Chapter 13

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Gidget's eyes snapped open. How long had she been pretending to sleep? Sitting up, she looked around the thicket den. It was the middle of the night. Everyone else was fast asleep at the moment. The time to act was now.

"I'm going to the city to find my owners. I'm going to the city to find my owners..." Gidget repeated under her breath. She had been doing so for hours now. She was not about to forget about her owners that easily. The fluffy white Pomeranian was determined to find them. They were out there somewhere, worried about her. Well, they wouldn't have to wait any longer. She was coming. As quietly as possible, Gidget got up.

"Gidget? What are you doing?" Norman mumbled sleepily. Gidget froze in her tracks. Crap, she was in trouble. She knew it. Meanwhile, the young griffin cub yawned and continued, "It's the middle of the night." Trying her hardest not to forget her plan, Gidget finally blurted out, "It'll be okay Norman I'm not doing anything. I'm going to the city to find my owners- shoot..."

"You're leaving?!" Norman squeaked, fully awake now. Scolding herself for giving away her plans, Gidget slowly turned around to face the griffin cub. "I'm not leaving forever, I'm just going on a trip," the small dog reassured the cub, "I'll be back by morning. I promise." His head tilted to the side, Norman had the saddest look on his face as he whimpered, "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. I'm just going to the city, finding my owners and then I'll be back before you know it. And I'll bring my owners along too!" Gidget yipped, her tail wagging in delight. Her plan was perfect and foolproof, no flaws whatsoever. Nothing could go wrong, right? Patting Norman on the shoulder with a gentle paw, Gidget declared, "I'll see you later little guy."

"Do you know your way to the city?" Norman asked. Gidget was once again frozen. Crap, she hadn't thought of that. Where was the city? Her brain hurt trying to remember the way there. Whining softly, the fluffy white Pomeranian sat down with her head hanging in shame. She heard soft footsteps coming towards her before Norman sat down beside her. "I remember the way," the cub trilled quietly, "Take me with you. I wanna help."

"Really?" Gidget woofed softly, her ears perking up with surprise. Nodding his head, Norman explained, "Gidget, you can't go by yourself. You could get lost. And I know a shortcut to the city." Glancing back over his shoulder, the cub admitted, "I also wanna go on an adventure. The Forest is boring sometimes." Smiling softly, Gidget hugged Norman as she whispered, "Thank you little guy."

"No problem," Norman squeaked softly. Leading the way out of the den, he chirped, "Come on! We better get going!" Gidget was about to follow when she stopped and asked, "Wait, what about your dad?" Both animals looked back at Tiberius. Laying on his side, the griffin was fast asleep. "He'll be okay, we'll only be gone for two hours," Norman declared reassuringly. Satisfied, Gidget followed the cub as she remarked, "Yeah, you're right. We'll be back by morning."


"Your majesty, are you okay?! Oh my god he's not responding! Did I do something wrong?!" Leonard cried. The class didn't know what to do. The morning was perfectly fine until the Forest King arrived asking the whereabouts of Norman and their forgetful canine friend. Now the poor griffin was laying on the ground shaking while their teacher was an uncontrollable sobbing mess.

"Everyone move! I'm here," an elderly male spoke. The class turned around. Prancing ahead of his father, Tiny barked, "Hi Princess!" Blushing, the fawn replied, "Hi Tiny." Making his way past the kids on his piece of bark, the ancient ninetail Pops called out, "Nobody panic, we'll get to the bottom of this. Approaching Tiberius, the ninetail looked the griffin in the eye and asked, "Okay, tell me everything. What happened?"

There was silence, dead silence. Moaning, Leonard wailed, "It is my fault, isn't it?!" Rolling his eyes in annoyance, Pops growled, "Shush, it's not your fault. If anything, the cub and the dog ran off." Hearing this, the entire class facepalmed and muttered, "Not again."

"Tiny, you can join the class for today. I'm gonna help find the cub," Pops declared. Nudging Tiberius to his feet, he grumbled, "Come on. And next time, keep a better eye on your children." The griffin glared daggers at the ninetail. Flicking his ear as the two mythical creatures walked away, Pops muttered, "No need to be so harsh. My kid is present and I don't want him reading your mind. You can curse me out later."

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