8- reuniting with old friends

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Author Notes: This is a crossover between Danny Phantom and Yu-Gi-Oh! I claim no rights or anything associated with these two series but the idea for the story is completely my own. All I ask if you read this story and like what you see that you leave me a comment and/or a review.

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, -duel monster card speech-, bold=Atemu speaking, italic=ghost speech, CAPS=SHOUTING, (author notes), bold italic=dark ghostly voice

Eight - Reuniting With Old Friends

A whole month had passed since Danny's and Atemu's battle with the Box Ghost. They still had no idea of the mysterious dark force that was after them. Atemu and Yugi had settled in to ordinary every day life at Amity Park. Atemu even began to help Danny out with fighting ghosts. For some reason Atemu's shadow magic dealt well for battling against the ghosts. Atemu could feel it in the very core of his being, his powers and his whole entire body was changing rapidly. Yugi's body was also changing along to be able to use Atemu's powers without Atemu having to take over control. Even Danny's own ghost powers were growing and changing as well. Both teens figured that it may have something to do with the dark force that was after them. It was coming close to the spring break as Yugi and Atemu looked forward to the break from all the fighting and everything they have been through. Yugi was sitting in his room doing homework when the phone rang. Yugi's grandfather answered the phone allowing Yugi to continue to focus on his school work.

"Yugi take a minute and pick up the phone." Solomon Moto yelled up the stairs. Yugi got up stretching out his muscles as he picked up the phone.

"This is Yugi." he stated.

"Hey Yuge… How have you been?" asked a male voice with a thick Brooklyn accent.

"Joey?" questioned Yugi.

"Yeah….. it's me! So what's going on?"

"Not much. It's strange to get a phone call from you."

"I know. I found out that you guys are going on break for spring as the whole gang is coming to see you."

"WHAT!?" screeched out Yugi as he dropped the phone.

*Easy Yugi. They don't know that I had come back or about what is going on. Whatever you do don't get them involved with this.* Atemu told him mentally.

"Hey Yuge…. Are you there? Yugi?" questioned Joey. Yugi picked up the phone tht he had dropped.

"I am here Joey. I was just a bit shocked. So you, Tristan, and Tea are coming."

"Along with Seto, Bakura, and Merik. Kaiba has some business in America as we are tagging along with him. Both Bakura and Merik said that they needed to speak with you about something very important as they want to do it face to face." Yugi was a bit shock to hear this. He had no idea of why both Bakura and Merik needed to speak with him but he had a feeling that they knew and could sense it as well considering their past relationship with the millennium items that they had once possessed.

"So when are you guys due to arrive?"

"In two days."

"Well then…. I look forward to seeing you all."

"Yeah take care Yugi!" Both Yugi and Joey hung up the phone.

Before his friends arrived in America, Yugi had warned Danny, Sam, and Tucker about them coming. He knew that Joey, Tristan, and Tea will get along with Danny, Tucker, and Sam. He had no clue of how much Bakura, Merik, and Seto had changed since becoming involved with him and Atemu.

"I have to warn you Danny that at on point in time they were both possessed by evil spirits that used to live within the millennium items."

*That was before I had sealed the millennium items and cleansed the spirits within the items. All but the millennium puzzle have been sealed away within my crypt.*

"But why was only the puzzle left unsealed?" asked Danny.

*It is because Yugi is kind of my reincarnation as he is the one true owner of the puzzle along with all the other millennium items.*

"I just chose to keep the puzzle since I felt that I had a stronger connection to it than any of the other items." added Yugi.

*Danny they have no idea that I have returned and I want to keep it that way.* stated Atemu. Danny just nodded his head that he understood.

The day came as Yugi as he and his new friends waited for Yugi's old friends to show up. Yugi could see a fancy looking car pull up in front of the shop as he watched a man dressed in a black suit wearing sunglasses step out opening the back door to have several teens step out. Yugi smiled as he opened up the door as his three oldest and closest friends came running up to Yugi as the friends hugged the petite teen.

"YUGI!" the three of them stated in unison tackling Yugi to the ground. Yugi laughed as he tried to return the jester.

"Hey guys… I can't breath!" gasped Yugi.

"Same old Yugi. You will never change. Even though I have to even admit that it is nice to see you." stated Seto.

*God the world must be coming to an end. Seto is smiling as he didn't demand us to battle him. He even admits to missing us.* stated Atemu.

*Are you certain that somebody isn't controlling him?* asked Yugi.

*I am certain. He has definitely changed since our last and final meeting.* replied Atemu. Yugi showed everyone inside as he introduced everyone to each other. Everyone got to talking as it seemed that Seto had opened up a bit (yes, I know that I am making Seto a little bit OCC). Both Bakura and Merik looked at Yugi making a slight nod that they wanted to go else where to speak. *Danny you may want to over see this in your ghost form. Just remain invisible until I tell you other wise.* stated Atemu.

*I understand.* replied Danny mentally as he grabbed his stomach making a made a mad dash for the bathroom while Yugi, Bakura, and Merik went up to Yugi's bedroom.

"All right you two what do you want? What was so important that you couldn't tell me over the phone?" asked Yugi.

"Forgive me Pharaoh but we felt it was better if we spoke face to face." stated Merik as he knelt before Yugi.

"Merik you know full well that I am not truly Atemu so you don't have to refer to me by that title." replied Yugi.

"Don't think you can fool us Yugi. We know that Atemu is back as we had sensed it. Now let us speak to him." stated Bakura.

*It is all right Yugi. I knew that we wouldn't be able to fool these two has they had a very strong connection to the shadow magic and the millennium items that they once had. I am taking control.* replied Atemu as he and Yugi switched places. "So what is this all about you two?" asked Atemu rudely.

"Forgive me Pharaoh but we were wondering if you have sensed it? Somebody has been triggering the shadow magic. We can sense a very evil force at work" replied Merik.

"Yes I have felt it Merik. It is one of the reasons to why I have come back. But under no circumstances can the others know that I am back!"

"Atemu do you have any clue what it is going on or why it is after the shadow magic?" asked Bakura.

"I have no idea why. It seems that once again somebody is going after the forbidden shadow magic to take over and/or destroy the world."

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it seems that we aren't alone." snarled Merik darkly.

"Calm down Merik it is actually a friend. You can come out now Phantom." replied Atemu. Danny became physical as he was in his ghost form.

"Sorry about this Atemu but you did tell me to come. So these are the ones you have told me about. I hope that you know what you are doing." stated Danny. Neither Merik and/or Bakura could tell that Danny was actually Phantom.

"And who in the world is this?" asked Bakura.

"A ghost who has been helping me out. This evil force is also after him as well."

"So still no clue of who and or what is coming after us?" asked Danny as Atemu just shook his head no.

"Merik…. Bakura…. no matter what no one can know about this. Yugi and I don't want them to get involved with this. They have been through enough as I don't want them involved with another battle to save the world. Phantom and I can handle this by ourselves." commanded Atemu.

"Pharaoh are you certain about this?" asked Merik.

"I am." he replied before transforming back into Yugi.

"You should go now Phantom. Come on you two we should go back." stated Yugi. Danny went transparent as he phased through the floor heading back to the bathroom as Bakura, Merik, and Yugi went to hang out with all of Yugi's friends. Yugi was surprised how ell everyone was getting well together as Tea would stay over Sam's place as Seto had rented out several rooms for himself, Joey and Tristan shared a room, as well as Bakura and Merik. The whole group was planning to stay until their vacation was over with.

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