Chapter 3

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(Westview, New Jersey, 11:00 PM)

Reading some newspapers and magazines, Vision remained sleepless and sat down on the bed beside his Sokovian girlfriend who met her slumber. The red faced synthezoid engrossedly read on the articles about the global invasion happened a month ago until the reign of HYDRA's Anti Enhanced Beings movement. He became puzzled and disturbed which he had witnessed of deaths and casualties transpired.

Vision stopped reading and browsing, placing the hard copy news materials on his bedside table. He gently smooched Wanda's cheeks and stood up from his comfortable position, taking his purple robe. He left the bedroom and headed downstairs into the living room. Vision instantly sat down on the couch, took the remote control, and turned on the idiot box. He started to switch channels and scanned the shows.

There was a late horror TV movie which featured a possessed young woman, terrorizing her fellow protagonists and giving them an eerie look and evil laugh. Vision nervously gulped and felt disturbed at the horrifying film as he changed the channel. Finally, he ended up watching the late news and featuring a speech from a green skinned lawyer and activist, Jennifer Walters. She was found walking along with the legislative people and being interviewed by the press.

" On behalf of the enhanced beings of this country, the Congress and the Senate has finally abolished The Anti-Enhanced Beings Act. Thanks to our supporters and UN Secretary General Thaddeus Ross, we are finally making our way to end this problem. Thank you very much. However, I would like to thank the anonymous writer who inspired me to introduce a new legislation. It will be known as The Lawson Equality Act. "

Vision curiously tilted his head which he found the mutated hulking woman unfamiliar. He scratched his chin and held his remote control, thinking of switching into another channel. After the interview of Jennifer Walters, the African-American female newsreporter transitioned to another related topic.

" On the other news, " she continued. " A masked blue skinned man named Mr. Marvel had interrupted all TV, radio, and internet broadcasts in the early evening. The world stood still when he disclosed the skirmish and violent acts of HYDRA. Here's the full footage of his broadcast video. "

" Good evening all, this is Mr. Marvel. You've heard a lot about me and my other colleagues over the previous month.  Some terrorists were even ordered to hunt me down including the Inhumans and other enhanced beings. But I think it's time to tell the truth. Your government is not what you thought it was. It's been taken over by HYDRA. Madame HYDRA is their leader as Pagan Min and Edmond Hale help her exploits against them. The First Night, Santa Blanca Cartel, Min's Faction and the others are HYDRA as well who support this law. Senator Robert Kelly and among others are also pushing this to pass. I don't know how many more, but I know they're everywhere. They could be standing right next to you and torturing the Enhanced Beings. They almost have what they want. Absolute control, extreme violence, and discrimination. They shot Walter Lawson and terrorized numerous victims. And it doesn't just end there. If no one exposes the truth, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way. Unless we stop them. I know I'm explaining a lot. But the price of freedom, peace, and equality is high. It always has been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet whatever it takes. So, it's time for you to see the truth, decide further, and fight back. Thank you for watching. " 

Vision became intrigued after he watched the entire footage of the mysterious Kree. Somehow, he wanted to know the alien hero's true identity. The male synthezoid kept watching the news. Without his knowledge, he heard a sudden loud thud coming from the kitchen and stood up. He turned on the lights and closed looked at the busiest corner of the house. He moved his head to and fro and saw no one had entered.

The redfaced android turned off the kitchen lights and returned his way to his living room. Then, he heard the windows instantly opened when a sudden flow of wind had gone into the house. It made the curtains danced away from the opened windows and circulated cold air throughout the house. Vision instantly rushed himself to close them one by one and heavily sighed. The synthezoid stepped into the living room, returned to his leather sofa couch, and noticed that the television screen had blackened out. Vision never turned it off when he heard the loud thud of the kitchen door.

He pressed the remote's red power button and resumed watching the late night TV news. Still, he turned around and remained vigilant of the intruders who would dare to break inside the house. When the TV commercials and show previews came, Vision tried to ease his mind from those eerie instances. Then, he felt cold when someone touched him on his shoulders and slowly looked around. He saw nothing but closed windows and the still curtains when he sighed in relief.

Still, the cold air had touched his face. Vision widened his eyes in fear, while he was watching the continuation of the TV news. He was shakingly holding the remote and pressing up the volume up. He intentionally made the TV program louder than he could hear, diverting his attention to newsreporter. He rapidly kept blinking his eyes and continued to feel the unexplained coldness around him. Suddenly, he heard combined voices of men and women and turned his head around.

" H-Hello?! " he broke his silence using his shaky voice. " Is anyone there?! Hello?! "

" Help us... Help us...Help us..."  the voices echoed.

C-can you all hear me? Why are you communicating with me right now?! "

" Help us... Help us...Help us..."

Vision became frightened and shaky, realizing that those voices couldn't understood and respond him. He remembered the grocery owner this afternoon talking about ghosts. Finally, he knew that he was encountering them at the moment. He blinked his eyes once again and saw several pale skinned people from the past. They were mindless men and women who were crying and repetitively wailing. The redfaced synthezoid didn't know what to do with them for it was his first time to see deceased people inside the house.

" W-Who are you?! Tell me, what are you doing in my house?! Why are you all here?! What are you going to do with me?! " he asked apprehensively.

" Help us... Help us...Help us..."

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