Chapter 12

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"My owners are out there somewhere! They must be looking for me! Come on guys, we got to find them! Oh my goodness I can't believe they're out there!" Gidget yelped, rambling as she ran through the undergrowth. She didn't have a set destination in mind but all she wanted to do right now was to find her owners. They were her family after all. She had to find them.

The earth gave out from underneath Gidget's paw. She yipped in surprise as she tumbled down a small embankment. When she finally came to a stop, the fluffy white Pomeranian looked around at her surroundings. A small ridge rose behind her. Before her lay a small field with a fence. On the other side was a dusty dirt path. She got up to her feet when she heard the brush up the embankment rustling. Then her friends stepped out.

"Gidget, you can't just- OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" Tiberius screeched, horrified. A moment later, the griffin actually collapsed. Following his father, Norman's eyes widened in shock when he saw what was happening. "Dad, it's okay. She didn't cross the Fence," he chirped reassuringly. The older griffin looked like he was having a heart attack. Realizing this, Norman mumbled, "I think I gave my own dad PTSD..."

"Did... did I forget something again?" Gidget asked nervously. Still trying desperately to calm his dad down, Norman squeaked, "Um, it might be best if you get back up here before Dad has a stroke." Glancing back at the fence behind her, the Pomeranian felt a chill run up her spine. Shaking her fur, she quickly climbed up the ridge.

"See Dad, look. She's okay," Norman declared, gesturing towards Gidget. Laying on his back, Tiberius finally appeared to be calming down. Taking in shaky breaths, the griffin rasped, "Don't ever run off again Gidget... please..."

"I'm sorry," Gidget apologized, bowing her head. Her attitude brightened up again though as she exclaimed, "Come on! My owners are out there! We have to find them!" Jumping to his feet, Tiberius cried, "WHAT?!"

"Oh dear..." Norman mumbled. He backed away, not wanting to get involved. Gidget, meanwhile, was about to head down the ridge. Grabbing her by her scruff, Tiberius carried the small dog back towards the edge of the forest. "We are not going anywhere," the griffin growled, setting the Pomeranian down as he continued, "Is that understood?"

"But my owners-" Gidget blurted out. Tiberius swiftly interrupted, "Could literally be anywhere! Where were you even going to look?!" Daring to walk around the griffin, the fluffy white Pomeranian replied without hesitation, "Well if I start where the people are, I can easily find them from there." Blocking her path, Tiberius shouted, "The city?!"

"Dad, calm down please," Norman pleaded. His striped tail lashing about furiously, Tiberius hissed, "How come every time we're on the edge of this forest someone is trying to leave?! For once can't we just enjoy our beautiful forest?!"

"How can you be talking about the Forest when I remembered something important. I remembered my owners, my family! I have to find them!" Gidget barked. The Pomeranian quickly darted through the griffin's legs. Whirling around, Tiberius managed to grab her with his taloned forepaws before she could go any further. "Gidget," he rumbled, struggling to hold her, "Do you really think your owners are going to be out there?"

"They have to be, I know it!" Gidget declared, finally breaking free. She was halfway down the ridge when Tiberius pointed out, "And what if they're not?" The Pomeranian stopped in her tracks. She hadn't thought of that. Quietly approaching the small dog, the griffin spoke softly, "Gidget, I know this is important for you. But take it from someone with experience, it's sometimes best not to go looking for things. You might not like the result."

Dead silence joined the group on the ridge. Slowly turning around with her head hanging, Gidget mumbled, "Yeah, you're right. Let's... just go home." Lowering his head, Tiberius gently nuzzled the small dog's cheek as he murmured, "I'm sorry Gidget. I just don't want to see you get hurt." Helping her up onto his back, the griffin did the same for his son before making his way towards the thicket den. "It'll be okay Gidget," Norman squeaked, pulling the Pomeranian into a hug. Gidget wagged her tail but didn't say anything.

She was too busy repeating her plan in her head.

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