Chapter 3

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"Hey there! I'm Gidget! Can you please help me?" Gidget yipped. She was weaving in and out between the legs of the people walking the streets. The puppy tried her hardest to get someone's attention. She desperately needed help. Wait, why did she need help again? She stopped to think just as someone kicked her out of the way. Tumbling head over heels, she scrambled to her paws with a yelp and ran into an alley.

"Trespasser..." a voice whispered hoarsely. Gidget jumped with fright as a scruffy looking dog stepped out from behind a dumpster. The word was changed by an eerie chorus, echoing throughout the alleyway. More dogs and cats stepped out, surrounding Gidget. "Hi... I'm Gidget..." the puppy squeaked bravely, "Can you guys help me? I think I lost someone." Standing before her, the scruffy dog rasped, "Trespasser..."

"No, my name-" Gidget started to say. She was interrupted though as the dog lunged at her with snapping jaws. Dodging him, she ran into a cat who swatted her across the face. Blinded momentarily, the puppy felt someone grab her scruff. The next thing she knew, she was tossed through the air and then felt herself plummeting down into some foul smelling water.

Groaning quietly, Gidget slowly got to her feet. She was soaking wet and all so lonely. Tipping her head back, she gazed up at the hole she had fallen through. The scruffy dog was looking down at her. With a harsh growl, he stalked off in defeat. Whimpering softly to herself, the Pomeranian stared at the sewer tunnel laying out before her. With nowhere else to go, she limped forward and allowed the darkness to envelope her...


A herd of deer silently trekked through the woods, heading north. They were joined by perhaps the most annoying creature on earth. Trotting with a spring in her step, a teenaged Gidget yipped, "Excuse me! Can you guys help me? I'm looking for... something?" Siding up alongside the Pomeranian, an elderly doe rasped, "What are you looking for?" Laughing nervously to herself, Gidget admitted, "Funny story but I forgot."

"Oh you poor thing. Do you wanna come with us?" an opossum mother asked. All eight of the babies on her back gave Gidget the puppy dog eyes. Smiling gratefully, the teenaged Pomeranian replied, "I think that was the nicest offer I've gotten all day. I can't remember though but thank you. I best get going now."

"I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for," the alpha wolf rumbled kindly, touching his nose to Gidget's head. "Thank you, you and me both pal," the teenager remarked, "Any idea what I was looking for?" None of the wolves had the answer to her question as they bid their farewell. Waving goodbye to the wolf pack, Gidget sighed softly as she glanced up at the night sky.


It was a quiet and peaceful day out in the meadow. A flock of pheasants were searching for food amongst the tall green grass, minding their own business. It was still peaceful. Then all of the sudden a full grown Pomeranian jumped out and cried, "Hi I'm Gidget!" Screaming, the pheasants scattered. Watching them fly away, Gidget called out to them, "Was it something I said?"

"Oh good grief the dog's here," a beaver muttered to another. His mother quickly whacked him on the back of his head and hissed, "Don't stare!" Without another word, the two beavers jumped into the water just as Gidget came running up. Watching them disappear below the surface, the Pomeranian mumbled, "Oh, um... I'll see you guys later."

"It's not hunting season, right?" a female duck quacked to her husband. He shrugged his shoulders, all the while keeping a wary eye on the dog coming towards their pond. Spying the two ducks, Gidget wagged her tail and barked, "Hi there!" Quacking in distress, the ducks flew away. Sitting down by the pond, Gidget continued, "Good luck on your date guys, have fun!"

A sense of loneliness descended upon Gidget. She was alone, with no one to talk to. Whimpering quietly to herself, the fluffy white Pomeranian stared at her reflection, which then stared back at her. The longer she stared at it, the more she struggled to remember what she was sad about. What was she sad about? Closing her eyes, she mumbled, "Why can't I remember anything?"

A loud splash snapped the forgetful Pomeranian out of her thoughts.

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