of the Dark Magician Girl. "DARK MAGIC ATTACK!" yelled out Atemu. The Dark Magician Girl attack keeping the Box Ghost off guard.

"Guys cover your ears!" called out Danny before he took a long deep breath. Danny unleashed his ghostly wail.

"Its time that we end this once and for all. MIND CRUSH!" snapped Atemu as he attacked the Box Ghost. The attack hit the Box Ghost causing him to collapse to his knees. His form suddenly changed back to his original form. "Now you will answer our questions." stated Atemu as he kept a hold on the Box Ghost with his shadow magic. "Who is this master of yours?"

"I don't know. He had powers very similar to yours. He had altered me in order to capture you and to bring you back to him. That's all I know honest!" whined out the Box Ghost. Atemu looked at Danny who was holding the Fenton Thermos nodding his head slightly allowing him to suck up the Box Ghost into the device. Atemu proceeded to give Yugi back control while Danny transformed back into his human form.

"What was that all about?" asked Sam.

"I am not certain but it seems that whoever is after both Danny and Atemu will not stop until it gets what it wants." replied Yugi.

"But we still don't know who it is as we only know that he wants our powers." added Danny.

*I have a very bad feeling about this aibou. Never before have I sensed such a dark and strong power of shadow magic before. This troubles me greatly.* Atemu told Yugi.

*I fear that you may be right. It has been a very long time since you had to use that ability. You even scare me sometimes Atemu.* stated Yugi. This just caused Atemu to laugh as the friends then all went to Danny's house in order to toss the Box Ghost into the Ghost Zone.

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