Chapter 6

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"Do we have to leave?" Liam whined, hugging his backpack close to his chest. Carrying two bags in her hands, his mother Katie replied softly, "I'm afraid so. They're closing the camp since it's the end of the season. Fall is upon us." Placing the bags inside the car, she knelt down and booped her son on the nose as she remarked, "But don't you worry. They'll open again next summer!"

"Really?!" Liam exclaimed, his mood lifting. Picking up the young boy and spinning him, his father Chuck stated, "Yep! And when they do, we'll be back!" Laughing softly as she stood up, Katie commented, "Yes we will. But you're going to kindergarten first." As the family continued packing everything into the van, Liam asked, "Is kindergarten going to be like preschool?"

"I can't believe Liam is going to kindergarten already," Max murmured, watching his owners go back and forth between the cabin and the van. Sitting beside him, Gidget playfully head butted him as she pointed out, "And I bet he's going to do wonderful in kindergarten!"

"Come on Maxie! Time to go!" Katie called, helping Chuck carry the last of the luggage out to the van. Liam was climbing into the backseat. Getting up to his paws, Max gave a bark to his owners before turning to Gidget. "You can come with us Gidget," the Jack Russell terrier offered, "My owners will take good care of you, I know they will."

"Thank you Max, I appreciate the offer," Gidget replied softly, wagging her tail. Sighing quietly, she turned her gaze to the forest as she remarked, "But I think I haven't discovered my... fate? What's another word for fate?"

"Destiny. You're looking for your destiny," Max reminded her. "Exactly!" Gidget yipped. Nuzzling the Jack Russell terrier, the Pomeranian continued, "And I do believe I have a destiny with you. But I need to find this other destiny first. Or at least find something."

"I wish you good luck Gidget," Max responded kindly. Giving her a kiss, he added, "And I know we'll see each other soon." Her tail wagging even faster, Gidget replied, "Very soon hopefully. I love you Max." Nuzzling her one more time, the terrier answered back, "I love you too Gidget." With that, he reluctantly pulled away and joined his owners in the van. The door shut behind him as everyone got in. Hopping up to look out the window, Max waved goodbye. Waving back, Gidget watched as the van drove away before looking around at her surroundings.

She was alone.

"Hm, now what?" Gidget muttered, biting her lip. She wanted to look for something but she couldn't remember what. Was it perhaps Max? The fluffy white dog turned to look down the dirt road the van had gone on. Getting up to her feet, she started running in that direction. Maybe it was indeed Max that she was looking for. Determined to find him, she ran even faster along the road. Everything became a blur around her. She barely noticed that the road had changed from dirt to paved or the fact she had passed the campground's signs. She just kept on running along the stretch of road.

Then she arrived at an intersection.

"Shoot, where are you Max? Where am I?" Gidget wondered out loud. Glancing up at the sky, the small canine spotted a black hat drifting along in the breeze. She didn't get enough time to wonder about this when she heard the roar of a vehicle approaching. Whirling around, she leaped out of the way in the nick of time as a white truck zoomed by. Hiding in the brush, the Pomeranian thought she heard an animal crying in the back of the truck. Shaking her fur, Gidget backed away from the intersection. She needed a game plan.

That's when she heard running footsteps.

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